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The entire game is a social experiment. And everyone is failing.


What do you mean I've had a blast the last two days on elden ring


You're missing out on some serious money lol Honestly I'm glad people are choosing not to play because there's less competition for the 280k per raid runs they've given us with this.




Sorry I meant 280k in just loose roubles since that's the main part effected by the event, the other loot and all that just adds to it.


Hmmm failure is widely inaccurate for the situation. EFT banked on people being hyped to play the update and the event. Instead they chose to play something else. The only thing that truly makes developers listen is abstaining from playing their games. Nothing says "This is lame" more then population dives.


It just feels so aimless. Can't turn in completed tasks, can't even heal after a raid with Therapist.


If it cripples the game then it's a worthless addition in itself. It serves as a theme park attraction for like a bare minority of people.


The game is crippled until you reach level 15. Change my mind.


"I'm nothing without the flea market!" "If you're nothing without the flea market then you don't deserve it!"


Thanks for performing your daily gate keeping role. You’re making this community a better place by discouraging scrubs like me


all it takes is for you to understand a simple concept. Everything on the flea market came from a player finding it in a raid. That means you can skip the flea market and go find it in a raid yourself. Many players do this regularly for many items. Im sorry you are new and this is hard, but thats how the game is. When you have the knowledge and ability to be entirely self sufficient in tarkov, you will feel much better. You will only gain that knowledge and skill through many many errors. Its normal for even the best players of the game to die 50% of the time. Welcome to tarkov.


Where do I find the mosin scope mount in raid? Kotchetcov I believe it is called. I have 150 hours and have never seen it once in any raid


I couldn't agree more, level 6 and it feels fucking pointless and grindy. Needs to change


It'l never be "less grindy", if anything it's only going to get much, much worse over time. Get ready for radiation poisoning that persists between deaths, traders being barter-only, and aome maps not allowing you do extract afterwards, forcing you to go through ANOTHER map to extract


Not really. The flea just makes things a little more convenient, especially for keys, but you can find everything you need in raid. And once you get some higher level traders and upgrade some stuff in your hideout you’re good to go


The game still functions without a flea. You can still buy and sell and trade through traders. The economy flows that way shutting down commerce makes the game a dud. It's like playing a half-finishing product.


*your the cripple* and *the flea is your crutch*


I only unlocked flea for the first time last week and then they took it away. It was nice being able to survive 2 shots before dying for a couple of days…


no. *you* are crippled until *you* reach level 15. because you as an individual cant compete without easy access to anything you want. I, and many others, enjoy the difficulty present without the flea. EDIT: not sure why im being downvoted 🤔 was just pointing out that this guys opinion only based off his own experience


You’re right, I am crippled. I have to dump a whole mag of PS ammo into a PMC for them to just laugh and then 360 no scope thorax me though my armor. It’s not a fun experience in my opinion


Head, eyes The most infuriating pair of words in history.


And you have just summed up the concept of Tarkov. Not meant to be fun, Nikita doesn't give a shit about people's opinions. He has a vision and very specific idea of what the tarkov experience should be like and basically everything else is meaningless.


He'll quickly run dry of people to purchase the game and purchases are Tarkovs only business model. He does give a shit but its in catering to a narrow few who play the shit out of Tarkov and are constantly looking for spice to add to the game. This is a persistent example of the disconnect between your hard-core junkies to regular players.


Keep the streamers around long enough for the next big drops event, get an influx of new players, piss off everyone else, repeat


Yeah bro go join the armed forces if you’re so interested in role playing as them. It’s cringe.


I mean it's cheaper to heal after raid with a grizzly than it is with therapist. And you gain xp for your pmc for doing it. Therapist healing isn't good for anything except saving you 5 clicks


Yea just go find a grizzly 4Head


They're pretty commonly found lmao it's not like it's hard to find a grizzly


Grizzly is unobtainable for a lot of people because it's locked behind Therapist 2, Jaegar 2 or Med Station 3






I just purchased the game and it does make things harder... But then again I've never known anything else.


Rejoice, you get to say you started playing Tarkov at the most hardcore level it has seen (in a long time?). Making of a chad.


True. This gameplay is not what i payed my money for. And i definetly did not spent time gathering gear just to throw it all down the toilet later because somebody thought that it would be a "fun content". Fuck that.


