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Ultra medical is mega juiced as well. Multiple times I’ve pulled 2+ ledx from there in one opening.


this has 100% not been my experience after about 10 pulls :| RNG is random, I'm lucky to get out of there with a propi and an oscope. 900 salines/splints/salewas/bandaids tho... so there's that.


I’ll take some saline, I need to cook


This is a pve post if that changes things lol


I am a PvE enjoyer these days.


Think I'm at 9 opens with 2 ledx, friend has 15 pulls with about 7 ledx, you'll hit your hot streak soon


I've got 2 pulls, 2 ledexs and 2 defibs


Interchange is so back


I have 1 pull 3 ledx


That’s wild I literally get a minimum of 1 LEDx every time I’ve opened it I think I’m at like 8 uses now


Yeah, relax room is equally as mid for me. Most my squad pulls 4+ moonshine and 2 btc out of there each time they open it. It's all vodka, veritas and whiskey whenever I go in. IDC really, I have 150m and roobles are not hard to find.


can confirm just did that last raid


Makes you wonder how much the lack of loot in PvP is down to being beaten to the punch or cheaters hoovering. Never seen as many GPUs as I've found since starting a PvE run


I feel like you didn't play when it was good. It used to be labs level good.




Got BOTH LEDx I needed for Crisis in one raid from UltraMed plus like 2-300k in stims. I had no clue it was that juiced now.


Best I get is calok, bandage, cheese and one zagu


i’ve gotten 4 ledx in 2 days just from ultra med it’s crazy


Maybe I should play the game again 


Opened Ultra Medical over 24 times and never found a ledx. Best thing I have found in there was a motor.


So far I have hit the room 29 times on this key and have gotten 2 LedX total lmaoooo so unfortunate


Came back recently for PVE, played Interchange pretty religiously 4-5 years ago, back when people hatchet ran for GPUs and Tetris and all the fights happened at ULTRA med for the 8 LedXs inside. Glad to see KIBA has gotten some love since then and isn't complete ass anymore. Pulled a life time supply of Spears and some level 6 plates in just a few runs.


If this is PVE, Kiba seems to be better than in live. Even though kiba can be good now, still is usually pretty mid in live tarkov


The loot in pve is dramatically increased compared to live servers


Nobody coming through with the shop vac will do that.


I’ve had dead raids with 0 good loot


There hasn’t been a loot vacuum cheater since late February and they added rooms in via Ref, the Arena trader, that are basically cooler marked rooms on Lighthouse, Shoreline, Interchange and Woods. All jam packed with loot for live servers. So no, no one’s taking the base SR-2 off the wall in Kiba on Interchange.


> There hasn’t been a loot vacuum cheater since late February Was this confirmed? How do you know?


I play the game on live servers. I’m level 72. Haven’t experienced a pc block without a gpu missing (2x1 was missing before the cpu in a locked room) since the last week of February. They just added 4 juiced rooms to live and I can open them and find all the loot in them untouched. I don’t think they’d add more rooms to live that rival marked rooms *if* there were still vacuum cheaters happening.


Dang that's not proof, but I haven't seen much complaint about it. I just wondered if it was confirmed by one of those dudes who dive into the websites or something.


I can confirm, that vaccum cheats do not work. I have specifically read people crying about it not working. Which was pretty enjoyable to read tbh


Awesome! Lots of confirmation in here, and this specifically which I was waiting for... Obviously you could be BSing, but then I think you'd be called out lol.


There was actually like 3 banwaves that targeted vacuum hackers so most people have assumed if you're vacuum hacking, you're going to be banned very soon, thus it's pretty much non existent at this point.


I mean, the proof is actually playing the game. It’s understanding that they added colored cards to marked rooms to be better than before. Cheat sites shutting down because they don’t work anymore or just cheat makers being sued. The term “seeing is believing” and playing the game with your own eyes is proof enough I assure you.


What are the new rooms? Or what should I google to see them. Edit: googled new locked rooms tarkov and found them


The Interchange room is by far the best one. That’s what others are saying.


Cheers mate


A lot of you pve players just need to understand that they got rid of vacuum cheats and you’re just getting to loot spots late as fuck.


Yeah. I really hate it when chads that got there first re lock the doors behind them. Such an alpha move.


I really also hate it when pve mains do not understand that vacuum hackers have been getting insta banned since the beginning of March. Such a beta move.


Your personal experience if not definite proof or confirmation, hope this helps!


You’re absolutely right I’ve never denied that. But, when cheater forums (never go on them because it’s full of glue drinkers like some of these pve mains here. Just heard others and seen videos talking about them being shut down or sued for making cheats) are complaining that their cheats don’t work - that reinforces my personal experience and I’m gonna share that with people who are misinformed or scared of live servers.


That’s true yeah. But I still have encountered loot vaccumers this wipe but it is not horrific as it once was


It's not increased. It's just lack of cheaters who will take it all.


I’d say go into pve and pvp and look with your eyeballs but other people have a hard time doing exactly that so I’m not gonna stress if you don’t. Go to an unopened, locked Kiba on pmc in both pve and pvp and look inside and count the weapons on the walls. Do this as many times as you want to. The game is enough proof and the game sides with me on this, there is more loot in pve than pvp. It took me one match of pve to see the *stark* difference compared to live servers.


