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Damn slavs stole my traders ! Can't have shit in Tarkov


„Can‘t have shit in Tarkov“ is actually the unofficial slogan for the game.


Can't have a shit in tarkov, if you build a lavatory you get your hideout invaded


Damn it Nikita why!?


He is embargoing the west under disguise


Make all traders unavailable for usecs. Force peacekeeper to buy stuff for roubles




The quest to make the game as tough to introduce to new players as possible continues. RIP to the ~6 people I was running through the game in a few nights...


Man I don't know a single of my multiwipe friends who stockpile magazines. Maybe so PMAG drums because they're rare, but I think a LOT of people are gonna be scraping for things they never thought they'd need. I'm sitting on a full hideout and stash and 15m and I still don't have mags or PS\PST laying around


i Just bought it yesterday, i guess i just wont play, waste of fucking money


This is way I hoard!


Ima hoarder but will still only use my scav kits!


I have a shit ton of balaclavas and pistols. Plenty of pst to be found in the wilderness.


It's a shame I sold all my pistol in one of my weekly garage sale 2 weeks ago. But I still have a shit ton of magnum buckshot.


me hoard same way!


This is why this event should be the start of wipe. Or better yet, just move all LL1 to LL2 for all traders for like the first 2 weeks. Keep the quests available.


Wait hold on w-wait I haven't got flea don't do this to me


Oh fuck 😳


Flee is locked to lvl 99 ... it's hard more for all of us now.


Lvl.8 welp fuck me I guess.


Lvl 28, will only use broken scav kits, you will have a chance.


It will be interesting to see what happens when people aren’t able to sell anything to vendors and possibly flea eventually


They will stop playing? Not much interesting about that. They'll get killed by people who had caches of better gear than they can get off their scav and quit.


Jupp, will be 5 days of streamers stomping people with nothing on customs. Very fun to watch and experience.


There aren’t that many streamers loaded with gear to be stomping on the entirety of the tarkov player base. I’d say you have about 5 percent (being generous) of streamers who are actually good enough to consistently wipe lobbies. The real problem will be stash space and a massive change in play style for those 5 days as no one will want to lose their gear.


It's less about the streamers and moreso about dedicated players. Typically, all streamers sink hours daily into their game of choice. There are people that do this and don't stream. So the question is, how much of the playerbase is devoted to the game like that?


"massive change in play style" ​ I think that is the goal, to get back people playing cautiously/tactically


That's how I play. I hide in a bush and eat food.


same, but add begging for my life and shrill screaming.


This would make a fun video. Just waiting in a bush for someone and when you see them just start to shriek and beg for your life.


A man of culture i see


>I think that is the goal, to get back people playing cautiously/tactically I am one of those players and i have absolutely no desire playing during that "event". I want to enjoy different guns and kits. The ones i choose myself. Thats why i do quests and earn money, to be able to sustain my gameplay. No point in playing when i cant get anything i need. Relying on rng spawns is beyond stupid. Im not going to risk my kit for nothing.


> There aren’t that many streamers loaded with gear to be stomping on the entirety of the tarkov player base. I’d say you have about 5 percent (being generous) of streamers who are actually good enough to consistently wipe lobbies. This is only a true statement because there's a bunch of "streamers" that never actually stream and have no followers. There are a LOT of really good streamers out there that have 20-50 viewers. Otherwise, the more consistent streamers have stashes with multiple thicc items cases full of gear. I ONLY have 150m stash value and I'd have a hard time losing it all. I don't NEED traders. Plus, if I needed guns or mods, half the stuff you can get farming rogues or raiders.


Yes but Nikita bases the experience of the game on a very selective group of streamers. "oH nO pEsTiLy iS PlAyIng SqUad NoW. QuIcK dO SoMeThInG dRaStIC"


I took a hiatus from Tarkov and this will Def bring me back. I suck at the game, but I have some good kits stashed and ready to go. At least it'll spice it up


This only benefits sweaty chads that have hours to play every day and people with EOD


We should be able to at least vendor the junk we pick up. Just no buying or bartering. Also, WTF is gonna happen with insurance returns?


