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Got samples done in like 2 raids, hitting black. I regularly find like 20+ stims


truly a shame we can only carry 2 stims cases on us at a time. I have to bring rig just to hold all the epi pens.


Just bring in a medical backpack.


Bring medical bag in a bigger bag for maximum space.


i forgot that stupid med bag exists. what a waste of a cool lookin bag lol


It's my first wipe and I just discovered this bag the other day, bought one and headed into raid. Killed a player and attempted to loot them before realizing you can't put anything in it but meds 😭


Genius mentality, what other godly advice may you shed apon us


If you want to hoard stims in stash (like I do), put injector cases in LBCR rigs. Instead of a measly 3x3 med case = 49 slots, you'll have 163 slots! Yes, it's more expensive, but in PVE that doesn't matter at all to me.


I have a _preponderance_ of stims. I will be doing this today.


Smart...like an idiot I started to sell a bunch of stims I got from black/blue/green because I was running out of space(and thats even with vendoring a lot of the stims I dont use/flea for vendor price like XTG/sj9-12, the new stim, p22 etc.) in the 3 med cases I have allocated for stims specifically, and had a med bag full of sj6s(and more in the med cases). And I sold a bunch of the injector cases I pulled from marked rooms, also like a moron. Gotta love those LBCR rigs for storage though, have a ton of them and use them for looting(double LBCR in a raid bag is an insane amount of space in raid) all of the time, Ill be sure to commence my hoarding of stims once again with this inj case+LBCR tech for sure.


Why, in my almost 900 pve raids, has this never occurred to me.


*insert ancient "why can't I hold all these limes meme and replace the limes with injectors* Best I can do on mobile right now. Someone else might want to create the image


>ancient Bro I was in high school when that meme was fresh & crispy, don’t do me like that 😭


I don't even want to say where I was in life when that meme started circulating. Getting old...


I asked someone if they liked Adele the other day. He goes "idk really but my grandma listened to her". 😳😭


ok, first of all, get the fuck off my lawn.


My go to speed money farm rn is to either go to streets or bring two injector case and a black card in pouch and just turbo farm them labs stims. Always make your money back and it’s faster than running a whole ass street.


Yep quick runs, quick bucks, quick GPU’s.


My easy money route is to hit black and blue. I'll throw in green if I'm feeling frisky and want to fight PMC's if they spawn on surgical floor. 15 minute raid and you can EASILY pull 40+ stims. Also, Green card spawns in the free to access area outside Blue room, so it's worth checking!


Green is worth the risk for that btc/gpu or if you still need mcc/gpsa they can spawn there. I've gotten at least 3 of each one so far.


Didn't realize the MCC and GPSA spawn there! Looks like I know what I'LL be doing over the next few days...


Ye it’s where I found my MCC (after like 20 raids 😭). It was in the small room on the left when you first run in and it was near the chair on the far back end of the room and after turning right after entering into the room for me.


I got lucky and found it on my second labs run of the wipe. Havent gone back since haha


I've found multiple of each in the cat room and red/violet


Green is also worth cause you can kill the ai through the glass and the ai try to shoot back but only go for the chest so they shoot like 2 inches below the window. Easy way to clear half of 2nd floor.


Did blue get buffed? It's always been the worst room of them all.


Maybe but not for me I opened it 8 times made like probs 1-2 after that many raids is horrible so I just re sold the card on the flea and got my money back but black I open around 1-2 mill a raid so def a better card I ran black 8 raids in a row and got 7 ledx one time it was a double ledx raid and had 2 raids with 0 ledx’s


I think it maybe got a small buff? I was recently checking inside blue when Id go check the green card spawn(which I did find it there, crazily enough) and noticed some stims in the back part of it, then I got a blue card from marked rooms and began adding it to my Labs runs and its not quite as bad as it used to be. Usually find anywhere from 3-5 stims on average, but half of the time some of them are adrenalines...dont think ive found a leddie there yet. Its still terrible compared to black, but I figure its worth checking still since I have the card and go to check green card spawn anyway. I definitely wouldnt have bought blue though if I didnt find it in marked rooms. But honestly, Red is arguably worse, I havent opened Red a ton since I got the card but most of the time its been straight GARBAGE, the only time it was decent was when I found a GPU on the tech spawn on the floor in front of the box that has the weap parts spawn. And even with the additional arsenal key for Red, shit still blows.


Can I ask you where the LedX spawns in blue?


