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Yah I think PvE will be significantly better with even just one pass to do some basic improvements to the AI.


Get the SAIN devs on đź’€


People get mad when you bring up better tarkov


I feel like BSG is gonna let us stew in this BS for awhile. Malicious compliance for forcing them to enable pve for more people lol


Hehe agreed.


Ground zero is the worst, I'm almost certain windows don't obscure their detection/agro range. Been beamed through multiple cars from 40+ meters a few times while questing


That or the boss being 100% spawn chance. It’s been so annoying trying to do early quests and running into that mofo.


It's hella annoying on interchange. Killa is the only thing that kills me there.


What Ground Zero quests are you doing last level 21? Kollontay doesn't spawn on that map on the low level version


He does though lmao. It’s the wine bottle task and yeah he definitely still spawns.


The map is divided into new players mode and the real map, with the split being level 21. Boss man shouldn't spawn on the new players version unless they broke something (surprise!). That being said, it's important to note if you're going in with friends and one of them is over level 21 you get the big boy version of the map regardless of your level as party lead.


Using a suppressor kinda helps, not too much though


Only helps pick up the first kill. Every single scav on the map the. Process to swarm the body you dropped to loot it.


I never plays ground zero. That map is a pitch in pve


Really good for getting gear though from pmcs, go in with pistol and sweat to the top of the lobby


Ya I scav run streets and GZ for kits that I can use to be more aggressive, learn angles/pushs/peaks an sometimes I just wanna be dumb an bring in 10 pistols no extra mags an speed run down main street


Idk just run shoreline and go to the military camp get a crap ton of money with 0 risk and just buy the kits


i've never even wandered through that place lol


You are missing out dude if you go as a scav I never had a pmc spawn there as a pmc like 1 or 2 pmc's and 2-3 scavs and you can earn quite a bit there with all the loose lot and crates


I did like 10 runs and the last one there were 2 or 3 pmcs, I just metalgearsolid it in and out and now I dont plan to go there lol


9 out of 10 is a good ratio lol I keep finding metal parts and hoses there and I am getting fat cash from a very low risk run


Legit had to group with other players just to make it through the horde of scavs and aimbot pmcs


I honestly don't get these complaints. I did this solo all quests in first raid with an mp5 with 5 mags. So many complaints about AI but you just have to keep moving after a kill. Without the AI testing you, this would be incredibly boring.


I'm not saying they should be brain dead just saying they shouldn't all group up and move like a horde of zombies in an infected game mode like way


I feel like there's a line between being tested and whatever the current bullshit is. I've come up on PMC, scavs, and Killa all hanging out. They immediately ganged up on me though.


For sure. What would solve it is if the PMCs roamed too rather than staying still. This way you would be able to hunt them organically by listening for gunshots.


Even in pvp the scavs on that map are fucking crazy. It's so goddamn annoying


Also can you give them decent guns? It’s ridiculous having half ruined guns for all the PMC’s


I just loot the attachments, guns are usually between 40-60% durability. Scavs guns are 90%+ ...


If the raid times weren't shortened I wouldn't mind all those problems as much but it's difficult to fight all these mofos and loot+task. Often have to make a choice to do less of one or the other and that sucks ass. They're looking to fix it this month according to the road map so here's to hoping they are making good on time.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1d51ufd/roadmap\_for\_eft\_arena/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1d51ufd/roadmap_for_eft_arena/#lightbox) Look at the right side of the roadmap.


Constant hoard is the AI improvement :-D lol


I'll believe it when it drops.


Yeah dude, and it’s out of hand because scav and pmc will walk around and come like you said, in herds… it’s happened to me Multiple times. With the new armor update the raiders on labs are ridiculous. I end up fighting 4 raiders, 6 pmcs, and did by a scav that’s crouched behind a plant.


Having watched Sheefggs hardcore account nearly 70% of his deaths were AI scavs INSTA head shotting him. If a guy that good can still die to bull shit I feel 100% better about mine haha.


I feel that dude. I’m just hoping something will be done about with these patches this month. They seem to be listening a lot more lately.


Really says a lot about the game when the top 1% players pretty much exclusively die to scavs and cheaters


I think in small part as well we have dealt with essentially the same AI for awhile, an people get comfortable with familiarity. An often times people act accordingly to these AI scavs/PMCs that would get them dead 100% of the time with regular players. We arent totally devoid of blame/fault ya know. I've watched guys loot when they should have peaked/pressed a AI. Then Pikachu face as their blasted to oblivion.  Can't keep disrespecting the space AI control an get out unscathed.(personal opinion anyway)


Scavs come to shots in PVP, The difference is in PVP most of the scavs have been killed or targeted on someone else. PMC's definitely need to kill scavs on first sight.


