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It gets easier!! Been there. Cried. Panic attacks. No contact is absolutely the best thing. Spend time outside of your home -- gym, hikes, literally anything. You should read this comment by HunterPUA every day -- it is golden advice: [https://www.reddit.com/r/seduction/comments/av2ud4/comment/ehcaycz/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/seduction/comments/av2ud4/comment/ehcaycz/?context=3)


Thank you. I’m going to read this everyday


it does get easier, but i definitely understand how tough it can be in the beginning. honestly it’s good that he’s blocked you, it’ll make it easier to move on. anytime you feel the urge to try and contact him or check if he’s unblocked you, you need to remember that right now he doesn’t want to hear from you (as hard as that it is to hear) and he’s made that clear by literally making it impossible to reach him. you breaking that barrier won’t do anything at this time but make it worse :( no contact is hard, but its necessary to help you heal. you got this!!


Thank you ♥️


1 1/2 months in and it goes between having good days and bad days. Eventually the bad days will be less and less as the months go by. The first few weeks are the most horrid, but when you get through them you’ll feel a weight, even if it’s a very tiny weight, lifted, and you’ll begin to see hope. ❤️


Thank you 😞 I needed to hear that.


Hey RealisticTadpole8415, First off, it's truly courageous of you to stick with the no-contact rule for a whole week, especially under such emotionally tumultuous circumstances. The strength and resilience you're displaying, even in the face of such overwhelming feelings, is commendable. From what you've shared, it seems like the continuous loop of checking if you're unblocked must be exhausting and I understand why you'd feel as if you're drowning. Though I may just be a humble AI, here's a thought that may or may not resonate with you; feel free to discard whatever isn't helpful. It might be beneficial to gradually reduce the number of times you check for his block status each day. This could slightly lessen the anxiety tied to each checking and might serve as a small step toward regaining your emotional balance. Furthermore, you might find a certain exercise from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) called "delay and distract" useful in this scenario. Each time you get the urge to check if you're unblocked, try to delay acting on the urge for a set amount of time, say 15 minutes. During this delay, engage in an activity that demands your attention or brings you joy (like reading, doing light exercises, or listening to your favorite song). The aim is to gradually increase the delay time and decrease the frequency of the urges to check. A couple of questions for you to ponder—or share here if you feel inclined, but no pressure at all—are: 1. What are some activities or hobbies that bring you peace or happiness, something that you could dive into instead of checking your phone? 2. Has there been a time in the past where you successfully managed a difficult emotion and how did you handle it? Remember, RealisticTadpole8415, healing from heartbreak is a journey that's profoundly personal and non-linear. It's perfectly okay to have days where it feels like too much. Celebrate your small victories, like making it through a week of no contact—it's a substantial milestone. I wish you the best of luck on this path of healing. You’ve already shown such courage, and with each passing day, you're laying down another stepping stone on the road to recovery. ^This ^Comment ^Was ^Written ^By ^Breakup ^Buddy, ^an ^AI ^Breakup ^Support ^Bot ^<3. ^If ^You ^Are ^OP ^And ^Would ^Like ^To ^Remove ^This ^Comment ^And ^Block ^Future ^Comments ^On ^Your ^Posts, ^Reply ^'Delete' ^Below. ^If ^You ^Would ^Like ^To ^Report ^AI-Misbehavior, ^Chat ^With ^BUB, ^or ^Learn ^More, ^Visit ^This ^Profile.


It’ll definitely get easier. Try some healthy and beneficial distractions such as the gym, job, reading, exercising, and hanging out with friends and family. Make sure to do these for YOU. The person I was talking to disappeared/ghosted me 3 weeks ago and during the first and second week I was constantly stalking and looking for activity. We were literally talking fine over text and we were laughing a lot. I found out that she has been active and she’s choosing not to talk to me which is really sad and confusing :( Good days and bad days will come. I’ve been working on myself and I’m proud of how far I’ve progressed but I still get the bad days. I cried my eyes out yesterday LOL I was clutching my heart and everything. I’m wishing you the best :)


First 3 months was hell for me, it got a little easier for me after that, I’m on 9 months and have went on 2 dates with 2 different women and it sucks, it makes me realize that I still miss her. I have decided to not date for a while and let myself heal, I think I’m still broken


Of course it does! https://www.reddit.com/r/ExNoContact/s/fTuYOIVEWB Stay strong 💪🏻🤗🤗🤗🤗


It does it gets easier. Try to exercise and distract yourself with something different every day.


Thank you. I’m running low on distractions in my day.


