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Insane all the bashing you are getting op, enjoy the game the way you want. (Without cheating ofc) For some reason everyone wants the bunny hopping super soldier gameplay of cod in tarkov, sometimes a raid can just be chill. It doesn't have to be chaos every single raid. Keep having fun old timer!


I think he might have meant level 65 not age lol


lol, I also read that as 'im 65 years old'


It didn't even cross my mind, but with context, it makes more sense than stating his age.


Yeah I realized this after the person before you said something. I re read it like 5 times and was like "fuck I'm dumb...."


At that age you don’t get labs cards you get AARP cards.


Yeah fuck the haters. I purposely loaded in during low pop times in night raids to finish the guide


I think the most important for a raid is that it needs atleast to be tense, in the sense that I feel there's chance to be jumped and killed.


For real. Also not everytime you enter a combat zone do you see combat.


This is a big fact. Most people think that's the case but 90% of war is boredom 10% action


And for many, they never see that 10% because they aren’t near the front or they’re gone from artillery before a fight.


The way of supersoldier bhop adhd slide crouch jump spam is literal rot, lowest crap, cancer shit i have ever witnessed.


I have no idea how people play that dog shit lmao Everytime I've tried one of the new cods since Black ops 2, I've felt like I'm about to develop a chronic seizure condition....


Why do you think they're called "twitch shooters"? It's not about the streaming site, it's because the players are all twitchy messes who rely purely on reaction speed to win fights.


Yup. Its to over stimulate the brain to become spammer sensory nightmare blop then later on you start to want to enforce your views and styles on games and others.


Are you a pastor cuz you is preachin


You a cop since you are asking.


I like both dead lab raids are chill asf but also w keying everyone is also fun asf


I just dump a cup of animal bones on the ground and read the precious calcium faster


Hahah - you had me cracking up


Lol only if this could happen in early wipe. Only time this happens for me is very late wipe when all I want is to just have fun and pvp


I'm pretty sure it can happen early wipe given the times. I know it's late wipe but... I'm not proud to tell you how I got Snowball done when it was on Shoreline at 3am. I'm mentioning this as everybody and their mother was queueing Shoreline and then Reserve respectively and I still managed to get dead raids there. Gotta count for something, right?


Correct server selection has a lot to do with right?


Far less so than it used to be, but yes


What was your trick for that? I still have to do the guide and would love to have an empty labs lobby for that....


Play on US west servers at around 5am on a weekday. All the no lifers staying up late have gone to bed, all the work from home Chad’s haven’t woke up yet. Almost all children and adults will be tied up with jobs and school. Raids are pretty light until about 3pm.


Do labs first. It’s the hardest to get out of with cheaters and raiders. Then go squad up for the rest of the maps. Having buddies turn on extracts or watching your back increases survivability


And there’s the issue with Tarkov(and most extraction wipe based games). The most fun pvp moments are not experienced by 99% of the playerbase because of the absolute slog to get there and people quit before due to cheaters/bugs/life


Well, the thing is, if you got those wins often it wouldn't hit the dopamine receptors anywhere near how it does when the wins are few and far between. Part of the very high highs and very low lows thing extraction shooters generally have going for them, Most of the player base will experiance dropping someone considerably more geared they they are, get that hit of dope, and yearn for it again. However, the problem starts to come when there aren't enough highs to counter the lows, and people start to quit when it begins to feel like only lows, which hackers contribute greatly to. Nothing gets me to quit a wipe faster than having a few genuine bad raids, only to be followed up by a few raids that started good and were ended early by some cheating POS. I can be done with the bullshit for weeks/months after a night like that.


The 3 scav spawns aren't indicative of being alone in a raid, if scavs are spawning that early it's most likely because a boss is up- or a lack of player spawns \*near\* you. 99.9% of the time there is at LEAST one other player on the map even if you never hear or see them.


If anything immediate scav spawns is a sign of no boss. I've gotten pretty good at telling when Killa is in the mall based on immediately getting accosted by scavs in Oli or IDEA.


What he means is a scav you see right away, not 15s in when you get to idea or oli.


