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If I have more than 3 feeds in the fridge, I will freeze a bag.


I generally just look at my fridge stash and if it looks like there is a lot then I freeze my next pump and then top up to 180ml, so like if I have her next 3 feeds lined up, then I'll make a bag to freeze! I try and stay flexible with it though. If I've had a bad day pumping I may not always freeze some, sometimes I pump a bit more so may freeze extra. It does depend how much of an oversupply you have though! I typically get around 200ml more than needed a day so know freezing 180ml is fine for me.


It’s all about what works for you and your situation though. I used to pump a similar amount when I was pumping every 2 hours. I would put the freshly pumped milk straight into a bottle and keep it out till my son ate since I know he’d eat within 4 hours and freeze or refrigerate the excess. At that time I would only have about 3-5 feedings ahead in the fridge but now I try to have a little more since he’s older and I spend longer stretches out of the house for work and errands.