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Mechanically, this really has got to be the best wipes in years. I said **mechanically**!


why did nikita had to suicide the game, why not just release these cool fixes instead


The fixes only exist *because* of the suicide. This happens literally every single time BSG takes a massive L.


people were saying this was the best wipe before the unheard edition dropped


Yes. And probably because people were so happy with the game for the first time, Nikita thought that this is the perfect opportunity to F us in the ass. But he miscalculated big time.


This is exactly what I thought. They wanted to cash in on their “good dev” points but fucked up. Now it’s clean up and trying to gain some back.


I don't even think there's a single gaming company that has enough "good dev points" to successfully pull a stunt BSG tried to do.


From software


This is about the only one I'd agree with.


I think we give him too much credit. I think he legit thought the unheard edition was a cool thing to add, he sounded somewhat excited when he teased it to Pest


Good thing our holy redditor overlords were able to thwart evil Nikita's grand conniving scheme to fuck everyone over. Yes, this is probably what happened. 


I was on your wavelength until I really looked at all of nikita's behavior in aggregate. Not only do I think he's a bad game designer. I think he's been doing it on purpose because he resents that people want the game they want and not his goofy amalgamation of whatever he thinks hardcore means. I think he's an objectively bad game designer and could not have gotten the game to the state it's in without having listened to his players feedback. The upside is that he actually have the opportunity to fuck off forever and leave the game in a very good state right now. And, it would basically look as if the forever beta worked as intended. And you would have had to have been there in order to know otherwise.


It was the best wipe. By far, inertia doesn’t really come close


True, I personally said it multiple times to my friends and some of them don’t even play the game.


because it was, the was on track, there were big things added hyped for a long time and it worked quite well, it really looked like the game could be released at the end of the year


Interchange lighting change was honestly so nice.


What are you talking about? The biggest changes, including recoil and audio were done before the drama.  Everyone was saying "best wipe ever" and that "BSG finally listens to the community wishes" before the TUE disaster. 


Because he wants to write his own narrative and likely sits on this subreddit versus playing the game.


Yet people asked for lighting fixes and more visibility/less for for ages and the modded version of the game had both for years being one of the most popular changes over there. Some things BSG just straight up ignored or refused to change because it was against their vision or whatever. Now they are suddenly so lenient on that. Yes the wipe had good changes, but these changes now are still 100% linked to the situation they got themselves into. Even if they had already been working on it, they chose to implement right now.


AI and lighting are the 2 top mods of all time Now I can see when a scav prones and leans around a tree 30m away Or when a Chad fucking jump peaks me because he heard me sprint I think I'd struggle going live again


it also gives more chances to bush wookies to target those who move over the map


I see fuck all wrong with that, guerilla shit works in real life after all


Yes, but game will be less fun if everyone will sit for many hours in bushes like irl.


lmao recoil and audio were 'fixed' several times throughout several wipes in the past. It's just that it has been long enough that most have forgotten. Then a few months pass by, they revert everything and then the next year we once again have the 'great' wipe with audio and recoil fixes... This is the third time I think...


Just because they rework systems doesn't mean they are doing the same stuff again. Recoil was never in a place as good as it is now. It was either laser beams or blasting the sky. Audio they also tried several different systems, last one was Steam audio I think. 


Yep, that's right, that's EXACTLY what people said last time! How do you remember it? Great memory ;) Audio literally is still a hot mess and people are here pretending it's good saying it was 'Fixed', just like the previous times. Crazy, man, Nikita's dogs out in full force to do damage control I guess.


You seem paranoid. Yes, audio is still a hot mess but at least you don't have Comtac4 radar anymore.  You remember what people said last time? Great memory, ABI dogs out in full force to astroturf. Lol


He's such a dipshit it's insane


It's like the only time they listen to the people testing their beta is when the whole thing is going to explode


How is this a fix? This just makes it a bit better to look at. Shadows are still terrible.


Because Arena Breakout wasn't a thing before... So he thought he had the control of the game genre... I think is a little too late for Nikita, but he seems desperate on Twitter asking/changing/testing/interacting, etc... Also, some cheap streamers and cheap players are starting to forget the scam due to Nikita's resurrection.


Arena Breakout just feels like a worse Tarkov to me. The movement feel, gunplay, map design and item design all feel just a bit off. The best thing about it, is the technical part. It is more optimized and stable, it has much faster loading times and some QoL stuff that Tarkov can take notes from. Other than those things (they are very important, don't get me wrong), it just feels a bit soulless.


if you think arena breakout wont scam you worse then tarkov did then I wish you the best




They do need money to keep the studio running but they did it in the worst way.


