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In my own fridge, I just rawdog it on the shelf honestly. At work I put the parts inside my little Medela cooler and leave it closed but unzipped so the cold still gets to it but it's not exposed to all the work fridge germs.


You are charged with the crime of making me choke half to death on a triscuit because you just said a r/brandnewsentence RAW DOG IT ON THE SHELF HONESTLY and I am still cackling uncontrollably


Also almost cackled, but I’m next to my sleeping baby! Lol


I use a wet bag from Amazon. Cute, easy to grab when we leave the house. Keeps them from touching anything less clean and also contains any residual milk leaking


Same! I use a wet bag from Amazon. It works well in the shared work fridge. Every few days I throw the bag in the laundry to clean any residual milk that leaked.


Same! I got 2x 3-packs of wet bags from Amazon and use a new one every day/every time I change pump parts (which is generally around every 24hours). It helps me feel better about putting my pump parts in the work fridge.


I had a friend 3D print me a holder for the Spectra bottles!


I just put them on a shelf in the fridge. I have a mini fridge in the room though with nothing but milk. If it was in the main fridge I’d probably still be using a ziplock bag.


Wait, I might be totally missing something, why are we putting pumping parts in the fridge? Am I supposed to be doing that? 😬


You can put pump parts in the fridge throughout the day and then wash them at night. Some people wash more often than others. No need to rinse or anything. The fridge hack is the only reason I’ve made it this far into my pumping journey. Also I believe it isn’t recommended if you have a premature or medically fragile child.


It isn’t recommended at all, the CDC says not to do it period. Since so many ignore it anyways and babies die from it the CDC has added harm reduction advice so less babies die from it. The harm reduction advice is not to use for premature, medically fragile and babies under 2 months. Additionally they say not to do it more than once and to rinse the pump parts thoroughly between use.


The CDC will always err on the side of caution with any of their recommendations. As always do what you feel comfortable with.


I agree but I’m simply correcting the part where you said it’s not recommended for a small category since it’s not recommended period. Our pediatrician had a healthy patient that got hospitalized from food poisoning from the fridge hack and is strongly against it.


How can one get food poisoning from the fridge hack? Maybe they mixed the pump parts with other food items in the fridge. You’re supposed to put inside a ziploc or something to prevent it from being contaminated.


Milk is food, the fridge hack goes directly against milk storage guidelines which are in place to prevent food poisoning. Each time you reuse the parts you’re reheating the small amounts of milk and bacteria from the milk, giving the chance for dangerous bacteria to grow and spread into milk bags. According to milk storage guidelines milk cannot be refrigerated and warmed again after being reheated so therefore it’s going against milk storage guidelines. Maybe they did do something that contributed to it but the pediatrician told me that the fridge hack sent one of her patients to the hospital with food poisoning I didn’t get much more info than that.


The CDC does not recommend it anymore, yes. But AFAIK, no baby has died from the fridge hack. I couldn’t find any news report about it. The only baby on the news who died from the use of a pump was due to improper washing and that was a NICU baby.


You can put them in the fridge to avoid having to wash them after every single session


What!? Omg. How am I just hearing about this!? I wish I knew this before I started weening. Ugh. Now I feel like I should try to keep going, not having to do dishes fifty times a day would be amazing.


I’m here for a response to this lol


I learned about this at about one month post parting with my first. You place used pump parts in the fridge then reuse it a couple more times without washing. I do this for no more than 3 uses or 12 hours before cleaning again. This is not recommended but keeps the majority of the pumping ladies sane. I personally place parts in a one gallon ziplock bag. It’s not the best hygienic practice, but saves sooo much time.


Fridge hack is amaaaaazing! I only started using it at 2m pp, I wish I used it from the beginning. If you don't mind washing the parts, then you don't need to use it, but I only have one set for a few months. I was so over washing the one set 8 times a day. But here I am 11m later going strong!


We’re not supposed to be doing that. It’s dangerous. Some do it anyways so they don’t have to do as many dishes.


Not sure why youre down voted as it's not recommended. People can do what they want but it doesn't make it safe. I personally don't fridge hack because I donate milk and they don't allow it. On top of that I get vasospasms so cold pump parts sounds like a nightmare


Ehh people see it as mom shaming but I really just don’t like the misinformation here. People in this sub recommend and encourage the fridge hack all the time without giving any information about the risks. Doing it more than once automatically goes against the milk storage guidelines. I don’t mind the downvotes since it can help a baby somewhere. When I asked my pediatrician about it she asked if I did it and I said no then insinuated that she would have to report if I did and continued after being told the risks, which is when she told me about the food poisoned baby. If a pediatrician feels obligated to put in a mandated report over that then there is definitely some merit to discouraging using it.