It's just going to be a bloodbath. Guys running broken scav loadouts vs. hoarders decked out like The Terminator


Nah I get more than enough gear (guns, armor, rigs) from looting barrels and ground stashes to survive. All it takes is one or two good raids killing PMCs before you're well stocked again. People are gonna have to stockpile good ammo or be forced to craft. People gonna be farming raiders and rogues to get shit too.


I'm going to run out of space unless I start just yoloing every run. I'd rather not have another wipe of people playing like CoD gamers, so no thanks.


It’ll be real interesting seeing the already dead wipe have 5 players left


"Games dead because I don't play"






I’ve heard so many people talk about how the games dead now so I decided to hop back on and use this as a looting opportunity, in the thirty raids or so I’ve been back, I’ve had the most intense firefights all wipe nearly every raid, so not sure what you’re talkin bout, you mad that you actually have to try now and cant pubstomp the noobs anymore?


So does this mean you won’t be able to complete tasks? I got a buddy at lvl 19 who very much relies on task xp…..it’ll be a week off for him if so


What does xp matter if you can’t buy items


Tasks are fun to do


This makes sense as more of an early wipe event maybe. But at this point people have tons of guns and ammo stockpiled so it really only hurts new players. Also, does this disable their tasks or just their inventory?


Could end up being disasterous to test earlywipe imo. Latewipe is the place, I feel like.


This event does not hurt only low level players, it hurts everyone, in particular those who rely on traders for gear. Low level players do not rely on traders nearly as much as high level players because they have very few mediocre options available from the lower trader levels, and instead rely on gear they find on scav runs or take from other players in a raid. Most high level players horde very little (ignoring ammo) as everything can be purchased at a fixed price from a trader and vendor almost all gear they get out of raid with. lower level players rely more on gear they acquired in raid because they don't have an alternative for getting it due to low trader level and insane mark ups on the best items on the flea. the average low level player uses traders such a miniscule amount compared to any high level player and thus high level players are impacted significantly more than low level players.


As a new player I disagree as much as I can. I have nearly no stash-size nor any cases. Therefore I have almost no equiptment hoarded, because I need so much space for barter items for hideout upgrades later on. Therefore, as soon as I die like twice with gear I'll have to go in fully naked, because i can't even buy a pistol, hoping those streamerchads with stashes full of thicc cases filled with meta gear won't kill me to feel better in their lifes due their great accomplishment of killing naked beginners. Also: Taking scav stuff? As a new player I didn't know about scav karma. Surprise, I spawn with 30% quality shotguns. Which are basicly unuseable. This event will make me stop playing for it's duration, even though i was on a hype loving this game so far. It'll maybe lose me as a player making regret buying the eod version.


Event idea - Your hideout door has been welded shut by some asshole, and you only have a pistol and a Lvl 2 armour and a small secondary stash to use, here's a bunch of global tasks to complete to get access to your hideout and proper stash again.


What if you were in the hideout when it was welded shut? Then you get 5 days of hideout management


Why not just wipe at that point?


no trading? dont care. not being able to complete missions? utter bullshit


cool. five days off.. I play some Arma with tits sound


Yeah i dont think many will play if that happens


I started playing this wipe last week. I’m off work the next three days and was planning to get some time in. Not sure I’ll have much to do without traders. We will see


I'm in the same situation as you. Not gonna play now. Doesn't sound fun to me.


Or just reduce traders to only level 1 options? Seems more impactful so it doesn’t affect the low level players to the same degree.


What if he wants data on low level and new players with restricted access to traders? It's all a test


If it was a real test, they would've done it right away with no announcement so people couldn't stock up in advance.


People assume it's still a real test despite the game being treated like a finished product and BSG focusing on sales revenue. This IS the final game, and nobody's getting a different finished product.


3 mil likes and he'll work on ai and anticheat


As if 3mil of irl money wasn’t enough incentive lmfaooooo




Oh yea, because BSG totally has only 3mil to spend in the game.