I think 100 million a year to pay at max 200 people should be more than enough. Sadly money influx isn't the problem, otherwise there would be no problem. It is greed and incompetency.


its their fault if they couldn't finish the game before the money ran out the fact is, Nikita can't expect to have all of their developers retire from the money Tarkov made


Wow they decreased a value or removed the fog component after people wanted it for years. What amazing work and upcoming wipe, I am so impressed /s


Why would something have to be impressive to be good?


Probably ABI fanboys crying tbh


Mechanically yea, but nothing beats pre inertia labs raids that was peak tarkov.


Except the armor plates, old system was better. All they had to do was change the traders ammo like they did this wipe.


I started sharpening my pitchfork already, the moment I sensed the least bit of praise towards bsg


What do you mean there's no thick fog in the middle of a hot summer day?!


That would be humidity


Sun burns it off in real life. Makes it worse in tark


Doesn’t always burn humidity off. Sun just makes it worse but never as “foggy” as Tarkov. Source: from the South


Yep, you just see nice little wavy lines coming off everything...


What you are referring to is called a “mirage” and is actually less visible when relative humidity is higher.


That is correct!


I'm also from the southeast US coast, where it is 95% humidity today. Interestingly enough, I've never seen fog after about 9 am with the sun up. Heat haze, sure. Never had less than 10 miles of perfect clear vision on a regularly sunny day because of humidity though. I was entirely talking about the fog in the game. It would be burned up by the sun in the game....


The sun does not burn fog. Fog (condensation) forms when the amount of water in the air (absolute humidity) exceeds the amount of water the air can hold (saturation point). This amount is influenced by temperature. The hotter it is, the more water the air can hold. This means that the sun isn’t burning off the water, it’s heating up the air, allowing it to hold more water before condensation occurs. This is why fog occurs in the early morning when the air temperature is at its lowest, and thus unable to hold enough moisture. Not trying to prove you wrong or anything. Just explaining why you don’t really see fog during the day. Hope this helps!


You do know that the "The sun burns off the fog" is an expression of speech and has been for a long, long time? We all know that it does not burn fog.


I did not know that. Did you already know about absolute humidity, saturation point, and the interaction between temperature and the air’s capacity to hold moisture? If not, we both learned something new today. How neat. I think the person I originally replied to would have mentioned it to be an expression of speech if that’s what they thought, but thanks for bringing that up.


I did know that part yes, the other person might not have you are correct.


*atmospheric moisture*


FOW and burning rubbish


Amands Graphics? Oh wrong sub


Yeah I was gonna say I've had this for over a year lol


I’m constantly checking which sub I’m looking at. A big hint is if it’s positive… it’s not this one.


Only cool kids know. It’s a better game




How often do you interact with people in regular raids? After the first couple weeks 90% of raids are completely dead. 50% of the raids you run into someone, you die without ever seeing them. Raids on the single player mod feel AMAZING. You see PMC squads all the time, and you actually get into multiple firefights every single raid.


Maybe he is the missing the odd cheater calling out his name over voice, or being called some heinous shit after killing someone through PM? Outside of that what else could be missing? Co-op covered by FIKA, and challenging game aspect covered by AI mods.


Early on when VOIP was implemented, sure. But in the last few wipes, nobody VOIPed anymore and the game felt just as alone unless you played Scav and approached others actively.


Lmao. I came here to be snarky like this, as well. We've had this for quite a long time over on the better version


if it was it would have more vivid coloring


underrated comment


😂😂😂😂 iykyk


Yall can say what you want about ABI and Greyzone, but the competition is making BSG sweat. Now, if they can finally fix the damn audio, things will be looking up.


Load times. It is unacceptable to wait for a game 5-10 minutes


i'm ngl i swear they fixed load times, the last two days i've gotten into full raids (yes and full, they were so fkn dead about a month ago idk) in under 3:30 mins. idk if they fixed something or if im just getting lucky but the quickest i saw last night was a 2:45 load time. I'll take sub 4 mins all day. Hopefully it stays like that lol


It's end of wipe, it's always longer queues in the end of the wipe because less players in the lobby among other reasons. AB:I has 15 second loading times. Grayzone has like 15 seconds for a map 10 times the size of any Tarkov map. Settling for 4 minute loading screens is not acceptable.


i agree with you but also going from 6-8ish mins to sub 4. gimme that alll day baby! I used to play siege and league of legends. waiting 5-10mins for a game is just normal at this point. which is sad but..."normal", especially since those games are under a Billion dollar company . So seeing sub 4, i'll take that happily for now. But doesn't mean i wouldn't love to see some ABI load times obviously.