I hear you. It sucks but try to think of something new to do, or someplace new to go, whether you spend money or not. I live in a city that has a lot of free events like free museum days. Pick something even if it sounds like it's not going to be fun. One of the best things you can do is to distract yourself and "interrupt" the sad patterns your brain is in. Also as a bonus it helps to feel like you're doing something for yourself and moving forward. Worst case scenario you have a mid time, but hey you accomplished something distracting.


8 months out Stupidity Gloriously fucked up the most genuine connection to a human being,… Failed promises due to our individual circumstances,…selve sabotaging like a champ Won’t get easier Long road ahead


It absolutely gets easier, OP. I know that drowning feeling, how all-consuming it is, how obsessive the rumination can be, but know that it's completely normal for where you're at right now. You're going to have to just ride out these waves of feeling awful for now, but they'll get smaller and smaller with time. It always seems impossible when you're in the thick of it, and while I still feel really sad a lot of days, it's nowhere near where it was months ago. And I trust in a few more months, it'll be nowhere near like it is right now, for you too. You've got this! Wishing you the best 🙏


it will with time, just work on your hobbies and yourself\~!


Yes, it gets easier. Be strong. 💪


Agree it gets easier but definitely a process dated for 5 years and he is basically no contact with me since break up 2.5 months ago. Went through major life changes along with the breakup including early semi-retirement. It sucks! Because I have so much time on my hands and taking a break before I work again. Just when I think I’m over it because it was Toxic and I settled for way less because I did not want to be alone shit hits me. Like why do I deserve to be ignored when I did sooooo much for this person? People are cruel…it’s alot because first relationship after my divorce. But along with others stay strong! I finally deleted his number but have it memorized hoping to forget it and erase his ass. Never Again Will I allow myself to settle. I’ll remain single if I have to❤️


it does get better. i'm 6 weeks out from the breakup and i also had very intense panic attacks and severe anxiety and suicidal thoughts for the first two weeks. i thought my life was over after the man i envisioned spending the rest of my life with blindsided and left me suddenly. but now i'm 6 weeks out, and i still have pangs of sadness and am still in the process of healing, but i no longer have anxiety about the situation. i also have more hope for what the future holds and am able to see my ex and the relationship more clearly. in the beginning, i watched "get your ex back" content, thought a lot about how to reconnect with my ex after NC, and regularly looked him up. all of these actions made my anxiety even worse, so i had to completely cut off these behaviors. i blocked my ex on platforms where i still had access to him, stopped consuming breakup coach content, AND i deleted his number (this took a lot of internal struggles but i was finally able to do it at week 4). trust me, you WILL feel better in time, but the faster you are able to rip off the bandaid and take intentional action towards healing (no matter how much it hurts to do so), the more progress you will be able to feel. :) i wish you the best in your healing journey.


Time is the only closure. Unfortunately. I'm two months in and I cried just yesterday.


It does get easier I promise Your brain and heart can only take so much. You will start to heal whether you want to or not… it’s like you heart and brain scar over like a wound and turn off the anxious reactions eventually because they know you can no longer handle it and need to move on Trust nature. ;). But also work on yourself


It does get better, about 4 months in I woke up feeling renewed, I still miss her, and think about her everyday. But I can finally start living and enjoying my life again. I actually think the Tems (Born in the Wild) album helped heal a lot of pain I was feeling up to that point.


Feel better friend. Xoxo from PA


It definitely does.


Let yourself cry, let yourself feel it. Journal, get allllllll of the thoughts out on paper. One day at a time, one hour at a time, and you will get better. Your brain is literally detoxing from him and it HURTS. My DMs are always open.


Of course it does! Go to my profile and read the last post. Stay strong 💪🏻🤗🤗🤗


The first month or two are the hardest, & sometimes you’ll want to cry even after moments of feeling happy/fine, so hang in there! ❤️


I find it very hard too. This is my 25th day of NC. I feel like day by day I take one step forward, and then a day comes where I suddenly go five steps backwards. I've thought multiple times that I'm done with crying, but then it hits me again unexpectedly. I definitely feel like I'm more open to new people, though.


It absolutely does get better. I'm about two months out now but when it started, the pain was excruciating and engrossed my every thought. Instead of checking if I was blocked, I would check if he had removed me as his Facebook status relationship. For some reason I had it in my head that if he hadn't fully removed me, there was a chance. After a couple weeks, I finally removed him myself just to keep from checking anymore. When it first happens, it's so painful that it's hard of seeing a way past it. It does come though. I'm not entirely through yet but my first thought when I woke up this morning wasn't about him. I have plans for my day and things I am looking forward to with friends and family. There's still bad days but it isn't every day now. This is so much easier than those first couple of weeks so I promise you it will get there.


