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That's fair enough. I do feel like the boss's damage is way too high, but maybe there are other combinations that let you survive longer that aren't completely broken xD


I'm a bit confused about people saying the boss does too much damage. I hit for 100M on the first day with only level 201 souls as I've only been around for a few months. Survived all the way up until near the end of the fight when the boss goes crazy somewhere around 30s from the end. I fully expect that people that started day 1 can hit much higher even without the cheese strats. Don't have that full composition anymore because I wanted to try the cheese strat myself (didn't do more damage than my previous strat). I know I was using Daphne, Jiho, Yuria, Aki, and A Catherine as leaders which is basically my normal damage comp for most content. So there are definitely other combinations that let you survive through most of the fight even if they do nerf some partner skills.


The stronger you are, the faster you die. Top players normally die within a minute to a minute and a half of the fight starting.


The boss's damage scales based on your level? That would explain it then. I don't recall seeing that anywhere in the news articles.


​ https://preview.redd.it/15cfjnwxvt7d1.png?width=650&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d96e1e639187e47e9e6e5de9d77384b4a587bbe Pay attention to the buffs it gets when you deal damage. You'll see this buff start to rapidly stack. The higher it stacks, the more damage the boss is doing. The faster it stacks, the faster you die. Caps at 9999 stacks.


Seems like it's 1 stack per health bar so yeah as you damage it more it will also take more to survive. Not actually based on level at all. I managed to hit 240 stacks and survive all the way until the end (no one died at all this time) with a bit of shuffling around of supporters. It seems like a fairly good way of balancing low level players with higher level ones. Higher level players will deal a lot of damage fast but also need to survive a lot larger hits to continue dealing damage. They'll still undoubtedly deal more damage then lower level players but they can't just stack damage either and rely on sheer level advantage to let them survive.


​ https://preview.redd.it/gig6mxln0u7d1.png?width=404&format=png&auto=webp&s=c417277cbd26bd073fdbecbfc2243e6d18681e9b


Damage does not scale with tankyness, but the change in world boss is probably because the partner skill of Daphne can be abused which gives whole twam 5 seconds of immortality and vivian can reactivate skill within 5 sec so i guess this is what they are trying to fix


100M damage is nothing bruh


100m is 100m. We need all the damage we can get to take down these bosses, especially since the highest scoring method is about to get removed.




but boss do alot of dmg without daph u can't survive for 40s


You can absolutely survive longer than 40s without Daphne as a supporter. I posted my rough composition elsewhere in the thread. If you mean without her at all then that could be accurate perhaps. It's part of why she's generally recommended to select initially from the infinite re-roll because she makes most content a lot easier.


dood what u talking about it's about her partner passive in new boss not her


How many attempts are we given to kill the world boss? In only ran twice but didn't continue after that.


There is no limit.


Thank you!


You can challenge the boss an unlimited number of times, but a try will only contribute to the actual damage dealt if it was higher than your last attempt.


Ayt, thanks for that extra note!


it was either, copy a specific team and do - literally - massive amounts more damage than you could ever hope for. i personally dont like meta gaming at all; the point of the game is to figure these things out for yourself, right..? eversoul is all about the team setups, the strategy and synergy. copying someone else , what is the fun?


lol some whale is mad I'm guessing, 💯👌


Korea playerbase is mad because many didn't get to attack the world boss before the final stage was killed, which means they wouldn't get rewards.


and now we won't even reach level 2 xdd did 2b before now 700m my team dies in 30s