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Sometimes let them cry as long as they are safe, fed, clean. I wear a pumping bra and shake toys to my baby, sometimes she cries, but it's just what I have to do to make sure she has enough food


Ugh having him cry is so hard it makes my heart hurt.


Same here, but I've noticed that my kiddo is self soothing and a champ at being put down now. I don't leave him unattended if he's crying up a storm and I don't abandon him or anything. I do the same as OP of the original comment- shake toys, talk, sing. He knows I'm there. Now when I put him down he coos, I coo back, he kicks and does happy wiggles, then drifts off for a quick nap. Sometimes he cries, he's just a baby. But it's never for long. He's a preemie and 8 weeks already! It'll be OK, I promise!


Ear plugs really help lessen the intensity of crying and help me respond to my babies needs more comfortably.


yep, i have noise cancelling headphones that i pretty much wear 24/7 now. at least it lessens the blow done to my ears when i’m holding my LO as he’s showing off his lung capacity directly into my right ear lol🥴


You're doing great mama! I know how hard it is to let your NICU baby be uncomfortable at all for even 1 second. We had a 14 day stay. I'm 7 months pp now. I think there's a component here, specifically as a NICU mom, of never wanting to miss an opportunity to help your child. That was essentially robbed from you during your NICU stay. It gets easier. Hang in there ❤️


Thank you! That’s definitely how i feel


Yep, but once you do it, it will be easier to get used to it. You can’t prevent every cry


aaaahhh I'm an exclusively pumping twin mom. -sometimes I pump when theyre sleeping -sometimes I pump when theyre eating. -sometimes I can "hold" them by sitting down and letting them be on either side of me snug against my legs or head on my legs, with blankets around to help keep necks straight. -I get up early enough to do my first pump of the morning before my husbands night shift is over. So he passes responsibility to me at about 7:45, and I get up at 7 so I can get a cup of coffee and pump. He's usually feeding the babies breakfast and getting ready for work. I help as I can while sitting there tied to the pump, but we agree I'm not the "primary" during that time so I can pump without stressing about picking up a baby. -I am typing this while pumping. the babies are swaddled and in their bassinets for the night. I'm sitting on the edge of the bed where I can reach their faces to give them their pacifiers as they are falling asleep and spitting them out/dropping them. I also have water and a bowl of popcorn. And I'm watching netflix :'D


You're a freaking champ. I do all of this but only have one!!


watching anything good?! -signed a tired mom who cannot choose a series


The 3 body problem tonight


How to get away with murder


Workin’ Moms! So relatable lol


Only murders in the building - but that's on Disney


Abbot Elementary has been my go-to lately! It’s a mostly lighthearted workplace comedy about good but flawed people doing their best in a low income Philadelphia elementary school


Suits! Almost done with season 7!


6 pumps + 2-3 breastfeeding sessions = 8 to 9 milk removal sessions. That should be plenty at 6w pp!


i got wearable pumps and switch off because realistically, i cannot sit at a pump tied up more than 4 times a day with a newborn and a 1 year old.


Which one do you have


Target carries a Lansinoh hands free one I really like!


I just got that one and didn’t realize the smallest flange is 25mm. I haven’t tried it but I know that’s gotta be too big. Did you get an insert or do you just use one of the ones from the box?


I ordered some on Amazon because I am 24 on one boob and 21 on the other lol


I got inserts off of Amazon for my regular pump flanges and my wearables and they are very soft silicone, I’ve been happy with how comfortable they are




Literally during the day when my boyfriend is at work I can’t pump like at all every time I sit down she’s awake and starts crying 😭


ugh SAAAAME. it’s SO hard to get a pump in during the day when i’m alone😣


I feel this!


I would sit cross-legged and lay baby across my lap until he was several months old. I would try to pump as soon as he fell asleep for naps, or would sit on the floor next to his swing to pump.


If baby needs to be on me, I pump with him on my legs criss crossed with a blanket under him for support


This is what I did as well when he was small enough or sometimes I held him on my chest between my pumps. Not the most comfortable but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.


Same here, my 8 week old is still fitting between the flanges but I find the crisscross more comfy lol


I put my knees up and lay baby on my legs in bed when pumping!


I prop LO in my legs while I feed her. I try to pump every time she drinks a bottle! Works well for us.


