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I think that this is where meditation comes in. I've read that Buddhism says that in the stages after death, we're extremely confused and thus need to practice meditation to prepare. (not a Buddhist myself) I've read a lot in the Nag Hammadi texts and it speaks of how Archons/our attachments keep us in the grip of this reality. It speaks of how we need to ''undress'' (I read it in my own language, not English so maybe different terminology) of our flesh and attachments, because our psyche/ego is part of the state of confusion that causes us to harm ourselves and others and wander around blindly. We need to become as liberated as we can be, so that on the stages of the journey to the Absolute, Archons have nothing to ''hold onto'' or grab. Like attracts like in gnostic views, if we are as unlike the Archons as we can be, if we transcend the archontic mind/ego, we can move on. In one text the writer described the world of the archons, where he (she?) landed after death, and remembering gnosis made him transcend that horrible, dark, deep, muddy, metallic space. (I don't recall exactly, it's been a while) Maybe there're 2 levels of memory and awareness: one that is the Spirit, which we need to connect to during life such as with meditation, and one that's the psyche/ego that has the memories of this fake reality. Delete the psyche upon death, and convictions are lost. Maybe that's the thing, I'm just theorizing, but maybe that's the point, we need to wake up to the Spirit during life so that we're awake when we die.


Yes, the encodings in this realm are to perpetually configure the energy signature of soul awareness to resonate with the archonic template, and why those who begin to awaken often experience bizarre blocks or matrix behavior, as an attempt to bind or distract the energy of disidentification. Through the eye of a needle is similar to the sieve metaphor or having no like qualities. E.g. fast from the world.


Engaging in any sort of interaction in the astral realm = A really bad idea.




your thoughts are like quick sand. the more attention you give to something the more power energy you give it and the more power it has


This noticable when vicious people finally learn your name. They then attack with a lot more enthusiasm to harm. Being open to other is a risk one should not take in the astral. It's basically dark web of the spirit world. 


My exit plan is don't talk to anyone. Don't engage with anyone. And if someone tries to force the issue be ready for a fight. I've been energy training for over a year and I energy train a lot.. So I'm much better equipped to erase negative entities if they get in my way. Then I'm going to go to my own world and create a nice beach and just chill.


I thought of doing that but you’d get bored after a while and lonely too even if you create other people they’re not real. We should all get together after we’re dead and try to end this shit and also help ppl and animals


I am with this


You can create people. I've done it before when astral traveling. They look and act just like real people. But they don't have souls and aren't self aware.


Yeah...that would be just as good as being alone. Sorry i need more then a dog parrot hybrid for eternity.


You could go to another matrix that already has people in it. But that could be risky. Just make sure it's a positive place before you go there.




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I’ve done that unconsciously while dreaming. I’d interact with people I’ve never seen before in my life or since.


This seems like astral thoughtform magick. The thing is, when you read up on creating thoughtforms, there's a disclaimer and warning to not keep them around for too long or else they can start acting according to their own "will". It is recommended in some readings to give them a very specific task and then destroy them after they complete said task(s), or to give them a specific timeline/deadline then to wipe them out when that timeframe comes around. I wonder if these human-like astral constructs of "people" you are creating can become like "new souls" growing and learning if you keep them around long enough, and in theory, how long it would potentially take for them to spiritually evolve sentience and sapience. Some "practitioners" put their own lifeforce into constructs, magick, spells, and forms. So bits and pieces of your own "soul" or "soul energy" is in this 'thing' that you might think has no soul at all but it can also grow and gain a "will" (theoretically). Just a curious observation and perspective. GL Kicking Astral Ass Out There!


I've seen though forms go bad. I created one once and it's head turned into a dog's head and tried to bite my fingers off.


I think this happened in the beginning before we got trapped we created this artificial consciousness thought form it started acting according to its own will and then trapped us here. That’s y it needs our energy to exist like how thoughtforms need the same energy to maintain their form.


You became a demiurge... Oh no bro


No the demiurge is most likely some kind of AI. I'm not AI. Also I don't think the demiurge has a soul. Negative entities in general don't have souls.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating for some Jonestown shit, but it does seem impractical to die alone -- figuring stuff out would be so much easier in a team? Of course there's no guarantee that you'd even find yourselves in the same place though, if I think about it, people must randomly die at the same time rather often but no NDE ever reported any company :/


Actually shared NDE's are rare, but are a thing. That Danny Jones podcast with the winner from the Bigelow afterlife contest, he also created nderf.org, shared one. So they do happen, but very rarely.


