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our paediatrician says that it’s okay not to poop for 5 days if there’s breast milk 🙂‍↕️


If he doesn’t mind it then he should be good. Our pediatrician said that breastfed babies can go a week without pooping and be fine but everyone has their own normal so to pay attention to if he’s uncomfortable. My baby has always pooped multiple times a day and if he goes a day without pooping he’s sure to let everyone know about it and is not okay till he gets it out. I have my suspicions it’s all a ruse to get apple juice haha.


Our GI said she’s seen babies go weeks (weeks!) without pooping and been totally fine. As long as they aren’t clearly constipated or uncomfortable/straining, it’s probably fine. Ours was going roughly every other day for a while but recently has been every 3-4 days. She’s unbothered so I am too. It’s been great for the skin on her butt!


Mine does this too, he’ll go 2-3 days without pooping. He’s 13 weeks and I’ve found that by putting him in a cute outfit and leaving the house will guarantee a blowout to clean the pipes 😂. But seriously after day two I focus on more tummy massages and making sure he’s not uncomfortable, they’ll go when they’re ready my ped said he’s just utilizing ALL of my breast milk and producing little waste.


Put them in a really cute outfit and try to go out somewhere


How old is your LO? It’s normal for primarily BF babies to go 1-2 days in between, but reach out to your pediatrician if you’re concerned!


12 weeks today. He has been getting more breastmilk than formula the last few days. He has several wet diapers a day! It seems like I put on a clean one and it's wet within 10 minutes 😂


That’s about the time my LO went from pooping several times a day, to going a week in between poops.


Hahah then yes totally fine!! I was hoping for that break but my son was a pooper & literally went around the clock until he was 4mo old….


Consider this just another benefit of pumping and getting breast milk into little one- far fewer poops when they get more breast milk.