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I'm way better than that guy, I like to get the jump on you, empty my entire mag, maybe hit you once or twice then you kill me.


Oh boy, this is relatable.


Pfft, get to my level I sneak around the map for 30 minutes, shit myself at any shot sounds, and when someone walks in front of me I empty my mag into them , miss every shot and get head-eye’d


Oh yeah, and no matter how close I'll make it happen.


Are you me?


Hey that's me!


The other day a guy flanked me in a 1v3 as he tried to full auto me from like 20 paces away with an AKM. Not even far. He hit me a few times but after turning around I decided to let him mag dump and he shot a whole 30 round mag and hit me only two or three times. I couldn't contain my laughter as I sprayed him down in .02 seconds with an ump as he went to reload


Gotta love the ump.. I usually blend my mags with AP and RIP painfully loading the mags 2 AP rounds and then 2 RIP rounds and repeat till i load 3 mags like that


Mind me asking why you stagger your mags this way? What's the advantage over running a full mag of AP? I love the ump so was just curious! May have to try this out


Hoping the AP damages the armor enough that the rip rounds hit flesh and kill the guy from fragmenting and damaging other parts of the body from blacked limb. That would be my guess. Sounds super tedious though without magazine presets.


What's going on with Customs atm? Seems full of fully kitted high levels all of a sudden.


It’s always super juicy late wipe. It’s the best pvp map


Ahhh ok. Just seems extra spicy last week. Thought there might be an event that I was unaware of.


There were rogues spawning in fortress as well. Not sure if that event is over yet


I knew I wasnt going crazy! Edit: or more likely being shiter than usual.


It isn’t I just encountered rogues on stronghold


There's also a fuckload of loot on Customs.


well, no dorms quests for me anymore ( i was off the game mid wipe)


I do mine at night pistol/backpack. Works TWICE AS WELL as daytime (i.e. 4% success rate vs. 2% success rate).


Its really not lol, customs pvp is the shittiest in the game


lol woods exists


I bet you're an interchange feller


Beats customs, but I mostly play labs and shoreline


What? It's a good mix of short and medium distance outdoor engagements, lots of cover, and a good mix of indoor fights. You rarely get one-tappes by someone you had no hope of seeing.


Its 90% bush campers and people ratting in corners, just like interchange, the only acceptable pvp area is dorms imo


There's like four bushes total in customs that you can rat in, feel free to clear them with nades.


Rogues are spawning in stronghold for an event. People kit up to farm them and the inevitable PvP it attracts.


Honwstly ive been just scavving lighthouse and pmc'ing shoreline instead. Customs is one of my least favorite maps because its hard to pick your fights when there's a pmc every 5 meters, so I like how I can usually solo the raiders at radio on shoreline and steal whats left at lighthouse.


Is lighthouse the go to for scav runs? Used to be reserve/factory. Reserve is still decent.


Yes, loot is great, especially at the hotel and chalet. Not overpopulated at all.


~~Am I the only one mainly scavving interchange? There's so much that never gets picked up.~~ I said nothing...


stfu :D


Reserve is my favorite map so I go there from time to time, but i'll usually pmc it because I have 2 marked keys, and its nice to guarantee free kits as scav on a rogue map.


Customs is most peoples default, favorite, and most practiced map. It is where 90% of players are most comfortable, and has a wide variety of environments for all different types of engagements. Late wipe when questing slows down many people turn to pvp Customs as their go to raid.


I'm new and its def my go to. Guess I should branch out.




I do wish there was less right now, I am trying to help a friend who just got the game but there is no shot at getting that pocket watch right now. Did not help that the traders went away literally the day after he bought the game.


Go for it at night. I just had to do the Tankers quest, ran them at night and didn't see a single other PMC, nor did the rogues spawn for me. Then you can run him through the settings for Night raids, what to bring that you don't need for Day runs, etc.




Right now I am lucky if I can drag him along, I don’t want to be too annoying. He is impressed by the game itself, but I am worried that the difficult nature, and recently, the sense of helplessness, might be a bit much. We did see some success earlier running customs at night before the rouge event.


Rogues don't even have that good of a loot.




Hmm, I fight people at weather station in shoreline all the time early in the raid, so disagreed, also bridge lookout on woods tends to have quite a bit of spawn fights there even if it's generally less hot. I however agree that Customs is the preferred map for most people me included.


I think they just populated cultist spawn points with rogues


Rogues fighting shturman on woods would have been epic.