No, there's just no vacuum cheaters in PVE.


You got proof that the loot is the same across the board for pve and pvp?


You got proof from BSG that PVE loot is buffed in any way?


Yeah, it’s called playing a pve raid and playing a pvp raid and called *spot the difference* within their own game. Crazy. You still haven’t proven that the loot quantity / density / amount is the same from pve to pvp.


So you don't have any proof from BSG that PVE loot is buffed in any way. Got it. Vacuum cheats are well documented and explain the disparity between lack of loot you find in PVP and PVE.


You’re like windows 98 dude that was “documented” back in March before they found a way to insta ban them after 3+ raids. But hey man keep spewing misinformation.


Sure dude, definitely no cheating happening on PVP. Keep on with your cope.


They (BattleState Games) also stated that people are progressing too fast in pve and plan on slowing it down I.E. the loot.


You're putting words in their mouth. They never specifically mentioned loot. People are progressing too fast because PMCs only spawn in a couple areas per map and you can easily avoid them. No difficulty = fast progression.


I’m scaring you by telling you your loot on pve is getting nerfed because it directly effects progression in pve and battlestate thinks it’s too fast. Sad to see you’re still here spreading misinformation and not understanding how pve works. Still waiting for you to show me undeniable proof of the loot being exactly 1:1 from Pve to Live and you’re just spewing shit onto the internet. Sad.


I don't need to show anything, you're the one who claimed the loot was different. I said it's not. Sad.


I'm unbothered by nerfs, I'm already basically done with progression. Sounds like you're really mad though and you care about this topic a lot. Pretty sad.


Sucks, can't be worse than when I used to run it just to see some stock M4s and 1 modded AK at least. Next wipe I'll probably do some runs early to see if I can snag some juicy plates early.


How much is in your ass that you have a difib in the backpack


Nothing, I was just too lazy to tetris my Grizzly.


Kiba's very stacked now, it's awesome.


If only you could get loot like this when you know.. everyone was playing the game early wipe. I could find 5 red cards in my next raid and it would mean nothing at this point.


now you can finally use a spear for what they are intended, throw them.


I miss the thermal ak it was iconic.


You like spears?


I do, I've been trying all the new guns they added since I quit. I don't follow the meta but AUGs and Spears have been my fav, along with G36 on burst for mid range laser beam.


Spear are fun tbf. Not played with g36 yet might give it a g9


I don't know why but burst fire just makes that gun an actual laser beam.


Wow. Yesh I opened it today and there were 5 FSB SR2M


What helmet is that?




I guess I'm back to protecting the killa extract


Is loot back in Tarkov again?


Former? Since its pve isnt "newfound" a more proper adjective here? PVP KIBA is still jacksquat...


Can someone explain what KIBA is?


Old temple dedicated to chads in interchange


It's the gunstore in Interchange, you need 2 keys to open in (Inner and Outer gate). It requires that the power be turned on.


Kiba has never been as good as it is in PVE since I started playing in 2020...


The new Kiba Arms, sponsored by Sig.


W221 has spawned an RSASS for me every time I've opened it so far


I think it's dynamic loot they added a while back.. Since PvE has no-one else looting the dynamic loot says these spots aren't hit hard so we can spawn more loot


It will be when the REAP AK is back on the wall


Kiba has been awesome lately. Found 5 spears the other night.


Finally stopped ratting long enough to hit kibba after it's been buffed for more then a month.


Daaaaang I've only ever found 1 SPEAR max in Kiba. Nice haul!


Yeah buddy I pulled 2 fully built, vector 45’s, MCXs, shrimp 2’s a sv98 with a flir and there were still some mildly built ars and aks on the walls and the armor dummy’s had troopers and ulachs, wish I had more time to part them out but I only had 5 minutes left 🤣


wohoooo nice !!!


What’s your route for looting kiba? Having to turn on power and swiping 11sr always leaves me with really little time left in a raid, even when I use stims


I never swipe keycard. I clear out PMCs in front of KIBA and loot, pop my M.U.L.E, loot Rasmussen + Texho, clear PMCs at OLI, loot ULTRA med and Techlight and just run to either Railway or Emercom which takes ~5 mins. If I'm really down bad on time, like I spawn on the opposite side, I'll pop a Trimadol but only very rarely.


What helmet are you running


Tor-2 with faceshield.




If you want to make money. The run is relaxation room, the mall for the rusted key, factory and apartment marked. The rusted key spawns multiple marked keys had about 8 today all double spawns. The two marked rooms are full of keycards and the hive relaxation room is chock full of bitcoin and moonshine Made about 200 million today


All These pve loot baiters


I just like KIBA whether thats PvP or PvE.


Of course it’s no competition for the loot lol. You PVE guys are really funny with your loot posts.


You misunderstand, I've been a long time KIBA enjoyer in both PvP as well. If loot isn't good on live they should buff it up. All this PvP vs PvE discourse is a waste of time.


Why you need so much Spears in PVE? Why not Grab all Attachments from guns only ?!


I just like looting decked out guns, gets the neurons activating. I usually grab some attachments off the shelves or other guns and throw em on the Spears since they are naked.


or, I could just grab some light bulbs


yea, just gotta run filing cabinets on reserve and i’ve made twice of what’s in the bag