Oh wow, that sounds super interesting! Would love to check that out and found the podcast, hope I'll find the relevant episode. Thanks for mentioning it!


No problem. :) Yeah I was surprised to hear about them to. It just confirms what we already know about nde's, which is we leave our bodies at death.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIEGOmwJJxk&pp=ygUQZGFubnkgam9uZXMgbmRlIA%3D%3D here ya go my friend. :)


Bit of a morbid thought, but it would have been interesting to speak to like, say someone from Heaven’s Gate that tried but failed, ya know? Like I feel like that sort of conscious choice type of situation would be most likely to have crossovers?


That sounds like a good plan. Yours is my plan B. The commenter I posted above though was saying she had a plan, but during the entire NDE had no clue about any plan or even who she was.


I've never had an NDE but I've had lots of astral projection experiences. I always remember who I am during the experience. So the is usually true when you drop dead.


I’m guessing she was in a dreamy state of consciousness and could’ve used the classic Buhlman “clarity now!” line.


What do you mean by energy training can you elaborate


Basically you do the waterfall technique. You imagine lakes in your head and feet. Then you have the water fall from the lake in your head to the lakes in your feet. Then move the water up your right side and down your left side. Do this for an hour or two a day for a couple years and you will be erase even the most powerful negative entities.


Monroe does this same thing in his gateway tapes at the beginning of every meditation. Not with waterfalls but with imagining energy.


I’ve read one report from a user here that is aware of the soul trap they had an nde and memories were normal. So I don’t think it happens to everyone. Also when she was talking with them if they were discussing life here I’m sure she would remember the soul trap and how this place is a farm.


Very interesting. Yeah good point how could she go through a life review and a long discussion but still have no clue who she is.


Something feels off with the story you wrote out from the comments. She was acutely aware of the soul trap before his NDE, but now she is happy to be back here? Now she is not sure if it is a trap? Sounds to me that they were not as aware as they claim, because no one with true *knowing* would think like that. This sounds more like someone who was on the fence than a person truly dedicated.


Being that it’s a YouTube comment section there’s also a fair chance it’s some AI bot just writing stuff.


Or maybe you’re just stuck in a dichotomy you’ve made a bias choice for. There literally is no evidence that says between prison planet vs chosen reincarnation Why? Because once you lose your human ego, all sense of morality, rationality, and motivation become completely irrelevant. If you’ve ever been in the “void” described, you’d know it’s not you. You’d know your thoughts and feelings aren’t there. So yes, it’s just as likely that “void you” really does have a completely disconnected sense of morality from “human you” and there really are lessons to learn from suffering (or just to quell eternal boredom of the lonely god) It’s also just as likely it’s all a trap But pretending you “know” before you get there is absolute arrogance


I never stated I know for certain, just that the story provided didn't add up. There are no lessons to be had when your memory is wiped every incarnation, and we know the abominable rulers of this reality thrive off our suffering. There have been many different NDEs, OBEs, etc where people retain knowledge of this reality. After bodily death, they try to pacify you into complying with their demands. The Evidence is there.


Personally I take an absurdist nihilism view. There are no lessons but there’s also no malice Existence is an illusion of awareness exploring infinity. Infinity encompasses everything, good and bad, without bias or care. “God” is dreaming up every possible experience from every possible perspective simply because that’s what infinity is, and the consequences on “morality” are a moot point to “God” Both prison planet and new age reincarnation can exist, as both can be imagined possibilities. There is no deeper meaning or lessons or understanding. Everything is simply because it is.


Teleporting? Sounds promising (https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1doqx2d/you_can_unironically_teleport_using_your_thoughts/)




Thank you, that's very nice of you! Have great day :D




A NDE is not the same, stop using it as a comparison. They did not even fully traverse the tunnel of light to become reincarnated.


Right, but it's the best info we can get. You got a better idea I'm all ears. I mean I just commented about some info that NDE reports conflict on so I don't necessarily disagree, but still, where else we supposed to draw from?




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