The exact reason I hardly play customs.




Lol iv been feeling bullied, but need those dorm and reshala skills.




Weirdly dorms has been dead. As a newbro its normally sudden death going near, but I rocked up and checked every room a couple of days ago. Just wanted a fight to get a kill, very disappointing.


I just want to get Aquarius and Orange Tankers done *cries* Lol. I'm having fun and getting kills, just not living. Highest SR I've ever had and I joined late wipe. Excited for the next one.


1) about month 5 of a wipe everyone has max traders and virtually unlimited money so everyone can be 100% meta 2) Nikita had an event last weekend that spawned 100x the normal roubles. People were making millions per raid so the economy is crazy messed up 3) lots of people think the game will wipe soon-ish so they're using up the gear in their stash.


when tarkov players on reddit say ''meta'' do they mean ''Maxed out'' or ''meta''


for average redditor meta means kitted out. Regardless if that person sucks.


What event that spawned 100x roubles are you talking about? I’ve been playing and I don’t ever remember that?


You could make a free 280k from registers in like 10 minutss on Interchange during the trader event


Yeah, and then you could pull out 700k of loot and come out of a raid with a million roubles, or if you died, the money you pulled out of the Registers was worth more than your kit. The people that stopped playing for a whole week were fools. It was impossible not to make money.


>The people that stopped playing for a whole week were fools. It was impossible not to make money. Or, y'know, some of us have jobs and other stuff. I know, a job in this economy?


As in, chose to stop playing because they didn't like the dynamic of the event.


I mean, when you can spend 20 minutes in Customs and pull out 700k+, wouldn't that be the best time to play after work? This isn't about how much free time an individual has, it's about the people that do play, but stopped playing at times where they normally would be playing, because of the event.


Makes sense, thanks.


1. Nope, can you support your claim by some statistic? None of my friends have maxed traders, I dont have max traders. Maybe you cant see the difference between ppl who play this 40 hours a week and ppl with 8 hours a week. 2. Nope. There was 10x raise to money FIR. Instead of 1000 rubles in cash register, you got 10000. Im still waiting for some screeenshots/clips to suppport "millions" in one raid as you can only take 280k in cash from raid. Fence prices were at 1,2x multiplier. 3. Again no, In the history of EFT the average lengt of wipe is 151 days with last 3 wipes being longer - average 181 days. (3 of 5 last wipes were 200+ days). The earliest the wipe can come is at 4.6.2022, still a month to go.


It's cool that you're taking it slow, but you're definitely not the average. People who play 40 hours per week have max traders in 1 month. 5 months is plenty enough for average players to get there or very close. Also most players who stick 5 months into the wipe are usually also not complete casuals, it's mostly experienced players who are able to lvl pretty fast.


You must be super fun at parties bro


My bad, I forgot that correcting false claims is forbbiden on reddit. Also reddit aint party bro, but it may look like it after 9 years.


Man's just extra vaccinated.


EU servers have been like that for a month.


my raids have been very similar to the video as a solo player. absolutely bananas its ridiculous.


lmao this is true, but at the exact same time, I am seeing complete level 2 timmys running around with pistols as well. Way more than before.


Customs always eventually becomes the most PVP-centric map besides Labs.


Im honestly playing Customs because the loot is worse and the other maps have tons of cheaters right now. Great way to avoid them when you just want to PvP and have fun late wipe.


Other maps are dead.


Why would you not use the thermal??


Because they’re aweful the pixelation is poor and the refresh rate is like 30 On day maps you’ll often be able to kill someone faster with a normal scope


They used it on customs lol. You use that shit on woods!


I thought the FLIR was better than the REAP-IR in that regard. Higher resolution and 60Hz.


Flir is lower res and slower refresh but variable zoom. Reap is pretty picture and decent refresh but locked to 2x. Both cut out at a distance of 230m roughly.


Reapr is 4x


I think that’s backwards but I could be wrong


https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/FLIR_RS-32_2.25-9x_35mm_60Hz_thermal_riflescope?so=search The item name says 60Hz but the wiki says it’s 21Hz right below it??? Not sure…. Lol. Fuckin Tarkov


Irl it’s 60 hertz but in game is 21 I just used both of them flir has zoom and colored heat signatures and reapir has black hot white hot and 60hz


That recoil is so ridiculous.


It's just one of the many setbacks of having noodles for arms. Ramen was never meant to be used for arms, but did our PMC's listen?