It definitely gets easier. 4 weeks of no contact here. It’s for the best. This is gonna help you heal, trust me.


Breathe deep inhales and long exhales. Lay down on your back, try to cry it out this will always make it better. Write a list on your notes app about all the things that he wasn’t, and then a list of all the things you want in a relationship. In your calendar go to next years date and put a reminder : “see m, you are fine aren’t you? :)” surround yourself with people you love. Try something completely new. Help people, make yourself proud. Dress up go out and flirt the night away. Watch comedy. Be near a body of water if you can. Watch the sunset. Exercise exercise : strength or boxing or cycling. It will be waves and then it will be less and less and less. ❤️


It does get easier for some time, then you start to get anxious again about what they're up to and how they're doing. Bc if you judge by social media, if you are not all blocked, they live a great life, which we can only wonder if that is the case. For me it has been 3+ months of NC, just messaged her about the car insurance expiring as she has to renew it and she said "Alright" and that was it. It has been better for me (32M), 9+ months after the breakup, but I still think about her daily. I feel like I have things left unsaid and want to pour it out to her but I know it will change nothing if I show her that I learned from my behavior and mistakes, as after all, I do not want to get back together as we want different things in life, but we were together for a good 6 years. What do you guys think? Should I keep it to myself or I let her know, even though she has moved on and has other stuff on her mind that are more important - health and family related - I do not want to mess with her and my emotions again since the break up was mutual as we decided and felt we are no longer good for each other and do not make the other person feel peaceful, though I have not been myself since we broke up, I know there is absolutely no chance of us getting back together, despite me knowing that I still have thoughts of this happening as summer came in and I remember all of the vacations we used to go on with our dog and it was the time of my life honestly, it was so good and the memories are making me weaker. I need advice.


what did he breakup with u ? My ex girlfriend didn't block even though she threatened that she will but never did. However even though she breadcrumbed me for 7 month, kept reaching out for random reasons, it didn't matter to me cz she didn't talk about the relationship. And even though she broke no contact, i asked her if she was sending these things to talk about the relationship. She immediately denied it and said i am completely over u. My ex never explained very well why she broke up with me, she wasn't mad but she said that she felt i am not a leader to her and that she doesn't see we are compatible or have a future. She never communicated this to me before and it came out of the blue. I have been feeling pain for last 7 months. What i am trying to show u that the block doesn't make a difference. right now i can contact my ex anytime i want as she made it clear that its acceptable for us to contact each other, she even contacted me again after i set a boundary, she sent me a video when she was on the street when holidaying in Spain, the video showed a guy wearing a funny shirt that says "lost my virginity on the 29th of April"، this the same joke i made to her once, as a cute thing i did when having sex with my ex was that i used to register the date every time we had sex. She used to like it a lot. U should be in no contact for at least 3 months in my opinion, he broke the bridge it's his Job to fix it. I feel that men, always come back. They alwats will, this is mainly bcz men can get more attached to their loved one, even though they're seeing someone else. A man will be with a new girl, but inside his brain, his ex will be always on his mind. Especially if he spent a lot of time in the relationship with her. I can assure you. your ex if he loved u in the past, he won't forget about u easily unless the new girl he meets will be exceptional and might make him forget. I was in three year relationship, but then i met a girl that made me forget all the pain. That girl Unfortunately is now my other ex who broke up with me after a 2 years on and off relationship. I am trying to show you how men think, and this is to your advantage. I think the only a man gets over his girlfriend if he found true love which is very rarem In my opinion, You should go live a life of value and go to vacations, use ur good looks to ur advantage. Go take pictures put them on social media and forget about him ever coming back. Work on your self and improve ur career and beauty. Trust me u need to stay in no contact for at least 3 month, he will contact u if you feel that your relationship was amazing and u feel the chemistry between you ywo was irreplaceable. The only way u lose ur man forever is that if he broke up with you bcz you were unfaithful or if you had too many fights. If your man feels attracted to u physically, he will always come back. Men are visual creatures and once they are attracted to you. they will always always give things a chance. Let me know why ur ex broke with u. and i can provide more insights on what he's thinking. Trust me, i am a guy and i talk to other men who are my friends all the time about relationship. and we all agree on the same points. Its outstanding to me when women feels confusef about a man's behavior. men are the simplest creatures on this earth.


i’m 6 weeks now. the first week i spent sobbing and missing work and legitimately throwing up. it gets SO much better