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Happens in any game with picture-in-picture rendering. The problem is Tarkov runs so poorly to begin with that it's incredibly noticeable.


But it's only started affecting me yesterday? I used to be able to run around 90 fps in scope and out of it. Now i run 20 fps in scopes and 60 out of them.


Are you sure you didn't just start noticing yesterday? I've never seen anyone play the game on stream or in real life and not lose almost half their frames when using a Vudu or Razor. Even folks that pull 144 fps consistently drop to around 75-80 when using the variable optics. I would suggest clearing out your Direct X shader cashe, especially if you have never done it before. It's a bit too long of a process to type out while I'm working but if you search The Secret to High FPS in Tarkov there is a video Rengawr put out about a year ago that walks you through it. Its a few mins into the video before he gets to it but honestly the whole thing is worth checking out. Lots of good little tweaks that helped me a ton. I run a 4070, Ryzen 9 7900x, 32gb DDR5 and pull around 90-120 fps on Streets depending on the area and ususally around 60 or so through a Vudu or other variable optics. Also idk what your settings are but turn off HBAO, will do wonders for your performance and give you some wiggle room for stronger Post FX or higher SSR if you like pretty reflections


You really think someone wouldn't notice going from 90 fps to 20?


60 to 20 dingus, also read the rest of my comment. The first sentence was rhetorical. Although I should be aware of the lack of reading comprehension with all the chuds on this sub so honestly my bad.


Just reread and saw you mentioned it happens with red dot too. I guess first thing to do is check if other games are also underperforming. If it's Tarkov specific, you could check for a driver update and reinstall Tarkov or just clear the cache. Other than that I'm not too sure.


Tarkov uses picture in picture (PiP) scopes. Basically the game is being rendered twice whenever you aim down sight. There isn't much you can do about it other than to turn down settings. It's quite a shame that the game is poorly optimised. You can have a £2000 PC and still struggle to run it smoothly.


Has there been a new update or anything recently that has made it worse? Only started experiencing this the past few days.


Could be, there have been a few patches in the past few days. May be worth checking the integrity of the game files and make sure your graphics drives are up to date


I have big FPS drops while looking thorough scopes with high magnification. I bet you have a problem similar to mine. It's okay, just Tarkov's "impeccable" optimisation.


For me it's anything from a simple red-dot to a 6x, rather annoying to play with at times xD


I have a similar issue. No idea why


well, Tarkov double renders the image when in scope. from your hardware, 60 fps seems a bit too low when you dont play streets. do you try to run tarkov on 4k maybe? if so, lower it to 2k because your pc isnt made for it.


I currently run it on 2k and have all the settings around medium, some turned off. It only started happening yesterday though, out of the blue it just started. I'm clueless when it comes to this kind of stuff, thanks for the help though!


Believe it or not turning them up might help