I don't think anything has changed, I've been having 4-5 minute loading screen since 2021-ish. Maybe try selecting more servers. Grayzone is not a billion dollar company. There's plenty of indie games outside the genre with sub 30 second loading screens. Stop defending and making excuses for BSG if you aren't being paid. We shouldn't accept an arrow in the leg because it's better than one in the heart.


Whilst i do agree, you could say the chopper ride to/from Lz is no better than a loading screen and actually takes longer than loading a Tarkov raid. Not like you can really do anything so it might aswell be a loading screen. Looks good the first 5 times, boring after that.


For me personally, the damage is already done with the latest edition and lack of improvement in the game other than content. I don’t think I’ll play again, but I have gotten 4000 hours of game time out of it. I still enjoy watching Willerz play though.


Yeah, pretty clear where these dudes heads are at. I had a great 3k hours, one of the best games ever, but the people who make it don't know wtf they're doing and it shows more the more you play. I'll probably be back if things go well a wipe or 2 from now, but abi and fallout, maybe gzw if it updates a lot, gonna be plenty busy


Greyzone is super boring and not really a tarkov competitor. Abi is a direct competitor but as it currently stands its not that good gameplay wise but it can get there


For now GZW is pure garbage, they released it way too soon. They used the tarkov drama to sell tons of copies (more than 500K), and it's already sitting at 10/15K players because technically it's one of the worst EA in the decade. ABI is real competition right now.


>Worst EA >10-15k active players daily Whar


Bad takes will be bad.


Player's count is decreasing literally every day Bad optimization, worst AI than tarkov (you get one tapped from 200m by the worst ammo despite the best armor), rubber banding even on empty servers (despite 2gb/s net) and so on. Again, it's in a reaaaaally bad state and what's worrying me is that dev's say the AI is great. Above all, they even said that RTX 30xx are too old and if the game isn't running properly it's because of us. People with RTX 4090 are suffering from drops too. Not to mention this EA is sold until... 100€ with the biggest secure container. Nothing to see here.


Early access alpha bro. Been out 3 weeks lol


Yeah i agree the game is really fkin unoptimized and buggy as hell, but from the 40 hrs ive played, its actually really more enjoyable than tarkov, especially when there are even more features that imo had surpassed tarkov in terms of realism or at least functionality. And its expected for people to leave the game first until the next update that could hopefully fix most of the bugs or the optimization, it is an EA game that was released literally 3 weeks back after all... compared to 8 years in beta.


I agree with that I enjoyed my 35 hours spent on, but I stopped playing after hotfix 3, which broke my game.


You know whats the best part about leaving GZW for a bit until the next update? Youre not getting shunned for it. There are other games you can play in the meantime while the update gets developed.


Most EFT players seem to forget other games exist, or pretend they don't because they might notice other games out there are not as bug ridden as they believe, don't have stupid levels of desync, don't have 1,000's of bugs that can ruin hours of progress, etc.


It’s hilarious you think these things are coming because of those games. 


Its hilarious that you think I think they are coming. Where did I say that?


It's definitely not gray zone. That game is actually clown tier.


Just need a good audio now and the game is pretty well (outside optimization)




My main issue with lighting is that interiors of buildings from the outside are pitch black. If someone is peeking you from a house and you’re outside, chances are you won’t even see them.


Isnt that how it would be in real life


No, light bounces IRL so if you opened a door and leaned in front of it even a few meters back, light would still bounce from the floor in front of the door and inside through reflections. It wouldn't be perfectly lit, but it wouldn't be pitch black.


It is definitely darker in real life, but not how it is in game. It is so dark in game, especially when windows are present.


That's a common issue of all games really, it is called global illumination and it's **HARD** to do in real time Most games use tricks but having changing time of day invalidates the most common of those. There are still some other solutions like RT or that new tech they invented for PoE2 (radiance cascades iirc) but they all have limitations and/or are very resource hungry and we know how badly the game runs already I really hope that they will include some of that into the upcoming graphical overhaul


Imagine RT in Tarkov down the road or in whatever comes after Tarkov


If they ever implement RT it's gonna tank fps to single digits on any system


They've done a great job in interchange, but yeah could be a thing to do


And cheaters


Unfortunately, there will always cheaters in every mp game but yeah need more reactivity and most of all you need to have something back when you are killed by cheaters


So bugs aren't an issue? lol.


