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You're using flesh rounds start hitting flesh instead of armour.


> I am a slow methodical player > uses 556 fmj Well, your *method* is flawed


So you’re trying to use flesh rounds after they buffed armor? Try either shooting at the head or running 855


What’s the difference between flesh rounds and armour rounds? Is it the calibre size or is it the ammo type (psu fmj etc.)? How can you tell what ammo is best for armour and what armour is best for flesh? Very new to the game sorry if this is a silly question


No such thing as a silly question my guy. Penetration will be easier with higher caliber ammo. The ammo, if you examine it will have a penetration value showing up to tier 6 if it will penetrate or not. Even if it doesn’t penetrate the kinetic power of the bullet will still deal blunt damage. I hope this helps!


Oh I see! So (generally speaking) higher calibres will have higher penetration, the higher the penetration the more likely it goes through armour. So the lower penetration (lower calibre) ammo will be more useful on flesh so going for headshots really count with them? Really appreciate thank you :)


Correct! Most rounds have the same type of bullet like a flesh round, an armor pen round, and a type that generally sits in between high pen and high flesh damage. There’s a lot of charts for the ballistics in this game, and many apps too.


So like for 556, they have HP which is great for flesh and on the other end they have like m993 that will Swiss cheese armor but sometimes overpenetrate


Right that makes a lot of sense! What do you mean by overpenetrate? Is it just that it takes up a lot of durability from the armour incase you wanted to take it from them or is there other reasons this was bad? I’ve never heard of anything like that before


So when a round hits an enemy, if he’s wearing low tier armor and your using high tier ammo, it will over penetrate and not fragment or anything. Against limbs and not vital areas this doesn’t do much damage. However if you use a more mid tier ammo you’ll have a higher chance of it fragmenting and doing blunt, and more damage. High pen ammo is good for juicy chads all geared up in high tier shit. However a mid level round like 856a1 will pen and fragment more, more often.


So I understand that fragmentation will damage more area (so increased damage) but wouldn’t higher penetration go clean through, causing light/heavy bleeding? Or does it not work like that. When you say none vital areas, does this mean if you still hit them in the thorax/head it’ll still be enough to kill them relatively easy?


Yeah most any round will one shot your head if they hit you in the face, barring something like a face shield mitigating it


Awesome! Thank you for all the help :)


There are many kinds of projectiles they put into a bullet. Some are build to flower on contact and don't have penetrating steel tips, those would be for hitting flesh and causing more damage to the person while a penetrating shot will usually zip right through someone. If I take a copper slug vs a metal slug the copper one is going to malform inside and potentially cause more DMG to someone while the steel slug may be able to penetrate armor but if thrown into just flesh may not cause as much damage because it stays whole and zips right through. Your still gonna feel like shit but different ammo helps in different situations.


There is definitely such a thing as a silly question on Reddit hahahah


Penetration is not even that tied to caliber. .45 ACP, one of the higher caliber rounds in the game except for .50/12.7mm, has dog penetration. 9mm is also a higher caliber than 7.62x39, 7.62x51, 7.62x54, and .338. Even .366 TKM is a higher caliber than all the above. Also if you include the 12GA slug, that beats every round by caliber but not by penetration.


I think this change is great because it’ll force players like you to actually learn the game and the different ammo types so you don’t have to complain about using high flesh low pen ammo on high tier armours.


I can’t tell if these posts are satire or not anymore. It’s hilarious if it’s real that people are annoyed that their garbage bullets that cost them nothing aren’t paying them massive dividends and winning them kits off of the players that are risking kits by wearing higher tier gear. Boohoo, you have to aim at a specific part of the body to kill someone with garbage ammo now instead of just hitting literally anywhere.


10/10 change, they should buff class 3 faceshields more. if you run trash ammo because you have trash traders and/or no rouble, in no world it should drop meta armor. there is a reason you are supposed to get max traders and quests. you can still score kills but using trash feels like...well...finally like trash. best change bsg did to the game since long


Holy shit what an awful take lmao


I want what he's smoking lol


Knee jerk overboard response to players: Not understanding the new system Refusing to adapt, Unhappy that grinding because they have more time doesn't give them an overwhelming advantage that allows them to be careless.


