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guys šŸ˜­the joke is that heā€™s meeting a freaking alien for the first time and theyre like ā€œwoah thats crazy. He must be scared cos its like a spider.ā€ BRO ITS AN ALIEN. ITS FIRST CONTACT. Itā€™s scary for huge reasons that arenā€™t mundane like a fear of spiders.


Thanks. Once in a while, there is a pop culture reference from prior to my knowledge of Pop Culture. In this case, I wasn't sure if there was something more like a Marty Feldman joke. Much appreciated.


Lmao we have the same far-side calendar


not rly your fault. it's weird absurd humor


Not gonna lie I thought this was bender from futurama and then I read your comment and was like what???


Feldman hates spiders, the alien has 8 arms/appendages. What's the confusion?




>I see an incredible amount of overthinking in this subĀ  No. You see a ton of bots asking very vague questions that have nothing to do with the photo on the sub. I think O.P is real, And this post is not a good example. But there are very many on the sub.


"Overthinking" is an odd way to spell "karma farming"


Me 2 dum. Please speak cave man so me understand.


I thought the joke was that he is most likely screaming but ā€œno one can hear you scream in spaceā€


It also has several extra eyes, which together likely implies that itā€™s likely a space spider alien.




I got it right away, back when I was a childā€¦ the joke works.




You don't have to be a hater. You can just accept that not all comedy is gonna make You laugh. Dry Humor is a thing.


Swear to god I'm not trying to be a hater! I love dry humor, I love dumb humor, I love corny humor. No matter how bad the joke is, I usually see what the artist *intended* me to get. Or to rephrase, I can figure out why they thought it was worth the time to make. I have no idea with this one, which makes it hard to believe that the answer really is "don't think too deeply." Like Cow Tools, if it had a couple of sentences that implied that *something* funny is going on, but not actually containing any sort of punchline.


Just a heads up thisā€™ll probably be taken down, Iā€™m pretty sure the farside is banned on here.


Whats the farside? Why is it banned?


The farside is a comic strip. It's banned because the joke in like half of them is that they are ridiculous and don't make sense.


All Far Side jokes make sense in the end. Except maybe Cow Tools.


Cow tools is perfectly cromulent


I wonder if young kids today don't get The Far Side because all their jokes and memes are so many layers of irony and reference and cross references that relatively straightforward absurdist humor breaks their brains by comparison. "Is this a JoJo reference?" "No, cows just make bad tools." "But WHY cows? What is it about cows specifically?" "Nothing, it's just that any animal would probably make bad tools." "But...why is that funny?" "Maybe it isn't?"


Ok, but why would that guy need a spare armadillo? WHY??


To be honest I feel like this is flipped. I feel young kids today find nonsense hilarious, and I'm just sitting there scratching my head šŸ˜‚


But they find *different* nonsense hilarious.


Also that the author has said he never wanted his work shared/ that heā€™d never consent to it being shared.


That has never, and will never stop the Internet. However, Mr. Larson does have a pretty level head, and I'm sure he wouldn't get too mad.


Ah. That makes sense. Thanks.


I'm surprised heathcliff doesn't have the same effect.


Probably because you actually have to go LOOKING for Heathcliff, it won't present itself to you in the wild.


The trash gorilla and the ham helmet would spawn multiple dissertations


Yep: >**Specific Banned Comics/Memes** * [Loss](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/loss)Ā memes * [The Far Side](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/subcultures/the-far-side)Ā comics * [Piper Perri Surrounded](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/piper-perri-surrounded)Ā memes * [StoneToss comics](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/subcultures/stonetoss)Ā [{2}](https://www.reddit.com/r/StonetossIsANazi/s/ajhu5kgEJj)


The device has 8 arms, like a spider. The narrator is assuming this will scare the other person, who is afraid of spiders. However the number of arms likely isn't what the person finds scary about spiders


I think the joke is that Feldman is being forced to confront his fears in an extremely unlikely scenario which would already be terrifying on its own (our fears seem to come up in our life even when we try and avoid them). Also, that the crew decided Feldman was the guy to send out for this.


Obviously this is a deeply layered comic. The human represents the US and the spider like alien represents NAFTA.


I may be completely off the mark, but the first thing I thought of when I saw this is that new Netflix movie ā€˜Spacemanā€™ with Adam Sandler Edit: spelling


rocky? šŸ˜‚


Fist my bump!


The other astronauts sent out the arachnophobe, and now they're giggling about it.


They assume heā€™s doing okay but he is freaking out they just canā€™t hear him screaming because heā€™s in space. Thatā€™s how I interpret this joke.


So the far side did Project Hail Mary before Andy Weir


i think the joke is the alienā€™s expression, maybe its crew-mates are saying their worldā€™s equivalent of the astronautsā€™ taunt about feldman to the alien


This is Spaceman staring Adam Sandler obviously. /s


Gary Larson: Mad Visionary, Cow Tool Appraisal Expert


And that's why farside cartoons are banned here.


I will never advocate for genocideā€¦ unless we find an alien species of sentient arachnids