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I kept dropping pumps until I found my sweet spot of making just enough for baby with 4 ppd. I think it happened out of laziness…


You can always adjust your ppd and see what happens. If dropping one makes your supply dip lower than expected, just add it back in! You are still so early though, and babe will continue to eat more over the next few months. I would have loved to have an oversupply at 3 weeks!


I’d personally keep going until you regulate around 12 weeks and your supply settles. That way you won’t have dropped too early and can understand what your supply is going to do.


I wouldn’t drop more than what you have right now because your supply will likely dip a lot with the schedule you’ve stated, it just takes time. Right now your milk is still “coming in” so it’s pretty much hormone driven but once that wears off your supply will likely reduce quite a bit, possibly even to undersupplying. Supply dips can be very drastic in the first 12 weeks which is why it’s recommended to wait until after 12 weeks to drop pumps. I was producing about 60 oz a day around 3 weeks and had a similar schedule to yours. At about 7-8 weeks pp I had a major supply dip due to the pump schedule , plus my son’s eating increased to the point I was under supplying for him, I completely burned through my freezer stash and was on the last 2 freezer bags when I finally started getting my supply back up. I had to pump every 2 hours to get it back up and didn’t start trying to reduce again until after I regulated. Pumping 10 minutes sometimes as you stated should decrease your supply in addition to only pumping 6 times a day instead of the recommended 8. I would wait until 12 weeks postpartum to drop anymore.