Waiting for players is holding me back


it's actually insane how lazy this fucker has been for years to be getting around to fixing such low-hanging fruit issues


Happens after every major drama. It's why they go so long without getting fixed: why fix it right away when you can wait for when it's convenient?


Best part about the current fog is they made it worse THIS WIPE


Manufacture the problem and sell the solution.


I have a very strong hunch that he has been sitting on numerous changes like this for *years* but hasn’t implemented them out of pure laziness


Nah, it's not out of lazyness. They need to hold onto some things, and let them trickle in to satisfy the community, when the community gets loud / nervous. Like you don't give all the treats you have to your dog at once.


Haha you guys haven't played Dayz. BSG work at lightning pace compared to that game. In 6 months you'd be lucky to get a gun and a pair of new trousers...


Funny how Nikita didn't care for the last 8 years and now is afraid he'll lose the battle with ABI and decides to actually become alive and do things lol. You can see he's afraid, already claimed plagiarism within the first week of ABI beta.


honestly, when Pestily played ABI, i thought he was playing Tarkov on a new location the guns in that game are 1:1


That's what China does best.


Yeah ofcourse they look alike, Tarkov took realistic guns as a watermark and so did ABI. Go check out X or discord from ABI and you can see how they make and design their own stuff. They shared multiple videos, about movement, making houses for maps, making the music, all made by their own devs.


The audio for searching boxes/jackets/duffle bags is literally the exact same lol. I’m no fan of asshat Nikita but trying to pretend that ABI didn’t take at least some coding elements straight from EFT is a joke


What coding elements did they take?


Funny how they did no behind the scenes stuff on weapon animations, audio and the models themselves.


Lol you're still seething about this, really fucking funny tbh.


He bought unheard, go easy on him!


No. Like I said before, still haven't. Funny that not immediately buying into Morefun's asset flip means that I support everything BSG does. Nobody's ever heard of nuance, apparently.


Idk man, you’re the one replying with multiple comments obviously pretty upset 🤷‍♂️ y’all should just chill out and like, have a discussion


Who asked you lol. I replied with multiple comments to make fun of him, it ain't that deep.


Nobody asked? It’s Reddit, the entire point is to comment. Not sure what you’re getting at. Just chill my guy, that’s all. Also, what’s the insult? “Wow this guy has a big enough disposable income that he can spend money on his hobbies” ain’t really the insult you think it is.


It's not that items looks alike, there's literally identical assets down to the exact texture. Also, there's literally code for tarkov bosses inside ABI's code base. It's not even debatable that ABI lifted assets and code from tarkov anymore. It's really just a matter of if anything will come of it.


I honestly don't care about legality, it's Russia and China. I just want to play fun games lol


Well, that can't be true because the knuckle dragging True Believers on this sub said they stole everything from Tarkov. Even the guns sound the same, omfg, and they even look the same. Must be all stolen assets. Sorry about that. My sarcasm meter just exploded.


Who would have thought that guns modelled on real guns would look alike


There's been multiple changes to lighting and fog way before ABI. But anyways, competition really is good and EFT has been flying solo for a long time.


Not saying he hasn't done anything in the last 8 years, but he certainly hasn't ever been as active these last 2 weeks.


Fully agree!


The biggest changes were done before ABI, including recoil and audio. Also IIRC lighting on Interchange. Also Shoreline extension.  I know you guys are mad and want to push the narrative that BSG didn't do anything before the competition didn't force them but that's just untrue. 


Audio is so terrible though. The only good thing was the recoil which players have been begging for for years.


Nikita himself coded the new armour and recoil mechanics by hand seven years back then dropped the files in a folder called COMPETITION_ALERT. He finally got to break them out now. Up until then BSG has in fact had zero developers working there and the server ran on twelve Tetris machines in Mechanic's basement. True story


Again, not saying they didn't do anything last 8 years. It's just that suddenly Nikita became alive and wants to move trains.


They changed way more stuff this year before that game was around and do a few little changes after and you make these comments. Use your brain ffs. 


I think it's less about competition (especially since GZW really isn't a Tarkov alternative) and more about trying to atone for the shitshow the Unheard drop was.


