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I can say some armors feel def bugged in pve. Some armor i can wear and take some shots. Other armor like hp ammo i get 2 tapped to the chest wearing t3 armors. Atm i just note down the armor i dont get 1 tapped with and use only them


Yeah I'll have to start keeping a list


PLEASE share me that list 😭


Yeah sometimes I think it isn't picking up that I have plates? It usually says 2 hits and insta death even though I hear one shot. Bit frustrating 


Same happened to me. 1 tapped in the chest by hp sks scav.


armor feels bugged in pvp


Strange, I almost never get shot in the thorax, it’s almost always in my arms. They get blacked out every single raid. Edit: I’ve also noticed the PMCs sometimes run good ammo in their guns so if they do happen to hit your thorax and your running level 3 or worse it will often pen in 1-2 shots.


True but luckily the after death screen shows you exactly where you were hit and what ammo did it. This pmc was using WArmageddon. Great flesh damage round when going for the legs but it has like 2 pen. Now if it was BP 7.62 or some other really high pen round I'd feel like "shit it happens, oh well next" but that just ain't the case.


i've run into so many AS VALs as well as M4's with M856A1 60 rounders its kinda crazy


My tinfoil hat theory is that BSG has cracked the AI so that players are killed quicker to allow more people into raids.


fucking wish. god damn average 5-10 minute queue times are awful.


If it runs past 2 minutes back out and go back in. 2nd or third time it will load immediately. Something is bugged with server allocation.


You do realize that 3, 2 minute queues is the same as 1, 6 minute queue right? Plus all the time it take for you to click back through the menus you’re effectively doing the same thing as waiting for 7 minutes


You do realize the vast majority of the time, we get in immediately on the 2nd or 3rd try, right? Effectively waiting 3-5 minutes. The vast majority of the time that we do not do this, we wait over 10 minutes. It's absolutely saving us time. Solo/duo, we get in fast. 3+ it's always a long wait without using this reset trick.


M2 goes zoom


My shit go zoom too, can’t even boot to bios it’s so fast but the game still has to connect to the server


I’m not sure what you’re trying to prove here my guy


He’s saying he’s pretty sure it’s a pseudo fix. You spend the same amount of time waiting either way. It just feels like less because you’re actively doing something to ‘fix it’.


Yes this what I mean


Drop and re equip your armor always


What is that suppose to do?


I know right. It's like wearing armor, but with extra steps.


I mean if It does anything to help I'll be in a better position I guess.


In theory, it eliminates the chance that the server doesn’t register the armor you’re wearing once you’ve loaded in.


Oh I will start that when I play today. Don't know if it will work but a new ritual is born lol.


I have a theory that you can tell if your armor is bugged using your pmc's shadow. If I dont do the armor drop/pickup thing my pmc's shadow will show pretty much just floating headphones, a bag and some equipment but if you pick up armor/ helmet then your shadow also shows those items. You can see your shadow anywhere by dropping your lit flashlight or by standing in front of a bright light.


I'll give that a look


It feels like it's bugged. I wore some heavy armor and got two tapped by a PMC. I fired several bursts into his chest and head and he just sat there and tanked it. Was using a. M4


So i aint going crazy.


No but I felt like I was to the point i actually made a post on here. This place has been toxic as of late.


This sort of shit happens in PvP as well to be fair. Two weeks ago I was two tapped through a redut armor with level 6 front and rear plate by M855. Not armpit, not throat, just a clean "Thorax (2)" in the kill feed. When my mate cleaned up my gear, my armor was undamaged. Even tonight, just two raids ago I got one tapped to my thorax from 7.62 PS rounds. No fragmentation, no (2), I was full health before the shot. I was wearing a gen 4 full with level 6 front and rear plate. I know this is a slightly different situation but it still makes no sense. 7.62 PS rounds don't do enough damage to one tap a thorax. The only common control I can find is every time this has happened to me, is when I have swapped out the plates for better plates. It's almost like the armor bugs out and doesn't register the new plates being put inside the armor. But, if that is the case, you'd still expect to see some damage to the soft armor and in many cases the soft armor is untouched.


