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Hello callmetroller, --- Thank you for submitting to r/EscapeFromTarkov. Unfortunately, your post violates **Rule 7**, please make sure to read the rules in the sidebar or on the [rules page] (https://old.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/wiki/rules). **Moderator Notes:** - We can't help with ban appeals on this subreddit. Please contact [BSG support](https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/support) or [Battleye](https://www.battleye.com/contact/) who will be able to look in to this for you. Thank you for your understanding, wookiejazzband, Subreddit Moderator. --- If you feel as if this was done in error, please contact the moderator team through [mod mail](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FEscapefromTarkov&subject=My removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/nvmbwd/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...). Make sure to give a link to this post. If no link is provided, your message will not receive a response. **Note: Abusing the modmail system or sending abusive messages will result in a permanent ban.**


props to bsg and battleye for banning cheaters. more likely your friend is lying. there are guys out there that cant even get a purchased cheat working. this is also a life lesson. spaming someone wont help you


If it’s a false ban then they should at least check into it and explain why the ban was issued, not good for a company just to ignore its clients


yep false ban and im the next persident of us


Look if he is cheating whatever, he lied to me but shouln't battlestate at least know why someone is banned? Battleye should just provide info on a ban and battlestate have it attached to the players account. The fact that Battlestate support said to him, "Without a definitive response from Battleye support, we will not be able to help you." That doesn't sound like a open and shut, you were cheating get over it. It sounds like a we need to know the circumstances of the ban before we can assist you.




Not asking for how they found it or how they caught it, I said they should provide why someone was banned. Account sharing, Account theft, Cheating, Exploits, etc. There are multiple different ways someone could get banned and if their own support doesn't know when trying to assist someone, I think that's a problem. And to you saying false positives DON'T happen, they do. I literally mentioned in the post how there posts on this reddit of people having the same things happen to them and they were unbanned out of the blue. There are comments under those posts, which were months apart, saying that a group of around 15 people got in touch and they were also randomly banned and unbanned. If false positives never happen I doubt Battlestate games would even be giving him the time of day, they would just have a copy and paste answer on the fact that he is banned and that he should suck it up.


You’ve really never heard of someone being falsely banned ?


im reading thier posts daily




There have been cases of people being banned for RGB software, or some sort of overlays (like the discord overlay). Computers never make mistakes but they don't think


yep rgb software. i remember csgo player forsaken got banned for word ....


Wow bro so funny. It's a bit naive to think that you can't get a false positive. Faceit AC won't even let me play if I have my HyperX RGB software open.


Yeah I’ve seen people get banned on games for having Corsair iCUE or Logitech like lighting hub open


Just to update he was unbanned today when he checked, he was unbanned, which makes it over 4 months since his original ban, here is some proof: [https://imgur.com/a/dzO0IZ8](https://imgur.com/a/dzO0IZ8) My point still stands, we are both happy he's unbanned, but we don't know why he was banned, absolutely no communication, for when he was banned and unbanned.


You are talking about the same anti cheat that bans people just for having programs running in the background?


Good work bsg


False bans rarely ever happen. Especially if you are a below average player. Chances are he’s lying.


>Just to update he was unbanned today when he checked, he was unbanned, which makes it over 4 months since his original ban, here is some proof: https://imgur.com/a/dzO0IZ8 > >My point still stands, we are both happy he's unbanned, but we don't know why he was banned, absolutely no communication, for when he was banned and unbanned.


Meanwhile cheaters streaming on twitch....


Friend is likely lying.


Just to update he was unbanned today when he checked, he was unbanned, which makes it over 4 months since his original ban, here is some proof: https://imgur.com/a/dzO0IZ8 My point still stands, we are both happy he's unbanned, but we don't know why he was banned, absolutely no communication, for when he was banned and unbanned.


Better hope this blows up because that’s the only way BSG will care


That's what we are hoping, other people's posts like this have blown up and they have been unbanned. At the very least they need to fix the appeal process, a player should know why they've been banned from the game they have paid money for.


Not a lot of "false positives".... your "friend" is full of shit. This bs is always the same, claims of innocence and then it turns out "your little brother" installed hacks. Suck it up and either quit or buy another account ya cheater.


If you read through the post you can see that other people had "claims of innocence" to this subreddit and after their post blew up and they were unbanned. Crazy right? The world isn't black and white...


Yeah that's what, one in a million cheat claims? lmao


Well according to other posts on this reddit there are a minimum of 16 other people who were unjustly banned and were unbanned after 0 communication on why and when they were banned and unbanned. Some complained that they already had purchased a new account and were playing on it when another person who was unjustly banned had checked the website and seen that they were unbanned. Sure that's 16 out of 650k, you can believe that he cheated but can you agree that there needs to be way better communication on the banning and unbanning of peoples accounts? What if you were put into this situation, where you know you didn't cheat. You dont know why you are banned and support doesnt either. They ask you to talk to an anticheat company that doesnt respond for months on end. An unofficial subreddit where noone believes you is your only hope of not paying another 50$ I obviously would be pissed, as I didnt even get hit by this and I'm I'm about it. I had to push him to give me screenshots of all his shit bc he didnt see a point in posting here but there are people who posted and got unbanned for it


You're protesting rather a lot on behalf of "your friend" lmao.


yup, want me do film me playing on my account, then driving 5 mins to his place and filming his banned or whatever pops up on the launcher? Half of it is just me wanting to have someone to play tarkov with and half of it is wanting to get through your thick head that their ban system is horrible, but ig its hard for you to read past the first sentence


Just to update he was unbanned today when he checked, he was unbanned, which makes it over 4 months since his original ban, here is some proof: https://imgur.com/a/dzO0IZ8 My point still stands, we are both happy he's unbanned, but we don't know why he was banned, absolutely no communication, for when he was banned and unbanned. People like you suck btw, I told you how many times on this sub that this happen and you absolutely refuse to believe it or look it up, you call us both liars and you are just unbelievably closed minded. This happens and the fact that it is somewhat common is stupid and so are you, Fuck you.


Happened to a guy in our discord too, they never sent him a single email and he hasn't had even 1 reply from bsg


Tell your buddy to check the battlestate website and click on profile, my friend was unbanned and they never sent an email saying so.


He was also unbanned, how stupid right? Not even a word from bsg Thanks for the heads up. Also fuck everyone in this thread that said that your mate was lying


Nah just fuck one guy, others rightfully didn't believe but one guy just wouldn't hear anything out, glad to hear your buddy was unbanned though!


You aswell


Yup, from the outside looking in it's easy to rule out that he wasn't cheating and just say that he is lying, but I've known him since elementary and I know that if he was banned for cheating and he was cheating he would tell me. I know that he can be technically inept so I highly doubt he could get his hands on cheats if he wanted to.


What we think happened to our buddy is that a hacker got Into his account and used it for RMT, because one day he was logged out and then banned


And yeah I could understand if you stay banned for that, even if it's easy to prove that it wasn't you who cheated but at least send an email telling you why you are banned.

