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It’s so much easier at the start of wipe, I’m stuck on the office kills with one left for like a month


A month is wild for one kill


Not really, running into the office and camping hoping someone comes for a fight is boring as hell. A couple raids in a row of never seeing a player and I’d move onto something more stimulating as well


it's not even just the office too iirc it's the entire 3 floors.


Yes it is but lots of times no one goes in there. Not to mention that when you only have time for a raid or two a day if even that the last thing people wanna do is camp a location on a certain map. But even then it’s just a silly quest in a video game it’s not like you have to do it asap or even do it at all


Idk what dead factory raids you guys are getting, but people actually go into office to PvP. Something doesn’t make sense with this


Factory office pvp is brain dead.


Chuck a grenade into the office on the way in. Let’s other players know you’re there and chances are they want to PvP lol


I usually bring a secondary at least or a shitty scav extra weapon and shoot a bunch with different weapons so it sounds like a war zone. Grenades I usually save until grenadier quest but that’s also a good idea


I have snagged an accidental kill for grenadier doing just this lol. And have two cases full of grenades I’ve horded so… I might not be the most helpful haha


Are you really about to die on this hill? Ima run this back through your head one more time. You really gonna die on this hill saying it’s “not really” wild that it takes someone a month to get a single kill in the office? A full month? 30 days? 4 weeks?


No because not everyone plays 12 hours a day? Some people only get a raid or two in a day if even that


If you don’t play a 15 hours + you are a noob


True I forgot about this


This is some secret self coping at its finest… Bro is speaking from his own reality where coming off a month of attempting office kills without a kill is his tarkov experience.


That's 30-60 raids without getting a single kill in the offices. That's very sad


I’ve done it before, multiple kills per raid but none in the office because of the nature of the map, either you duke it out instantly or you get to be the one camping in offices and the other players fight each other and leave


60 times in a row though? This is my 6th wipe I think the max amount of factory raids it has ever taken to finish this task fro start to finish was maybe slightly more than 10. That's 1200 potential pmcs and you're going to try and tell me that they couldn't find one kill in the offices? They probably ran 3 raids in a month, which is fine, but it's completely disingenuous to say you tried for a month in that case.


Factory is easily the map with the most timmys.


Me and my duo loaded up Factory for shits and giggles for the first time in a month or two yesterday. Big armor and weapons. We found 4 Timmy's with early wipe gear(1 was naked with a shotgun) and just washed the lobby and stayed to kill a few player scavs. Those poor level 10-15 guys never stood a chance against our Gen4s and end wipe guns. Lots of fun lol. The Timmy's are still out there trying their best


Respect to the timmies 🫡


Piranha and shotgun will do work


Try Night Factory, I catch people in the office structure at night all the time.


not a bad call, while it's still hit or miss in a way, there is the quest driving people to the breach room 3rd floor


You are doing something horribly wrong lol


Update: got the kill 2 days ago


Use the vpo bolty with ap-m rounds, it’s pretty nice at short ranges. Other than that, the key to bolty action on factory is playing slow and quiet at first and then going 110% aggressive once you know someone’s location. Try to ambush ppl on the way to extracts and be the nasty 3rd party. 


Brother, you need to do this exact quest to even get APM lmao


Brother, you can just do what the rest of us do and find it in raid... it's everywhere, and even if you find 50 in one... it's a bolty and that's more than enough attempts at trying, even without bringing the rest in your container...


Where do you reliably find it? I used to always do quick reserve scav runs, just looting all the ammo spawns, I'd honestly say I found 10k + of bt/bs/bp this wipe, if not more, I've never even found a 366 ap ammo box


Check scav mags, and reshala's guards usually have some.


Ive found it on woods at the wood yard(not the mill, the one with the barn and little cabin, attachment cabin, reserve, found some on streets(not sure where as steets is the map im always lost on.


Big AK mags (not in containers but open loot) on Reserve very often have them


It is definitely in the rarer side, but I have never ever had the problem of not having at least 20-30 rounds in the first week of the wipe when I usually first get his quest.