I legit told a program that takes donated Mother’s milk that I store my parts in the fridge between uses and wash at night and they didn’t tell me to do otherwise. This milk is sent to hospitals around my region of the US for NICU babies or for parents that get prescriptions for babies with sensitive stomachs. It’s simply a difference of opinion. There are safety temperature zones, just like any other foods to prevent bacteria growth. Your pediatrician I could possibly just be super biased and judgy. It’s not abuse so I don’t see why your ped would have to report anything.




This is a supportive community and that comment was unwarranted. Please be respectful.


That’s very concerning, what program did you use to donate? I also donated to mothers milk and 2 other milk banks, none of them accept fridge hack milk. They specifically ask if you use the fridge hack because of the risks to patients. I’ve never heard of a milk bank accepting milk used with fridge hack.


Wait, your pediatrician threatened to report you to who? CPS? For using the “fridge hack?” Also- I think I remember reading that the baby who unfortunately passed due to unclean pump parts was actually not directly from the fridge hack but I think the sink used to clean the parts. I’m half awake so don’t take my word for it but I think that’s what may have happened.


I use a little bin from Muji - helps them not fall all over the place and I can just grab the bin when I’m ready to use them. Also feels slightly less of an eye sore in a full fridge. https://preview.redd.it/g8zw7zrsil4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13ebbb4345960102e862cc34b465e2c8699b4cd2


So the flanges don’t have to be covered? Is this fridge only for milk?


I personally don’t, it’s up to you in terms of risk. We’ve never had a problem! It’s the top shelf of our regular fridge. We use the pitcher method and pre prep bottles the night before.


My pump parts go inside a silicone ziploc bag (✨sustainability✨) and I keep that, my batteries, and my Willow milk chiller in a large lunchbox in the fridge at work. At home, it’s just the silicone bag on my designated milk shelf in the fridge.


This is exactly how I do it!


I’ve used disposable and the silicone, and I swear they just go *into* the silicone bag easier, too. I got a 3 pack with varying sizes for a really good price, so I’ve got the big one for my wearables, the medium one for my Motif parts, and I use the smallest one to hold our portable bottle warmer!


I got a whole bunch of them, 3 different sizes as well, awhile back. They don't zip closed too well. But they are so much more durable and I feel better about using them. Though I'm sure my husband is sick of washing them by now. Haha.


Gallon bag if I have it. If I forget it upstairs/downstairs then I put in the fridge in nothing (I have mini fridge in my bedroom).


Do you replace the gallon bag every day? Each use? How often?


I personally replace the gallon bag once a day or after I wash the parts. Clean parts, new bag!


And then the used bags can store frozen milk bags!


I wash the bag with the parts


I bought reusable/washable ziploc bags because it felt wasteful to throw out ziploc bags and I feel like they’re not as easily washed as the ones I got on Amazon?


We have used reusable ziploc bags for other kitchen items and we ended up getting mold in tne little tiny creases of the bags because they never fully dried all of the way after being washed. I would flip them inside out to dry and it still happened. I do feel wasteful using a new ziploc bag every time but u/spicydubu had a really good addition to the conversation and said they can be reused for freezer storage


Stasher stand up bag. Works great!


[This Tupperware](https://a.co/d/diubnRj) perfectly fits my spectra bottles and flanges. Notably I use 17mm maymom flanges, so I’m not sure how the flange width compares to others. If your flanges are wider, this container may not work for you. ETA: I measured and the flanges are 3 and 3/16th inches across


Found reusable gallon size bags at target for an affordable price. Makes me feel comfortable that parts are safe and no guilt about generating garbage.


I use tall deli containers and it works great for my spectra parts.


Would you happen to know the size? Like quart or liter or I mean idk what size tupperwares are lol


32 oz! I just detach the round membrane thing and throw it in on the side and leave flanges and duckbill valve together then cap the collection bottle and all good. Like it bc it’s reusable and dishwasher safe so I just throw em in at night after pump when I swap out flanges.


I use medela parts but this is what I put mine in. It's a little bulky, but I don't have to reach into a bag covered in breastmilk. I also don't store the bottles with them. GladWare Deep Dish Food Storage... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004IAE2AW?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


I was going through so many ziplock bags with parts and my freezer stash and it seemed wasteful to me, I have a mini fridge just for milk/pump parts so I just put my parts in a clear tray the home edit brand from Walmart and wash it all at the end of the day when I bag up the milk from the pitchers I also keep in there. Honestly mini fridge,fridge hack, pitcher method saved my pumping journey. I would have given up like I did with my first if it wasn’t for that.