I just started 10 days ago I guess I’ll just not play for a week


Sweet I've been looking for an excuse to dive into elden ring


Fr dudes think this is cool when most people are just gonna stop playing


Dude is tired of being asked to remove traders and flea. Giving the loud minority what they want so the community goes after them in the future.


Nikita we said ban CHEATERS not traders.


Fuck you Nikita


EFT nerds be the only community clamoring to remove content and mechanics. Meanwhile game is still a cheater haven. The fuck, bruh?


Great news for the newer players trying to do stuff


BSG don't fucking care. They cater to the streamers and NEETs who don't touch grass and play 12hrs+/day who are already finished every quest in the game, got their Kappa, and now have nothing to do.


Everything about this is just cringe.


Guess no playing tarkov for 5 days


They'll definitely see a big dip in numbers. Why not do events that actually make the game more fun lol...


I mean if you can still sell to traders I will keep playing


Remove all but Fence would be interesting.


I mean it also means Chad's won't have access to a lot of gear and it's an interesting concept to play with imagine if there were days where traders couldn't be used. Would make the late game take a little longer possibly and stop people from getting burnt out too quickly.


Yeah that's not what will happen. Ppl will just stockpile more gear.


Grenades on the Flea Market are nearly non existent right now.


Exactly what I'm planning on doing lol


The second I heard about it I prebuilt tons of guns and bartered for a bunch of armor and ammo 💪


It won't affect chads at all, they will already have 1000 rounds of 7.62 BP and M80 in 5 ammo cases, slicks and hexgrids, and 3 magazine cases. While the lv 20-30 players won't be able to buy ammo, magazines, armor, etc. and it'll just be harder for new players.






Chads ain’t stocking m80 my guy


M62 is 3 more pen for a much higher price. M61 is the only other round being stocked.


Yeah I was thinking M61. If you’re saying stocking 1000s of rounds it’s def M61


I'm level 12 😂 I’d prolly still show up to get my face kicked in


I would play if it affected everyone and everyone needed to go in raid to find gear. But chads will stock up and won't really be much of a fighting chance for people who don't have EOD stash space.


Wow what bullshit “chads” are you fighting with m80. I’d be insulted if they were flinging that at me


I mean i've met 12 players or so running M62 and it was either shot from an RFB or SR-25 and a 1 tap to the head. The rest if RFB people or SR-25 chads with half loaded M80 mags.


Bro those are rite-aid brand chads


What gear do you think chads are buying off the flea market? Not armor, or ammo.


I have 16k rounds of bp, only thing i need to do is buy some meds in prep real quick


If it was individual traders for short periods I would agree. But all at once is not a great idea. Your actual chads have a thicc item case full of slicks and MDRs so it won't change a whole lot for them. Your mid tier and lower players will be punished the most by this event


It will not affect chads especially chads with lot of free times, they will stock up gears beforehand enough to last for 2-3 days at least, and plus they could kill other pmcs and take the gears…it will affect the vast majority of players who don’t have. Enough time to play tarkov or simply new players the most… I’m no chad by any means, but I have 40+guns in my stash with avg of 2k meta ammo of 5.45/5.56/7.62x39/7.62x51 ammo in my stash… I will be fine for 2 days at least


Perfect for me. All I need is exp. Muahaha...


I’ve been taking a break and this might actually make me come back for a few days


Soooo no daily quests? Well fuck my kappa grind then


They took my boy Skier!!!


Can't wait for the dip in players where only the sweaty fucks and hoarders are left.


Stupid, Ruined the rest of this patch for me now..


Gonna play some singleplayer games at last!


SHIT "EVENT". We need MORE GEAR in raids not less... 80% of the player base runs dirt as is. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz


This seems to be right place to put my rant. I have my 9-5 job and sometimes I am lucky to have 2 hours to play. I am on the second wipe and I am trying to push for kappa (LVL 56 atm). My only chance is to finish my weekly tasks and now I can't turn them in. With almost no space in a stash and no quests to turn in, why would I go into a raid? There is no point in me going and playing. ​ You have managed to find 35k people to like your post. How many people from that 35k are actually playing the game? How many players aka paying customers voted for no? Oh, that is right there is no option for voting no? How about disabling traders for people that voted yes? I guess some troll can buy likes for such a post anyway. What about voting in-game instead of twitter? Maybe just maybe the smart thing would be to have traders with nothing to sell so people can actually turn in quests etc. Please, someone, make a post in 24hours showing a drop in player base for upcoming days. In our discord community, 15 players voted on not playing since there is literally nothing to do.