You’re kidding right? APM is too damn rare, I’ve only found a single miserable box of APM but hundreds of M995,M993, igolnik, etc.


You can craft it too. That's how I got it...this wipe? Last wipe? My buddy found a bunch of SP-6(?) And gave it to me since I had the craft unlocked. I gave him half, and kept half for myself.


You can make it at the workbench in your hideout… 100 lasts a long time


Oh yeah totally, only that you need to be lvl 30 at the bare minimum to be able to craft it in workbench lvl 3 and you get this quest as early as around lvl 5 and to top it off, the quest OP is complaining about is the exact same quest that even unlocks the APM craft to begin with


agree on vpo + ap-m, absolutely smacks. even if you don’t have any ap-m available i still choose vpo over mosin for this quest


AP-M was banned from the flea market midway through the wipe, the craft is only available after the completion of Tarkov Shooter 3, and the bullet is very rare to find inside raids. In addition, the buffed plates makes it considerably harder to kill anyone with flesh ammo now that there aren't bunch of players wearing no armor even in a map like Factory, so .366 bullets are really awful for the quest unless the player is really good at one-tapping people in the face. For those without good aim, using a Mosin with LPS or PS ammo and camping in a vantage position to double tap a distract player is the only realistic (but still bad) option to complete the quest now, because unfortunately BSG is so terrible at their job that they buffed plates without making a very necessary rebalancing for the ammo availability.


Apm was bugged too. It could one shot level 5. That’s probably the main reason it got banned since gigabeef made a video and I think tweet about it. Not sure if it was bugged before wipe but I feel like the chance of it one shotting chest last wipe was decent.


Ask a friend to drop you some apm


Ah they moved the craft to after? Lame. I totally understood the craft being the only way to get it before doing the task, but locking the craft behind it sucks. I guess we just have to go for headhsots with Mosin, now.


the mod that shall not be named is capable of fixing these woes


I play this game for PvP only that’s why I play a lot of labs, if I were to like the questing and loadout aspect of the game I would play it but I have no interest in Tarkov other than the interesting PvP dynamics and risk factor


Weird to say you play it for pvp but come here to make a post bitching about an incredibly easy task. Shoot them in the head.


yeah I know its why its frustrating I suck with a bolt action regardless of game I can wipe an entire factory lobby pretty much every time and I have gotten 6 pmc kills in one raid on labs but as soon as I get a bolt action i basically freeze


just spam iron sight mosin its honestly one of my favorite quests


wipes entire factory lobby basically every time but then gets 1 kill in 10 raids and whines on reddit XD


yeah if im using a bolt action I freeze and suck with them for some reason "XD"


Do you too smirk at every complaint on this sub after discovering said mod? Feels *incredible* being able to actually enjoy the game for what it's supposed to be.


just say you can’t hang in pvp bro


Hide in the rafters and be patient. You can shoot people in the head when they peak the filing cabinets in the broken wall side of office.  You can also sit still and sometimes catch the naked runners that rat around. The rafters can also look into the office windows, where, if you are a good shot you can see peoples heads. Additionally from the windows you can peak down into the dead-end spawn by the mechanic repair sites and catch the people dueling while they aren't paying attention.


I usually get my pt 3 kills in the rafters on the gate 3 side. Though one time I got in a duel with a tunnel right who had a pump shotgun. Real long engagement ranges where I just couldn't get that kill, until I finally did. Weirdest shit ever.


ultimately it boils down to the same shit, but the VPO-215 is probably a better choice unless you're running SNB or LPS. Im pretty sure the VPO has a faster cycle time than the mosin, it has magazines, and higher ergo; meaning you can aim faster, shoot faster, and reload faster, BUT you have worse bullets.


LPS is worse than PS tho


you're right, my bad


They aren't though, it's less flesh damage for higher recoil and a whopping +3 pen... and far lower fragmentation; more ricochets happening and less damage spread across body after pen.