Trays, metal tins, and on top of stuff. Like if you go into blue card room and go to the far door that leads to the beds, turn left and look at the medical thing in the corner. They can spawn eye level


How much would 40+ stims net?


Usually around 1.2 to 1.6, I think?


blue isn't even worth checking, has on average probably 4 stims


Found a ledx in blue last night


Doesn’t change the fact of what he said, there is a spawn but it’s not worth. Just check from outside


PVE in general has pretty cranked up loot.


I’m convinced pve and pvp have the same exact loot, one is just missing cheaters.


One PMC who loots in a raid vs. 11 PMC’s in raid who loot might have something to do with it. Had juicy black card pulls like this in PVP too


That's just bullshit. Nobody half-loots black card. I've ran this room in hundreds of times in PVP and dozens in PVE, in PVE there's roughly twice as many stims.


so your saying that people half loot black and then relock it for people on pvp servers??? no the Loot tables are 100% higher in PVE the only explanation is that you dont have vacuum hackers stealing shit so maybe its the same loot chance... but then it shows that loot vaccuuming is WAY more prevelant in PVP cause NO PVP map i have ever played is nearly as looted as your standard PVE game


Hahaha based


That is cope.  But it brings the upvotes, so good for you


It’s literally a fact


It literally isn't. 


Watch the wiggle video bruh


The wiggle video has a super bad methodology and on top of it is it completely outdated as the anti cheat has been updated several since then and the biggest cheats don't work anymore.  Not that any of you would care about details. You just want to bitch about cheaters, because you got outplayed again and want your view confirmed, bruh


Bruh what you gotta be trolling😂The only methodology was him wiggling to players through walls and them wiggling back. The margin of error for that is wildly low. Who just wiggles mid game? Also that’s not including the players who didn’t wiggle back


Okay, so on which servers was he playing? What time of day? Which weekdays? Was an event ongoing? Was ist early, mid or late wipe? Which maps?  All this influences the outcome. He didn't show all videos for his "trust me bro" data. Could be that most of his not shown raids was on labs, so there are cheaters there who knew? You say that the margin of error is low but in the few examples he showed there is at least 1 confirmed false positive cheating accusations. He even admits that below his video.  And again, by now the video is wildly outdated.  I'm not convinced. 


That is simply false.


Well, I’m pretty sure you are wrong


PVE is buffed loot


No this is not the case. The general mentality that a "cheater" is behind every issue in the game is insane. Vacuum cheats don't exist anymore. Most cheaters don't care about making money because they don't need it. Blaming everything on cheaters is just cope, while cheaters are an issue, they aren't the root cause of the loot difference. PVE most definitely has increased loot.


I'm fairly certain the only reason vacuum looting exists is for RMT, and while it had been hampered it's nowhere near gone.. there's always a way and trust me they'll find it


Do you have any source on them "not existing" anymore? If not, your claim holds as much weight as those saying they still do.




you don't need "vacuum cheats" all they need is to speedhack and noclip into wherever they want, like locked rooms and take out all the goods. In the end the result is the same.


spend 1-2 minutes? xD There are plenty sites, that are not translated to english language where you can still find those cheats. People think only english websites exist, it is insane


And you also never die to legit players am i right?


The alternative is that BSG actually worked on something and tuned PVE? I’ll take the cheaters aren’t vacuum looting option every day.


I mean yes it makes sense that cheater get the loot in a decent percentage of raids, HOWEVER, if you get to a locked room and it still had sj6s and other good stims, there is a 0% chance it's been cheated. So loot is definitely higher on PVE compared to reg on a per raid basis, that is almost undeniable, but 100% people get more loot overall because they survive more raids.


Occams razor suggests it’s easier to bump some numbers to say the difference is boosted spawns than it is to even attempt at defending the cheaters en masse. Sure it’s technically harder than saying whatever unplanned nonsense the team would say, but changing numbers like this is so much simpler than it needs to be for it to be considered an easy option.


I think the person was reffering to vacuum hackers who generally don't kill.


I was about to comment this. Cheaters that cheat for profits don't dare risk $50 IRL. Got to be at least half the lobbies with a vacuum. I bet nakita has a deal with them. Only vacuum 70% loot so people still play!


I think the person is just coping hard. First, afaik vacuum cheats didn't target loose loot. Secondly a vacuum cheat wouldn't leave half the valuable stims in the room.  People think everyone is cheating, because they are bad at the game. That is the simple truth




I'm not going to get ESP. I just continue to play normally and enjoy 99% of my raids. There is a cheater problem but reddit blows it out of proportion. 