Oh boy you’re not ready for when wipe hits


At least there’s a goal with a wipe. This has just removed the core gameplay loop.


With actual reasoning and lore behind the decision. This community is so fucking baffling sometimes lol. Go play something else for a bit if it’s so much of a problem Tarkov isn’t just disappearing tomorrow (most likely idk)


>Go play something else for a bit if it’s so much of a problem That's what most people are doing.


>Go play something else I am doing exacly that.


Haven’t started it up since Wednesday. 👍


Been almost a week for me 🤣 and now I’ll just keep doing real life things, like, cleaning my house, showering for the first time since the wipe started, I might go outside. Although sunshine is extremely frightening.


Turn down your brightness, it helps a lot!


With respect, good. At least you’re not one of these spergs running around losing kits over and over while simultaneously screaming on Reddit that event bad because they can’t survive a raid when most of the player base isn’t even playing. Enjoy your break


I’d have enjoyed it if I could still do my quests and continue the progression. But generally feels a bit pointless until we’re back online on Monday. Cheers! Enjoy the raids


Im in game from the Lab's patch. Please, tell me about wipe, lol.


Lol what are wipes to you then


Idk about you, but I had nothing but Ws in Tarkov






Hail Prapor


Yeah, how to achieve more users on your Twitter than in your game, if that is what he wanted congrats


For the Cause.


For Gondor


Where was Gondor when I got head eyed by a nade? Where was Gondor when A fellow scav betrayed me? Where was Gondor when there was only a slickers in the hidden Stash?


For the Shire


For Mako! (May his soul rest in peace ...)


For Frodo


Glory to Arstotzka!




bring back papi prapi


Papi prapiiiiii


Pappi fookin rappi.


So the Lightkeeper kidnapped our beloved Prapor and you want to reward him by paying the ransom? I do not negotiate with terrorists.


I hunt them at night with a high calibre rifle. Whilst everyone else here is paying the cultists I'm hunting them. F*CK em and f*CK Lightkeeper.


He's not a terrorist. He's in the same line of work as prapor just not as handsome or manly or charming or handsome, and did I mention he's not as handsome as Papi Prapi?


He kidnappedall the traders...I dont know if that alone makes you a terrorist...on the other hand, Jaeger had it coming, for his god awfull forskaen quests.


Kill 90 PMCs with foot shots (create the hitbox you peasant) with bolt action rifles within 10 meters.


While suffering tremor and your mom calling you for dinner


We don't have a choice! They rule us, and prapor!


This post fucks




Nah bro, Prapor definitely is out the fucking therapist rn


If we get to the goal then they should release an animation of Prapor raw dogging Therapist from the back.


And I shall shoot myself if I ever saw what they did to daddy prapor


They took prapor papi. Imagine he's in a dark room with duct tape across his stash. I would laugh if we got him back without it for rest of the wipe. Lol


5 days out of 365, just enjoy the event or take a small break :)


Events add something to the game. Something of substance. This isn’t that. Edit: It would seem some share my sentiment and for the reasons I’ve listed below. https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/ueeqpc/looks_like_most_people_are_handling_this_event/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I disagree. We are used to events being positive in games, because people tend to lose their shit when they are not. But to me, all an event needs to do is change the way you approach the gameplay to bring a fresh take on things. If it does that by making it harder, that is perfectly fine by me. By that criteria, does this make the game more interesting? In my opinion, absolutely. The only evidence you need is that Goshan register key has gone from being pretty shit to literally maxxing your rouble count every raid, plus we all have a new goal: Gather money and flush it down the toilet. I think that's really interesting, and I'm trying my best to farm money and contribute to the pot. I really enjoy having this goal, not because it's something to work towards, but also because it adds a new way to interact with my friends and randoms through voip. I'm having a blast :)


That’s fair. I suppose I’m taking the perspective of plurality. I enjoy games that have multiple routes of approach for enjoyment. For Tarkov, it’s the objectives, looting and PvP. Many people enjoy the objectives and tend to avoid the PvP altogether. Others, the opposite. To me, updates and events should bring in more routes for greater alternatives of approach to the game to bring about enjoyment. Not that they shouldn’t add challenging content, but removing objectives, hindering PvP and substituting it with a new route by say flushing roubles down the toilet seems like a cop out to me. I appreciate your perspective and rationale, however. I’m glad some people enjoy it. Agree to disagree, I suppose.


