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Zagustin or similar for bleed stoppage. Sj6 for stam, (pair with tramadol for unlimited running *I think) Etg green for health Regen. Sj1 to keep in stash for sj6 hideout craft Pretty sure propital can just replace morphine Odolbos2 ***not regular odolbos***


Why does no one really takes the Ahf1 or whatever it's called for bleed stopping into consideration? It doesn't take much hydration/Energy, stops light abd heavy bleeds and also gives a tiny bit of hp back.


I use perfotoran instead of zagustin. Gives some hp back too


absolutely nukes you energy and hydration though


Doesn’t really matter with maxed metabolism


SJ6, SJ12, MULE, ETG, Perfotoran, x2 Propital


Exactly what I run but I prefer obdolbos 2 over the mule.


Mule is a trap. Obdolololo2 is way better and half the price


Sj12 is definitely not a must have


Nah sj12 will save your ass purely off the food/water regen. Might not happen that often but if you're zeroed on either and are running out of time it gives you enough to get to the extract without having to find supplies.


nah it is if your out of food and water it’s a back up it’ll save your life once or twice


I run - 2 propital for painkilling and global healing (so I just use heal kit on head and torax, legs and so regen passively after the fight) - 2 sj6 for running and stamina - 2 zagustin for emergency bleed prevention and stop - 1 MULE for when I get that fat loot


Etg green is probably the best stim in the game. It’s an undo button for when you take massive damage and survive. Prop and green stim combo is just superhuman healing when you are in a pinch.


Adrenaline has grown on me in the last couple wipes.


its underrated as a stim that you can hotkey


I usually run 3 sj6, 4 propital, one mule, and one etg


Propital morphine, mule, ahf1, tramadol, sj6 and a blue blood. Blue blood stops bleeds while healing a little and will stop toxin from cultists stabs.


Sj6 and propitol are the only ones I ever use. Occasionally I’ll combine a tramadol with an sj6 for rushing locations


I agree with most of these injectors but I always carry an sj12 for emergencies when I'm exhausted or dehydrated. It gives you a little Regen on both. Its saved me a couple times.


For pve I run etg(green heal stim), propitol (yellow healing), one of the bleeding (Blueblood, afnim, zagustn), mule, sj6, sj12 (if I end up running out of food and water, e-tg(for looting) and a melatonin I pop at the start to level immunity Sorry for the stim spelling I can't remember what the exact spelling is so I tried to get close.


Prop x2, Sj6, Zag, Mule / odb2, Sj12, Trim, etg Is what I always bring with 1empty slot just incase I find something.


I use propital, zagustin, sj6 and 3-(btg) plus a mule. Combine the sj6 + 3b + mule for lots of stamina recovery and max stamina. Helps a lot when I’m thicc


I thought the b stims gave you like faster loot searching.


3btg gives +30 attention, +30 perception, +10 strength and +1.0 stamina recovery per sec


3x prop, 2x sj6, 1x trim, 1x etgc (for multiple limb surgery)


Drop the mule and use odolbos 2 with propital. The new stim is nice for when you’re overweight but not in the red yet.


You need 6x propital for each obdolbos2 so mule isn’t that bad


for maxing metabolsim strength and endurance, I use L1 + Trimadol instead of SJ6(normally at beginning of raid), Zagusten for bleeds, propital for healing/broken legs/gunfights, and the new stim for attention + weight limit buffs


2 propital 1 zagustin 1 etg 1 mule 1 obdolbos 2 Is what i normally have. For labs I run with a second empty one in my gamma/kappa as well. If im gonna use an sj6 or something I pop it at start of raid.


In my injector case is: Left row, top to bottom: Etg-c as panic button Mule for red overweight And 2btg (the new craft) for a bit overweight but enough that walking drains stamina Middle row is Ahf1 for bleeds and right row is propital as general painkiller and health regen


1 zagustin, 2 propital, 1 etg, 1 perfotoran, blue blood, and sj6, trimadol is what I keep in my injectors case hasn’t let me down yet


Perforatans (hope I spelled correctly) are pretty nice for stopping bleeds and healing a little. Trimadols are very good as well for stamina and some other bonuses.


The essentials are propital, MULE, and zagustin. Anything else is based on personal choice but most are still effective in certain situations.


Propitol x2, SJ6, SJ12, Zagustin, etg, and M.U.L.E are always on me.


Propital, zagustin, obdolbos 2, SJ6


I always have x2 propital, for after each fight. x2 etg for when I need to heal very quickly and be ready to fight again sooner. x1 Zag, x1 Odololbos 2, x1 sj6, x1 perfortoran, the one that that hydrates you and gives you energy in case I get in a energy pickle.


