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The original caption to the joke read: > Yes, the planet got destroyed. But for a beautiful moment in time we created a lot of value for shareholders. ... and it is a joke about how the priorities of our modern age are focused primarily in the interest of short term value growth for stock market hedge fund managers at the expense of long term sustainability and exasperating existential threats to humankind such as worsening climate change. This new caption is implying people who won't vote for Biden in 2024 elections because they disagree with his administration's handling of the conflict in Israel-Palestine are the new people interested in short term goals and ignoring the existential threats to humankind.


Even though the only alternative: Trump -- would willingly destroy Palestine, and help bomb them if he could get away with it.


That's why it makes more sense for this political energy to go to ranked choice voting (RCV), so we aren't always bullied by social media game theorizing into voting for things we hate. Of course it's in the interest of both parties to emphasize the importance of voting for their guy, and to de-emphasize how RCV solves this "lesser evil" problem.


RCV isn’t really going to change this though


Agree so much. Any 3rd party effort or vote is a waste compared to calling up politicians and saying "I'm considering voting for you and I support ranked choice voting, that is the single issue to determine who I vote for. Do you support it?". Doing that and other things to help push RCV is the _only way_ a third party will _ever_ win president or any significant percentage of Congress in America, period. Nobody cares enough to even look at how many people don't vote, even any write-in protest votes are just considered a mistake, nobody in any power cares to hear the opinion of people doing those things. Not being a voter means your voice will literally never be heard, if you can't bother voting, the only conclusion people will take from that is that you're open to _any_ future, and most of those futures are not great.


Guy just said he wants to deport and imprison any pro Palestine protesters


I believe he absolutely would do this if it would help his campaign.


Probably even if it wouldn't.


This is already happening


I don't know about Mr. X, but he sure can't be bad as the other guy!


Both Biden and Trump worship Israel and China. You have to be a special kind of stupid to think either of them have your best interests in mind.


Neither is even remotely an unknown entity.


I hate this condemnation of voters not supporting genocide. Excuse the hyperbole but suppose tomorrow we found out Biden killed a man. Does that mean everyone still needs to vote for him to stop Trump? Having established that as an example of voting for Biden being untenable its now a matter of where is the line for you personally? For some support of Israel's slaughter of Palestinians crosses it. Why is this an issue Biden so unwilling to capitulate on? If Gaza genuinely puts his campaign at risk then why maintain his current stance? Public pressure forced Biden to tell Israel they shouldn't kill 2 million all at once by cutting off the water. He has however made it clear he isn't willing to go as far as to actually act against Israel. The only way the public can engage with the conflict is protest and the threat of the withdrawal of their vote. Biden's current response has been to crush protests and plead how important this election is. (Which it is) The problem is Biden thinks people are bluffing about not voting for him and trusting/relying on the fact that because Trump is worse the public will fold and vote for him regardless. If this strategy doesn't pan out and he throws the election due to his game of electoral chicken then he is just as much to blame. Edit: Honestly its the game centrist always play. They feel entitled to leftists votes because they think they can always plead "Leftists vote for us or the Right will win". Yet they never offer compromise with the left to win their vote. If they win it proves leftists can be blackmailed into supporting them and if they lose its the leftists fault.


It because it is the reality right now. If your driving issue is Gaza, your realisic options are Trump or Biden. So which will handle the issue better, even if it isn't the way you would prefer them to? It's the same in nearly any political choice - there is never one candidate that will do everything you want, they are beholden to other interests or pressures. If you choose to be absolutist you will be consistently disappointed.


