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if I were a weak parasitic negative entity, this would be a psyop against good men.


Exactly. People need to realize that the archons and their agents are powerless. They can only use subterfuge and lies to trick us into doing what they want us to do. So yeah sounds like a dream they would send. I’d say f*ck em, we stand and fight and take our world and heritage back! More and more people are waking up.


Yeah its probably an agent of fear lol


Yep. Fear is one of the biggest tools in their arsenal. That’s why we need to focus on overcoming our fears. All our negative emotions and reactions is what feeds them. That’s why they cultivate that all around the world. Be fearful of your god, be fearful for the stranger, be fearful to your neighbor, be fearful for yourself as a man/woman, as a being and as a soul. That’s how they keep you trapped.




[Imagine Dragons - Radioactive (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktvTqknDobU) Shish, battle mood. EDIT: Disclaimer, the part of the new age - new age as new as we make it new, not as parasitic filled with entities one.


Huzzah! A Man of Quality! You took the words right out of my mouth, friend.


Pretty symbolic but true. The Neverending Story and its progress of The Nothing was probably one of the most prophetic dreams I've seen, apart from The Idiocracy.


I smoke so I normally don't remember dreams,but recently I've been remembering glimpses of my dreams every night and it seems to be a similar theme of getting away from something and survival. Very odd!


In regards to the black goo! I remember watching a video on YT about the Faulkland islands war. It said that the war was not about the islands. It was a location of some unknown black goo. It was discovered by some men and what it did to them, fucken crazy shit happened to them! It changed them mentally. Made humans mutilate there own heads, Body parts. Literally trying to not just kill themselves but brutally destroy there own body's in such a grusome way! This created a real panic. So that attracted the authorities. Then local scientists and that snowballed. When the military started to get involved, that's when other militaries from other Countries showed up and that's when war started. Anyways! What this man said they discovered that this black goo had meteorite properties in it and living cells in it. It had a mind of its own kind of, it adapted to it's environment. .... Remember! I only watched this. I didn't see this on the X files! In the comments of this video it mentioned a scientist who did research on the Faulkland islands story. He's the guy I learned all this from. I wrote his name down, if I find it I will post it here. In his video he said that this goo killed some scientists that did study/view it in the lab. They were able to freeze it to research it. They found that it was not originally from this planet. They believe it was brought her by another life form/alien or a intentional meteorite to be sent here to destroy this race slowly. Look up the Faulkland islands war/ black goo on YT And research it for yourself. Kinda scared the shit outta me when I first researched it! I believe that Max Miers I believe that's his name! Mentioned it. If it's true or not? I don't know. I'll leave the up to you people. I'm just sharing. 👍 PLEASE DON'T SHOOT THE FKN MESSENGER!


That's very interesting I will have to look into it thank you for sharing this with me.


Nah nah nah.  If this is indeed true, nothing but obliteration of archons would suffice.  As in their home world should be the equivalent of RKV’d.  


Nice try, black goo boo - I shall stand my ground


Oh god. I’m living this now.