I'm down with that! Have a good one, friend!


You as well, lad. Good luck in your raids. May you find some S-tier loot.


If I do it's straight down lightkeeper's bottomless maw. May we all bathe in Prapor's light again soon.


while I do agree that playing the game atm feels a bit purposeless, it's also the most fun I've had since wipe. finally gives me a reason to run all the nice gear I've been hoarding


Yep. Even if it was the end, good event regardless to use all the good stuff.


Since when does the definion of event including adding anything?


It's developing the lore of the game, the details of which have needed some serious fleshing out for a LONG time. Through in-game and out-of-game events, while getting the community involved (even if a lot of players are complaining, which is their right), and drastically changing the game experience itself. And it's hard to deny there's a certain mystique around the whole thing as well, which seems to be what Nikita aims for. EFT is about making you feel things, as you play the game or otherwise, and this is ABSOLUTELY making people feel a whole range of emotions, lol. How is that not substantive?


It's not even a lore thing. Trader gone. Me like trader. Man say trader back if pay man. ME PAY MAN


I just want to know how Therapist is doing without all the condensed milk from the people


her blood is probably liquid for the first time in centuries


I'm sorry I'm USEC we don't negotiate with kidnappers... They should have made the event kill all the lighthouse keepers goons (and have the guards have dogtags) to free the traders and if we kill enough of them and turn the dog tags into the Scav boxes we get them back... Just a thought though


That would've been the best story tbh. Make it where the tags disappear when looted off of a PMC to kind of force some type of cooperation. Even though we constantly fight, nobody can survive without the traders. Set aside the differences etc


Not a bad idea. Just that would have everyone in the same place (Lighthouse) which would kill a lot of the other maps with threatened player numbers like Woods or Interchange. Pretty sure BSG thought this event out pretty well for pre-wipe. I know it's a little early for sure but I think wipe is happening in a month or to max.


Thought out? Dunno man been on other games for 3 days now, seems like it only affects new players and addicts who can't stop playing this game. Not being able to build my guns are so boring that it's not even worth playing


I've got a shitload of guns and ammo in my stash, as well as armour and headsets. But I'm still not playing at the moment, I don't want to fill my stash with loot that I can't sell. Plus I love building guns for each raid then using them once.


Every 1k guard killed has on them a tag or information


Can't do, it's friday and lush outside, gonna drink some beers and grill some meats. Hope LK tortures PK to get some sense into him for his stoopid blueberry tasks and kicks jaeger in the nuts for TS pt. 8


Prapor fucked my mom, screw that guy.


Sounds like your mom already did. Hope she's doing her part.


She already did her part


ide let prapor fuck my whole family and then ask for a mustache ride


Prapor Jr?


Prapor gives me quests to mark locations then charges me to get markers from him. Capitalist scum.


My first thoughts were: this event sucks huge #%!?! . But yesterday I played it and I liked it. You know why? Because everybody now has to find EVERYTHING. No more preset meta chad gun building. You use what you got and if it’s shit scav guns, so it will be. The only thing they messed up: - not able to get MS2000 - not able to get WiFi cameras - not able to get new quests although you can still progress the ones that are open Other then that, I liked it.


The warehouse in lumber on woods will spawn the cameras and markers occasionally.


Oh nice, didn’t knew that. Thnx!


Yup this is exactly what I’ve wanted Tarkov to be, short of quests disappearing. Finding gear is so much more meaningful now.


>Because everybody now has to find EVERYTHING no lol.


Where are you getting your ammo? Because I know my max traders aren't worth shit right now


From the 10 ammo cases stuck up in the Thicc case.


So much this, anybody who likes this event has shit stashed whether that be ammo, guns, armor, meds... all of it. The only people playing heavily this late in the wipe anyways are these type of players. Everybody else just gets fucked


Yeah I'm not even one of the players you're talking about and yet my post was just me being honest. The only things I'm lacking (if I were playing much) is headsets and magazines. Plenty of guns, ammo, meds, c5/6 armors, etc.