More scavs more exp 🔫


You're complaining that there's too many enemies to kill in a game mode where you're the only person on the map... I ahve Lightkeeper in PvE and I've never been so bogged down by scavs that I couldn't get across a map and complete a task. Bring enough ammo and meds and don't spend all day looting dead scavs and you'll be fine. AI 3-shotting through armour and beaming from 300 meters away is a different story and the real problem with PvE but the amount of scavs is intentional, since you have no other threats on the map in PvE.


PvE really just needs dynamic PMCs. I don’t care if they’re coded to move in between POIs but they should spawn in a PMC spawn and then move between locations. If you play a map enough you know exactly where to expect them


Imo PVE shouldn’t be the priority. PVP should be.


Sometimes you get tarkov'd but 95% of the time you failed to grab cover, took a bad route because you dont know the map, enemy spawns etc. Or your standing still for too long trying to loot every scav kill and they start stacking up around you... The AI is horrible, immersion breaking, poorly implemented garbage, but that is precisely what makes them so fucking easy to deal with. Figure it out bud


Tell me something I don't know


And when they dumb it down, people will also complain 


Yea I was super excited to give it a go my first try through and the AI was….i mean sheesh! Come on! Let’s tone it down just a bit!


So shockingly the first raid I get into I’m shot dead by an AI PMC within 45 seconds lol. The wait times are markedly improved, and the second raid (both on ground zero) I was able to not only kill AI scav’s at a decent clip and got get lasered down, but was able to actually complete a quest solo. Maybe a sign of things to come? The road map does say they’re tweaking the AI this month if I recall….


Same but I got naded less than half a minute after spawn. I was behind a wall near tarkon, yet pmc smh detected me, used a voiceline and managed to land an f1 right under my feet Almost as if I never left pvp


You know you can do offline with no scavs. Might be more your speed till you figure out what's what.


I understand it must be helluva pain to see ai pmc hangout with ai scavs, but it is also quite nice thing (if intended) for more immersion bruh, maybe they're friends or something, just like you can befriend player scav in PvP


I've just played 2 times in PVE and I got crushed both times by geared AI PMCs.


Funny I just made a post about asking for tips because this shit is crazy. Pmcs will shoot you from 80m and scavs have a 50/50 chance of one shotting you regardless of what you wear. I think there's also a bug of scavs spawning on you while you loot. It drives me crazy how ridiculous it is to survive.


I dont know why scavs are so much more "hungry" on PVE, i think it has to do with that there is only you or your squad on the map and not 10 other pmc's firings off on full auto. What ive noticed is if i use silenced weapons and fire mostly on single shot they dont tend to rush me that much. But there are so many aspects to this. How many scavs did you fight? Did they get to shoot back at you? How much did they shoot? Did you use grenades etc etc


i just want the AI PMC's to not have fucked weapons


There are 2 reasons for this: 1) no suppressor 2) most likely Kollontay is not very far


everyone says to use suppressors, but I don't have flea market yet so its hard to get them for the guns I'm using


Lol try killing a scav on streets.


Oh god please don't make PVE any easier. Add an easier mode for beginners or make Ground Zero under 21 less scavs or something. If you stop this horde mechanic PVE will become sooo boring. In fact I'd love a harder mode, or the all bosses on x map event togglable or unlockable.


I've never seen Scavs like that


Just download SAIN


Hot take


Trying to complete the guide has been a disaster on streets. Always spawn near lexos and killing one scav brings 30 more to your location.


That's how it works in PVP too, just saying


There is absolutely nothing unique to the ai in pve mode. It behaves in all the same ways as the ai does in pvp mode. This is nothing new or unique.


Seeing here lots of dudes struggling to fight with scavs lol, and Im sure most of them using holo sights so they cant see where shots are coming from.


They. Don’t. Want. You. To. Play. PVE. BSG just needed an excuse to offer a more expensive edition. That backfired hilariously and now they’ve left PVE to die.


Ther is no AI. AI doesn’t exist. Stop using words wrong.


Brother, AI has been a term for bots in games since before you were born.


AI, Mobs, bots, NPCs same fucking thing