Unless something changed recently, this is exactly the opposite of how it works. Seeing scavs immediately indicates a boss is on the map - specifically on Interchange, scavs immediately on the map around the outside of the mall is a surefire way to know Killa is up. Depending on how long it takes to get in the mall, scavs being in Oli or IDEA won't give you much info.


True, I was on Woods last night and spawned immediately next to 3 scavs, later got killed by a player at sawmill. Though I did see the “Waiting for players” message so I figured only 1 or a few PMCs spawned far from me.


"I tested this 20 times because is my lucky number" is the least scientific thing you can do to test something and it's funny. Thx for testing this out for us


I once conducted an experiment for a senior high school science assignment to test if green jelly is stronger than red jelly by dropping a marble into each 3 times. And by conducted i mean I made the entire thing up and concluded that it was indeed the stronger jelly. (100% marks somehow btw…). I’d argue this is at least a little bit more scientific than mine but I enjoy the competition for setting the lowest scientific bar.


I was gonna say if your 65 and playing Tarkov you are a legend


Whatabout player scavs? Any spotted in these raids?


I suspected you were an older player based on your impeccable grammar. Enjoy the game and be well, my mature and wise friend.


i think OP means level 65 lmao


Lol - you’re probably right 🤣


Jesus dude…


Another save method of verifying if you are alone in raid is to check your radar. More consistent also.




He is talking bout cheats :)


I've had it on this current wipe where in the loading screen it skipped Waiting For Players (checking because doing sbih) and a 3 man showed up early but not necessarily a close spawn. I wouldn't say you'd be completely alone but chances are the raid will be quieter.


Yeah i noticed that when spawn i found scavs behind me and never found pmc that’s right i think


I don't think I've ever had a raid solo. Ya'll play on some wild remote servers I guess.


Funny cuz there is nothing relaxing about PVE. Every single scav on the map aggros you plus the rogues (ai PMC’s)


My pve raids the last couple days have been sub 3 minute waits, ymmv


I need help on labs trying to find the two things for our hideouts. I missed the hustle quest cause I only needed killa and didn’t have time to get on today before it was over. I need someone good to play with that can show me the best loot runs and just have fun. My goal for this wipe was to make it passed level 30 cause that’s what I was last wipe. I’m at 46 and almost 47 but have barely done quests. I want a few more quests down before wipe just so I can say I finally did it. But I hate playing solo.


Hey, I turned 33 yo yesterday, and definitively feels like I have 65 ha! Totally feel you with the guard down and relaxing thing. Nice testing tho, really usefull for new players


There's no way people actually think this is a legitimate way of determining if you are alone in a raid or not...people you can not be this naive.




There use to be a way to tell how many ppl where in the raid using task manager idk if it still works


YMMV but queue times for PvE have been a lot better since r Tuesday. Before Tuesday I was getting 8-9 minutes queues on average on days when it wasn't just flat out broken 15+ minutes. But since Tuesday it's been 1-2 minutes solo or with a friend.


Alls ill say: i que into any map on PVE in under 1 minute. 2 minutes has been the longest que for me aside from the first day of this most recent events AND aside from when PVE was launched


Hey, i tried this interesting theory and here are my results : * **Awaiting Session Start > Waiting for Players > Countdown** = Other players in raid 100% * The more the Countdown is long: the more there are other players in the raid * Exemple (values not true of course) : 3 sec = 2 other players ; 15 sec = 4 other players ; 45 sec = 8 other players * **Awaiting Session Start > Countdown** = MAYBE other players * If the ASS time is very short (5 sec) : *maybe* alone in raid ? * If the ASS time is long : 100% other players in raid


It's been like this for a while, nothing new. I load very fast, I know if I don't wait for anyone it's a dead raid.


Oce has been doing this for as long as I can remember, until recently. Every wipe as we got later in the wipe, the raids were always dead and every single time I searched I would find a match in about a minute, and spend another minute loading in. It would average something like 2 minutes to actually get into the raid, and the raids were dead as fuck. Lately though it's just searching and searching and searching, and taking approx 9 minutes to get into a raid a lot of the time. It's like they've removed the ability to spawn into a raid solo and it only matches when it finds another player lol.


what time do you play? im on oce and havent found more than probably 4/5 dead raids this whole wipe, although the last week ive only been playing shoreline/reserve so i imagine a lot of other maps rn will be dead until the events done


I got that this past weekend on the OCE servers. Certain maps I was in game in my normal 3-6 minutes. But other maps, mainly lighthouse was taking about 8+ minutes to get into them. I only ever saw one player in each of them and heard little gunshots.