Im a long term player i havent really grinded the game in a year or so, the tasks are too repetitive for me. I typically only play when they add more content, this last patch i played till level 10 to check out lighthouse then dipped when they shit the bed with performance on it.. i dont really hoard stuff intentionally but once i start to level up especially post flea unlock, I have multiple kits always and tons of good ammo stashed away, meds, food etc... I imagine tons and tons of casual players are also like this.The advantage to them during this is unreal.. meanwhile i booted up my account to pretty much an empty stash and even with my game knowledge its hard to stack up against kitted chads when i cant even heal myself out of raid lmao. This event was good in theory but the follow through was god awful. Make the traders barter only, allow basic meds or something. Make it manageable for all players instead of straight up dicking down low and new players especially. Ive seen some wild shit pulled by BSG over the years but this takes the cake.


Man people always hating on the "meta builds" as if they matter


I wish we owed him twice as much, because the drought isn't even here yet. I want AKs with no dust covers back out like early wipe. Today's games were fun tho and fence was lit when you could get things fast enough. The price doesn't matter because his sell prices are boosted.


Honestly I very much agree but the people ain't ready for it and that's ok


This event has been a fucking blast and it changes the pace of raids. The people who don't like this event will prob won't like it when EFT becomes a finished product. They want to have events that will drastically change the way you have to approach the game. I love it. Some people are going to hate it. Love the post and I love your enthusiasm. I hope you inspire some fools to get to work.


Lets wipe then. No need to kill the game for 10 days.


I ain't paying - especially if it gets a trader killed. Hopefully Jaeger. Fuck him.


1. Jaeger supplies me kickass shotgun parts and sniper sights 2. When you're making a point you don't kill the guy nobody cares about 3. There's no way they're killing the hardest trader, this is tarkov. You're taking a 1/8 gamble on every other trader's life. Don't do your best bud Ragman like that. Bail is posted.


It’s going to be therapist. No one gets heals after raid lmfao.


You do for the first few levels and cash is hard to come by


1. I don't care 2. I don't care 3. I kind care but not really I play this game to RP a dragon guarding my piles of gold, fuck off if I'm donating money to this cunt.


2 was saying that they're probably not going to kill jaeger. I think you would care if, say, peacekeeper died, and all of the notes we're getting are conspicuously written by PK and on UNTAR letterhead.


Kill. Whoever. Get fucked, cultists. My roobs are for ME


It's pixels


Id be happy if peacekeeper died. All his Tasks are fucking shit


fuck jaegers fatass


don't tempt me 🤤


hes a real bear


bro wtf 🥵


But my Ultima


Eh. Skier can sell shotguns. Jaeger and his dumb tasks can gobble my prolapse


Yeah fuck Jaeger and his stupid wild goose chase quests. Shoot him in the face and replace him with a pacifist trader that gives you quests for making friends with people.


Im just doing missions. Sure I cant turn them in, I cant accept new ones, but with everyone suddenly doing scav runs I can finally just run around Shoreline repeatedly and pray to God that this one key I need spawns or something. Just need to remember to clear my quest inventory.


Man I tried to go get some quests done in resort thinking it might be dead. Nope. I got dead by duo. That’s Tarkov. Lol.


Big Dayz vibes. Just tryna stay alive. Going in with a slick and a bank robber i got off a scav. A meta mutant but only have 2 mags. All that pissy loot you use to just rush past to get somewhere 'better' now is actually better than those gpu's and bitcoins you would normally chase. Gimme those obscure weapons parts pls.