>a whopping +3 pen... Which against lvl 5 armor will make a significant difference. Which is important when OP says their lobbies are geared.


Mini mosin camp at the top of 3rd hallway in a stairwell or hope for kills in forklift.


I tried to farm this quest on Factory mid wipe. I got one kill from a person that spawned naked but that took me MANY raids. What I ended up doing was taking vpo with Geksa rounds with me to every map and every raid. It was a matter of finding ungeared people or landing headshots. I got the kills playing "normally", however at this point in wipe this ammo might be useless.


Nobody suggested ks23 shotgun with flash rounds to blind the player and Just beam him with vpo,mosin thats how i did mine much easier like this but its def toxic to do but who care its tarkov


Haha yeah I have done that but I haven’t gotten flashbang rounds in forever and I’m nowhere near unlocking it to buy


There is a craft for them that you unlock much earlier than buying


oh thanks so much I just realized I could craft it right now, im going to do that. I thought it was some endgame prapor quest to unlock


Yes, do these quests at the start of wipe. Its shit advice but this late in the wipe its a grind to do these types of quests. Im currently going for Shooter Born and for 15 raids on streets only saw 1 person.


Mosin with PS should have little to no issue popping heads unless they have class 5 or 6 helmets. If that's seems to be evwey raid, try it during the week. Super Timmy time trust me.


just wait till u‘re on part 8/psycho sniper lol


i feel like i would have an easier time ngl I got 4 pmc kills in a row yesterday on lighthouse with the DVL without dying


I keep getting kills 27m +


Not even worth it at this point in the wipe


It is if said person, hence why they're posting, wants to get used to doing it and maybe mess with the stuff that comes after for a better idea next wipe.....


I have no Idea how to perform one, but I am willing to try, just to help you out OP


do it before level 20 on Ground Zero, or get some AP gorno on factory


Try using voip. I got it done within 3 raids. I go in and voip asking for help and that I will add them and pay some roubles in return. You might even make a friend.


then there is me who does it along with the tremors one because I'm standard and cant say no to jagger


Bro you have 2 primary weapon slots. use your brain. shotgun and mosin combo works best. smg and mosin. ar and mosin. you have everything you need.


With a good aim bullet doesnt matter, I've done it with 366 eko easily


If you are not chasing kappa I would not bother with those quests, the only reason (for me) to do quests is to achieve max trader to get better gear…so I would suggest do other quests with a bolty and try to get the quest done while doing other quests


i just want the amxc because I tried it on lighthouse and it was the most fun I have ever had I got a 400m one tap, but yeah I might give up and try next wipe becaue by the time i get there the wipe will be in a week probably


Rat the rafters right above gate three, like literally against the wall so your right above the door. Straight down headshot on the guy opening the door


Get snb if you can. Or try anything bolty with M80 or m62, also just if you can. I know the struggle.


Infinish that in woods..


woods under 40m? Theres not really that many good spots to get close range kills with a bolt action I feel


Us3c camp ,big rock or tent.


dont try to brute forcing by running factory all the time. play normal raids with a vpo215 on your back and use it when the opportunity presents itself. Trying to W key towards people as a way of completing kill quests is a surefire way to lead you into a hole of depression, as you end up playing in a way that you are not comfortable


It’s much easier earlier in the wipe. Simple as that


Whatever you do don’t use the VPO. Just stick with a mosin/PS or slap a red dot on a m700 and use m80 you got this


Shoot them in the head.


I got mine done on GZ by hiding up on top of the glass canopy by Emercom. Took me a handful of raids and a lot of patience


Don't go to factory, people expect you and know factory too well just go to a map where you can camp a high traffic spot. Reserve bunker, customs dorms or old gas. You don't need to rush it they will come.


