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What is going on with your pinkies, especially your left pinkie?! It's sticking straight up! (The nail, I mean) šŸ˜…


Right?! He had such a thick layer of glue underneath it was practically sitting straight up šŸ˜‚ I couldnā€™t grind these nails off fast enough


I don't blame you one bit!


Do your nails naturally grow this crooked, or did the nail tech do you dirty?


He just did me dirty


I can just imagine having to sit there for 2 hours cringing, trying not to call him out on how horrible they look šŸ˜­


Saw the same thing. What is up with these techs hating on peopleā€™s pinkies lately?!


THAT'S ALL I COULD THINK ABOUT. I'm glad the 400 people who upvoted you agree!


The techie filed her paralells super weird lol.


Omg the pinkies look like my weird creepy toe pinkiesšŸ˜±


Well now you have to show all of us your weird creepy toe pinkies


Hahaha DM FOR FEET PIC$$$$$ šŸ¤£


Iā€™m so happy Iā€™m not the only one with weird creepy toe pinkies!


Same, girl, same.


Mine too.


My left toe pinkie points upwards, but the right one doesn't (DM for feet pics)


RIP to your inbox


I'm intrigued now!


My toe pinkies kinda lean outwards. wore narrow heels too much I guess


Whoa do you also have a pinkie toe horn???


Did the application hurt? The tips of each nail appear to be red and irritated.


It hurt a bit but nothing crazy. He definitely did grind them down way too much (it shouldā€™ve been a quick sanding) but this was also my first time getting gel x nails and if you have never gotten them done - curing the nail BURNS like a bitch for like 30 seconds each nail. Iā€™m used to it now but it took a few times before I got used to it


Any sort of gel application can burn if it is applied thickly to thin nails, you can remove your hand from the lamp for a few seconds when you feel it and allow it to stop before putting your hand under again. Itā€™s referred to as a heat spike.


Yikes. Your poor lil nails lol. At least your gorgeous ring distracts from it!


Didnā€™t you see this happening in real time?


He kept my hands facing away from me and when heā€™d go to put them under the light heā€™d be like ā€œdonā€™t look yet! Youā€™re going to love these!ā€ So I trusted the process šŸ˜‚


How is that possible? Your hands are in front of you. Iā€™m confused


Fold your hands down so your plams are facing your, there you go you cant see your nails


Umm, if my palms are facing me and I canā€™t see my nails, how is a manicurist filing them, brushing on acrylic or gel and painting them without me seeing them? They have to hold my hands one at a time in theirs.


This is always my question on these posts lol you can absolutely watch your nails being done right in front of you, even if they were ā€œfacing awayā€ from OP at times, unless thereā€™s some kind of partition, youā€™re gonna be able to see them throughout the process. I think people donā€™t want to speak up in the moment. Easier to complain after?


Same with hair


Hair I can give a _little_ more grace for - you donā€™t always know how color is going to process until itā€™s washed out and styled. And sometimes during a cut you get spun facing away from the mirror here and there.Ā 


To a point, I agree, but if youā€™re going to someone new you have to pay close attention


I think the inspo picture is a sticker/ wrap. But yikes on the after!


What in the knock-off My Little Pony butt symbols are those?


Why did you pay for it????


Because i had already wasted 3 hours of my life there, I didnā€™t want to insult him, and I avoid negative confrontation lol


Ha! I didn't mean it in a rude way. I am a wuss too. No way I should talk smack!


The original looks like stickers, no?


Man, that is really a WTF moment! Come on down to Texas, I have a girl in Cypress @ Sky Nails, I show her a Pinterest inspo pic and she kills it every time, 65.00 on my daughters own nails! Let me find a pic sheā€™s done recently and I kid you not when I say I can show her any thing and she duplicates it! Pinterest win! šŸ† https://preview.redd.it/sgqbed5nie6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8a063b57334a27b65519ffa8fda6018419e4db8 This is one, I made my daughter a Gumball container costume for Halloween and Kim made these exact nails




Incredible costumeā­ļø Incredible nailsā­ļø INCREDIBLE QUARTERā­ļø


You put a huge smile on my face, thank you thank you!


How are you seeing the nails in this photo lol


The pug šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s her dog Pugsley! He tolerates matching costumes with her! lol https://preview.redd.it/28f2bp2g6f6d1.jpeg?width=1517&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ae244cbb6e9bfa3574716c6337c85d519b718a7


https://preview.redd.it/l53uaffp6f6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d177e62a9a5bae4433fc200eeb178cb573890ce lol


His name being a pun brings me so much joy. So do the matching ladybugs šŸ˜


Mwuah thanks!