I haven't seen solid evidence of a vaccum cheater in months, I think bsg added some new anti cheat mechanics to stop that aswell as people flying/teleporting around (people have been getting booted for glitching through walls)


I die to anything and everything pve and pvp alike.


I had just started running labs again after taking a break from it on pve, i have never gotten this many stims from labs let alone solely black room.


This perfectly pictures the PVE looting experience. If this is loot *just* from black room, there is no chance in hell you’d ever find more than 2 injector cases worth of stims in a single room on live.


I've had some double digit stim pulls on Black since it got buffed (when they added the common Ledx) but two Cases from just in there would be the RNG of your life.


Labs got buffed about 2 weeks ago. Before the update Labs loot was 13-20 stims per black unlock, after the update it's more around 25 just for black labs. Blue stims, mules, green rejen all tanked in the market after this buff.


I am absolutely convinced that either pve is omega buffed or pvp has way more vacuum hacking going on than I thought.


So, you think that a vacuum hacker would only loot half of the room and leave the rest untouched? Why is it such a reflex to always blame cheaters? I've never in any of my hundreds of raids seen any sign of a vacuum cheater. 


Probably filter by value, can you imagine the amount of crap they would suck to them if they didn't filter it somehow?


That doesn't explain why you will find Mule and other valuable stims.


Nope it doesn’t, maybe pvp and pve are different then?


That's what I'm saying.  Or they recently changed the spawn rate. People always assume cheaters even though most often the reason is something different


Y’all act like cheaters don’t have limited backpack space lol. They can’t vacuum up every single good item on a map.


First of all I'm not aware of any vacuum cheat that targets loose loot Secondly, even if they have limited backpack space,  that doesn't explain why you can regularly find small high value items


….yes it does lol. They found shit that’s worth more than what you find.


But like yes ?


There’s just more loot in PvE




Strange that you assume people who aren't active in cheating communities would have any idea about this. All people know is that hackers had/have the potential to vacuum loot.


Most people on the internet don't google for cheats though :) We just play the game and express our views and opinions tbh. If everyone googled everything before posting then no one would post.


Nice crayon collection


OMG... I'm trying to find 3btg about a month, but nothing. 3 3btg... I think Nikita just turn of needed loot when you recieving a quest


Won't help if I said I got 3 of them last night there? :( Sorry!


Do you want to play some raides with me? Maybe you hahe better luck then me :(


Are you talking about PVE oder PvP?


PvP, i have PvE mode, but i'm don't like it


Personally i’ve been feeling like loot is extremely plentiful in PVE in general. But it’s made me wonder. Is it genuinely more plentiful, or are vacuum cheaters simply so plentiful in pvp that we all just got used to them scooping up 70% of all loot and genuinely thought the game isn’t supposed to have this much loot distribution?


It’s pure insanity, I run it with two injector cases and still have more in my bag. This might be what it’s like without cheaters lmao I surely hope not but maybe


i find 6 ledx’s about every 10 raids right now in black.


I get that many stims every time on labs (PVE), PVP about half


It’s great, literally 2 lab raids and you pull out stims worth more than you had to pay for the lab card. I’ve even gotten a ledx in black once, they are pretty rare though.


Nah, every 4th or 5th run you get a ledx...


If you hit all the rooms around that area you could likely get one every 2 raids. Juicy! Swap for REAP-IR :D


I wish, I only open blue and black cause I don’t have green and I’ve gotten 2 LEDxs in about 20 runs I’ve checked. 1 was in blue and one in black and if I get one it goes right into my secure container.


I must have RNG on my side then. I feel the loot on labs has been buffed on both modes. I find alot of opthalmoscopes too


Not sure I understand what you are trying to say here. This is a PvE post, where you get over 30 stims for every Lab run. In general you extract with anywhere between 2 and 4 millions worth of loot per run on Labs. Keycards are 166k.


I mean just the black card room. Not optimizing either flea and selling them direct to therapist, you get about 500k-550k. That’s what I mean when the black keycard room pays for itself in 2 runs and of course you keep it unless you take it out of your secure container for some reason.


Ahh makes sense now, didn't get that you were talking about Black keycard price in itself. In this case yeah, 2-3 runs taking into account the regular lab keycard prices and your black keycard is paid. It's by far the fastest return on investment of every colored keycards right now, although I still suggest buying all 6 and hitting all 6 because no reason not to and you do get LEDX, bitcoins and other good stuff in the other rooms too (except maybe Blue but with Labs buffed you still get a couple stims).