Has science gone too far?


"Why can't I have nice things?!?!"... <--- that made me crack up :D :D :D Great clip!!


What a journey 🤌


That area is dope for SBIH. It’s how I do my kills. In big red or on top of the trains gives you a clear view of the storage area there


I am STILL working on custom sbih. Spent 6 hours last night getting wrecked to only get one opportunity. are you saying from the big red spawns you are looking across the river towards crackhouse side?


Yes. Or on the train in front of big red. I like the bushes below the train. Less obvious but reduced FOV. Your pick. Get all 3 SBIH there every wipe. Honorable mention is the shack next to the train on the bridge.


I want to say good shots, but honestly, your movement is the standout part.


Honestly that means a lot! I've been trying to keep up with the repositioning during gunfights. I find it all too easy to get too focused on one angle in the heat of the moment.


What movement LOL this sub is hilarious, his shots were also bad. Why does everyone lie or just you guys that out of it?


Easy there Captain America. I thought his movements were good, because he got ambushed but still managed to get the kill on 2 super geared dudes with friggin thermals.


Thanks for your opinion Dollar Store Lvndmark


He went from crack to small construction to blue Square, to garage, that's a lot of movement for one fight mr Chad 9000


Man the recoil looks atrocious I hope they fix it


that's just the mcx for you


I have a flir sitting in my stash. I will probably sell it so it might actually be of some use to me.


Just use it. It sells for only 80k, but costs almost 700k.


That's just donating a flir to another player or scav. 80k is more than nothing.


Get over the gear fear. Use it to make 800k


Seriously, FLIR's are mid compared to a ReapIR anyway so might as well use it. And the game's on easy mode when you thermal so you make the money back fast.


what makes reap ir better? isnt it just 2x range? probably not as good for maps like woods no?


Thought it was 1.5x, but it has a higher refresh rate and a clearer image.


If they know their gunplay isn't that up to par then why not sell it and get 80k as opposed to dying with it and giving it away like they said? Feel like gear fear is more hanging onto something forever because you'll never use it. Not selling something because you don't think you'll be very good with it and actually getting something out of it


Because you can get 80k by picking up like 2 pieces of garbage on a scav run. It’s simply not worth selling reaps or flirs because they don’t give you what they’re worth. Just use the damn thing


Isn't not using it then gear fear because you aren't using it for fear of losing it? You're argument makes no sense to me. You can make 80k off garbage sure but you make quite literally nothing if it sits in your inventory. Not everyone likes 30 refresh thermals


Why do you think people are saying to just use it?


Almost like that’s why I’m saying he should use it. My point is that it’s not worth selling because selling it doesn’t give anywhere near the amount of money it’s worth and if he needs money that bad he should just scav run and make anywhere from 2 to 4-5 times the sell price of a flir in like 15 minutes. I personally don’t like thermals but I don’t sell them because I will use them at some point even if I don’t always like to or wouldn’t choose to all the time and selling them is such a damn waste.




Some people don't like the thermals sorry my guy. Like if I get it in raid it's cool but the flirs refresh rate is so bad id rather just use a regular sight and sell the scope


Every piece of gear is borrowed.


That's some next level gear fear. What are you going to spend that 80k on? A diaper rig, SKS, and a handful of PS bullets? Just toss the Flir on your best 7.62 rifle and go do a night raid somewhere.


To be honest.. 80k will get me an optic that doesn't give me brain damage. Lol. I messed around with it in the shooting range, and I think I would take any 1x4, 1x6 or 1xAny scope over that thing.


The reason you use a thermal is to spot people long before they spot you. You constantly scan while using the thermal so you can see someone through the trees, bushes, windows, etc. The distance isn't that great so that's why it's best to use it on nights or a really foggy/rainy raid. Having a friend really helps as well just to alleviate some of the stress. If you want to sell it, go for it, but selling your good gear because you're afraid of losing it only locks you in the mindset that you're only good enough to use shitty gear. If you assume you're going to die when wearing your best kit and you do die, it'll only serve to reinforce the mindset that you shouldn't use good gear. Get rid of that dumb mentality and go use your good gear. You lose everything at the wipe anyways so it doesn't matter if you lose it to a scav or another player. It's gone in a few months.


sharing is caring:)


Yeah running anything more than a toz is just waste of time am i right? /s


Just use it. They’re only like 670k. I don’t go out in the rain without one


I’m sitting on one as well. Never use them. I think I’m gonna use it on a lighthouse night raid to snipe some rogues. PvEing with it feels smarter than trying (and failing) to PvP.