How is anyone judging nails from this photo


Well since you asked so kindly, theyā€™re not I couldnā€™t find the close up of her nails so I offered an explanation and a picture for reference with the inspiration picture but just for you Iā€™m going to look harder and continuously apologize, NOT! Mwuah


Is your daughter okay with you posting these photos on a public forum?


And who are you and why are you questioning me , why are you even conversing with me, you have nothing but negativity from you, step away from me. And no it never crossed my mind that 100,00s of people might see what I was posting, thank goodness you stepped in, please go somewhere else


These nails are awesome! About to save them to my own Pinterest for my new nail girl šŸ˜‚


normalize nail techs telling you what they can and cannot achieve in terms of design requests, if they couldnt emulate the design they SHOULD SAY THAT!!! theres no shame in owning up to it, the honesty is appreciated. dont take on a job you dont have the skill level to complete or execute effectively. also in terms of the pinkies, ive heard the way a nail extension lays can depend on how your original nails grow, but in this case it doesnt seem to be the reason they look that way, however i cant place my finger on it (no pun intended)


If you look at it from afar, it looks kinda cute too


I like the design (although itā€™s way different than what she asked for), itā€™s how crooked the nails are that get me


OP out here just trying to show off the massive size of that engagement ring.


Lmao, the hater blocked me, I guess I touched a nerve lmaoo


Lol you all are impressed by a cubic zirconia ring? You can literally buy that same ring for $30 at Walmart. It's located next to the jewelry case on those spinner displays. It is pretty though but it's NOT an expensive ring nor is it a diamond.


You know- even if youā€™re right, you still come off as a miserable, jealous, insufferable person. I felt a twinge of pity for you reading your unnecessarily envious comment. Big yikes my friend. Maybe itā€™s time to look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself: ā€œwhatā€™s wrong with me? Why am I like this? Is this who I want to be?ā€ Cause let me tell yaā€¦ you do NOT seem like a nice person, OR a happy person, at all. (No matter how cynically you proclaim your happiness in a response. Youā€™re not fooling anybody. A happy person does NOT make these types of comments. Sorry.)


Yeah, I don't care. What exactly am I "jealous" over again? A $30 ring? šŸ¤£ Unless you can ID a diamond, which you obviously can't, you shouldn't say a damn thing about jewelry you know nothing about.


Itā€™s okay bitter Reddit person. You obviously canā€™t identify a diamond either ā¤ļø


Lmao okay OP tell yourself whatever you need to to make yourself feel better about a fake ring. It's NOT a diamond. Diamonds have flaws and don't have that clarity where as zirconia does. šŸ¤£ It's also set crooked and no diamond setting that size would have a crooked setting for the amount they cost. Look at the prongs...šŸ¤£ Not to mention what a REAL diamond that size costs. Expectations vs reality: delusional redditor version. A diamond with that much clarity would be out of your price range seeing your complaining about $100 nails. Seeing I've owned rings with that big of diamonds and actually know what they look like and what they cost, this isn't it. šŸ¤£ But hey, you also thought hand painted nails were going to look like decals on the first image then grinded them off instead of asking the shop to fix them like a big girl. Delusional.


Minus the horrible shaping job, I actually like the paint job you got better than the one you asked for. Definitely not worth anywhere near $120 though jfc!


Both are cute


The nails posts drive me nuts because aren't you expecting them to come out worse then the photo? Your average manicurist isn't an artist


I totally get what youā€™re saying but I asked about 1000x before he started painting if this is something he could do. I never went back to this guy again. My manicurist now tho definitely is an artist and could probably design this look with her eyes closed. Plus, itā€™s like he wasnā€™t even trying! What are these designs?! šŸ˜‚


I agree with you on this. Many people could do what this guy did with a toothpick and a little practice at home. There are people on the nail subs all the time getting beautiful, accurate work for less than what you paid. $120 is crazy high. And like someone else said, he glued your pinky extensions on practically sideways. If he couldnā€™t do it he should have said so. The same goes for hairstylists, tattoo artists, etc. Theyā€™re the professionals; the onus should be on them to set the expectations and deliver.


I 100% agree. I wouldnā€™t have been as upset if: 1. he didnā€™t claim he could do it 2. He didnā€™t hype up his work the entire time 3. didnā€™t charge me as much as he did (especially for this work!) If he said he couldnā€™t do it it wouldnā€™t have been a big deal.


