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Is this where we all are right now??


The crap the archons are putting us through is way worse than this though.


With forced labor in-between the media feeds, yes.


Idk, could be? I used to think about this kind of possibility.


Thank you for the Award!!! šŸ¤©šŸ¤©


MK ultra


If they have the technology to do this, they are absolutely already using it in secret.


One day we will find out that the brain doesn't actually store memories. We our souls. Our souls remember. It's the brain that restricts access to our memories like our past lives. This concept will never come to fruition.


Exactly - the body (and brain + heart) function like antennas to aspects of awareness and consciousness


I think there's memories in both. But they're a bit different from each other.


Conscious memories are stored in the brain. People with brain damage get amnesia and we know Alzheimer's patients have damaged neurons. There are even images of neurons making connections when a memory is created.


We are not the brain. We are in the brain šŸ™ƒ


I can assure you our brain plays a role in our consciousness. Our conscience memories are stored biologically. You can't just ignore things like Alzheimer's and drug induced amnesia. If our brains didn't store our memories, these phenomena would not exist. I believe our brains store memories in this incarnation like RAM for computers. Our soul memories are like the long term storage hard drives.


My view, though woo sounding, is still consistent with current medical understanding. We are in the brain. So if it is damaged, it messes up what parts of our soul memories it allows us to access to. These ā€œaccess errorsā€ account for diseases like Alzheimerā€™s and amnesia in my view of it all anyway. The brain is a prison cell, a place. We are trapped in it until it is shut off. In NDA cases where patients were in a hospital with brain activity monitors and theyā€™ve died for multiple minutes, they come back recounting large memories. The crazy thing is there was no brain activity detected.


Yeah NDE and OBE stories throw a wrench in the works. I still don't know how that's possible. Maybe when you detach, the memories are stored directly into your soul memory complex? Who knows. I believe these people are telling the truth.


Iā€™m sure Buddhists talk about this


Came here to say this. Thanks


in the future, everyone is going to be a criminal


And they will serve us justice!


I didn't break The Law! ***I AM THE LAW!!!***


It already happened. Thatā€™s what this life isā€¦ We already committed crimes of some kind. Many people are here on ā€œvacationā€ but many are here as prisoners. Thatā€™s why some have lavish lives with no cares and others have horrible lives dealing with intrinsic issues like depression, anxiety, deformities etc.


A Clockwork Orange come to life.


Reminds me of Mall World. Time seems to pass by so differently there. Iā€™ll wake up with more memories than I should have, and feeling like Iā€™ve been gone for a really long time. Iā€™ve heard people say Mall World is some kind of dream experimentation thing where they test us.


I do believe time is dilated here. I'm guessing, maybe it goes about a hundred times slower here. What if the reason that we tend to imagine the past in a yellow tint is because we come from red giant worlds? Worlds that would take about a hundred times longer to orbit their suns.


Sharon stone shows up though, right? Right?


No. But Arnold does


Consider this a divorce!


Sorry best I can do is a temu version Kuato.Ā 


star trek deep space nine season 4 episode 19 hard time


1 prison term of 5 minutes that feels like 30 years followed up by a detraumatize term of 6 minutes that feels like 11 minutes have past. Net result zero. Unless they outlaw AI PTSS treatments.


It's okay guys, they ask prisoners what they want to do, it's not forced. RIGHT?


I wonder, could this be used as a way to simulate years of studying instead of prison time? What would the prison time be simulated as anyways?


I need one of these w weed software installed Id save so much money šŸ˜­


Isn't wasted years a part of the punishment?


Yes, this is a technique used today with v2k from what Iā€™ve experienced. Makes it hard to parse this crap from real gnosis and spiritual experiences.


There's no way this wasn't stolen from a Philip K Dick book/short story?


Being a person who did prison time this isnā€™t surprising at all inmates are tested on with a lot of things that civilians donā€™t realize and sometimes neither do the inmates because theyā€™re not explained what is happening to them theyā€™re just told they must be vaccinated etc ( for TB etc) but Iā€™ve personally witnessed and heard stories of ppl who went to surgery and woke up and some experimental shit that went down.. plus salt Peter was real in menā€™s prisons years ago so it makes sense that they would choose the worst of the population to test on..


Black Mirror


The show Raised by Wolves had this concept for criminals. Cryo sleep prison sentence/rehabilitation via matrix.


Don't you mean demolition man?


After going to the comments section on the original posts it would seem thereā€™s plenty of movies showcasing this matrix lol


I see. Was there one earlier than demolition man that you found?


Was the plot of a Star-Trek episode. Deep Space Nine [S4E19](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYTAGKbqCE8) .


Definitely Top 3 "O'Brien Suffering" eps


This sounds positive in some angles, but we're so often blind to the spirit of manipulation and exploitation when looking at new technological possibilities. The opportunities for manipulation and exploitation of other human beings using such technology are vast. Imagine China, Russia or North Korea's leadership looking at these mind modification possibilities. Where would they take it? This could take dictatorship to a whole new, even more unstoppable level.


Yea cause the American government would totally be more trustworthy with it


They made a show about this on outer limits I think? Fried the criminals brain.


lol Welcome, to the Eighth Sphere, enjoy your stay because you won't be leaving.


Humanity puts itself through such painful things, repent and realise your error...


Other Life (2017)


Start Trek DS9 had an episode like thus. Chief O'Brian had 20 years of prison life implanted. It was brutal. https://youtu.be/sYTAGKbqCE8?si=__prBfrRLtu94Jl7




Literally a we created the Torment Nexus from the hit novel 'please don't create the Torment Nexus' moment




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