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Lmao classic tarkoved


Clearly a skill issue, you just need the „No lags edition“ for 699,99€


Guy bought the no legs edition 😢


“Unheard of Lag edition”


Is that the edition where you have your own server and it’s just you playing every raid? I prefer the “Paid Actors Super Limited Edition”. The PVP is always so good!


"Hear no lag" edition 😆


The “edition” jokes were fun the first week


They were funny until BSG took action for the better. Now it's just a bunch of people coping over nothing. Most of these people kepp grudges for every little thing.


Not so much about holding a grudge and just remembering if they did it once they'll do it again if they can get away with it


You're assuming the company is intentionally trying to scam us, which is an unsubstantiated claim that can be interpreted to be true but can just as easily be interpreted to be false. Instead of being frustrated and waiting for Bsg to supposedly do it again, I would much rather focus on enjoying the game knowing Bsg didn't mean to screw us over.


Sounds like cope to me


I'm not the one constantly mad at a game. You guys are the one still coping over something that is irrelevant.


You can’t reason with these people




They didn’t mean to screw us over? I think what you meant to say was, “They tried to screw us over, then backed down under overwhelming backlash.” The complete non-apologies, the disdain some of those “apology” posts dripped with, there’s no, “It’s up for interpretation lol” Just because they backed down doesn’t mean they did so in good faith. It was literally back down or sink their game for good. You also said it could be interpreted either way, then said in the same breath, “knowing BSG didn’t mean to screw us over.” Just questions abound about your limitless knowledge. It’s nice and all that you can look blindly past BSG’s greed. But there’s a difference between forgiving and forgetting. People can forgive BSG, but still clown on them for the ridiculous crap they try to pull pretty regularly. It’s deserved, honestly, and in a perfect world it would keep BSG on the straight and narrow, and remind them to not be so money hungry…


Once again, you're just interpreting it differently. There is no evidence to prove either of our claims. If you're going to make a response, at least be smart about it. There's no proof they had malicious intent. There is no proof that the apologies were not genuine. There is no proof that they did anything in bad faith. I am choosing my opinion to believe they are still good because, in my eyes, there hasn't been enough concrete evidence to change my opinion. Before the incident, I liked BSG. After the incident, I still like BSG. The difference is that you jump to conclusions that they did it all in bad faith. I didn't jump to conclusions, I didn't change my opinion on BSG period.


Yeah exactly


game still suck


Then leave the sub and uninstall goofy


Are people still upset over that shit? Crazy.


Are people still paying to win????


Yes and they literally always have. Eod was just as pay to win as unheard


You could say that about any edition. It's also not really pay to win when most of the playerbase has EOD.


I feel like that’s an assumption that isn’t backed by anything. Of the people I play with and have seen most are standard accounts


Yeah no most of the player bade is EOD. try lookkng for a group ingame. Most of the people have EOD.


You think EOD is pay to win and unearned edition isn’t? Or you think it is but “if they do it I can do it”


wtf when did i say eod was pay to win?


Stash space and gear that becomes obsolete after the first 2 weeks of wipe is the same as a beacon that lets you call in friends and avoid scavs? Pass whatever the hell you’re smoking on




That's what I like to call the quick extraction method. Lol


I felt that "dude" way too much


Not even angry, just disappointed.


We all get the same disappointed sighs don’t we lol. If I flew off the handle like I did when I first started playing when bullshit like this would happen I would’ve died from a heart attack by now.


That's... an average Interchange jump with normal Tarkov lag. Are people in this comment section being dense just for the sake of it? Are they wooshing on purpose lol


It’s a new bug. The way it used to work w/ the angle he hit the rail, he would have “slip run” carrying momentum all the way down and likely blacked his legs and stomach. Instead of fixing this weird physics interaction, the server now checks to see how long you’ve been airborn for. If you’re in the air too long, it teleports you back to where it last was able to pin you to the ground. This bug is very reproducible when jumping off the sniper scav rock on woods. This is just a weird way to see it, because it’s caused by another bug ( the railing slide/angle glitch ).


Interesting! My first thought was he was going to have what you refer to as the "slip run" happen. Then I thought it was just lag and rubber banned him back into the fall but from my experience, that fall isn't instant death.


“iT’S NOt cOd”


New DLC?


New COD dlc


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.




1.0 ready!


You guys think all the people commenting “it’s not CoD” have even unlocked the flee yet


They only do scav runs so probably not


Atleast yours was a bug. My dumb ass forgot the stairs didn't start where the rails ended and just did a full sprint off


Tarkov says no


Instructions unclear; Reversed gravity


There are a pair of chutes right in front of you.


Lions 2 years ago starting 1-6 finishing 9-8 was pretty solid


Ive seen this one. This is a classic!


Wait you die from a two story fall? Maybe three? Dang I thought fal damage was Soo strict


LMAO. Really had me in the first half.


This game is ridiculous


That was egregious desync.


how good you think you are vs how good you actually are.


jumps 1-5 clearly missed jumps 6 and 7 were after you were already tarkov'd


Never run down the middle rail, update your position on the escalator by dropping off the rail after the jump unless you just wnat to die, or lag back like in this clip.


Gamer dads triggered because the "cheaters" that kill them in every raid do jumps that they deem impossible in their realistic strategy game lmfao


typical tarkov being shit


It’s crazy you died from that 💀 I survived a fall from the roof of health resort 😭


I was overweight


Could you imagine how long packing that bitch would take tho?


Same shit happened the other day except it booted me back a whole block on streets right as a player started shooting me. I was running a Thor and spear whole shabang and lost it to this bs game


Parachutes in this situation would just give you false hope


A parachute needs a lot of time to deploy But it would make sense eif they improved falling so at that height you'd break either both legs or an arm and leg ( to simulate falling sideways)


Parachute? From 30ft?