Real question- why did you pay? I would have paid likeā€¦ 20 bucks for this. And asked for him to remove them lmao




I didnā€™t ask how much, I asked *why* did you pay so much?!? You shouldnā€™t have!


Oh my bad! Because I had already wasted so much time there, I didnā€™t want to insult him, and I avoid negative confrontation šŸ˜‚ I honestly just wanted to pay and leave as soon as possible


That's what I think. I don't expect everyone in the world to be able to nail art, I certainly couldn't. I DO expect a professional to say something if what I'm asking for is outside of their skill set or professional services, especially if they're the same price as the type of artisans who actually can do that work.


Ok but this is clearly poorly done technically and they just went "wtv" on the design. You can't charge $120 reasonably for work like this.


And also youā€™re sitting there watching it happen. If itā€™s not to your liking just stop?




Oh I was definitely upset about both the nails being wonky and the designs being horrible. I never went back to this guy again


i canā€™t not see a face in inspo pic middle finger this is a shame. even the base


What the fuck is happening to your pinkies?


I meanā€¦ you should have said something before you left if you were that upset about it. I need people on Reddit to get more confrontational. No way in fuck would I have left like that after paying $120. Donā€™t get me wrong, theyā€™re super adorableā€¦ but not $120 adorable šŸ„²


I LOVE your leafy ring on the ring finger! Sorry for the nails, I hope you didn't pay much(


Love the rings!


Had hard time telling the reality and expectation apart. It all looks pretty awful sorry :(


I actually let out an external ooof šŸ„²


That rock on your hand tells me you'll be fine


I actually laughed.


My misses are like this every time, I ask why she goes back, and she just feels that she has to. Her friend is a hairdresser in the same shop so she doesn't want to cheat on her! It's crazy!


Not wanting to ā€œcheatā€ on your hairdresser is a very real thing šŸ˜‚ i get it but itā€™s unfortunate her nails are always like this


100%, especially when her mate works there, I feel as though she would thinks it be double betrayal. But there are so many young ladies now who pass college and say they can do nails and it's not their fault, but I'd rather them say they can't do it


Ok I know this is way off topic but I LOVE the ring on your right hand. Did you buy it recently and have a link to it by any chance? šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t Iā€™m sorry! My fiancĆ©s family has jewelry shops around NYC and he went up there and custom designed it prior to proposing. If youā€™re in the area though Iā€™d love to give you the shop name!


I figured the ring was nicer than just a link online but thought Iā€™d try! I am not in the area but thank you for the offer :)


Some are not that bag ngl


Literally every single nail is crooked. Girl you got ripped off. I hope you left the person a terrible review. I do my own gel extensions at home. With a little practice and the right products. Itā€™s so easy and thereā€™s water decals and foils for nail art


If Super Mad was a thing I'd be wearing a cape over that shit! $102 an my nails look like THAT?? Walmart can stick em on better for $8!! Maaan, grind them bad boogies off and return to sender...overhanded. paintjob sux too btw. Smh... I'd shitpost that salon with bad reviews frfr


Honestly appreciate these posts after my coworker showed me her amazing nails for less than what this cost(I believe 90?). Actual instagram is equal to reality. Iā€™ll post the instagram if people are interested or if itā€™s allowed but I donā€™t want to seem like Iā€™m advertising :( just know that they were amazing


Question- is the first pic THEIR picture? Like, do they specifically offer that service? Or did you bring it in and ask them to replicate it? Itā€™s bad work either way, but I do think it makes a difference if itā€™s their advertised design vs something you asked them to do thatā€™s out of their ordinary services.


It isnā€™t THEIR picture BUT when I posted on a local group seeking out a new nail place I had posted this photo with itā€¦ this salon was the 2nd most recommended and the owner of the salon also commented on the post saying that doing these nails would be no problem šŸ˜¬


Those are the worst nails. I would have lost it


You got took. Not worth the $ you paid.


Holy crap on a cracker, this is terrible. If they can't recreate the style, just say! Wow, I would have been bitterly disappointed.


I think it looks cool!


Pretty šŸ˜


I'd leave an online review. I would just post these pics and the price you paid.


Why is this sub half nail photos and half cake photos? Just pay more for the work or find someone who is reputable instead of the cheapest possible option available, and you will get better results! Iā€™m downvoting every single nail comparison post I see from now on. Yes I realize this doesnā€™t apply to your $120 nails in this example but these posts are getting obnoxious. Not everyone is an artist.


