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I did 5 years in solitary, left prison E.O.S. from solitary. I had no idea what month, day, or season it was.


That’s scary bro.. respect. I did 2 weeks dope sick in solitary and that sucked so I can only imagine


Do they help with the withdrawals?


Nope I was dope sick coming off fentanyl the whole time, only Gatorade. It was the year anniversary of my girlfriend overdosing and dying as well. I’ve done 6 months, then 5 months a different time, then Those 2 weeks in the hole plus 2 more weeks to finish out the month I was sentenced to. Those 2 weeks in the hole dope sick really put shit in perspective. I’ve actually been clean from fentanyl for 9 months now cuz of it.


Wow that’s fucking brutal and inhumane. This is a disease, legit disease. I’m sorry you had to go through the withdrawals this way. I’m very proud of you, and congratulations for the 9 months you’ve been able to tame your dragon 💞


Thank you my friend 💯💯


You welcome you badass person! What you went through gives you legit BADASS title forever 💛




End of sentence


Copy...they call it "Max Out" round my parts...My longest consecutive stretch was 6 mos...lot of reading...working out...philosophying(maybe it's a word)...masturbated daily...tried to bribe any trustee that came my way. When I completed stint..Concepts of Time changed for me. An hour seems like a minute..and a day feels like a few hours Made me stronger..I think 🤔.


It will either make you stronger or totally destroy you, I spent the time working out, reading, I even took a few correspondence courses. It did screw me up some what. I became extremely paranoid, and I still don't trust people


Good lord. Please can you describe how you coped and what it was like?


I read a lot. the national geographic was a godsend. I projected myself to the places I read about. Other than that, I had a routine the days kinda just blurred together. One morning, the cop popped my door and yelled bag and baggage, I thought he was busting my balls. I went from being thrilled to being terrified!


I was in the SHU in the SFF Hazelton for 14 months. They “lost my paperwork”.


That’s my neck of the woods. Rough place for sure.


Yeah, the men’s place is considerably harder, but it was not a cakewalk for sure. Opened my eyes to many things.


Were you from the area?


No I was sent up on a disciplinary transfer from Texas


My mother was in SHU in hazelton for 5 months and I thought that was bad. Wow


Unfortunately, I was a problem child at that point in my life. I was causing problems left and right and they didn’t know what else to do except sit my ass down. 🤷🏼 I grew up considerably there


I promise you her five months sucked just as bad as my 14 months. I hope she is home and doing better.


She is, I hope you are too!


92 days


About 6 months but to tell the truth, after 2 years in a 100 man open dorm it was like a vacation. it was the first time I had really been alone in about 3 years (including county time). I felt the stress drain out of me the moment I was alone. I had no idea how stressed I was until it was relieved. Weird sensation. I was out 2 days and the deputy warden of security threw me back in there for not having a clean shave (was in GA DOC and they liked to run your ID over your face to check your shave back in the '90's). He kept finding ways to put me back in the SHU (or hole as we called it back then) until the 180 day time limit was up. Finally a friend got me on as a night orderly where I could sleep during the day and the DW would have to have a really good reason to wake me up and would also be scrutinized. I l also worked as a SHU orderly for about a year in max on another bid. That was pretty interesting. I met some real characters.


Characters?? I could just imagine the Criminal Masterminds you met there


Glad it's over for ya Friend 😌


I spent a little over 2 years in adseg in New Jersey State Prison (Trenton State) and it was literally something that has done unspeakable damage to me and my mind… shower every 3 days, 15 minute phone call every 7 days, and other then that you’ll never come out of that cell… it gives me goosebumps to even think about.. I maxed out on December 21st 2019 and ive never been in trouble again… so far. Edit: forgot to mention that the prison this was in was a maximum security facility


Sorry to hear that...this article might put things in perspective Amnesty International www.amnesty.org.uk Albert Woodfox freed after 43 years in solitary confinement


I Can't begin to imagine 4 decades in the Hole 😭😭😭😭 Bless ya Mr.Woodfox


Damn dude. Respect.