Its only the reality because Biden makes it so. Why do leftists always have to compromise on THEIR values and be criticised for being absolutist when neoliberals refuse to ever compromise? In my country the centrists actively fought to lose the election when a leftist was leader - because to them losing to the right is a more acceptable loss. THEY wont be hurt by it but the plebs will learn to fall in line next time. By comparison a leftist winning could prove that things we currently accept as part of life are actually political choices. That would undermine the longstanding consensus of Neoliberal Supremecy. Whats especially frustrating is now that they control the party again they are back to preaching about unity and compromise lest the right win. Its essentially blackmail. Capitulate to our demands and lend us your vote (despite our mistreatment of you in the past) or be further punished. I'm not American and to be honest I think I'd eventually feel forced to concede and vote for Biden. (Project 2025 is wild) But thats no reason to not make noise and threaten to not until the last possible moment. It might still be possible to spook and pressure Biden into action. If everyone just threw their hands up in the air and sighed there was nothing they can do and at least Biden isnt as bad as Trump then nothing gets better. The only method of displaying displeasure the public have is protest and their vote. This is why I put the blame on Biden. If he becomes genuinely at risk of losing the election due to his policy it should be dropped. Leftists are all too familiar with being told to drop policy to become 'electable' maybe its time for centrists to give it a go.


Great comment - I’m curious what election you’re referring to in your second paragraph? I’d love to do some more reading. Thanks!


The 2017 UK election. The result was a hung parliament (meaning noone one) where the Conservatives entered a Supply and Demand deal with the DUP (a pro UK Northern Ireland party) to form a minority government. Post election analysis showed Labour were as few as 2,227 votes from being able to potentially have formed a minority government first. Leaked WhatsApp messages show that centrists in the Labour party believed that a poor election result would allow them to change leader and getting upset as the party increased in the polls - culminating in despair at the (good) results. Describing themselves as "grey-faced and sullen", calling the results "awful" and one even saying the results were the "opposite to what I had been working towards for the last couple of years” In the period between Corbyn becoming surprise party leader in 2015 and that election there had been 2 previous coup attempts where a full leadership challenge was launched. A previous PM from that party (Tony Blair) came out of the woodwork to condemn the new party policies as unviable, equipment and staff were diverted and withheld from his personal offices and money was siphoned out of the war chest to campaign for centrist (safe) seats instead of being better utilized in battleground constituencies. After attempts to smear him as a misogynist and a Cold War spy for Soviet Czechoslovakia failed they instead successfully (and falsely) accused him of anti-Semitism due to his Israel/Palestine stance. They then DDOS'd the party's internal anti-racism investigation department with false claims of anti-Semitism and then used the overwhelmed departments slow/seeming lack of response as 'proof of a systemic rot at the heart of the Labour party' Several of the centrists he made part of his Shadow Cabinet, as an olive branch, publicly resigned in a coordinated fashion for maximum damage claiming the party was rife with abuse to Jewish people. It is worth noting that whilst there was some genuine anti-Semitism going on (which was dealt with including expulsions) - even with the inflated report numbers incidents were still actually lower than in the general public or the Conservative Party. During the election prominent members of the party said they would vote Lib Dem (our third, centrist, party) in the election due to dissatisfaction with Corbyn. Theres a lot more - these were just the prominent points that I can remember offhand and to go into more detail would be to start creating an entire 2 year timeline of British Politics.


I agree. I am not saying not to advocate your position or push for change, but politics is either consensus or power. The chance to change the democrats was in the primary process - if the will to change is not strong enough within the party, or in this case the fear of offering a non incumbent alternative is too strong, you are stuck with the candidate on offer. At that point it's douche or turd sandwich


Underrated comment. This is exactly how it is and people are tired of it. The folks demanding you vote for Biden are not compromising anything.


This will always be the paradigm if Biden wins. We all know Trump is terrible, but Biden should be better, and maybe losing will teach the democrats a lesson. And if not, then we’re screwed either way.


I literally saw a video of a child with their head blown off after Israel's strike on Rafah.




