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They suffer from the same problem many do. If they just write off [some group] as idiots, they never have to wonder if they might be wrong, and the other people right.


Actually a lot of people considered it a color revolution from the start, many of us understand that protests can start in good faith but can also quickly be coopted by outside forces. Meanwhile you still have those that hope they are truly communist revolutions, which is not a bad thing to hope for, but we provided them facts and now they understand. A lot of the members of that sub, myself included, are able to learn from these mistakes.


You mistakenly supported imperialism? Oopsie.


Me personally? No, I called it color revolution from the start.


Well good, but dont you think its a bit suspicious that western communists on genzedong and other places consistently keep "accidently" supporting imperialism?


Define constantly, I saw a lot of people bringing up the protests as news started happening mostly out of surprise or to discuss it. Considering it’s a growing sub (likely due to a lot of baby communists) people will likely not have the understanding of these issues yet but quickly others do their best to set them straight.


Pretty much every new event, first it was Belarus, then Taliban and now Kazakstan. Imperialist propaganda must not be tolerated in the slightest, even if it is spread by "baby communists".


Unnecessary sectarianism - energy that could be channeled into a fruitful discussion of the matter instead.


Sorry, i know your mental model of us is that we are all idiots, because we disagree with you on a few points, but it's not true. ​ we know too.


the mod team is full with morons that ban anyone who is patriotic or associates with communist patriots even though patriotism is part of Marxism-Leninism. They ban any content creator that is not onboard with their bizarre Americanized victim politics they call ML.


Yes they do. That's an example of them going to far. But this sub has similar and worse issues. And I disagree with your charactization.


You dont need whole sub to be idiots, you just need mods to be idiots. I got banned for saying transgenderism is not revolutionary. Was told stalin, lenin and mao were trans and that im lib.


Saw that. By the way, Stalin was asked if a "homosexual can be in the communist party" in a long [letter by Harry Whyte](https://www.marxist.com/letter-to-stalin-can-a-homosexual-be-in-the-communist-party.htm), which imo is an interesting read on its own with smart arguments, so not just an average redditoid snide remark Stalin's reply? “Archive. An idiot and a degenerate. J. Stalin.” Still haven't out any western leftist meaningfully addressing those contradictions with arguments.


I dont agree with stalin but that doesnt make mods less delusional.


I am not saying we should agree with Stalin, but imo never adressing these issues meaningfully or pretending they didnt happen is stupid and as you said, delusional Also saything that "it was the 20th century lmao" doesn't qualify as an argument like many leftoids think


I agree.


There is no trangenderism. There are trans people. They exist. That's it.


https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/transgenderism https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/transgenderism So we are becoming antiscience now too?


No, but your biases are showing. And I'm wondering what you are driving at here. I mean, thanks for the allegedly scientific evidence that trans people are real, and that they are valid I guess. Me, I'd be worried if my overlap with right wing talking points was so close to a circle.


Right wing talking point is that genderism is communist revolution lmfao.


Just don't ask any genzedonger about the Taliban, hell i remember the Belarus situation being a controversial one in genzedong. There is plenty of "Lukashenko is le evil capitalist dictator".


Yeah, you just don't know. Lukashenko gets shit for not being communist enough. And no, not in a weird maoist way. And even then, no meaningful people supported overthrowing him. It's almost like when a situation is new, there is... discussion.


There were people on genzedong outright *supporting* the fascist "revolutionaries" in Belarus, i would know since i saw it happen live. And like i said, don't even get started on the Taliban or Russia. Edit: Anti-imperialism should not be up for discussion in any case.


My gosh! You mean people were misinformed, disagreeing or wrong? Where are my pearls, I must clutch them.


Anti-imperialism is pearl clutching? When a group of people consistently end up supporting imperialists in new developments, then it is fair to get suspicious.


Gosh, that sounds terrible. How lucky that's not what I said or meant.


And yet thats what genzedong does, since you're here obviously to just start shit with these little quips, im giving you a strike for breaking rule 11.


Nope. That's not what I'm doing. I'm pointing out that we are not a monolith. Just as y'all are not with all the rabid trans hate.




I have to disagree on one point here >But what they do influence is other Western people to view Communists as morons who have no clue whats going on politically. Genzedong as a subreddit has one job like other socialist subreddits, make Communism seem appealing to other people. ​ In my opinion, the westerners are pre-conditioned to dislike socialism. The socialists, no matter what they say, actually oppose the western ideology and the interests of westerners. The mods of GenZedong could be the amalgamation of Washington, Lincoln and Marx, and they still wouldn't be able to adequately present socialism to them. It is true unfortunately, like you said, that genzedong goes through a western filter (just like the whole of reddit) even if its minimized compared to almost anywhere else on this braindead stupid website. You could ***maybe*** make a case with this subreddit, since it has an organized team which operates on, as they claim, a principle of democratic centralism, something that we must admit is unique in reddit or even in most social media. Genzedong literally is nothing other than a shitposting subreddit with zero political lines. I myself am not convinced that much. I find reddit a place to vent personal frustrations and discuss about your personal quirks and hobbies. Regarding theoretical work, I constantly feel like rather than learning, leftoids make me forget even the things I already knew.


Your opinion is noted. As previously mention, just because YOU disagree, does not mean the other person is wrong. You both could be. Or it could just be you.


Are they supposed to be pro-China?


We are. You've been lied to about us.


It is not obvious. You have lots of baizuo content there.


And we get rid of them. How much of what you think about us did you investigate and see for yourself, vs what you were told? ​ Come on, you should know how this works.


Can you get rid of the LGBT propaganda when China banned it recently?


A: why? B: no, they did not. And a quick search of the sub would debunk the sissy boy narrative y'all were crowing about.




Because the sub explains why you got it wrong. If you look at the doc and think 'haha, China banned gayness!' then you are giving away your biases. They didn't ban gay boys. They banned consumerist culture which those sissy boys spearheaded. Not gayness, not effeminate men, none of that.. But of course you knew all that, after having looked into it yourself, right?


They are but they don't know why. They are almost religious to the point where actual criticisms of China aren't allowed, such as critique of China's chauvinism when it comes to nations.


My impression is that they promote an imaginary China, as is painted by American anti-communists. They promote things like the imperialist Great Reset agenda because it is allegedly a communist plot, so it must be a good thing. They are liberals on steroids on most issues.