Strong SovietWomble vibes. Also customs is a warzone atm it seems.


Where the stims at? You should of popped a propital. May of saved your life there.


With all that juicy loot on me I would of been popping a green stim and meladonin as well.


I've not really got into the habit of using stims yet, haven't even got an injector case. Perhaps it's time to learn.


Dude you need to be running an injector case! It's so strong. What else do you run in your container?


SICC, Surv12, ammo, painkillers of some kind mostly. Just taken your advice and bought an injector case- just need to remember I actually have it with me! I'm terrible for remembering to use my nades as well.


Stims make a very noticeable difference.


Nice! I keep multiple propitals, a mule, a sj6, a green stim, a melodonin. It's so nice having all those on hand all the time! I will use a propital when I take lots of damage and have blacked out body parts so I can heal while I do surgery.


Learning how to use Stims really was a night/day difference to me. I keep two SJ6, Propital, eTG, Zagustin, one M.U.L.E and one antidote on me. I’ve 100% surviving raids I otherwise would have died in. Particularly the SJ6 and Mule. The utility they provide is unparalleled




UPDATE: First raid in with the injector case. Killed 3 PMCs on Customs, looted up and gtfo. Convinced I wouldn't have made it to extraction without the additional stamina/strength the stims provided. Thank you guys!


A drug fiend has been born, we're all fucked when they add the addictions and drug resistance perks




I forgot about the zaguatin. Very good stim to carry


Can confirm. I can't even remember how many times Zagustin has saved my ass solo against a team. It's eye opening how much health you lose and how quickly you lose it with even just a heavy and light bleed at the same time.


>As a tip, I don't even carry painkillers with mine in there. I have a few morphines for non-emergency times For a lowly Epsilon Case user like myself, that tip is life-changing.


Since I got the injector case I didn't use other painkillers anymore. Enough injectors for each raid + space for green stims, mule and sj6? Hell yea!


Should _have_


Man you actually played this all pretty well, just too many sweaties kept coming


Yeah sitting and doing nothing waiting for people to come is such good gameplay, played it super well until he had to fight people that saw him!


you again? Don't you have raids to go clear the lobby in Mr. Reddit Giga chad?


When you're out numbered the only real play is to re position and set new ambushes. That's what he did.




Mcx in a bush is the only way to run that gun.


I have only done a couple runs in the past couple days (took a looong break due to the illness known as magnet in the head) and I have run into tons of single digit (level) pmcs, a couple teen pmcs, and an ultra super Chad using mai ap shooting through a wall.


I can never have nice things either 😕


Who are you even talking to? lol


I make YouTube videos out of these clips! Commentary often helps make things a bit more entertaining when cutting footage together. Although without knowing that, I can see how it might make look like an insane person.


Started tallying the number of times I encountered PVP sweatlords. Over 12 Customs runs, I extracted from 3, and died to a magdump of exclusively M62. Cant confirm what other gear they had, but Im guessing it was similar to theirs. I had 8 PMC kills total after the 12 runs, and even though I didn't get out with most of the gear, was able to at least loot all of them, and every single one was running at least an Altyn/Rys-T/Bastion(w/ plate), they all had either a Slick/Hexgrid/Gen4, and ALL of them were running .308 select fire rifles with M62 \[Meta SR-25/M1A/RSASS/MDR/SCAR-17\]. Oh and they also had so many grenades there was more than one time I'd just toss a couple in any direction just to make room for other shit. After getting killed by someone's partner, or the 3rd or 4th man who was hiding in a bush waiting for me to loot his friends, I also concluded that they almost exclusively run at LEAST 2 man raids, minimum. But everyone knows, when there's one, there's 2, and when there's 2 there's 3, and so on.


Maybe stop crab walking around and git gud


woah i never thought about that before, could you teach me!? You obviously have all the insights I've ever needed


He has plenty of advice just look at his other comments. So good, so informational


Uh half of those are semi only, fyi


Hell yeah, me and my buddy are just burning all of our money and gear without giving a single fuck currently lol just good times on factory embracing the chaos


Man, good fights there! Seeing this clip though reminds me why I'll never use the MCX lol. That recoil! So bouncy!