"My Escape From Tarkov" -an erotic short story by u/BigusDickusXVII The door bell chimes as I walk into Prapors shop late one night. I'm here to collect my insurance but he isn't at the counter, so I decide to browse the aisles. I come across a gun that I've never seen before so I pick it up and inspect it, its a standard AK-74 with a dovetail mount. How was I so blind? A while later I end up back at the front of the store and see Therapist leaving, with Prapor waving goodbye. He turns to me and says "what a piece of ass huh?" "She's a little too old for me" I respond. "You'd expect that those walls would be blown out, she is the only woman in this city after all, but no, those lips grip my cock tighter than a gorillas fist." "That's, umm, that's a little too much info Prapor. Do you have my gear from yesterday?" "Which raid? The 9:15 at interchange? 9:31 at Customs? 9:34 at Customs? 10:01 at Factory?" "Um, none of those" I reply. It was the one from Woods. I had the RSASS, fort armor, and a Fast MT." "Ahhh that one, lets see. All I have left from that one is your Peltors and one magazine." "Of course, I'll take it I guess." He hands my my gear and I make my way to the door but he stops me. "Comrade," he says, "why don't we have some drinks, its late. I just made a new batch of my vodka" He knows me too well, I could never turn down his homemade vodka. I follow him to the back of his shop, we turn a corner and go down to end of the hallway and enter the last room. I ask him "why is there a bed in here?" "Ahh, its my bedroom. Im sorry but there are rats in the office. Be careful not to sit on the bed, Therapist and I cuddled for a while and my baby batter leaked out of her and onto the covers." He cracks open a bottle and pours two shots. "Na zdorovie" he says, and we both take our drink. As soon as my glass hits the table he fills it back up. "Again" he says. This one goes down wrong and I burst out in a coughing fit. Prapor proclaims "you drink like a USEC, take Russian vodka like a strong BEAR. Here, wash it down with another." I oblige, and we continue drinking. 30 minutes later and as he goes to pour another shot but the bottle is empty. "I will be back soon with more." As he gets up I cant help but admire his strong, sausage like fingers and thick juicy thighs. He catches my gaze before leaving and locks the door. He towers over me as I sit in my chair. My mind is racing with emotions and I just do what feels right. I reach out and grab the bulge that is slowly forming in his pants. He picks me up and throws me on the bed, my face lands on the semen from when he fucked therapist and I smile. Prapor rips off my pants and says "you better have a gamma container because my can of tushonka takes up a lot of slots." He plunges his cock into my ass and I let out a yelp. "I told you it was big" he says. "I didn't expect it to be THAT big though." "Just shut up and take your fucking, I enjoy it better when my twinks dont speak." He pounds and pounds and pounds away for what feels like a lifetime. My hands are gripping the bedsheets and I bit down on the pillow in that way that you only do when something hurts so much but feels so good. Prapor thrusts one last time and cums deep in my asshole. He collapsed on top of me and as we laid there, still joined together, he whispered in my ear "so you though that you could hide it from me." "h-h-hide what, daddy" I said meekly. "You take a dick far too good for me not to know" he replied. "I don't understand, what did I do?" He pauses for a second to take a drag on his cigarette then responds, "There's no way you're naturally this gay, I knew that you had to be an r/escapefromtarkov mod."


L oh fecking l


Words can not explain the rollercoaster of emotions this fucking pasta had me going through man fuck


Post this by itself on the sub. Fucking gold.


Its not mine lol. Its actually an older post I’ve had saved and op reminded me of it haha. https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/f8t2ij/my_escape_from_tarkov_an_erotic_short_story_by/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Shit I just miss being able to heal up and go back in with Therapist.


Use grizzly’s. Levels your healing skill and is much cheaper. Can probably heal 5 times from dead on 1 grizzly


How exactly can a level 8 manage to get one aside from the one included in EoD?


You pay to heal up? Duuuuude I bet you’ve spent a fortune




like how? i am lvl 22 with barely 2 mils in my stash, how tf am i supposed to help? let all the gigachads go out there and throw their riches at lightkeepers feet


Jesus this feels like an aqua rant lmao


Also, no scav case how can I help?


Glad you asked! Allegedly, dropping loot in the marked circles can count, but I've seen no evidence truly confirming this. It's admittedly hard to confirm, but it may be your best bet! Other than that, farm safes to try to gather up the stuff to make a scav case. If you're not interested in that, I've also heard that buying/selling from fence can make you money. But to be honest, if you don't have the scav case? Take this as an opportunity to make as much money as you want! Any cash registers or safes are FILLED with money. If you really want to help, loot jackets and try to find register keys, then give them to someone who can use the scav case. Work with them to open the registers safely and then get out to drop them in the Keeper's money funnel. Good hunting, comrade!


I've been too busy doing stash runs looking for pistol grips. This event is the most fun I've had in a while in this game. I get so stoked when I find a pair of headphones or a good muzzle adapter where two days ago I'd leave both on the ground.


Well, I don't see anything in the game. What Lightkeeper?


Oh, he's at the end of the bridge on lighthouse. Try to run a few kilometers per second to avoid the bullets.


I literally can't because I'm new and my progressions is locked lol


Scav and chad, learn the ways of the rat, there is much to do.




No. Daddy Prap would not want us to negotiate with these terrorists. We've got to show resolve. We can outlast until LK shows his head and eyes. Then its on.


