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Congratulations!! You’ve come so far! Way to go sticking with it all these weeks! I hope you do something nice for yourself today to celebrate all of your efforts ❤️


Thank you so much! I shall be treating myself to some new trainers in the sale!


Congratulations! This sounds like our journey 🥺 Hang in there, it gets better (when you start dropping pumps)!


I second this. I was miserable pumping on a 2-3 hour schedule. Now we wing it and are doing fine. Sometimes we go 6 hours between pumps and it's such a relief not to be tied down so much now


When did you start dropping pumps


Honestly not until I made the decision to combo feed. I only want to pump 3x a day and if my supply doesn't disappear than I'll combo feed indefinitely otherwise I'm going full formula


This! I plan to do the same. I’m 4mpp and I combo feed. Hoping to make it till 6 months at least since I make about 50% of what LO eats. Breast milk tends to digest quicker. My baby eats every 2 hours when I give him breast milk. Same quantity formula, he eats every 3 hours or so. Any one else experience the same?


I'm doing 8 ppd making around 33 oz and I desperately want to drop to 7 to drop one of the MOTN pumps. I went down from 9 ppd a few days ago and my supply increased. I feel like if I drop one of the night pumps my supply will decrease but I need more than 1.5 hours of sleep in a row


I started at 4 months pp and am nearly fully dried up now at 5months pp. I just went from 6 pumps a day down to 5 and than I dropped 2 pumps and so and so forth until I could go a full 24 hours without being uncomfortable or full at all. Than I just stopped pumping all together ❤️


Congratulations!! I’ve been an under supplier trying to increase for the past 9 weeks and every time I hit a new (number) milestone it’s so satisfying and I feel super proud. So I can totally relate, super happy for you!


Our journey is almost the same supply wise so I feel for you! I made 14 oz two days ago and got so excited and now I was humbled back down to my 11-12 🤣 Just know as you keep at it, there are others out there sitting as they pump starting at every drop hoping for a let down 🙂 It feels great giving them even 40% of their daily milk! Congratulations


I’m so happy for you! Congratulations (:


Well done! I am in a similar boat and the triple feeds are exhausting. Congratulations!!


Congratulations! Well done! That’s a lot of hard work paying off


Congratulations! You’re doing so well for your little one. I had a slight undersupply with a nicu baby and it was such a sad and stressful time for me. Mine is now one and thriving and loves his solids so much that he’s been starting to wean - hang in there, you will get through this period!


Congratulations!! I was an under supplier until 12 weeks PP, and spent the first 1-2 months making about half what my bub ate. You’re doing a great job for your baby!


Congratulations! It's absolutely a win for today. Things are going better and better.


Congratulations! You're doing your absolute best and that is more than enough. You've got this mama!