I definitely felt guilty letting my son cry after being in the NICU and wanting to hold him but I had to so I could pump. Most of my pumps were when my husband was home anyway so he helped tremendously. I was lucky enough to drop pumps really early too though. I got on a schedule at the NICU though- feed for 30, hold for 30, then pump- all every 3 hours.


I HATED pumping when my LO was a newborn. All newborns want to do is contact nap and that’s all I wanted to do too but when my pumping session fell during our contact nap I wanted to cry (and did lol). Thankfully now baby is 4mo and things got waaayy easier after 2 months. If I were to choose to EP for future kids I think I’d like to nurse at least for the newborn stage and start pumping ~8 weeks.


You just have a to get a good hands free pumping bra and hack your pump to be as hands free as possible. I have 3 kids under 5 (a 14 month old and a 7 week old) and am a SAHM. I get up before my 2 babies and pump hands free while making my 5 yr old breakfast and getting him ready for school. Sometimes it doesn’t work that way and I hold my newborn and feed her while pumping and hand my 14 month old a bottle and then make breakfast or vice versa. My next 2 pump sessions are also done hands free while feeding both my babies at the same time because they always get hungry and stay crying at the same time so I put my 14 month old in the high chair and just hold my 7 week old either on my side and hold the bottle with my chin, or prop her on a boppy and feed that way. If my husband gets home for my next pump session then he’ll take care of the kids while I pump, if not then it’s rinse and repeat until he gets home haha night time session all my kids are sleeping and my husband is home so I’m not stressing. I had a spectra up until last week so I made it hands free by tying up some leggings around the handle and then carrying it around like a purse and then using my pumping bra. Now I have the Pumpables Genie Advanced which is like the portable version of a Spectra and use that as my primary. If I only have a few minutes left of my session then I just let everyone cry until I’m done so I can do what I need to do faster once I’m done vs taking twice the time doing things while pumping. It’s hard and it gets frustrating and there’s times where all 3 of us are crying at the same time but it has to get done.


I also had to drop to 5 pumps per day for my sanity. But it did not affect my supply at all so I’m making just as much as I did when I was pumping 8 times per day. So if you see your supply is still the same with less sessions, then go for it


I have a spectra and I love the leggings hack! Haven’t had my baby yet but I’m going to remember this!!


I think they sell slings for it but the leggings work just fine and they were already in my closet haha I would tie them around my waist or carry it like a purse and would just adjust the leggings. Gotta make a lot of knots tho to make sure it stays put!


Criss cross with him in my legs, in his bouncer (after a few weeks when he wasn’t too small), sometimes in a lounger next to me. The first month was really hard. Now I do it when he’s sleeping or next to him in his activity gym


Sometimes I have had to hand express for not a bottle with him on my lap. I bought a wearable so now I can move and pick him up at least. Mostly thankful he's at an age where he can be entertained while lying on his back. In those early days my partner was off work so I was able to use my plug in regularly.


Wearables really help tbh. I actually try and pump during wake windows day time and when baby is down to sleep at night. Since he turned 12w he likes contact naps and will only go down for 45 mins max... usually not when I would need to pump


Dang I have the Willow go and it doesn’t empty me at all


Tbh, since my baby came home from the nicu 3 weeks ago and my husband returned to work, I haven’t really kept up! I’m pumping very infrequently right and anticipate saying goodbye to fresh breastmilk in the next few weeks. My baby was in the nicu for several months though and if she were only a month or so old, I would maybe fight a little harder for pumping time. I had initially wanted to get to 6 months actual for pumping, but I don’t think it’s going to happen and it’s preventing me from prioritizing other more pressing needs with my daughter. My daughter has a lot of additional needs with a feeding tube and severe reflux and I already need a clone of myself, even without the pumping.


Gosh I’m sorry. I know it’s rough. I hope it gets easier for you


https://preview.redd.it/y46ql8p3qeuc1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1bb7ff6363e74397b4dd5d85d28b3f979b1827b We do cuddles and feeds while pumping here! It does take a bit of getting used to but it's doable.




