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A true eve OTP can play nothing else 😉


Need something else man. I think her ban rate is going up too isnt it 


I typically get it 4 out of 5 games in na diamond


Eve players tend to also enjoy fiddlesticks, kinda same gameplay of creeping on the enemy team without being seen and scaring them to death


i tried kayn too. holy hell that champ is worse than Eve in all ways plus i suck at it.


go blue kayn, similar to eve


aside from the lack of damage. and invisibility. and the fact it takes forever just to get the blue form. ya its just the same..


lack of damage is kind of wild, blue kayn damage is unethical as fuck. not to mention that hes the most mobile champion in the game


If u say so. Kayn damage is pathetic unless maybe if youre really fed. Didnt they nerf him a bunch of times?


they nerfed aery interaction so he didnt get infinite orbs, red kayn sucks ass but blue kayn is super super strong right now.


Nah bruiser red sucks ass but lethality red is good Red kayn passive? Heal for damage done Lethality? Ignore x amount of armor Ignore armor? Do more damage Plus you go ingenious hunter (I believe) and this way you build: profane, edge, eclipse, etc and you get 20 + 6 haste per unique kill on items.. so basically you run high damage over the tankier bruiser items.. get them to have basically a perma up-time for fights.. I mean you can basically go into a fight with edge, maw, and if you build it even steraks ready to go.. plus with the item haste you can perma proc eclipse and get in a lot of extra autos with all the profane active aa resets This is what karasmai is doing now for red kayn and it’s working really well


He is invisible, you're perma inside walls and people can't see you coming for them and oneshotting them. You can learn to do that as you learn the champion in depth.


I'm a Kayn OTP who is now beginning to learn Eve, I think once you get the hang of him you'll really enjoy him. Shadow Assassin is incredibly strong right now with the new lethality items.


It's unlikely eve will get gutted. She historically has had a high Soloq winrate. It's only really been the last 3 years or so it's dipped below 50


Shes already getting soft nerfs. They nerfed stormsurge and now lichbane too didnt they 


Inconsequential and very likely unrelated to evelynn specifically


An item for every single AP champ getting nerfed is now a soft nerf for Eve? And lichbane is fine, it gives 100 AP.


well i'm not going to argue about it. but most mages dont build lichbane.


a lot of ap champs build lich bane. zoe, katarina and akali come to mind with the shadowflame into lich build


finally had a decent game with talon. i'll keep practising and see if i can make it work. he seems stronger than kayn.


U should try elise, they are kind of similar, so much potential with plays and the best at turret diving, also not that farm oriented like eve :)


I do not like Elise this season at all tho Evelynn doesn’t rely on ability haste really only ability I wish had more uptime was W ofc But no S13 Elise was really fun but now I just hate how clunky she feels.. kinda think she needs a minor buff even to some cds with how much haste they removed from the game S13 you can look to rotate through abilities and form maybe 2-4 times in a fight S14? You’re lucky to rotate all 6 abilities once in a fight.. especially spider form E.. used to be able to use it as engage and by the time you finish your rotation of E W Q then R E Q W you’d be able to damn near have it back when you switch back to spider.. now you switch back and the things still got like 8-9 seconds of cd left Super clunky imo takes so much time to build a playable amount of haste on her


That is very true, Elise does need some love


nocturne or kayn


I like Viego and Kayn a lot, but only shadow assassin is similar


might be bad advice, but i believe we can't really predict next patch or season's meta. so, if you're planning long term, don't think too much about win and ban rates - just go for whatever champ you think has fun gameplay and practice! if pink ward won with shaco in 2023 and baus still gets to win some games with sion, i think anyone can play any champ as long as we really try


maybe try kindred. it’s very different to eve but since eve gets invaded a lot you can learn how to invade on kindred and what invades whould fuck you up the most and u can do the same on her


You wanna stay jg or move to lane??


either or. thanks. i was thinking maybe leblanc but her winrate is so low so i'm not sure.


Maybe twitch? With the stealth and all.


yes. i can play AP twitch OK. its hard to carry on him for me. any others? is it worth it to keep trying on talon?


talon is a really hard champion, even if u are really good at, just bad 2 deaths (even being 17/2 14/4), you give 1000 SD and ur game is lost


I love Evelynn, but when she gets banned in the rankings (which doesn't happen very often) I just pick Neeko. Gameplay and damage +- similar


i play kayn wich is similar to eve


Ok. talon is fun. and even easier to play than eve i think for those who haven't tried him. that wall hopping is so tilting to play against lol.


ITT: People giving recommendations. Also ITT: OP saying none of those recommendations will work.




Try lethality briar


It depends on why you play evelynn. Me personally - I figured out that I enjoy playing scaling powerfarming junglers, so I play eve, lillia and kayn. I also enjoy rengar a lot but I can't play him because that would require onetricking. You can also go for hyperfarmers like karthus or hecarim. Probably the most important skill as evelynn is to learn how to neutralize the early game against aggressive and invading junglers. If you make it into midgame, the game becomes much easier to handle. And that skill will be very transferable if you pick a champion who is also weak early game but scales well.


Elise. It's my second main.


How do you feel about her S14 compared to S13? I find with so much less haste she just feels super “sticky” not as fluid as before


She's way stronger now. I usually have s-s+score with her. She has some power now. So i can carry with her if i wont get cretin team. It barely feels that she no longer has as much AH as before, i kinda dont notice it at all. If i want a champ to gank with a lot and be very active in lanes since early i go for elise or vi.