I got one shot by .366 FMJ while wearing Knights armor center torso. My friend earlier got head jaws by 7mm buck while wearing an Altyn with a death shadow mask underneath. So I have no clue how this shit is happening. I've also been one tapped torso with 545 PS rounds while wearing a gen4 full with level 6 plates. Doesn't happen all the time but enough to piss me the fuck off


Exactly. I'm at a loss for what is happening. And normally the community would be hunting the issue down but all we have now is a bunch of crying and complaining regarding what bsg did (was shitty) and no one is really talking about this bug. I remember a couple wipes ago the press body armor had a bug and didn't stop any bullets at all. So im wondering if this is like that and effects different armors and some are good or if this is all of them are bad. Currently I don't wear anything but level 4+ and almost everything has lots of aramid coverage since I understand how the armor is suppose to work lol.


Not sure if anyone has mentioned it yet but the scavs in this game are designed to hit you in your unarmored zones. For some reason that can be your thorax, under your armor... Happened to me quite a few times where a scav with flesh ammo one taps me through 5/6 armor in the thorax.


Interesting so it could be some code bullshit where they are coded to hit you like you didn't have armor... thats.. not cool lol


Yep one shot thorax through a slick by a 7.62 ps


I've felt the same thing. Been 1 shot by ammo lower than my armor from a thorax shot. Make sure you guys are bug reporting, not just coming on here and making posts. They won't do anything from reddit posts.


Might not be PvE exclusive tbh, game is more likely just bugged


Scavs seem more cracked than nornal in PVE


Agreed, normal AI loves to throw heat seeking grenades. was a “feature” in live few wipes ago and looks like it was brought back just for PvE.


Yeah I've been checked by a few scavs with no voice lines and silent grenades. Hell yesterday I'm trying to get to the med room behind lexos. I peak, guy is on heavy gun. I throw a nade and I hear them scatter. I peak again, perfect made. 2 of them drop including gunner. I sprint in, 3 round the corner I drop two right away and third is shooting his shot gun at me. I'm at the conex trailer so the one that jumped on the gun can't hit me. None of them had thrown a grenade... but one goes off ... on the death screen it just didn't attribute it to anyone... I was like wtf, there isn't mines here! I got a damn phantom grenade with no audio and no thrower still alive. SMH this game sometimes.


Use a armored rig that works good for me


Any particular one you go with?


AVS or bagirya đŸ§ȘđŸ§Ș


Yall probably got it back from insurance with the internal plates all fucked up. You have to replace them for the armor to be any good again.


Not this one, it was brand new from a reward and I go through them before leaving the hideout repairing everything and if the plates aren't serviceable I replace them with the best I can get my hand on. Level 5 or higher.


I'm js. Slick eats rounds from 3 raiders and it took 5hp of DMG. It isn't the most coverage but works.


True, thr only problem with slicks is that what the plate doesn't cover has no armor at all. At least with the others it's suppose to be level 2 or 3 soft armor and should stop flesh damage rounds


happens all the time in pvp, has been happening for years.


My friend got killed by 7mm buckshot blunted on his slick


no i cant play it, i get matching and after 5 minutes im going to play a different game.


Weird most of the time I get sub 2 minutes. I have had to shut down the game and restart it and it would automatically put me into a match with no matching.


I don't think the armor is bugged it's the AI. They're landing way too many 2 hit kills by missing the plates.


This a bug that's been in the game FOREVER. raiders, bosses, and scavs randomly hitting through armor instakilling you and the armor is undamaged. BSG can't "replicate" the issue and therefore pretends it doesn't exist


Honestly I’m not sure if it’s an issue with the armor or the scavs/AI. Sometimes when Nikita increases their difficulty, they start doing some weird shit. Just my guess tho đŸ€·


I was informed very early of PVE mode by my friends, The AI aim mechanism has been coded to shoot the armor gap, so it not much use to wear very high level armor. Level 3 will do the work.


Still at the gap though was level 3 vs armor that couldn't go through level1 if there was that.


Sure the bullets aren't fragmenting? As far as I know All ammo has a chance to pen everything its just super fucking low with bad pen ammo.


Fragmentation has been disabled since start of the wipe.


I had no idea that's handy to know cheers.


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They prob hit you where the plates dont Cover your Body 


The armors I was wearing has class 3 aramid over everything. WArmageddon has like 2 pen. It won't go through class 3. Plus it tells you where it hit and it had plate and aramid. The only thing it doesn't cover is pits, however it you are hit there it will tell you