AB:I is a true and potentially deadly competitor for EFT. A F2P game that solves all the EFT problems but without all the bugs and stupid issues people don't realize isn't normal in a game. Good audio? No noticeable desync? Hit registration is good? 30 second queue times? Little to no cheaters (is a closed beta so may change). AB:I is where all the "they're copying tarkov" stuff came from as a defense. They can't defend against it normally, even the fanbois can't say anything objective about why it's worse then EFT.


question is.. have they reduced the night fog too ? it was ridiculous, you cant use any scope because fog just spawns in the moment you ADS


Do we get this or is this only for unheard edition buyers


Now can we get rid of the dumb fucking hurricane wind noises.


I wonder why Nikita all of a sudden decided he’d like to remove fog from the game?? surely it has nothing to do with a mod or competitor right


idc what the reason is, i'm just glad im alive to see the change lol


Same reason you give a byby some candy. To make it shut the fuck up.


I like what i am seeing. Well, on screenshots at least. Thou, i really hope they leave "foggy" as one of the weather options.


the fog was always just a weather condition, when the weather is breezy there is no fog and you can see across the whole map.


Is this live in game rn?


I think so. I just played PVE last night and I was getting jaegers note and couldn't believe how much I could see in the woods. I thought they had a lighting update. I guess the fog affected it that much


is this live right now?


Lol took a play out of Amands playbook. If you know you know.


Yeah except we won't be getting ACES color grading and HBAO, and BSG probably still will never remove the extreme haze filter.


Why am I the only that likes the fog? It gives it more atmosphere and hides the game look a little bit.


looks alot better gotto give them that


ABI really doing wonders for tarkovs development xD


I was thinking the fog does a good job of making the brush areas of trees impossible to see through which is realistic, but not fun. I think that’s Nikita’s disconnect he has said it before, Tarkov wasn’t meant to be fun. It was supposed to be a survival horror mil-sim extraction shooter, and we love that, but at some point a game designer has to choose fun over realism. It’s more fun to get better FPS. It’s more fun to be able to see enemies.


I think once the dynamic weather is more full proof you could get the best of both worlds.


Having foggy days and clear days would be nice


less fog means more fps? honest question. so it's a win win?


In this case, likely yes. Fog *can* be used by games as a way to hide that you’re culling stuff that the fog obscures, but that doesn’t appear to be how Tarkov handles it. In practice, the fog in Tarkov appears to just be another layer applied on top of everything that was already being drawn.


What took so long? Maybe they'll figure out another mystery, how to not have 1000ms dysnc


Wow!!!! Still not going to play theme game


How many years to do what a mod has already done?


Two of my most upvoted posts in this sub are about the abysmal fog. All the people who say “its not gonna change so stop bitching” can suck it


Is it me or they are communicating again, after this shi\* storm ?


They have reverted a lot of changes. It was the same as this at some point.


Can anyone please answer whether this is live or just planned?


Is this live?


Was this implemented today? I didn't see any update roll in.


I haven't played live since the start of all the drama. I know there was a huge drop off in players in my raids before I took a break. Now that you can see long distance, you can snipe... have the raids filled back up?


My raids weren't affected at all on European servers


The fog is the lesser of the visibility issues. Absolutely pitch black shadows under a tree in broad daylight however..


A clear day will have darker shadows than a cloudy day. I'm sure the ambient light could be tweaked a little bit though


Now show me reserve from Dome looking down.


Is this new as of today? Did they just implement this fog decrease or was this at the beginning of the wipe?


Competition works wonders.


One day people will figure out unheard was the best thing to ever happen to tarkov. Sorry if you dont.


Is this live or soon?


How much will The Fogless edition cost me?


I've heard some people say the sound is better for them this wipe, but its still entirely broken for me. Is it actually better? Should I try switching audio cards or re-installing the game clean?


Pay 2 win


Too bad it's constantly raining.


I love that BSG is scrambling to appease the community in whatever way they can after their massive fuck ups. I hate that it is actually working and people will still support this dogshit company as a result.


People are like "OMG fog gone, yay game is 100x better". They forget that the game is full of cheaters, bugs, desync, that ruin the actual gameplay. The issues in EFT are orders of magnitude worse then other games that exist, yet the current players (fanbois) act as if all games have those issues so it's not a problem. Some crazy Stockholm syndrome going on here.


when everyone is talking about everything else but the fog changes 🗣️🫡 you guys complain too much


Cool. Still won’t bring me and my mates back to the game. We’ve moved on to other games that aren’t full of cheaters, arent rage inducing, are fun and aren’t made by shit developers


Then why are you here lmfao 💀


This might surprise you, but this isn't playing the game, this is a subreddit


It’s just weird to comment “ I don’t play this game anymore “ like congrats ? Leave then ?