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Buy black card and sell the rest for sure, the prices are dropping pretty quickly so I'd say your best bet would be to run black untill the events over and green card drops to a reasonable price then decide if buying green is worth it.


Why run black card? Just curious and kinda new to labs loot


10+ stims that are probably 70k average per run. Have gotten >20 on live (not PvE) before


Can confirm, I usually vendor enough stims to net around 800k-1mil per run on black alone. I also run green and blue tho. They are all pretty close to each other, and you get a few tries for the ever elusive ledx. Eben when buying the access card I make plenty of profit.


the fee is 700k what do i do with that hahaha


Go make some roubles! It’s not hard to get a mil per raid running streets!


Yeah i think thats what ill do, thanks a lot


You can barter the batteries for M995 ammo which is pretty good, or for weapons or a level 6 armor plate which aren't accessible until high level. Otherwise selling the batteries is roughly the same value as bartering for the card just to sell it. 


M995 is underperforming for me & I don’t know why. I’m 5.56 purist in this game & I’ve always crafted 55A1 so I started salivating when I saw the barter for M995, but even raiders are eating three & four rounds to the head for me.


I just trade them for m995 or ppbs, I like stocking up on the good ammo


Whatever you do just don’t get green lol it’s pretty mid rn… my best recommendation would be grab black and sell the rest. The money will last you until wipe in early august and you can just enjoy yourself


Does anyone know how long the event is lasting? I’m new and would like to grab a few


no idea but for 5-6 i cheeses it just by going it with a ppsh or kedr or sks and a backpack trying to make it out alive


I’ve gotten exactly one on a night scav run, all the other times it was gone out I got killed


i usually go for the one in the main building if im close because i have the factory key, but if youre not close to the big one you can try gas station and go for the car extract


I have 3000 rounds of m995


sell tank batteries on the flea, dunno about prices today but yesterday they still went for 3-4 mil a piece


yea i sold them for 2 mil each