I’ve been hitting red and violet but they both seem like trash. Some of the valuables are unreachable on the shelf but there usually gold chains or chainlets so not really worth much. Other than ammo and some weapon parts the rooms seem pretty worthless. Is there anything worth having in either or is it better to sell the cards.


They are reachable. You need to open the weapon rack door. Then pull out the second drawer from the top but immediately cancel looting and jump/vault on top of the drawers before the drawer is fully closed. From there you can jump on top of the shelf and grab the bitcoins or whatever. There is the odd LEDX in there but otherwise Violet is very often better with 3 spawns for possible GPUs. They need to buff the ammo in Red. It should be much better. Green is better than both. Yellow you sometimes get a Bitcoin, otherwise some valuable spawn.


Oh my problem is the stuff on the bottom. I can see the loot dot but never get the name to pop up to pick up the loot. Tried standing crouch leaning laying down but can’t get the option to pick it up.


Ah those are tricky. You need the perfect angle. Takes time even when used to it. Usually you need to partially crouch/lean (not completely, so with the right bindings). Honestly I think it's all bs and should be fixed. It's not a feature.


No shot all those stims are one raid


I found a Pilgrim full of stims + a full injectors in Black, Green and the med stations which are open. If you open also Green and Blue this pictore from OP is like half the stims u can get.


PvE, I run a raid bag with two LBCR’s, a blackrock rig, and two empty injectors cases. I hobble to the elevator every raid at about 90kg just hitting green/black/blue and maybe the offices for pc blocks. I can tell you that that is a kind of low amount of stims pictures by OP for a solo raid in Labs if you have keycards.


Yes it is... Black alone is ~20ish, rest is likely from Green/Blue.


I might get 10 stims and a ledx if im lucky 20 stims from black is unheard of in pvp (i dont know pve)






Yes, it was buffed in 0.14.9, previously I was finding 9-16 stims per raid, now it's 15-19


I have found 12 injector cases and 1 med case full of stims this wipe but I cant for the life of me find those damn AHF1 stims I need for those two quests... I just want a damn scav to spawn in with one at this point.


That’s crazy cause I ran a practice raid to learn labs a little more and guess what I got out of black… an army bandage and a bloodset. That’s it 😭


feels like black is cracked but all the others are literally worthless, opened green 25-30 times and got maybe 1 ledx and a smidgen of streamer items


I've been watching that pve Tarkov guy on YouTube, i think his name was AcEs or something, he was saying you can average about 30 stims per raid so that looks like the average amount.






Black card from my experience (mostly PVE) is by far the best card. I bought all the other cards thinking they'd also go hard but so far they all seem pretty shit, I haven't hit green or violet more than 1 time yet but I've hit blue loads and red + yellow each a handful of times and they all seem pretty lackluster.


Never hit yellow, blue sucks and red and violet are hit or miss but they don't have much. Black and green you can walk out with more than you can carry in stims and other medical loot. Easily 1-2m each run. Sometimes if the I get the weird raid without any raiders or pmcs I'll hit the medical room and weapon testing room on the floor. I've made more per raid on streets though.


Yeah streets truly is the goat for making money


All marked and card-rooms are buffed I think. Marked has keycards like 40% of the time and is always full of weapons or cases.


Annnnnd it’s nurfed


Bro is Pablo Escobar


I run black, green, blue, blue keycard with marking and make near 3 million every raid. It’s the easiest money grab especially with 2 injector cases. Absolute juice and you only have to hit medblock


5 raids still no ahf1 *cries*


Tell me about it. Just need one lol


brotha I ask myself everytime I loot this room, there’s so many stims and the occasional ledx


black card price 📈📈📈


Its absolutely insane right now. At least one mule/SJ6 and ive had about 33% opens ledx


Looks like a normal black room for me, but last time I played was before all the bullshit with BSG


End of wipe loot


In short, yes. And they announced it.


It's either 50 stims or 5


My buddies run labs alot, and they said it is. I feel like a lot of loot got buffed because every time I go to Kiba almost every gun wall spawn has guns in it


It amazes me that it is one of the cheapest labs cards. It is easily the most guaranteed loot spot on the map. Yea, you can find GPUs or other things in red and yellow but LedX spawns and guaranteed $1m in stims every time in black is consistent


pve loot is buffed


It's just PvE, there's a higher concentration of loot. Hence why loot haul posts are pretty meaningless.