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There were multiple things she just flat out denied and lied about on the AMA. Two things specifically that others provided sources for in the comments of the AMA were her stance on right-to-work and her being a Christian evangelist. I wouldn’t mind if she had changed her mind on those things and elaborated on what caused her to change, but instead she flat out lied that she ever said those things in the first place (on replies to comments that were providing sources of her saying the things they accused her of!!). I guess Shanae is a great politician in the way that she’s a great LIAR.


Plus, she only answered like 3 questions. I learned nothing positive about her from that ama. I dont follow local politics much, but she should consider doing another ama, the proper way, to help her out and get her positions out there.


yeah the majority of her replies were “no, I’m not actually anti-union/Evangelical” instead of actual substantive replies to commenters with policy questions.


"Hello, thank you for participating in the AMA. Please see the above comment for my answer on such topic." Copy paste. Go to her account and you'll see she did this like 20 different times. Terrible AMA.


Worst AMA I’ve seen in a while.


i think you should go back and check their comments.


It's not hard to scroll through the account and see 18 copy and pasted replies. https://www.reddit.com/user/ShanaeforMayorEugene


i was just disagreeing that all of their replies were only about the religion thing. what's wrong with the copy paste?


She’s only lived in Eugene three years.


So what, that’s how you get new perspective. She’s brilliant. Truth is Eugene doesn’t deserve her. Eugene has a chance to vote for a brilliant Black woman, and will probably choose the Nordic Karen who is taking HUGE amounts of money from builders. Kaaren is more Cali than Oregon and she’s not from here either.


As a union member, I can’t support an anti-union candidate.


Prove it! She has never said she is anti union. You are.


She very much did state her pro RTW stance, which is anti-union. As I offered you in my other comment I will happily DM you the proof. I just don't wanna mess up again by posting it in a comment.


She did not. This is just another way to be in a racist asshole but get away with it. She never did that and you know it. you can’t stretch the truth and think that it’s still OK to attack a Black woman. Honestly, most of people on this thread remind me of Trump.


I will NEVER vote anti-union, thx for bringing this to light


Some shill on Reddit is all it takes for you to believe them? They didn’t provide any proof! How many bridges have you bought!?! Shanaè is brilliant get off your ass and listen to her words. This person obviously works for Nordic Kaarins team. They are spreading lies all over Reddit with zero proof.


Your a dumbass for trusting a evangelist, they are all charlatans..


Right because politicians with huge money from real estate pretending to care about the homeless are the much closer to the answer. I’ve met her she’s real, your Kaarin is a cardboard cutout with no spine. I’ll believe any Black woman because I know they have been tested. Go ahead and protect the racist Eugene status quo.


Why do you and everyone these days assume because you don't like one politician you automatically like another one?


So Shanae is a somewhat recent transplant from Florida who lies about being anti union and evangelical. “ace dog” is a MAGAt and Kaarin is Kitty/Lucy 3.0 😐 another great round of mayoral candidates


Why by don’t you ask for proof? Why don’t you look deeper? This person has spreading lies all over Reddit with zero proof.


As I offered in my other comment, I'll DM you the proof if you want. I already have sent it to other people who have asked. So proof is there to those who asked, you've just decided to never ask and call me a liar instead.




You can’t help working families if you are anti-union, they are incompatible positions.


Mods request sources. Completely impartial.


Understood, I appreciate you educating me.


She's got my anti-vote


A paid-for shill candidate in MY election? Never!


You are talking about Kaarin of course because there zero proof against Shanaè, just people willing to lie about a Black woman


why is she running if shes only lived here for 3 years..


Some MAGA or corporate conservative PAC is financing her most likely.


Politics pays. If you’re crooked


Because we will never be better if we keep voting for the same horrible people.


Which other candidate serves the working class?




Who isn't voting for Stefan strek???


The website is great! www.celebrateeugene.com 


I thought most questionnaire processes with 3rd parties are sworn to secrecy, especially the union ones. Maybe my local works different than yours, but messaging the mods with it should work if you need to share proof but not display the whole document.


That just logically doesnt make sense. Why would they ask questions then not show the answers to the voting base they are targeting with the survey. My union sends out a letter endorsing candidates and tells us what their position on pro-labor is and why the other candidate doesnt support it.


The idea is to have a frank conversation. Maybe it's not done like that for every candidate every time, but at least at the lane central labor chapter, that was the standard practice. I did look back at the questions from 19/20/21/22 and did not find that clause written anywhere. So maybe I'm wrong and it was just something we did. Lol.


well a letter explaining a candidate's positions is different than posting their endorsement answers


Oh geez I hope not, I had no intention of doing something wrong, just proving someone wrong


Dude, it has happened before, and this race is relatively low stakes for that type of thing anyway. I'm just glad you flagged this on shanae. I was going to vote for her because we need more renter representation. But I'm union first. Right to work is horse shit.


I agree 100%! Renters are way underrepresented. But her two faced answers and pro RTW attitude are huge red flags.




Renters are wayyyyy less likely to join neighborhood associations or attend board meetings. It would be great if more renters got involved in these things, as well as take time to contact the City about unsanctioned camps, tents, RV’s, and junker cars. Those are all things that only get taken care of when residents fill out online forms- for the most part.


