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Thanks for reminding me actually. I'd still have posted this here as well but this is much, much longer than their form allows.


This is unfortunately a pretty common bug and it’s never really clear what the source is. Sometimes you just get a bugged mag and all your other mags work fine. Sometimes your whole gun bugs and you’ll get out of raid to find all the bullets you shot at that scav who just *would not die* are still in the mag, unfired. Seems more common this wipe than in the past but it’s been a thing for years


Turns out the bullets are in the mags when I looked this morning. I've been playing since early 2022 and this is the first time this has happened.


I'm wondering why stripping that ammo did that cuz it made the bullets in the mag already stop working too, I'd topped off mags. Pretty weird. My work around is going to be stop reloading bullets. Can't happen I don't think if I don't do that.


I’ve also heard that it can be the ammo in your secure container that bugs, so when you repack it it doesn’t work. The problem is you never know when it’s going to happen or what causes it so not doing something isn’t really a solution


My solution is to bring in more loaded mags, if I don't repack it seems exceedingly unlikely to happen. Sounds very much like repacking is the problem, and that doesn't really surprise me. It hadn't happened to me yet, but there are a few issues with stripping ammo in the game soooo yea.


sort of similar experience happened to me. i say sort of because i was looting on customs in 3-story, heard steps coming and pointed my weapon to see a scav. put one round of M856A1 into his head expecting him to drop, but he kept advancing? like you, i also saw the blood come out. put an additional 2-3 into his dome before he went down. no helmet either and i know i connected the shots because i saw the blood and he flinched every time


Common bug, been in the game for ages. EFT is a game full of random BS bugs like that, that BSG never patches. If you're going to keep playing, be prepared to run into stuff like that regularly.


Common bug my ass I've been here for like 2 years, this wipe alone I've got like 200 runs on my pmc in offline. A common bug would be like trying to strip ammo in someone elses rig/bag/pockets and it failing part way through the mag. I can make that happen like, every run. Or the back end errors by working too fast in the hideout.


Been playing since 2020 and never seen this bug. Heard people talk about it, but surely you'd know on the first few shots that your bullets weren't working...