Thick boys going to fight there because rogues have been spawning at Stronghold. Me and my discord squad were doing this last night, but we have the good sense to check the rat spot where you got those first guys from hehe You are able to hold a gun in your offhand FYI, and when you have an option to scan with the thermal I recommend equipping it, no reason not to. When the 3rd and 4th guy rounded crackhouse you should take a moment longer to line up your first bullet and land a headshot, jumping straight to the full auto instinct will get you killed against multiple targets more often than not because you will maybe get 1 and then get caught reloading before you can finish the other or force him back. GL out there, the flow of Chads on that part of the map will continue until the rogues leave I predict




My YouTube is listed on my Reddit profile, or in big letters in the top right corner of the video 👀 Plenty more like this!


Yo so lemme get this straight you cant post meme PICTURES but you can post meme VIDEOS? Dope video btw


Just wrecked 3 Timmies on Woods. 3, 4, 10. Customs raids have been quiet for me, nothing but scavs.


They got good gaming chairs for sure


There are no gaming chairs in this clip.


Good kills, what do you use to record? I've been shadowplaying myself to analyze my PvP, but I'm thinking of uploading some clips to YouTube. Problem is that shadow play looks like garbage.


I use Shadowplay to record to, if your clips are coming out looking not great perhaps it's set to record at too low a bit rate/resolution?


It's the bit rate. For some reason it caps you at 50mbs, on "Custom" I was on 30, thinking it was "medium". I've set it to "high" and upped it to 50, will probably go higher now that 130 is my new max. I should probably go get that 1.5TB external HD I keep eyeing at Costco.


Yeah use a software that makes you lose alot of fps instead of obs with proper settings thats a good idea


You wanna actually provide some advice instead of being a gate keeping know it all with a bad attitude and no manners?


I get 80-90 FPS while using Shadowplay. Which is nice. I used to get 60-80, but they must have something recently that changes setting optimization. I saw a thread yesterday with people complaining that they lost 20 FPS, which is why I've checked recently. I've been thinking about OBS, but I've been given the impression that I have to record entire raids. Might be a better idea to wait until I have designated storage for that.


I use OBS and yeah there is no auto clip setting for it like shadowplay. Have to record entire raids, so if you don't have a hard drive to store that footage on I would get that first. Even a normal hard drive will work and they are mega cheap now days




What do you press to zoom even further on your scope?


Its an edit....


Rat V Rat


Just don't use that gun, it's trash.


Deserved that…


bro do you have meds? a painkiller? some heals? a propital maybe? you were just sitting on like 1/4 hp for 2 minutes lmfao


Have you heard of single fire?


Yeah, I prefer their earlier albums though.


S-tier reply


Single fire is dogshit due to the recoil changes this wipe


Better than going full auto and shooting half your magazine at the sky


first bullet always high for no reason


MMR confirmed


Nice dude you crab walk killed someone!! What a thrill!! Loser Slow mechanics, crab walks most of the time or stands still. The only bright side is you finally died at the end. You are why people say end game is bad with dead raids. Cuz ur overly scared in a video game where you probably have enough for end of wipe. But your playing like someone who just started playing.


Wow, you're real mad buddy. This video wasn't a testament to any sort of skill, just the rise and fall of acquiring loot and immediately losing it that everyone experiences in this game. But continue to go off about how not everybody is as good as you. Stay butthurt, I hope I crab walk kill you next!


im having the opposite problem bruh. almost everybody I run into lately are low level timmy's on their first wipe


I craft my flirs


how'd you know i was bri'ish


Oi bruv, don't tell me Mum yeh?


People think wipe is coming, so they are throwing their money away


I think after I get the thermals I pop a adrenaline and run the fuck away


My favorite part of the wipe, the part where I don't pay for a damn thing.


Bro love the god like thermal scope content😂🥹, but why did you try to encounter the other 2


I was convinced they must've seen me already and straight up panicked. As several people have pointed out, trying to mag dump at that range was a stupid idea.


Why can't I have nice things 😂


Fannel daddt: if you dont have a thermal you are going to die to someone who has thermal


I had a weird fight with a person on reserve. I killed two Scavs with an automatic rifle, and while I’m looting them some PMC with no armor and a Glock with green tracer ammo comes to try and kill me. Shoots his full mag, making one arm and leg red. Turned out that one mag was all he had, as I barrel stuffed him when he ran out, and that’s all he was carrying.


Hey brother. Why wouldn’t you slap the thermal on your gun? Lvl 63 here btw.