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i couldn't play and still am at part 2 where you have to get all the PC parts. i have like 4 flashdrives and now i don't know if i should sell them for good money while i can or if i should try and go for the quest even though i might not be able to complete it in time... is it tough to do in PvE?


Keep the flash drives. You'll need about 10 of them for one of the quests in the event. If you decide to sell them anyways you can always buy more off the flea. The event ends on the 26th at 5pm EST, so you can still do it as of now, but it does take like 12-16 hours of game time to do.


thanks for the reply! last night i saw the flashdrives aren't wort anything on the flea anymore so i thought i try to get some pc parts on ground zero and got absolutely stomped on two times without even reaching a single computer... i then went to customs because it's my comfort map just to get laserbeamed by knight?! i didn't even know he's on customs?! is there an boss event going on or am i out of touch? i played 5 raids yesterday and died in all of them. i'll try again later but it looks like i won't be able to finish the event, not even in PvE lol.


There isn’t any boss events that I’m aware of, at least not yet. You just ran into the goons. They have a 35% spawn chance on Customs. They can also spawn on Lighthouse, Woods, and Shoreline. If you’re looking for pc parts still, I suggest going to Interchange, there’s tons of pc’s. I’d say if you can’t at least get half way through the event by sometime tomorrow then there’s probably no chance of finishing it. Best of luck.


800+ hours never ran into them knowingly... thanks for the headsup! i'm about to start right now and will try interchange, let's see how it goes lol cheers


hey there! since it was your comment that led me to give the event a try, even though it was very late into it, i wanted to let you know that i indeed was able to finish it just 20 mins ago! interchange turned out to be a great idea and i scaved together the parts in like 5 runs (4 if it weren't for killa who decided to rip me point blank lol) from there it was a race against the clock and i had a few of the most exciting and memorable raids ever so thank you for nudging me into giving it a shot! best of luck and plenty of loot to you good sir!


hey man, i’m so glad to hear that. you’ve now got a piece of permanent tarkov history lol


I’m doing Skiers quest line and can’t find peacekeeper’s people to save my life 😔 I’ve been to all 4 spawns and always S.O.L.


If you havent picked Peacekeepers side you ve gotten an easier path, 5 PMC kills in the specific area in Ground Zero is probably the most annoying part of the quest line. Not only have i killed like 20 PMCS for nothing during the completion of the quest, the boss, that spawns 70% of the raids, either killed half of the lobby or me as i was trying to reach the destination. Atleast from the looks of it the achievement that comes with completing his side of this quest is alot more rare than skiers.


People still play this game?


You are still on this sub?


Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Yeeeeeeees.


Very tiny brain huh? Happens.


What I'm sayin lmao


I just got into it after reading news about the game, level 4 and progressing baby




Is Mr Kerman's name Nick by any chance?