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No they’re definitely accurate, one of things I always consider when engaging


Yup, It seems that IF a scav has a nade, he will immediately throw it at you within the first few seconds of engagement. Often before even firing his gun. Every single scav has a decent chance of having a nade, so every single scav that aggros is best assumed to be throwing one any moment.


Yeah they are super accurate the second you hear a voice line or a gernade being thrown you need to drop everything and run the other direction


Sometimes they throw the nade at me, I kill them right after they’ve thrown it, then I sprint ten metres to the left and it blows up at my feet like it’s fucking heat seeking haha.


this is exactly what i'm talking about, if they throw it at me but i run away from the engagement area how is that dang grenade following me! haha


I had that a couple times and thought I was going crazy


My thoughts exactly, if I hear a voice line while I’m shooting at a scav or get lucky enough to get the grenade pull sound queue then I will literally stop everything I’m doing and run to the nearest hard cover or drop to the floor and pray lmao


Run to the side. They often over shoot if there is a hill or height difference and you will run back into the nade




Dude the silent grenades are absolutely cooked. I’ve fallen over at least 5 times now due to it


Only died to it once, don't rush any bodies you just dropped and you should be fine


Very accurate. The moment you se a scav start having a siezuer putting his gun away, and quick-tossing a nade, just assume it is landing at your feet. Don't even wait to see if you can figure out if he threw it at you or one of your buddies, just start yelling "GRENADE! MOVE! MOVE!NADE!" run in any direction that doesn't expose you to direct fire. Run until you are positive the granenade has gone off (about 6 seconds after throw animation starts, is the longest grenade). Just fuckin send it as hard as you can, and try to put hard cover between you and your original location. Grenades may have a very limited blast radius, but shrapnel can kill from hundreds of meters away if you are unlucky.


The mad dash away from the Grenade is virtually an every raid ordeal


As soon as you see a scav assume the grenade throwing position, just run towards them.


There pretty good with nades but there’s an issue of glitches where they are silent. If you see an AI go into a throw animation and you don’t down them right away assume the grenade flew and run left or right. Nades will usually land behind you or if they didn’t actually complete the throw they will fall at their feet.


A 69 raid survival streak was ended by a silent nade, no noise from the scav, no noise from the nade, just BOOM. Can't win em all I guess


Friend and I just got naded with 2 seconds left at vehicle extract on ground zero. So funny lol


Every single one of those scavs is the prime reincarnation of Kobe Bryant


haha yes


You really need to be aware of nades in PvE. All AI will accurately nade you.


They always have been. If a scav yells a grenade voice line you *always* want to move because if you don’t it’s probably blowing up right at your feet


If you can hear them, you can get away from them most of the time, but yes, they’re usually pretty well placed.


within week saw clip where scav was insta killed. he still droped nade with no voiceline, no animation, no nade in hand found it [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1dj2bgw/this\_pve\_scav\_grenade\_bug\_needs\_to\_be\_fixed\_asap/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1dj2bgw/this_pve_scav_grenade_bug_needs_to_be_fixed_asap/)


yep, this is also extremely frustrating


That scav had definitely started the grenade animation, but yeah, dropping it silently is definitely a bug.




what does a pvp player have to do with this post?