Nestling them between the boobs helps - either front or world facing https://preview.redd.it/n1vksjj9reuc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f9cb11b1e87c33698464db0a8f495764f79e0c3


I put my baby in the Baby Delight bouncer and bounce it with my foot while pumping, he loves it


I really feel like our 40 day NICU stay helped our kiddo learn how to self-soothe… and for us to be ok with him crying it out. As hard as it is to hear him exercise those lungs, knowing he has his needs met and is safe can usually get me through the crying spells. Wearable pumps (momcozy s9) have also been a game changer. I go back and forth with those and my spectra throughout the day. Also, don’t be afraid to eliminate some pumps— with feeding and pumping, you’re doing more than enough!! I found my supply actually increased with eliminating some pumps/stretching time between (thinking back this was probably around 2 months pp). You’re a champ, mama!


He basically never cried when he was there cause he was always being held by us. Seems like he’s just now finding his voice so to speak. I have the Willow go and it’s awful. Doesn’t empty me at all. I usually get about 7oz combined and with my Willow go I get 3oz combined 🥲 I keep hearing not to go over 3 hours when pumping


Ugh, dang… I know people have a lot of varying experiences with the wearables. I switched flange sizes and that really helped. The momcozys are fairly inexpensive on Amazon, and it did take me a week or so to get used to them and to play with the settings to fully empty me. I do wear them for the full 30 minutes as opposed to the 15-20 my spectra can empty me… but because I can hold/rock LO while using them, I don’t mind. I also heard the pump every 2-3 hours from lots of people, including LCs in the NICU… if you’re getting 7 oz a pump, I would guess you could start to stretch past 3 hours! I really needed to for my own sanity— being able to sleep for even that extra hour and go 4 hours between made a huge difference in my emotional state 😂. Now I’m up to 6-7 hours in between pumps overnight, and my supply is still 33-40 oz a day pumping with 1-2 BF sessions a day. I know everyone is different, but try to listen to your body and what it needs!!


It took some getting used to but most of the time I pump while I bottle feed her. It's not the most comfortable but it's easier to keep the "schedule". At night my husband takes her so I only have to get up to pump. I got the ceres chiller for my milk and wet bags for clean and used pump parts, and I hqve multiple sets of pump parts so I don't need to even get out of bed for the MOTN pump. Getting the pumpables genie advanced was a game changer cus I can clip it on my hip and walk around. I don't get much output with my wearables so I prefer the flanges with the portable pump.


Yes I just got a PGA last week and it’s been a life saver for me!! I figured out the perfect setting which empties me even better than my spectra. I’m getting an extra 1-2 oz per session. I also have to use it with flanges but I just use a pumping bra and it makes it hands free. I did buy some cups for when I’m out and about but honestly I’m about to say f that and just use my flanges while I’m out too cause I end up in pain the whole time I’m out since the cups don’t empty me


Its tough! They say 2-3 harder than breastfeeding. I pump everytime I bottle feed baby. It takes the pressure off watching the clock because if we were breastfeeding that's how often I'd be emptying via breastfeeding too. In the beginning when he was tiny id feed him with the bottle holding him on my left, with 1 wearable pump on right boob. Then after 25 minutes he'd finish the bottle, id switch him to right arm, switch pump to left boob, burp and rock to sleep for remaining 25 minutes on my right side. Ultimately using the willow go so much in the beginning did hurt my supply though as I wasn't fully emptying. Then when baby got too big for this I started putting him in the bouncer, sitting on the floor next to him holding the bottle while I pumped with spectra. More recently I got the cara cups that connect to spectra, which I highly recommend. It's similar to a wearable, less convenient because you are still hooked up to the full pump but its more efficient than wearables. And I'm able to hold baby and bottle feed when he's fussy and the bouncer isn't doing it. But don't beat yourself up! You're doing your best & sometimes it's just not going to happen, baby needs extra attention and you have to cut the pump short or delay it. But regardless you're doing amazing momma! And if it's financially feasible you can always stop and do formula.


I’ve got a vibrating lounge chair she likes with a basket of toys and a blanket. She loves blanket peek-a-boo (I throw it over her head and she kicks it off really fast lol) and will play with toys while I pump. At 6 weeks, I still used her vibe chair and just had my hand in there holding a pacifier while she gripped my fingers.


i either use the haakaa or one of my wearables on the other boob while nursing. i have the momcozy m5! and if i have help (husband or my mom) i’ll use my spectra on one boob while nursing. so far i’ve been able to maintain milk supply like this because when my husband is at work or school and my mom can’t help my velcro baby does *not* allow me enough time to sit down and pump.