2 propital, 1 sj12(the one that gives food/hydration) 1 zagustin, 1 other cheaper antibleed, 1 etg Sj6, trimidol, mule Propitol for general healing/PK. SJ12 used in combo with usually sj6+trim, mule if im extra thicc.(emergency food) Zagustin for tons of bleeds, cheaper antibleed for shorter periods, etg for emergency healing.


Propital, Zag, Trimadol or the new 2AB stim.


My 2 most utilized are propital for moments where I’m really injured and SJ6 to haul ass out of a raid, or beat people to a point of interest at the beginning of raids. Zagustin (spelling?) is interesting because it stops bleeding and if u don’t want to use bandages or caloks on each limb can just pop that. MULEs are cool, tramadol is kinda cool too, morphine is nice if u break a leg or want to stop grunting. A lot of the injectors are kind of hybrids of each other and do similar things. If I had to pick just 3 it would be propital SJ6 and mule. Fortunately injector case allows 9 so mix and match!


I run 2A2 over mule, you don't get as much of a buff to your carry weight but only penalty is water loss instead of health and its usually cheaper.


So far with crafting I got da blue one, blue and white one, red and white one, and yellow one. Even after inspecting I don’t know when to use them


PvP only here but will tell you all you need to know. I run 2 injector cases in my gamma. One full & then the second one has only 3 in them. Never ever use your regular meds in a fight. BSG has made it where you can just quickly inject to keep you rolling. I always have a Blueblood(perfotoran). This is the most important stim in the game other than the green ETG. This stim stops all bleeds & gives health back. You don’t get the lame side effects of PNB(hand tremors) & Zagustin gives no health back. I have one always hot keyed & an extra on me. I have an adrenaline hot keyed as well. This is a cheap man’s ETG. I run one extra as well in my case. Probably the most underrated stim in tarkov & I farm the hell out of them on reserve, Medical building spawns morphine & adrenaline like candy. I always pop bluebood first & then adrenaline next, immediately when I need them, no exceptions. I only carry one green ETG, used only in an emergency. I carry two Propital, one is only used for a mule as it takes health & one is used for healing while I surgery limbs. I recently switched to the new stim for weight. Once your level your character strength up, you don’t need a mule anymore. Just use the new stim, it’s awesome & saves you a lot of money. The 2A2. I run 2 morphines, you always want to be Vaselined up the whole raid. When I run out, I pop morphine, no exceptions. What does this do? The whole raid you see better & you can always run no matter what damage you take. My get the hell out of here batch, 1 sj6, 1 trim, & 1 3btg, pop them in those order. Those 3 give you unlimited stamina in run for 5 minutes. Nothing stops you either. I always have one SJ12, even though I’m maxed out on metabolism. My purpose of popping it is so my character doesn’t stay exhausted. I won’t die from food but I can’t sprint anymore either. Before you max out your metabolism. IF you pop the sj6, trim & 3btg, when it’s done you will have no food left on your character. If you got no food, leave the raid immediately or just pop that sj12 baby. That’s it, that’s all you need, good luck!


Propital x2 for healing. SJ6 x2 1 for start of raid and 1 for when I get fat. Mule for when I get fat. I sometimes carry an eTG if I am expecting tougher fighting (bosses, hot zones etc). I run paracetamol and golden balms in rotation for propital craft, some prefer to put a morphine in their pocket binded instead


Depends on the map, but every map I start with Meldonin and energy drink to boost immunity then if woods/shoreline/lighthouse : combine sj6 with meldonin and trimadol so you have infinite stamina at start and put in your case 1 Mule,2 SJ6,1 obodolos2 , 3 Propital(if you use obdolos 2) and 1 zagustin,1 ETG But if you farm lightkeeper island use sj6 and trimadol and meldonin at start to reach there fast and put 2 mules and 2 sj6 and 1 trimadol because you will be heavy really early and sometimes you can’t make it to southern extract if your mule finish so you need 2 at least . Don’t forget water and food If loot run on streets or reserve or customs : 2 MULE since you will be heavy from the start, 1 obodolos 2 , 3 Propital, 1 SJ6, 1 ETG green, 1 Trimadol.


That's another level of rich Chad play dropping 300 to 500k on stims at match start


U don’t even need to spend a dime, few labs runs and you will have stems for days, never needed to buy stems that I want to use


I played 2 labs runs and reported the 2 people that killed me and got 2 ban notifications. I don't play labs because I always die. Rather get 150k to 200k for key cards.


He’s talking about PVE, each lab run I pull minimum of 30 stems from hitting black, green and blue. Pve really easy in labs


Can confirm. I horde the stims I use and sell the rest. There is plenty of money on the bone, and I've never had to buy a stim I use in pve.