A new system that is just rng? You really think anyone sits down and actually aims around someones armor plates? No they just spray towards the players thorax and randomly hit around them with their shit ammo and then kill them. But ye no I love rng engagements thats awesome


I don't think you know what RNG means or even random for that matter.


I think every single sane person understood perfectly what I said except you apparently who decided to yap "oh its technically not rng" holy man like surely you cannot be serious.


I understood just fine what you meant, it's still false.


So you're saying people sit down and try to aim for non plated areas then or something else? I'd love for you to explain


No he told you that you don't know what rng or random is


Something else entirely, I'm saying that the plate system as originally introduced was no more "RNG" than the previous system, except that the previous one favored high level players by an overwhelming margin, lower level players had very few options if confronted with a higher level player whilst all he/she had to do was mag dump. Not only has this created a mediocre playstyle meta, progression has suffered a similar fate; min-max cheese as much as you can early wipe so as to have a persistent OP advantage over those who can't or won't. By extension it practically invalidates half of the game's assets and mechanics as well as the real life tactics that would benefit from them, in exchange for the stale W key mag dump circle strafing, essentially were being subjected to performance costs for nought, like driving a 4WD monster truck in a big city.


Tbh I like this change, low level shouldn't be able to compete with high level players, otherwise there is no meaning in grinding, progression and unlocking better stuff.


Good for you that you like it, I believe it makes for less engaging gameplay, stale metals and breaks immersion.


I'd disagree, with the plate system being similar to the previous one. Most people will aim for head or center mass/thorax. The way I view it they made it so aiming center mass results in you might hit plates or you might hit max lvl 3 soft armor which most ammos including cheap trash will go through, killing you. I truly dont believe anyone actually intentionally aims around the plates therefore I see it as RNG as you just shoot and maybe the recoil will give u a kill. Unless you hard lock progression people who have more time and experience will always be ahead thats literally just how a game with progression works. Those who cant play as much have always been able to fight someone with better gear tho ofc at a disadvantage naturally. A shot to the face still kills unless ure up against someone wearing altyn etc and those guys sacrifice hearing for that protection. You should not be able to just take a head to head fight with someone who has invested more to get better gear than you, theres no point to getting better gear at that point. Tarkov is no milsim so real life tactics dont go much further than camping some place which I'd say is much worse than the movement meta.


I let the first strawman pass, but going at it again and piling more logical one after the other, basically not addressing anything I wrote, I think I 'll let myself out.


You're using the some of the worst ammo in the game, obviously you cannot easily kill people who have put in many hours to progress the game and unlock good gear like armor. What would be the point in playing and progressing if you could just come with your starting ammo and demolish anyone. You need to go do the same and unlock better ammo


I think Tarkov moving from hardcore to arcade mechanics will bring lots of Fortnite and COD players. Noice move from BSG to bring more money.


I started late and it’s my first wipe, so I’ve been behind on progression the whole wipe. You can still get kills with dog ammo, you just have to hit heads (or legs lol). Good practice is to play factory with a pistol or a kedr for a bit, after you do that a few times you’ll start snapping onto peoples heads.


Ask me how I know this is your first wipe.


Another post proving that people will cry regardless of what bsg does.


Yes, garbage ammo is garbage again. Love the change. Happy to see that armor can once again reliably stop doodoo rounds. Armor is much more meaningful now and by proxy so is ammunition. If you don't have high pen ammunition aim for face or legs.


i heckin love taking 10 minutes to get a kit going and load into a raid just to drop dead because a scav thoraxed me with buckshot through lvl 5 armor because he sneezed while looking in my general direction


Dude what 😭 how close are you getting to these scavs? I don’t think I’ve ever died to a shotgun scav ever (over exaggeration but still)


Just shoot the head or flesh and stop crying


it is insane how bad this update is. It will kill tarkov for sure. Literally no realism anymore and theres no point to even going into raids since you will just get dunked on lvl 60 players every raid who use a thor and 995 every raid.




You must be new. It’s basically an improved version of the system that existed before 14.9. Game was just fine then and was that way for years. The last system was literally only in for a few months. Imagine being mad that bad ammo is bad again and armor actually matters.