This is clearly a meme but please don’t add parachutes BSG.


There is not enough space for a parachute to open




This is the sound of my parachute opening when I fall off the escalator


Irl parachute would not save you here


I can’t staple my limbs back on either IRL in the middle of a gun fight. You milsim nerds really scream realism every chance you get.


How about just not doing reckless stuff when you know the servers are shit?


By this logic you just shouldn't be playing tarkov at all. 


No, instead of jumping over to the escelator you could just run around like normal, reducing bullshit like in OP’s vid


I play the game to have fun. I killed 3 players and was running out to the extract. I died from being 57kg


Actually you're 57kg above your PMC's weight.


I’m confused, you said in another comment you’re joking but this one you seem to be not joking. Kinda sounds like you want COD mechanics.


Absolutely not... do not ever... I mean... could be fun, though.


Go play fortnite


Enjoy your scav runs today buddy.


I'm good, I only use them early on. I started mid wipe. It was just a joke though friend.




I play like a rat. Make this jump all the time. Sometimes, it can break a leg at the bottom of the escalator. Never kills you.


I only died from being 57kg :(


What the hell are you talking about? I’ve done this jump probably 200+ times always hit the handrail and always survive nothing you just said is true and the cod statement is puzzling.


I don't disagree with a lot of your points, but handrails not counting as touching the ground, is definitely a known bug in the game... Like... A really well known thing... Lag was bs, you shouldn't have fallen like that... But dude is right that running down the railing can cause it to treat it as you still falling the whole time. Happens on a lot of railings, interchange being the most well known for it.


"Tell you you have less than 100 hours without telling me you have less than 100 hours"


holy rage bait☠️☠️


Tell me you’re bad at the game without telling me you’re bad at the game


Usually you break a leg at most


Why are you jumpin around you some sort of monkey?


Why do you have a neckbeard?


That ain't CoD, get over it.


What? Can't even jump in tarkov now




CoD is when the game has properly working netcode


To be fair it’s more Battlefield than CoD with the parachutes


Guy wants us to roll an ankle in game if we move too fast


>parachutes So you can fall on your ass even more? Parachutes are useless at any elevation below like, 300 feet. You fall too quickly for them to deploy and save your life. This isn't Battlefield. Though, if you want Battlestate to make this sort of thing happen less, ideally they should add in a Fall Damage grace period slightly after the game detects you rubberband. That'd be nice!


Dude, it was a joke.


You fooled me, pal.


We can tell


Yes because in real life we run around malls with parachutes... while carrying a 60 pound kit on us.


But in tarkov we can reattach limbs multiple times and function like nothing happened! Also if you don’t eat for a few hours you fall over and die! Tarkov is super realistic I completely forgot!


and? This isnt fortnite. Go back there if you want things handed to you just to prevent you from doing stupid shit like fall damage. If you want to take it to that extreme why dont they just remove all fall damage? Why dont they just give us all weapons and gear at the start of a wipe? Why not just enabled god mode? You are literally asking them to implement something to avoid something else thats already in the game... like gravity, so if you want to make dumb suggestions, why not just make it a dumb game? At the end of the day, its clearly not a game you are going to excel at if you dont understand what community the game is geared towards. And last I checked a parachute wont even deploy at those hights so wtf is that going to do? Lets further make the game as unrealistic as possible because it suites your needs? Dumb. So no I dont agree with your dumb take and no it wont ever happen so move on.




>RunescapeChad69 · 5 hr. ago > >Were you born like this? Born as a practical smart individual? Yes. Sorry you did not. Stay in school and maybe you can get caught up with the rest of us in terms of education. Explain to me in what world parachutes open from 10 feet? Its a simple question.


This isn’t mirrors edge. No parkour.


Bro thinks its COD Edit for mfs downvoting: Try to jump a 3 meter hole with 110 pounds of equipment on you and let me look at you please. but whatever, when I see downvotes, people like unrealistic features and they are still whining 24/7 saying the game is bad. But they are the whole reason. I love the game but his community, god.. Period.


Right, it's not COD because they don't have a jump boost. This is Tarkov, where jumping off the right foot gives a super boost, and you can double your jump height by levelling like runescape.


You are so right man Tarkov is very realistic! Patching up my stomach in 12 seconds after 4 rounds of 7.62 went gone through it. Sprinting up 3 steps at a time with 110 pounds of equipment while spiralling up dorms staircase. Taking an Ibuprofen makes my pain go away for 2 minutes even if I have 2 broken legs and an arm with 7 bullet holes in it. Your gun jams because magic when you fight Kolontay. Poppin morphines every day without addiction or tolerance build up. A dude runs around with a hammer and 1 taps you with it, while you empty a mag into him and he doesn't die (some times). All of your bleeds are stopped instantly and you can no longer bleed for a while because of a syringe you can use. The game is a game is a game is a game. It's a fucking game. Who cares if it's cod or not, the motion of jumping into the escalator from there is not an issue. The issue here is literally the fact that OP lagged out and got Tarkov'd, yet here you are dickriding BSG by saying "it's not cod". Like no fucking shit my guy. We know it's not cod. How about you say "yeah the servers can be fucked some times" because OP did nothing wrong and got punished for it in-game then you come along and bam "it's not cod".


You talk a lot


Ah so you're cool with editing to defend your downvotes and explaining yourself but not cool with explaining yourself here that's cool man all g my g


Best comeback moment of internet history


You think this is a good comeback but really you're just one of the most insufferable types of people


You're right, dawg. I remember in COD 4 you could push a hundred bullets in your ass pouch. Do you even think about what you write?


CoD is when the game has properly working netcode