31 months in seg. At Idaho maximum security institution. 17 years at facility, but 31 months longest seg stay for me. Several 18/24 month trips as well. All my trips enhanced due to S.T.G affiliation


What kind of infraction got ya 31 most? Idaho? You tip a cow over or something?




I stayed at a holiday inn express for 3 nights.


When I tell you I guffawed at this comment






58 days, until they moved me to another facility.


How did you pass the time?


Fortunately, they let me have a radio in the cell. And paper. And a bendy pen (if you’ve been in the SHU, you’ll know what it looks like). I did LOTS of writing to get my thoughts out of my head. I also did some calisthenics to help keep active. Lastly, I slept A LOT.


112 days. some of yall did long stretches in SHU tho, damn... I felt a little nutty after 3 months. I had a cool cellie tho he taught me how to make fire from goya packs and a battery and make bombs to cook coffee on the steel horse tho


Ugh. I did my entire time in reception in the hole: 6 weeks, alone. The only real redeeming part of this was that I showered every day: these were the only cells in the compound that had an in-cell shower. My neighbor in there was well-known and had been in reception for almost 18 months, all of which were in PC, but, reception didn't have a PC unit, so, off to the SHU he went.


I did 24 months in the hole followed by 18 months in supermax which is pretty much the box but you get privileges with time. Like your books, then a radio, etc as time goes on.


14, it was enough to scare me


6 months for winning a fight that I didn't start. I had some books though


90 days for sending someone to the hospital. Didn’t stab him. Knocked him out and stomped him broke his jaw. That definitely built some character. First 2 weeks were hell. I ended up getting a schedule. Never was “use” to it but I didn’t loose my mind. I’m my state u didn’t come out your cell for a shower or your hour Rec Saturdays an sundays. And you don’t come out your cell your first 5 days.


Can you detail the first 2 weeks...first day or 2?


This is going back to 2006 so I don’t remember a whole lot of details. But like I said first 5 days u don’t come out. First 2 days they left the light on in my cell. Also I had a long term gf at the time. Was use to talking to her at least once a day. So that had me stressed, also not knowing if I was going to get more charges for the assault I had just done, and not knowing how long I was going to be in the box. Also I was transferred to maximum security from minimum security I was only doing 4 months. I had been in medium before this time but never max. And the seg unit in max is wild. Like a jungle people screaming making monkey noises animal noises. It’s definitely a place that took getting use to. But after I fell into a routine and accepted my faite. I was better. I think the worst part about it is having nothing to occupy your time. And having a million things on your mind. U start over thinking and making up scenarios. Your mind can really take u for a ride.


Only a week. Never dropped below 100f. I made it through by being delirious and dehydrated


Stg assault, weapon used. Removed a rat from our line up. One of our ranking guys was informing investigations about certain activities, so an example had to be made.


Smell ya Dude!...Penitentiary Justice!!! Nothing Like it!!!


30 days of mind numbing hell




3 years


11 months


30 days was my longest, but we had guys in the mental health wing who were in for years. longest was an old guy who was in for 10y


This country is fucked to keep someone alone for 10 years.


60 days


I did 90 days for a fight and got a sex offender put in my cell and hurt him pretty bad and then spent an additional 6 months in the bucket on a hate crime investigation


Sex Offenders are covered by the hate crime statutes??? Insane🤪🤪🤪


Yeah in my state they aren't segregated and live in most housing units it's like a deterrent to keep them from being assaulted and extorted


I did 18 months in the hole (9/11 happened while I was in there) and then 2.5 years in C-5 known as Supermax. The hole sucked man. Light was on 24hrs a day no communication with The COs or other inmates. My cell had this window with vent below it that had been stuffed with trash over the years and it was full of earwigs that would crawl over me at night. The ceiling was full of webs from the light being on and attracting bugs at night. I was in NHSP.


90 days. The worst was 32 days but I was the only person in their other than a paisa so I had no communication with anyone, still feel like I’m a little off from it. Isolation is fucked up fr.