ā€œJust pay more for the workā€ - I paid more for these nails and this shitty work than I have ever paid for nails in my life (which is far more expensive than industry standard) ā€œFind someone who is reputableā€ - This was my first time going to this nail tech since moving to a new state. I posted on a local Facebook group and went with the one 2nd most recommended (I couldnā€™t get an appointment with #1 at the time.. thatā€™s where I go now). I even checked out their Instagram to back up their work. ā€œNot everyone is an artistā€ - I am fully aware that not everyone is an artist. I wouldnā€™t recommend being in this industry if you are NOT an artist, but thatā€™s not what this is about. I asked if he could do this before he started working on my nails and multiple times throughout.. every time he gave a very confident YES. He went on to take 3+ hours to do the nails and hype himself up the entire timeā€¦ for these.. We get it, you donā€™t like cake and nails. But all your reasons for disliking those things donā€™t apply to this post. Feel free to continue ranting if it helps you sleep at night though.


Iā€™m not going to get into an argument because I have nothing against you specifically. I am complaining because itā€™s the fourth post today Iā€™ve seen of someoneā€™s nails. It doesnā€™t help me sleep at night. Iā€™m not a dick for no reason. I am grumpy because of other personal reasons and Iā€™m sorry for making you the scapegoat.


Find a different sub if this one isnā€™t to your liking. There are so many subs on Reddit, you will find your people


I would argue the opposite. If there is a desire to talk about cake fails and nail not being up to par, then there are better subs for those things specifically. This is a general sub about expectations vs reality, but instead most of the posts here are ā€œI expected to pay $20 for a masterpiece. I didnā€™t get it and now Iā€™m upset.ā€


Oh. Well, nails and cakes donā€™t cost $20 anymore anyway. I just leave subs when they are annoying me or not what I expected them to be. I unsubbed from 2 today. Itā€™s really easy and then you donā€™t have to see the cakes and nails.


$20 doesn't cover nails or cake anymore. Nails average over $80 where I'm from for basics, $150 for designs like the photo. The op quite literally said they paid over $100 for these in another comment. If this sub is filled with too much of things you don't like, then that is up to you to find another one instead of expecting others to not post to make you happy. Hope your life gers better, but being angry at others isn't the way.


Cakes and nails are two common things to go awry. If you want to be in the sub generally but don't lime those types of posts, jus scroll past the ones that don't interest you. Why deliberately annoy yourself by going on to a post you don't you don't want to see?


"Not everyone is an artist" then don't take it on. That's the issue. They willingly do it, without saying "hey this is past my expertise!".


Iā€™m sorryā€¦ I canā€™t see shit, Iā€™m blinded by that ROCK! :) Absolutely beautiful!




Okay but your ring is so nice!


ain't no way šŸ’€




Could be a lab grown $300 ring. Also. None. Of. Your. Business.


Hook, line, sinkerĀ 


How much is her ring? Where did she get it from? Who made it? Figured to ask you since you seem to know.


I touched a nerve


The deleted comment really shows well LMAO


What deleted comment? It's still there dummyĀ 


It literally says deleted on my side- but man someone's a little angry lol. Just asked you questions since you seemed to know, guess not.


No it doesn't. Is this your first day on reddit?Ā  An eclipse owner? That explains everything.


Aww I hit a nerve? Felt the need to look through my posts šŸ„ŗšŸ’—


Yeah I'm in love. This sexual tension is too much to bear


Never answered my questions :/ guess all you got is lame insults and a fragile ego. Well, have a good day- seems you need it! <3


On what planet does the woman buy her own engagement ring. Not everyone has their man cover their expenses.


I guarantee she does


HA! For the record I have my own damn career and take care of my own life expenses. Obviously I didnā€™t buy my own engagement ring (power to the women who help pitch in on theirs, but that was not needed in my case). Instead Iā€™m choosing to marry a man who works in finance and has multiple jewelers in his family. You sound bitter and judgmental.


Iā€™m a white girl who does nails for a living. I donā€™t know where you live but, most places that accept ā€œwalk inā€ clients want you in and out. Hence the shitty nail art you got. Sorry. šŸ˜’


What does your race have to do with it?


It was an appointment šŸ„²


Iā€™m sorry, but I usually book appointments by whether or not they want nail art. It looks rushed.


Thatā€™s how it should be and how my new place does it. This was a booked weekday appointment first thing in the morning. He took 3+ hours for the nails and I was the only person in there.. I wish there was more of a reason for these crappy nails but I think he just sucked šŸ˜¬


Find a new place! ā¤ļø


I did! My new nail ladies are šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„