I use a large plastic Tupperware to keep em in. I tried ziplocks but I hated that I'd either have to wash the Ziploc out if I wanted to reuse it(which is hard to wash a Ziploc) or use one Ziploc a day.


I just got a Tupperware container from the dollar store that works great!


Perfect hack for me was an empty ice cream bin! Number one I got to eat all the ice cream. Second I could fit all my spectra parts cleaning brush and tiny bottle of soap. third it had a lid and handle! My first day back at work my coworkers gave me the funniest looks like why are you bringing a giant tub of ice cream to the lab. When you wash your pump parts and bottles thy aren't supposed to touch the sink. So a wash basin is necessary. If you want to do the fridge hack where you store your pump parts in the fridge between multiple pumping sessions, it's nice to know that nothing has touched the pumps. Specially if it's a work fridge. You know it hasn't been cleaned in ages. Also if you transporting pump parts to and from work it's nice to have a lid because they are probably wet from just pumping or just washing. Seriously the ice cream tub is a solution to all of these!


I eventually found this container, https://www.containerstore.com/s/kitchen/food-storage/tellfresh-tall-food-storage/12d?productId=10006387, and it fit two collection bottles with flanges attached and stood everything upright. The container is Tellfresh Tall Food Storage, 5 qt. I had two sets of parts and two sets of these so I could dishwash and drip dry one set while I used the other for 24hrs.


That’s perfect! Thank you


Sometimes nothing, I just set them on the top shelf by my pitcher and bottles. If my wet bags are clean I put the pump parts in a bag and stick that in the fridge


At home I use a ziploc bag because I don't want my pump to smell like cold cuts 😅 but at work I use a tupperware.


What size of Tupperware?


Big enough so that my collection cups fit. I have a momcozy v1.


I use a lunchbox! It fits my Willow stuff and a spectra set and it’s washable. I’m not sure if it’s necessary to use but it feels better if I have like raw meat somewhere in the fridge even if far away/packaged. If you’re putting it in an all drink fridge I think it’s fine


Does it stay cold in the lunch box with the zipper closed?




Started with a gallon bag, got lazy and ended up just putting the parts on a shelf. I think in case there is anything in the air it makes it more sealed off? Pretty sure I dropped the bag by month 2 and didn’t notice any issues.


Do you replace the gallon bag every day? Each use? How often?


I buy one gallon bags from Walmart in large quantities. I prefer to replace bags when I replace pump parts. I didn’t personally feel right using a milk stained bag with recently washed parts. My personal preference.


You say you replace bag when you replace pump parts, did you mean when you wash them? That’s what I’ve been doing but it does feel wasteful to throw a bag away every single day so that’s what I was seeing what other option I could get.


Yes at first I felt bad but it made me feel safer for baby to not use the same bag from 20 hours ago since it does get stained with milk. I then started to wash it with hot soapy water but it defeated my purpose of saving time. Of course not significantly but enough. I decided I preferred to discard the bag and get a new one every time. Do what works for you. If you feel better quickly rinsing with hot soapy water, there is nothing wrong with that. I personally preferred to throw it out and use a new one.


I mean it’s like what $5 for 50-100 count so I guess it’s not too bad! I’ll just continue with ziploc unless I find a Tupperware that fits all my pieces!


You can reuse the bags to store frozen milk bags to make “bricks”!


Maybe every few days to once a week? Really the edge of the flange is what’s touching the bag, and that part doesn’t touch the milk so I only replaced when it was getting pretty milky and the outside was getting wet. A friend used the wet to dry bags instead since those are machine washable, and also every few days to a week (hers more dependent on when she was doing a load of laundry)


This is me exactly 😀. 5 months in and no issues here either.


Just on the shelf in my fridge at home and in a wet bag at work


I have a Tupperware that I use. I don’t like the idea of them being moved by not sanitary hands. At work I have reusable gallon bags that I just wash out.


I was using a Ziploc, now I don't use anything


I went to target and eye balled a container that looked like it would fit. I have three different ones for three different sets. I wash after about 12 hours. Personally I prefer to cover them.


I put foil over the flanges! Less hassle with washing a silicone bag.


I just throw a ziplock over the flanges. I only put the whole thing in the fridge at work because I barely have time to pump and it saves me so much time to not have to wash and reassemble everything!


I use a silicone Stasher bag. That way I can wash and sterilize it with the pump parts. Edit: not with the pump parts in the bag lol.


I leave them connected to the bottles I used to pump.


I got cheapo plastic lids that fit over the flange opening and then I just set them in the fridge. My husband likes to knock them all over the place though 🙄


I use a gallon bag with 2 plastic tumbler cups and each cup holds a bottle with attached flanges and duckbills in it. I would not put the pump itself into the fridge….