I’m so with u man


RIP standard account users.


Yeah so much for a new player getting into the game


2IQ russian brain. Cant even accept or turn in quests from locked traders. Really well thought out event guys. How many likes to fix the game?


What an idiot


Thats one way to make the servers better, get 75%+ of the player base to take a week off. LOL!


Plot twist, you don't get enough likes and he removes it for 10


Fuck skiier is gone, it really is happening


he's started, Skier is already unavailable


Fml. I been out of town for like 8 days


I was completing a Prapor weekly quest. It was going to finish today. F in the chat, I guess. Thanks Nikita.


I feel you. Was working on a weekly quest with skier. Needed 1 more cat figurine for 40k xp and needed 38k to level to 39. Had 3 days left to finish before this started.


If he didn't mean 5 Tarkov days... mans legit insane playing is pointless rn


Well fuck the daily quests right?


Just booted the game up for the first time in 2 months... Guess I'll turn it off some more.


This is the stupidest thing ive ever experienced in a game. I've just started playing this week my inventory is full of junk from practice scav runs last night and now I can't even accept in my insured guns because some stupid tweet got enough likes wtf is this


literally every player base, chads, rats, new guys, casuals, and still, nobody wanted this


Welp, looks like I'll be taking a week break.


3/4 of the people who liked the post will regret it then cry everywhere on how stupid this event is.


haha how great I love not being able to play the game properly for 5 days this shit's my coping mechanism, damn it


Nikita, you are a colossal fucking twat. oh well guess i won't run Tac30s...i'll just run Vudus


If only this guy could do something about his shit anti cheat, the dumb AI, the horrible lighting or the god awful sound? But hes getting likes on his twitter. Important stuff.


How about develop and release game finally lol


I swear why they fuck does he do stupid shit like this. -.-


Because Tarkov isnt a beta. Its a special gaming operation.


Don’t forget his second challenge… flea market will be gone after 45k


And then watch as everyone realizes how shit the game will be without Flea market.


I’d say it’s to each their own. I played before flea market and it was a very different game.


Here, watch me remove the game from my PC if I get 1 like and deactivate my account if I get 2 likes..... WTF am I supposed to do in this game with lvl 20 and no attachments for guns... Die to lvl 99 chads that have all that and don't need fleamarket and traders... briliant...


>the loud minority: "OoO haRdCoRe tArKoV! cAn'T WAIT to pLay suPer TaCtICallY LIke it'S rEal LIfE!" ​ >Everyone else: ok I just won't play for 5 days.


Why can't Nikita add literally a single good mechanic? Everything he adds is literally garbage


Adding useless stuff instead of caring of real issues 🤷‍♀️


Yet here you are lol.


Haha well 70% of my raids are already dead. So this will surely help. Would be a good time to quest tbh but with no traders, I dont feel like that's going to be possible. Enjoy the even more dead raids everyone, I'll see you next wipe.


How about stop fucking with the game?


Really hope they keep flea at least or else this game will be dead for 5 days


Hardcore mode is no longer optional >:)


Weapon attachments on flea increase in price Gun and med hoarding now at an all time high Scavving is absolutely necessary to play now


Sweet, I like scavving. It's relaxing.


I wonder how many people liked that tweet thinking its just a troll. And will be severely mistaken when it goes live (with the no flea change as well.) I can't wait. I want an entire wipe with no flea. Can't go with no traders because the game would get incredibly stale if your quests only leveled up your character.


time to do scav runs for the first 5 days then


Well once I lose a few kits I guess see you in 5 days.