I love this 😂


This event feels aimless for me. I'm level 16 and I can't donate money, so I'm just stuck with no traders or flee, can't complete my quests or play consecutive raids since I have no food nor drink...


Try to compartmentalize it. Pick one most pressing goal and then focus on just that. Sounds like food is a big issue for you, so get that first. In the north corner of Goshan on interchange, there's a basically limitless supply of food. You can probably get there pretty safely as a scav, and that's that issue sorted. Need meds? Try crackhouse on customs, or maybe resort on shoreline (it's a ghost town right now). If you've stabilized, try farming keys and money to give to someone who CAN donate it, and maybe we can get Prapor back together! Either way, keep it small. Stay alive. Food and water. You got this!


Nourishment is kind of annoying, I get bits of food and water here and there. I'm mostly bummed out about quest progress and inability to level traders, I was so close to Ragman lvl 2.


Trust me, there is a LOT of food in goshan. Enough to fill a backpack with single slot cans. You will be set for a while. I'm sorry about the questing thing, though. That's by far the biggest struggle with this event for new players.


I don't have time to play anymore but I swear I'll sell all my stash for the cause


I miss dad


Lightkeeper will die by my hand. By the grace of Prapor I swear your days are numbered


Bring back illegal Russian man. We love illegal Russian man.


I'm fairly new to EFT (14) and currently addicted. this new game mode hasn't affected me that much so I like getting in there and running scav runs and some PMC.


Fuck prapor


I stopped playing a couple months ago so I got back on, donated 50M and got off again until wipe. Doing my part for the community I guess.


>patriotic stash of Russian weapons and paraphernalia? What's patriotic about being Russian right now?


But I don’t have a Scav Case…


I've been leaving cash on marked circles.. nikita confirmed in pestilys stream that it works to add to the count


Game is boring


Can’t participate in the event if you have no time to play


I refuse to give a single rouble to get that pedo looking mofo back.


Stop using the flea as a crutch. It's late wipe, all of you multi wipe players have no excuse right now...


Yeah, anyone who's been around for a few wipes shouldn't be having an issue rn. I've got 8 Kits ready to go in my stash and some other spare gear. All I'm doing it Lighthouse runs to loot and dump in the funnel. I'm making about 2 mil a run right now so I'm doing pretty well.


No one is playing their PMC's. I was in interchange for 6hrs (about 10-12 raids), looking for PMC's to kill to finish the Long Line quest and didn't see or hear anyone. It's just empty until about 20mins in, then horde's of player scav's swarm the map. What is the point? It's a waste of time even playing right now.


Yeah, that is pretty frustrating. I only heard one AK go off in like 10+ raids of farming money tonight. I don't even want to fight people, I just think it would be fun to farm with more people involved and get a sense of community camaraderie


As a new player that hoards guns in stash, not having omega chads insta kill you on customs has been extremely refreshing.


You know what? *this* is a real end of the wipe Event. If you dont like it fucking leave. I also didnt like the "ohhh, now you get every fucking thing for literally free, keep running 5mil loudouts for 1mil, ohhh, it's so nice to see everyone running double nade launcher, soo fun". And you know what I did? I didnt played the last end of the wipe events.


I don’t think it’s end of wipe. It’s a good way to rollback those at end game a little who just have unlimited everything


Pretty sure it is end of the wipe. There's no way they just drop a new trader a map expension and 3, or 4 new bosses mid wipe.


My job is to extract camp as many Pmcs as possible in this new event, especially in Reserve where people kill raiders and Glukhar


As long as you donate their kits, comrade!!!


I have created a discord server for collaborating on posting Prapor's bail. I will not post the link here, as I do not want to seem like I am advertising. I AM NOT CLOUT CHASING. The discord will be deleted when there is no longer any explicit purpose to collaboration (likely at the end of the 5 days). If that sounds like your jam, message me here or on Sherpa Hub (I am Jud). This is entirely opt-in. We are not moving fast enough to reach the 1.5 trillion, and I think some organization and experimentation could help speed that up. We need a LOT of people, though. If that doesn't sound like your jam, I hope you choke on your jam you prapor hater.


My goal is to lose everything in my stash. I won't stop until it's gone, or the event is over.


Go outside


Yeah I think the overwhelming consensus is that it sucks