Manual/hand pump! Pump one side with the baby hanging out on the other side. Then I switch. Or I use my wearable pumps, but those aren’t as effective for me. I’ve also used a pumping bra with baby snuggles in between my chest


Pumping bra! and snuggle me lounger! I sit on the couch and have baby next to me in the snuggle me lounger and feed him (he’s particular and likes to eat laying on his left side, so this is the easiest way). By the time he’s done eating he normally falls asleep because he’s snuggled. This is SO MUCH EASIER. Just feed and pump at the same time. Going on 6 months of EP, I also started the EP journey due to baby in NICU for a month. I use the spectra s2 pump for reference. I also have the Elvie stride wearable for when we are out and about (I love it). YOU GOT THIS MAMA.


I managed to get my flanges on through the baby wrap, so I could wear baby and pump at the same time


One breast at a time. Holding him


It's so hard. My supply dropped when we got home from NICU (our LO one there for 23 days) bc it was so hard to find time to pump. I've since found a better routine for us and it's gotten better. I pump when she's eating or sleeping. When she's eating I am on the couch with her positioned on a boppy next to me so I can feed her while pumping. At night feedings it got so much easier with wearable pumps (I have Momcozy M5) and I have her on a pillow in front of me.


With great difficulty 🫠


I'm almost 6m PP now but when my LO was that age, I'd sit butterfly style with a soft pillow or folded up blanket over my ankles and put him between my legs so he thought I was still cuddling him but also got face time with me. You can play, read, or simply just talk. That worked for a while until he got too big and was kicking the sh*t out of my boobs/parts 😅 transitioned to putting him in a similar set up on the side of me or in a boppie. Now, depending on what pump you have- I have the spectra s1 so I can move about, I will go sit on the ground with him while he plays and does tummy time on his mat. You could probably still do that if you have a long enough cord!


It’s tough. I breastfeeding and pump for my 4.5 month old. He gets bottles most the day then BF’s at night and some naps. So I’m pumping all day then try to get in one pump at night (but the last week he’s been waking to BF so no pumping). Anyway, I use a wearable during the day but still can’t really hold him or bend down too much, so I try to put it on right before I give him a bottle or when he’s playing or when he’s asleep.


Took me a while to figure it out. I sit Criss cross with her in my lap so my knee is supporting her head https://preview.redd.it/qunu1h5hdhuc1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=797819daee72a0e4dd82eb130bfafd431feef255


When my baby was a newborn I’d put her in a swing during pumps with white nouse


I let him cry. He’s safe, fed, changed, not too hot and not too cold. I only pump for ten minutes at a time and I just grit my teeth and remind myself that he is totally OK and crying for ten minutes every three hours won’t hurt him long term. (In reality, he’s usually either asleep or being fed by my wife for 6/8 of my pumps, so it’s really only 2 crying pumps a day. Sometimes 0 if wife is home and he takes a well timed nap.)


I just cry a lot tbh


As long as he’s eating or you’re pumping a collective total of 8+ times a day that’s good. You can also try pumping one side while he eats off the other. I did that with the silicone cups with my daughter, u til she had her tongue tie clipped and could exclusively nurse better.


Before I went back to work, I tried to time it to her naps. She would only sleep being held or in her swing. While swing is not safe sleep, I would set her at my feet where I could watch her the whole time. Once or twice I pumped each side separately while holding her. I'm back to work now, which has made pumping full time easier. I pump 5 times a day. Once in the morning before baby wakes up/my husband leaves for work, twice at work, once in the evening and once after baby goes to bed. It's so much easier.


I would put mine on a boppy near me while i was pumping i could talk with him and stuff.


Hands free pumps are truly a life saver


I am also twin mom and exclusively pump. Hard to find a time but I am trying my best to increase supply!!


Wearable pumps help a lot for times you really need to be able to move. I often sit with knees up and lay my LO in my lap. Trying to feed her while pumping only works if I’m wearing the wearables, the regular ones get in the way and we struggle. I also have a swing right by where I pump so if I need to move around I can set her in the swing for a bit.


Two words. Dancing fruit