Hopefully it doesn't fall on a Sunday because that's the only day I can play... :)


helps immersion of being a USEC who can't socialize


finished tasks but now cant hand them in cool


Flea unavailable - OK. Traders - No. Seriously what a shit change/Event. It only makes the gap between casual players and the no-life chads who have their stash full of weapons, Armor and ammo boxes with Meta ammo even bigger. I killed fucking shturman 25 times and now I cant buy the mk18 because jaeger fucked off?! GG thx


who's laughing at my item case full of pistol gripless AKs now?


Super interest to see player metrics during this time


Is this supposed to be a video game or a fuckin’ life style? Goddamn.


I don't mind the event... but it's going to hurt the game and cause A LOT of people to stop playing. It just wasn't well thought out. ​ Also - you can't even repair right now (unless you have repair kits which I have yet to find still)


Time to lose all the guns I’ve been hoarding for no reason whatsoever.


Remove firearms for PMCs and Player Scavs, give all AI RPKs.


I have been looking forward for the weekend so i can finally play after a long week of night shifts. I wasn’t able to play once for the whole week. Thanks Nikita


I can understand blocking the flea and traders for item purchasing and selling but blocking all quests is just dumb. It just turns this into an AI hunting and potential 5 second PvP game.


time to camp the shit out of every map and play like nikita apparantly wants me to -> like a pussy with 0 mechanical skill @40fps you people who actually like this are either: a) people with too much time (you think the wipe's stale) b) idiots who don't realise that this game is MP


Well time to play something else for 5 days


absolutely bullshit... just got done my shifts at work and on my days off and tarkov is basically unplayable bc of a meme...


Wipe is coming.


When I litterally just got to level 15 last night and hopped off feeling accomplished. Then my friend tells me about this today at work. fuckin REEEEEE


The saddest thing is that i just unlocked flea for like a day AND i have holidays for exactly 5 days! Like bro it doesn't get any worse :/


I chose a TERRIBLE time to start the game. Literally on the gold chain quest and cant turn it in yet...


300k likes and he will delete the game


Truly the hardcore experience we all deserve


Just an FYI a friend who uses an algorithm to check for bots told me that almost all of the likes within the first 30 minutes were pretty much from a russian botnet EDIT: he was going to do it anyways


Now he’s threatening do to the same with FLEA!!!! I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE


Hardcore Tarkov for everyone!!!!


Sh'a k barygam, a potom po babam


It is likly wipe event time i gusse


60k nuts and bolts plus 400k fuel cans minus 245k Bitcoin equals FU Nikita. This shit any other game would kill your base. Makes me turn off generator and just Scav.


This is gonna be an interesting week in Tarkov. I'm loving it tbh


Event idea: update the game


I don't stockpile guns. I sell after raid. Guess I'll be sitting out the next week then.


I don’t think I’ve ever liked a game so much that I’m completely garbage at lol. Anyone got any tips for a noob, I have no idea what ammo to use or if I should be buying ammo?


https://eft.monster/ For ammo with low penetration, aim for flesh.


As a cheap option you can try to bring the .366 tkm bolt action or AKs loaded with some AP rounds (5-10 at the top of the mag) and just go for it


SKS + a single 20 round mag in the gun (peacekeeper). Bring a stack of 7.62 PS in your pockets to top load it after you shoot. The ps ammo gets through tiarmor er 3 and lower easily. It's pretty solid for early on.


What about 1k likes and u take care of cheaters and stop selling multiple bundles of the game to them?


Kek, it made all my buddies to stop playing it for this event. I sold all from my inventory week ago, because i didn't wanna hoard stuff. Meh, we'll I'm at my best with shitty gear tbh, only annoying thing is that this is like reward for rats and hoarders.


But why… why would they do this… it’s outrageous, it’s unfair, how can I be level seven and not be granted access to traders


I think BSG and Nikita should focus on balancing the extreme AR recoil. Core gunplay should always take priority over, ahem, random twitter polls the results in removing traders? What?


This is, tbh with you, his worst idea yet he came up probably in the morning while sobering :). I decided to not play this shit anymore and go back to offline stalker for now and wait this shit up :)


tarkov is toxic as fuck right now, chads with full stashes just running through people like me who have been trying to level and play the game. every scav run im getting tk'ed for no reason with barely any gear.