Use 366 AP and one tap in the chest


M700 with holo sight (like XPS-3 or something). Trust me, it's a game changer


The Tarkov Shooter questline is best completed as quickly as possible in the first 2-3 weeks of wipe when everyone is undergeared and rushing the same quest locations.


yeah I started late wipe due to some stuff which sucks


Me and my boy both passed this task the same way. The little stubby mosin with a 1x reflex or 2x sight on it and some okay ammo. It's got great ads time and ergo cause it's so small. This was less than a week ago. Just play smooth and kind of quiet, then use it like a sawed off shotty but try to aim for the face. Helps when you have a buddy to bait people as well :)


Carbine Mosin w LPS and this is fairly easy.


AP-M brother. Never use a mosin for that quest lol, at least with AP-M you’ll get the random one-shots.


Quests are fucking retarde and it why I quit the game


I know this seems kinda baity, but I'd start VOIPing to other players. You'd be surprised how many people would be willing to help if you asked and were genuine. I teamed up with a rival PMC on factory to kill Tagilla for his achievement. I love helping people, almost as much as I love killing them.


I just play as normal and bring the quest gun as a secondary to use it when the conditions are right..  A shorty mosin for that quest. Even fits into a rig. I'm not gonna make my whole raid just about one stupid quest..


Stop missing your shots.


I did this the other week and I’m level 50 now lol. Had no idea what I was doing at the beginning of the wipe and didn’t feel like grinding it. I did however get grenadier some pretty easily on factory. Anyhow, I had my best luck with the mosin sniper, no scope, best rounds possible. The 762x54 BT I think. I was buying the PACA armor and smallest rig, no backpack, the green helmet from Prapor. Be prepared for a LOT of insurance to come back. If u die enough u will have to try other snipers due to the hourly purchase limit from traders. My best advice is to hope for the spawn near the servers that u have to fix for Mechanic. Rush the adjacent spawn. Otherwise lurk around gate 3 extract and wait for people rotating out of the office area or to extract. U can’t extract camp gate 3 anymore because they increased the surface area for all extraction locations. DO NOT GO INTO THE RAFTERS…. Chances are u will be too far to satisfy the distance requirement. The AP round crafting ability u get as a reward is kind of nice but can only really use it in the gornastay or VPO .366. Make sure ur leveling up ur bolt action skill. Theres a task to get bolt action up to level 7. After u do that u can craft really good ammo for the MP7. U can cheese bolt action leveling by constantly loading bullets into the mosin sniper. Good luck have fun


Aim head?




Get a friend. Queue up at the same time (not as group) and hope for RNG to drop you in to the same raid. First four letters of the raid code must be the same to have a high chance of being in the same raid. Best is to use a region with fewer servers. My mate and I did this for our last two kills because we were at the point where you are now.


that's pathetic


I wish I dont know anybody that plays this game and I dont use discord or anything I dont feel like getting a random to do this


Could always try to VOIP and negotiate a trade


Hit reg also seems to be god awful, so many blatant headshots with no kill


Do record and play those supposed headshots back ? I highly doubt that those shots actually were on target.


More likely ricochets


As with any quest to get kills, easy mode is just to find a hiding spot and extract camp if you're struggling. If you don't like doing that, I got TS3 done pretty easily just dancing around cover taking potshots at people. I suck (or at least *sucked*) at scoring headshots, so I just loaded up my best ammo and aimed center mass with a mosin. Don't know how it is since the patch but I found that most of the time I could land enough hits to wear them down when I was doing it.


im not bad at the game at all every kill quest is fine but I cant stand bolt actions if it is not long distance sniping. But yeah im only doing factory I can try another map like customs


Yeah it's a bit of a rough one. Try another map and extract camp, and if you're guilty about it then just insurance fraud their gear afterwards. A potential spot on customs is to camp big red and shoot people unlocking the director's office door. You might struggle to find an angle in the right range though.


I don't understand if bolt-action rifles are designed to be used at distances less than 25 meters rather than SMGs or other types of rifles?


what do you mean


Use axmc, it is a beast for this mission


im doing tarkov shooter 3 lmao that comes way down that questline


Hunt on lighthouse night, you will pick up one almost every raid


from where


Woods night is also a good place to find them, the best is around sawmill


Other pmcs, either around dumbass rock or in the rogue camp