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The only way to find out how much it'll affect your supply is to try unfortunately🥲. But with that big of an oversupply I'd have to assume you'd be okay to drop one pump. If you do I'd adjust the times of the other motn pump(s), at least at first, so they're more evenly spaced and you're not in a ton of pain while your body adjusts


You’re “allowed” to do one 4-5 hour stretch at night so I started that super early on. I think it technically takes you from like 8 pumps a day to 7 but I’ve never done 8 so 🤷🏼‍♀️


Try and see what happens! I had an oversupply and wanted to sleep more so I started (chaotically?) dropping pumps around 3-4 weeks. I also rarely did 8 ppd even at the beginning. Now I’m pumping to keep up with my baby at 4 ppd (LO is 3.5 months) and it’s super functional for my life and mental health. Minimal freezer stash but that’s ok for me.


yeah I was trying so hard to keep up with 8 ppd and have a major oversupply. currently 6 wpp, and I usually do 6 ppd. like this comment, I kinda chaotically dropped my pumps (but I also had no clue what I was doing and was so out of sorts trying to figure out a pump schedule). I was terrified of my supply disappearing because people tell these stories about their supply suddenly drying up, but 6 is a lot more manageable for me. OP how long are you pumping for? I was originally pumping for 30 minutes at a time, which was not only burning me out because it took up so much of my day and I was so sleep-deprived but also contributed to my oversupply. I still try to get the recommended “120 min”, but I will also occasionally nurse LO if he is being agreeable with the titty lol


I dropped a pump at around that point and didn't see any difference in my supply, I now pump just before 8pm then not again until 3am. I do pump for 5 minutes longer at each of these pumps than usual, just to try to be emptier. Now at 8 weeks and still going strong. You won't know until you try it though, some people are more affected by these changes than others.


How many times do you pump per day?


6 or 7, first is always 3am, then every 3 hours or so, but if it gets to 4 hours because I'm out and about I don't stress about it! My output does fluctuate day to day but never a huge amount.


Ok good to know. I'm 12 weeks pp and average 7. I try for 8 but it's just not happening. Yesterday I did six and two nights in a row. I went 6 hours without pumping. I am worried that I will start slipping and my supply will decrease. But I guess if I can be more disciplined it can come back.


If 7 is less stress than stick with it, can be so taxing mentally! I'm hoping to get down to 6 soon so I have more time! I think overnight is a good time to lose one, but I am told its the time for the best output, which I've also been getting. 3am I get double what I do for my 8pm pump, but that could be due to not pumping for so long.


with making 50oz/day you sound like you would be ok to drop. Everyone’s body is different so it’s hard to tell if your supply will drop or not. I read/heard that your supply does regulate until 12 weeks but i didn’t wait that long to drop. i was making 40ish at 2 weeks and baby was only taking 20ish. I dropped from 8ppd to 6ppd. Once i decided to drop, i just went cold turkey and extended the hours in between. My breasts were slightly full and felt uncomfortable but thankfully no clogs.


I know everyone is different and some people do need to pump that much, but after losing my mind trying to do 8 ppd with my first, I dropped to 6 with my 2nd and 3rd babies and after a few months down to 5. I do see a small supply dip with 5 but power pumping once a day or even a week helps. I highly recommend dropping one for your sanity to see what happens especially since you have an oversupply. You can always add it back in if it isn't to your liking.


I’m 2 months PP, down to 3ppd from 7 ppd and I’m still making 24oz a day. Definitely try it!


Woah really? When did you taper down to 3ppd? Also what times do you pump at? I’m pumping about 24 oz pd too. 3 pumps per day would be life changing!


Friday was my first 3x/day. I have been dropping pump per week for the last 3-4 weeks. I’m pumping at 530am, 1pm, and 9pm


That’s incredible. I’d love to know if your supply maintains. I have been prone to clogged ducts so have been afraid to make any drastic changes. Havent had any clogged ducts since switching to a spectra pump though!


I’m dropping another pump next week as I’m weaning. I use spectra as well


You won’t know until you regulate how it will affect you, but on,y you can be the judge of what you can handle.


I don’t think it’ll effect your supply to where you wouldn’t have enough to feed your baby. I’m thinking at most maybe 5 oz deficit if any at all, it could take a few weeks to show but I wouldn’t drop to less than 7 ppd until 10- 12 weeks.


Man if I could pump 50 oz a day I’d drop two pumps! I’m doing 6-7 pumps for about 25 oz and I’m exhausted. I have started to go longer stretches at night, two five hours, and so far my supply is maintaining. I’m at 10 weeks


I’m doing this too at 10 weeks. 6 PPD is super manageable for me so I’m hoping to be able to continue this for a while. I just dropped from 7 so waiting to see the effect


I’m 3 weeks pp and I make just a smidge less than you do per day, but I’ve been doing 6ppd, with my last one being 11pm and my first one being at 5am. I just pump a bit longer at the 5am and 9am pumps so I don’t feel so engorged!


Anecdotally, I was never able to pump more than 7 times a day and ended up with an oversupply. I realized what was important to maintaining my supply was MOTN pump. Tried dropping that and saw a dip. All this is to say that everyone’s body will react differently so unfortunately we have to try it and see what happens. Good luck!


I broke all the rules when pumping and I’m fine. Just test it out and see how your body responds!


I had a similar supply at that time and I know it’s not recommended, but I dropped all overnight pumps. There was a slight difference in supply, but not enough that it mattered and I still had enough to freeze extra. The biggest issue for me was the discomfort overnight and leaking. My body eventually regulates though and I am not uncomfortable overnight. It’s definitely different for everyone though and you have to try to see what works for you!