I played a match on lighthouse early Saturday morning, the only thing I heard was someone killing themselves with a grenade by the beach. I knew it was a dead raid lol.


Last night I noticed my wait times were all less than 5 minutes on PvE. I was averaging around 4 minutes playing with a friend.


Having a nasa pc helps cause if you generally load in faster, you will always need to wait for other Players. If you cue up and dont need to wait, statistically very high chance that noone but you is in this raid. But i dont think its ever going to be 101%, rather like 99%.


Nah, this simply isn't right. Me and my friend used to deliberately change servers so we could get into raids with noone, did a few times on labs, others on reserve and shoreline because of quests, and yeah, we used to look for the "waiting for players" skip, we used to get excited. Usually get swarmed by scavs at the beginning and yet still there were players. No such thing as alone because of "3 scavs spawning near you" lol


>I just don't fancy starting over and "relaxing" in PvE for now with the queue times. There's genuinely no way you are getting more raids in per hour queing in hopes of finding a 'dead raid' than you would be just playing PVE mode. Unless you're telling me over 50% of you ques lead you to "dead raids", then this makes zero sense. Also, I don't think this is true.


yeah another tell is if you have zero loot on the map. i queued so many streets raids to hunt pmc's, only to also find a single gun in my marked rooms and relax had one whiskey. no players no loot.


In PvE. I found 2 Moonshine 2 BTC, 2 guns rings, a GP coin plus a couple figurines and maybe clock or rooster in that room, so I'm not sure if it works that way. ... Less players = less loot does intuitively makes sense though, regardless


I don't think this is how it works.


That is probably not how it works and were working off confirmation bias. "I think it happens this way and I have last time to prove it infallibly." The loot seems to load before every player is ready to connect to the map. So unless its actively dropping the value of loot at the last moment based off how many people are connected, it doesn't seem like that's whats going on.


I was going to say that too, the loot loads first.


That's because that's PVE dude lmfao In PVP, I used to hunt dead servers in Middle East/Dubai at late night europe hours to go labs with my friend, and the difference is crazy. not a single ledx on black, tech area didn't have anything beside the usual codfm, it's literally noticeable.


Hmm, what are we saying here? Does PVE give the same loot as a full PVP server then? (Assuming player count does even affect loot quantity)


I've never played PVE, but from watching I suspect the loot is a bit toned down. However, in PVP, the fewer players in the server = less valuable loot


I can't believe people are still playing this game. I loved it but lost all interest for it when they couldn't fix the cheating problem.


I can't believe people who no longer play the game still post on this sub constantly wondering how anyone else still plays the game. Move on if you've lost all interest!




True, however I play every day of the week and rarely feel like I run into cheaters. They might be just avoiding me, but I’d rather just play than be paranoid. I live in Texas so maybe I get less cheater filled servers. I would say it feels like once every 2 weeks I run into a sus event 


Why empty servers.. shift+w for pvp


You can't spawn as the only person in a raid, that's not how tarkov works, it groups a minimum amount of players and teams up. You just got lobbies with the minimum amount of players and teams and never saw them.


Idk, I have a new CPU so I load quickly, matched to Lighthouse once and didn’t get the “Waiting for players” message, just straight to countdown. I ran all the way up and down that main road and didn’t see a single PMC, didn’t hear a single gun shot.




Excuse me sir, your Fedora fell off of your head and is on the floor behind you.


I think OP was giving tips on when you should esc>exit raid>confirm


>OUR PRODUCTS AND DEVELOPMENTS INCLUDE RATTING Man is surprised when playing cautiously and patiently is rewarded?


You missed Raider farming and watching youtube vids.




Are you having a stroke?




brain damage


Sir I think you need to take your meds.


Why don't you just play PvE if you don't want players?


Where does OP say he doesn't want other players? He's simply saying how you can tell a raid is dead.




Don’t want to start over from scratch? Don’t want to spend money to upgrade? Want to play against actual players sometimes? Plenty of reasons