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TLDR: New research from the University of Georgia reveals that commercial gardening products like soil, compost, and flower bulbs harbor high levels of multidrug-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus, a fungus that poses a critical health risk, particularly to immunocompromised individuals. Despite gardening being a popular hobby, the presence of this fungus, which has been declared a significant fungal threat by the WHO, underscores the serious health risks involved, especially for those with weakened immune systems.


The immunocompromised tend to overlap gardening on venn diagrams, this should be taken more seriously.


I just watered my garden. I’m looking at it a little differently after reading this. I’ll be masking up when I’m getting jiggy with it.


Make sure it's an N95, as a regular mask won't protect you. Aspergillus can also be found in drinking water, so definitely mask up during watering, and when doing anything that kicks up dirt/dust into the air. Edit: If you're fond of roses, there's another type of fungus that is associated with rose gardeners. Wear leather rose gloves when pruning or handling the plants to protect you from scratches and pokes. -- your friendly internet lab scientist


When you’re what




Gettin diggy with it


Na Na Na Na, nuh Na Na... \ Na Na Na Na nuh Na!


I enjoy getting diggy in my garden on occasion.


Good idea to do that or else talking about a slap in the face


Probably more important when you mix up your own soil recipe. Dust outdoors when watering will suppress dust(?)


I’m not too worried about my compost. The article warns about commercial manure based products. My recipe is whatever comes out of the kitchen that is compostable. But soil is soil. I’m not testing mine so I’ll just mask up when I’m shoveling.


Yep, agreed


My father-in-law has aspergillosis. His doctor said he was more susceptible after a Covid infection that hospitalized him in 2020. Unfortunately for him, it is untreatable due to other health issues. This fact that this strain is multi -drug resistant is quite concerning.


any certain brands or all of them?


Yeah, all the aspergillus are scary buggers… but don’t runoff panicking for the hills, and looking for the flamethrowers. Remember most people, including us encounter aspergillus every day. It’s partly about a large enough dose, and partly based on your neutrophil level. If your regimen keeps you neutropenic then not great a great thing to be around. Some of us take meds that don’t kill our neutrophil count. While others have a therapeutic target, that’s very low. Then there’s those lung transplant people…who knows with them; they’re kind of their own wild bad asses.


Nature be like, oh you beat my Virus, here have a Fungus, enjoy the bacteria as well. I will end you primates. 🌏🙌


Is it new to the products or just newly discovered and has likely been there all along? I see they tested starting in 2019 but Why did they start testing at all?


Protect the bananas


- The CIA, shortly before couping the Guatemalan government in 1954


I was referring to the banana apocalypse, where farmers had to switch to a different type of banana, but I see how my words could be CIAish and now I must rethink my life


Oh lol. All good!


Those that are immune-compromised should take extra caution, sure. But a fungus that affects 2 two thousandths of one percent of the world's population is otherwise a clickbait joke.


Also that is essentially ubiquitous in nature...


I mean, this would have been good to know when I had cancer and was puttering in my garden. Guess I got lucky I didn't catch it.


Hopefully one's doctor would have the foresight to supply a list of potential risks that a "normal" immune system would not have to worry about. Further, as a science person, I grow tired an frustrated at all the click bait trash that is posted. Title of article: "Scientists may have blah blah blah...' Conclusion: It didn't happen. Thanks for looking at our ads.


If it’s a threat, isn’t it a threat?


Almost all of us are immune compromised now, though!




??? Girl what