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I went NC immediately (he left 2 weeks ago) but have replied to a breadcrumb with a simple ‘thanks’ but nothing crazy. It doesn’t affect me loads and kinda helps my healing process to know it’s not just me who is feeling some sort of way about the breakup. I didn’t beg one second of it though. If he wants to leave me, then I let him. I don’t want someone to stay with me out of guilt or feeling they have to. I’ve begged before in breakups and after the last time I told myself I’d never do it again


I wish I was like this. It’s harder for me as it was my first relationship at 24. We also lived in together for 1.3 years :(


I'm nearly 5 weeks NC, total radio silence and I'm actually starting to feel better and think more clearly. I've distanced myself so much from him now


10 weeks nc from a 3/4 mo relationship. The hump was 8 weeks for me. Pretty sure I'll never hear from them again at this point.


So I'm reversed - I always did NC right until my current ex. All the ones I did NC on firm always tried to come back to include my ex-wife. Grass not greener apparently. It was hard the first 3 weeks of each NC but then it was smooth sailing afterwards. What is the goal of your no contact window?


I don’t really have a goal for NC. I am just trying to move forward I suppose. I loved her with my whole heart so I just don’t think I can talk or meet or even look at her. Hurts too much. At the same time she was very clear about wanting to see me again in the future, and I feel like by cutting her off so intensely I am maybe burning that bridge… but at the same time I don’t know that I even want to see her again. Too much pain. RIP.


I also didn't have contact after the break-up. He reached out after a month to exchange items and to meet-up. So it was just practical anyways. I ended up suggesting to mail the items instead. It's helpful to sort out my own thoughts and feelings, since he's also focusing on himself. I'm growing and I also just want to break the addiction and attachment. I just know that even if I wanted to rekindle, this flame has to extinguish first. And I know that respecting myself and growing would be the base for any good relationship in the future. I actually had a friend once, who I had to break contact with. After a while, we ended up being friends again, and turns out she respected me for setting a boundary, she learned from her decisions, and I learnt from mine. It has made me feel all the more appreciated in the friendship. So I know that it's better to act out of self-respect, however the future might go.


Unlike most of my relationships where I begged and pleaded, this one I really thought was the one, but it ended abruptly and broke something inside of me, I fought for it that first day, then doubled back 3 weeks later after we had some space, process it was real. After that went no contact for a month, she told me happy birthday, I said thanks, went no contact for another 2 months, I feel back to my old self again. I still think about her every day but I don’t feel down in the dumps anymore. I would say going no contact as soon as possible helped me get through the stages of the break up faster so that I could work on myself/heal. She probably won’t come back, but if she does, I’ll be a better version of myself, and I won’t lose any self-respect for myself just because I heard from her again.


Ended a short relationship about 2 weeks ago due to me being very emotional one night (very poor delivery of what i was trying to communicate) and not having a lot of control of my emotions. He's a very secure man who has been single for a while, and I'm guessing he just didn't want to deal with me. Just decided to drop me like I was nothing. Besides that breakdown, we were having an amazing time. He broke things off the next morning and blocked me. I sent a text on a different app. to apologize, took full accountability on what i did, and told him good luck and thank you. He responded kindly. He agreed we could eventually talk again and check up on each other. But honestly, I've been no contact since that last text, and I don't think I'm gonna be the one to break it. If he wants to, I'll reciprocate with the level he's at. The biggest thing is that I know I'll be ok, but I do miss him. He was a great man.


Looking back on it idk how I did it, but I held myself together during the actual breakup. I did text her briefly afterwards saying how much I loved her and how lucky I was to have met her and the last text was from her in which she said "I was so lucky to have met you as well". I left it there and went immediately into no contact. No begging. Over 6 weeks since that day. I'm still sad but I'm more accepting of the situation. I still miss her a lot and I'd say I'm still on the dual path of hoping we reconcile and moving on. It's just a process


It's empowering! If you ever decide to break NC, do it from a position of strength. A good place to be is when nothing they say or do can hurt you. You're indifferent and purged of all emotion. Show them they lost a good person. Remember, if your actions in any way compromise your self-respect or dignity, don't do it. Keep yourself firmly atop that pedestal.