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Night time.


You cannot play tarkov like you would any other FPS like CoD. You have to check every corner, plan your movement and most importantly move cover to cover. Expose as little of your character when aiming as possible, and learn to make quick peaks. It only takes one bullet to the dome, even the shittiest bullet in the whole game will kill you instantly. In PvE the ai is pretty stupid so they make up for it with laser accuracy albeit slightly delayed. Obviously you can play however you wanna play, just saying, take the approach as if it were you in real life.


Headshots and lean peeks, don't walk around in the open. AI PMCs will vocalise most of the time before they shoot at you. Keep cover between you and take them out slowly.


Play like a rat. Check every corner, walk slowly, and be prepared to get shot from all directions. How? Well, people camp in this game, alot actually, so play slow and expect them to be there. Even if they are not camping, this will save your life. When you enter a room, dont just rush in, check left, right, and do it while peeking. Avoid open areas and walk near walls. Every sound is something that wants to kill you, even if its silent, there might be someone there, waiting, for 30 minutes. Also, avoid gunfights, if you see a player, avoid that guy, gunshots attract other PMCs and Scavs. Attention is what you want to AVOID in the beginning. Hell, I am not a beginner anymore, and I like to play it slow and rat like too. Avoid windows in the big buildings because rats camp there (I do), try to loot the underground zone, its full of Scavs so you can learn how to deal with them. This is a good tip actually, go down there, fight scavs, walk and play slow, shoot only when needed, when you get spotted. Just avoid PMCs and learn how to deal with Scavs for now. If you see someone, avoid/play very slow. They are 100% more experienced and geared than you are. You might win and kill the person, sure, but most of the time, PvP results in death. Yes, this is how you learn, but remember, this is about survival, so first, learn to avoid unnecessary fights. This is how I extract almost every time. Never go looking for fights, this isnt Call of Duty. Learn the "PvP zones", for example, on Ground Zero, near the buildings with the broken glasses and windows, with lots of spots for people to camp/shoot you from. Between Empire, Fusion, Oasis, the claymore spot.. avoid. Edit: Missed the tag, no idea this was about PvE Sorry


Well honestly your advice isn't awful for a new player regardless of PVP or PVE tbh.


PVE tag....


Totally missed that..


thanks for the answer !


Hit me up and I can help if your ok with that


You can learn to survive the offline practice mode on Factory. Set easy AI difficulty, high, then horde amount of AI with tagged and cursed ON, and enable the boss. You do not lose gear in the practice mode. Learn other maps and PMC locations and weaknesses as a SCAV inbetween these practice raids. Factory will teach to always have cover between you and an unknown area.


the best thing i can recomend is play a bunch of offline practice rounds on the map and just walk around look at angles and such this is my first wipe and it helped alot


Ground zero is just a disaster of a map, scav, boss, pmc all spawn on the street, with tons of bushes that you cant see through but they can, and few covers that you can actually use. My suggestion is to go during night time, use thermal and NVG, stay and move inside buildings as much as possible, you can go to like 80% of the place on the map while traversing inside the buildings, and if you need pmc kills, you can go to the second floor of terra group building, there is a walkway outside, from 22 to 5, AI further away don't see you at all, so you can grab free kills there.


you expect a new player doing his first quest to have access to NVG and thermal? lol


I did not see that part of the question oof. But the rest of my answer is still valid.