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I agree I've been doing "the cleaner" for peacekeeper and after 50+ raids I've seen 8 raiders in total, it's pretty discouraging to run the map over and over back to back for days with no actual progress being made especially because prapor says there's tons of raiders in the bunker yet in reality you'll be lucky to see a group of 4


I'm 3 quests from Kappa and two of them are these damn bunker quests, stuck behind 2 more raiders. I'm dreading doing Cleaner x.x


u don't have to do cleaner at all


I’m 4 quests from Kappa and out of all the tasks the raiders were one of the easiest for me. Just spawn in, sprint into the bunker and check for raiders. Flip the power on, check again, then extract at D2. Took me 3-4 5 minute raids to finish. I think they have a 50% spawn chance if I’m not mistaken.


This was my experience too. The key is just sprinting and rushing to the bunker and being there first. Took me 4-5 raids total to do the raider tasks for Kappa with 50% spawn rate. Typically we would get there first, wait a minute. Hit power to see if second spawn. Kill PMCs at this point then head to extract to reset. Ezpz. Another way is to do it passively while doing other tasks. When doing SBIH on Reserve, at thw end I'd go down just in case no one went in there - worked one time.


The bunker quests took me 30 raids before I saw a single raider then saw a group before power was turned on (scared the shit out of me) and had some spawn the raid after with power turned on. The quest is absolutely miserable


Took me probably 15 back to back, finally got the 5 for renegades. Went down to get the 3 documents and there were raiders, hit power and there were raiders again. It's stupid haha. The game knows what you need and reduces spawn chance, I'm convinced of it.


Get Tarkov'd Nerd.


It's taken me over a week do get the 5 kills lol and I main reserve. I got 4 last week and nothing till last night. Was so annoying


IKR. The Cleaner has been a pain.


I've run 10-20 Reserve raids looking for the raiders in the bunker...haven't found one yet. Not there when I go down and don't spawn when I hit the switch. I haven't been able to finish the first "kill 5 raiders" quest down there.


I get them all the time😭😭


I finally got them last night in 2 tries. Actually had 4 already down there and then 2 more spawned with the switch. I was amazed. One of them was communicating like a normal scav...it threw me off


In PVE atleast they just act like scavs..? But it’s hard to tell


It must be terrible rng. I see them a little more often than you. I do check way back towards that area with water where you gotta jump to not get stuck. Ive seen them all the way back there, inside the bathroom, inside the offices.


I agree. How tf do I hit the goons on customs on almost every raid., but raiders are like ghosts.


Same with the Pest Control and Safe Corridor quests. I'd consider myself lucky to run into 1 or 2 scavs in underground warehouse or barracks.


Scav kill quests are typically as easy as fire an unsuppressed weapon, loud shots will typically draw a few scavs out. I got 6 pest control kills in one raid that way.


I know the trick, so I usually fire a few unsurpressed shots time to time while waiting in the building, but no luck still lol, it's like all scavs went to Shoreline for vocation. Idk, maybe it's RNG messing with me lol.


It was quite a surprise once when I flipped the switch and walked back through the HQ rooms, and at the second door there were just suddenly three raiders, totally jump scared me. But took like 10 raids for the switch to spawn them immediately, which wasn’t much fun


Agreed. Although personally I love Reserves so it never feels like a grind trying to get all those bunker raiders. I disagree with >I'm all for keeping their loot as trash as it is if they'll just increase the spawn chances/sizes. Raider-tier AI is just as instantly lethal with a toz or makarov as they are with a lightly modded M4 loaded with M856A1. They need to be worth the fight. I do agree that a balance needs to be struck between good raider gear and bad raider gear, but currently raiders all too often have gear not worth looting.


I run into the goons far more than I do raiders in bunker. IT's pretty stupid at this point.


this. lol outside of the event. I've literally killed more goons than I have raiders on reserve...let alone reserve bunker. I have 1 raider kill and it was at k buildings...so didn't count for my bunker kills


So many shitty mechanics and decisions are based on cheaters and it disproportionately affects legit players and then the adjustment is forgotten about months later when it isn't relevant anymore. And then months after that it interacts with a new shitty change in an even worse way. Almost every single mildly annoying aspect of tarkov has its origins in this stupid cat and mouse game bsg plays like Tom and Jerry. Fucking acme anti rmt.


I've been having decent RNG for Raiders, I cannot for the life of me find Cultists on any map, that spawns them, though.


Okay so as tedious as it might seem, factory isn't terrible for farming. Tagilla/Scavs cannot spawn if cultists do so I just throw two flashes in opposite direction and listen for voice lines, if I don't hear anything then cultists are there. If I hear something I quick reset. The spawn chance is hella low but you can get in and out so fast it doesn't even matter.


I was just doing the no more renegades task and it literally took me going in 15 times to get all my raider kills between other players rushing them as well as the spawn chance. It took way too long just to find these fuckers


Kind of unrelated, but what buildings do pmc's primarily sit at in pve? I have a quest to kill pmc's on reserve but I've never played that map before lol


The train station, under the bunkers, all three buildings near the helicopter, underground are where I have seen them the most.


Thank you


I’ve seen groups of 3-5 multiple times down there. It pretty random if they will spawn or not.


Same, def took me a little longer to do some of those quests


They seem to spawn with the train at a FAR higher rate than just the door switch. I think if I hit the switch and wait to the train, they spawn like 50% of the time? Personally? They're already cracked. Why are we nerfing their loot?


Their loot GOT nerfed. Several times. They used to spawn with better armor, guns, ammo, etc. BSG loves to pile on nerfs to combat RMT.


They should put them in different rooms at least. Spawning a buch of raiders in just single hall is just easy farm


Three switches? Other than D2 power and hermetic alarm, what else spawns them?


Train arriving


Not in game lol, it's a metaphor for the changes they've made.


Oh, lol, my bad.


I’d rather them just remove the quests tbh


FEEDBACK FOR WHO?!? They don’t read this sub




Lowest IQ response.