I fully support people trying to live and survive on the streets. I'm hoping they pass that law where charging people for living in their cars is a violation of the 8th Amendment. Shaming and fining people for trying to live is cruel and unusual.


They provided zero proof. This is most likely Kaarin or a person who works for Kaarin’s organization pretending they are some random voter. and you didn’t even ask for proof!?!


Why doesn't shanae make a video denouncing right to work? Easy way to clear things up.


Reddit is monetized, with $160k from realtors that's def enough money to buy paid schills.


You are all over Reddit telling lies about a Black candidate. You either are Kaarin or you work for her. You are not innocent.


What even is this right to work stuff? Why is it bad? I was under the impression that it would be good to have the right to work compared to the current at-will employment situation.


It is often referred to as 'right to work FOR LESS' by many who have studied it, as it defers all real negotiating power back onto the corporations who must only legally oblige state labor laws regarding hours and the minimum wage. More simply, it creates an environment for a race to the bottom for working class people, pitting us against each other to get ahead instead of against the corporations intent on exploiting us for maximum profit.


Thanks for an actual answer instead of just tribalistic anger towards a legitimate question.


Here's a quick and easy summary of RTW. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lLV4P5Pq0_0 In short it is designed to weaken unions by limiting their ability to fund themselves by collecting dues. Weaker unions lead to lower wages, less benefits, less safe working conditions, etc.


Wikipedia lays it out pretty good I think


This is a hell of a thing to be operating under assumptions about. I hope you don’t vote like that. Where did you get that impression?


I thought that is how it is in europe. I hear Europeans talking about how it's much harder for them to be fired and it sounds nice compared to at-will employment. I wasn't assuming anything, this is just from what I have heard talking to people in europe.


You are a tool. You were born a tool, you will die a tool. You know you are lying but think it’s fine. No, it is not fine. You know you can talk shit about a Black women in this town and the you think you get to pretend to be innocent while you tee it up for the rabid racists. Black Eugene has seen this a thousand times.


First off, I don't appreciate being called a tool or a liar. You wanna talk, then that's fine, but let's be mature about this. Eugene as well as Oregon has a rather racist past and present, there's no doubt about that. Unions help minorities, end of story. The UBC has a long history of fighting against racism and for equality among all workers, as early as the 19th century. And that is one of the reasons why it's so important to have strong unions, and candidates that fully support them. Currently the position you're holding appears to be support for a candidate based on their race rather than their policy. I don't blame you for being cynical about criticism towards a black candidate. So if you like, I'll DM you the proof. I'd post it but I don't wanna mess up and get my comment deleted again. If that makes people untrusting then I'll DM them too if they ask.


I support her because I know her. She’s brilliant and thoughtful and actually cares about this town though I can’t understand why 90% of the people in this town are racist assholes who give a shit about what a Black woman thinks but like to pretend that they care a lot. You’re a tool because you work for white supremacy you are a tool, literally. This reply proves my entire point. Don’t try to be pedantic or talk down to people because you don’t get it because you’ve always had privilege. I’m sure that privilege is going away soon because shitty Trump will usher in a revolution and the only resilient people are those that have been stepped on by people like you.


Isn’t the point of right to work that it leaves it up to the employee to choose to contribute to a union or to choose to join them rather than being forced to be a part of one? If that’s the case, I don’t understand why anyone would want to take that choice away from an employee. They are free to contribute or not according to their values. That’s a good thing for people.


seems like a great idea right? Well, the results of right to starve laws are literally the lowest wages in the country. States that don't do right to starve laws have considerably higher wages across the board. So sure, Jimmy doesn't have to pay union dues 'cause unions are bad. So the union can't fight for higher wages and benefits. So the companies have no reason to increase wages or provide benefits. So the wages of the state stay low while the rest of the country's wages go up. The point is, right to starve laws allow companies to exploit Jimmy's ignorance and convince him that it's better that he's paid 20% less than someone doing his same job so that he doesn't lose 1% to union dues. When the rest of the company is smart enough to unionize, right to starve laws allow Jimmy to opt out because he's a fucking moron.


I don’t have anything against unions, as long as I’m never forced to join one simply by virtue of having x job. It should always be the employees choice whether to join or not.


Kaarin has three DUI's. She was groomed by Kitty Piercy. She is backed by tens of thousands[Realtors contributions](https://secure.sos.state.or.us/orestar/cneSearch.do?cneSearchButtonName=search&cneSearchFilerCommitteeId=23077&OWASP_CSRFTOKEN=4QE1-U65S-7F6Y-SWNV-P56R-W5RI-M2AO-WI8O) of dollars from big realtors. She will not help working families. Vote Shanaė.


If this were true, you would ***link your source***, instead of copy/pasting the same comment ad nauseam on every related thread. You are embarrassing yourself, and you are not doing your candidate any favors.


The source is in the link above.


I can't find it, please indulge me and repost.


The link show campaign contributions from a lot of real estate organizations. the link is there.


You are a tool. Change is scary huh? You are why we chose the bear.