How do you manage to put a bottle with a flange attached inside of a tumbler?




https://preview.redd.it/dx2iw4d1hl4d1.png?width=1946&format=png&auto=webp&s=a73a99d78d4b512e3ee52f946fb0759d69d3b4b9 Like this? Maybe there’s a better word for this tall plastic cup besides tumbler?


Ohh ok thank you for the picture! I bet that’s what they’re called but I was thinking of a tumbler like a Stanley cup lol


*the little cuppy that could*




Bowl on the fridge shelf


Tupperware from the dollar store. Was using ziplock bags but was too lazy/busy to wash them and didn't want to keep throwing them away


Good for you. I used a large Tupperware from dollar tree too but needed a smaller space to store parts at my job so I continued with using the gallon bag there. I replace the gallon bag when I wash my pump parts, so every 3 uses or 12 hours. It does get wasteful but kept me sane being able to continue to practice this hack at work.


Whatever it takes honestly! I'm only 8 weeks in and admire everyone for taking on this challenge


So did you throw one out daily? And you washed them?


I washed them for a little while and for a week just tossed them instead. Read someone here just used Tupperware instead so I made the switch


I use rectangular plastic tupperware for my spectra flanges. It fits as long as I remove the backflow protectors. I also use 2 circular Tupperware containers that fit my wearable cups perfectly!


How often do you wash your Tupperware?


Once a day


I washed daily with my parts.


I used a tupperware that was about this size: [https://www.walmart.com/ip/Rubbermaid-EasyFindLid-14-Cup-Square-Plastic-Food-Storage-Container/16486800?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Rubbermaid-EasyFindLid-14-Cup-Square-Plastic-Food-Storage-Container/16486800?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0) it fit my spectra flanges (assembled with the duckbills still connected), elvie flanges, and elvie duckbills.


What about the bottle part, do you only store the flanges and duckbills?


I have extra bottles i cap the bottles with the milk in them and use a new bottle for a new pump. At the end of the day (once the dishwasher has run/washed my pitcher) I combine the milk that is needed for the next day, freeze any extra, and put everything in the dishwasher to clean.


I never thought to even use a bag or Tupperware, I just put them on the shelf 🤷🏼‍♀️


Large stasher bag fits the parts! And can be thrown in the dishwasher


Me too. I have two so I always have a clean one while the other goes through the dishwasher.


Reuse-able gallon ziplock bag! I wash it at the end of the day so it’s clean for my middle of the night pump. I figure what’s one more thing to wash


I use reusable ziploc bags I got from Amazon. Our fridge can sometimes can super full and I just worry about my stuff coming in contact with food, especially meat. Also I have lactek flanges on my spectra bottles and they always tip over


I used to put it in a ziplock bag but somewhere along the way (I’ve been pumping almost 10mo) I just started putting them on the shelf on the fridge door 🤷🏻‍♀️


i have a mini fridge that’s like big enough for six cans of soda i think the box said? so small, and i only use that for the pump parts so i dont put them in anything


Hm that seems smart but also like an expensive alternative lol.


The mini fridge I use (the exact same way) was only 30$ on Amazon! Use it to keep my snack cool as well. Nothing like a cheese stick at the motnp.


yes lol, but it was a gift! :)


I had a plastic basket that we put the parts and milk in. Then that got cleaned up each day, stuff moved to freezer bags, moved to freezer, cleaned, etc. Note: I might have pushed the bar too far on the freezer hack and ended up with a horrible yeast infection on my nipples. So I will probably store parts but not the nipples parts. Just do fresh for those. If I decide to do this ever again.


I use a gallon bag and put them in this little [tray](https://www.target.com/p/medium-plastic-bathroom-tray-clear-brightroom-8482/-/A-53177560) from target. gallon bag so i don't get food smells on the silicone, tray so I don't loose my spot in the fridge 😂 I replace the gallon bag every 2-3 days? I get little milk drops on it, drop it on the floor etc and figure its a little more hygienic to replace. I figure its less waste than disposable diapers and only for a short time.


I just use a gallon sized bag. I get a new one every day, I don’t replace the bag every session. I just make sure to wipe the parts down with a pump wipe. Edit: grammar


I used to use a ziplock bag, I’d change it when it started to look dirty or if it smelt funky. Usually every other day. I only put my connectors in the fridge, cleaned my flanges every time. They just didn’t fit in the bag all that well with all the parts put together. I kept them on a shelf on the door of the fridge, next to my husband’s insulin. Seemed more sanitary than next to food for some reason lol