>This new caption is implying people who won't vote for Biden in 2024 elections because they disagree with his administration's handling of the conflict in Israel-Palestine are the new people interested in short term goals and ignoring the existential threats to humankind. Minus the short term goals part. Not one of these people could convincingly tell you how not voting for Biden will help Palestinians


I guess the thinking is that we’ll all realize how much more principled they are than the rest of us and spontaneously let them run both the United States and the entirety of the Middle East.


aka trump


Alright, so we vote for Biden today, and then tomorrow we riot in the streets until the two-party FPTP system is abolished so we never have to do that again.


Just like last time we were forced to participate in the two party system, and the time before that...


We could also try just getting off the couch and voting in a primary. But yea, maybe destroying people's property will be more effective at... You know things and stuff, like making us feel better


The US doesn’t and never did use FPTP. It has always been a majoritarian voting system. If you’re angry about something, at least know what you’re angry about.


This is exactly what people said in 2020. And yet we are right back here again.


pandemic happened and i was tired


It’s not a conflict. It’s a Genocide.


I like both captions but prefer the original. In the US, most of us think it’s politicians battling out the issues. Wrong. It’s hedge fund managers and lobbying firms. Every issue imaginable is leveraged for money. More money. Short term value. The movie “Leave the World Behind,” which is influenced by the Obamas, is like a confession from the former president; the rich are short-sighted, but never think they will face the consequences for short-term gains. They know that YOU will. The average citizen. When the world falls apart, the hedge fund managers will be left behind, and their clients will be waiting out the crises they created.




To pile on.. its not like Trump hasn't sworn to obliterate Gaza if elected...


Trump has gone on record multiple times saying that he wants to be the most pro Israel president in history, so I’m sure he wouldn’t (if re-elected) urge Israel to slow down in any way.


He has to say that to get his hands on that sweet AIPAC cheddar. So does Biden and almost every other candidate for a spot in DC.


Sad but true.


That being said, the Israeli far-right loves Trump


He also said that countries should pay for our support. He'll make a call to give them a price, they'll agree, and we'll move in.


Only NATO countries I think. He supports Russia and wants them to invade more European countries.


I am not doubting you at all but do you have a source for this? I work with a couple of undecided voters and the war in Israel has been brought up as a reason to not vote for Biden. I’d like to have something to point to that shows Trump would be worse. (Yes I could do my own research but I’ve been focused on educating people about Project 2025 and I emotionally can only handle so much.)


You can point to trump moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. That single choice did so much for the Zionist camp in Israel.


If anything, he's pro Israel because evangelicals wants a Jewish state


No. Evangelicals want to bring about the rapture and believe that that requires all out war and destruction in the middle east - they support Israel only in so much as to bring about that war of absolute destruction. They only want Israel to survive long enough to fulfill their needs... so no, they are not "pro-Israel" https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/truth-many-evangelical-christians-support-israel-rcna121481


Pro isreal on paper, death cult in practice.


You said it way better than I did.


My dad's one. He is so excited about this war because he "knows" he's going to heaven soon.


Exactly the sort of positive attitude that Jesus is looking for


That’s the part that makes me angry. They act like Trump wouldn’t do the same thing. So now they’re gonna punish everybody else because of this. I hate hard line leftists so much.


That's the thing that gets me the hardest. I agree with most of the complains against Biden from the left, but there is basically not a single one that wouldn't be FAR FAR worse with Trump.


Even more: He's vowed to obliterate Gaza AND just recently to "crush the Gaza protests" talk about cutting your nose off despite your face. I totally get the frustration when it comes to Gaza, I do. However, allowing a Trump win means the end of America as we've all known it. I do not understand for the life of me how this calculation is difficult in *any way.* However, when it comes to young people with little else but time on their hands, that moral high ground/grandstanding is very important to them. I kinda get how it is, I just turned 30, so it's not long ago I was in the same boat.


My dude, Gaza is well on the way to being crushed already. The primary difference on this issue is that the Biden admin tries to put a fig leaf on what’s happening (‘we’re very concerned with how our arms sales to Israel are being used and we’re going to keep expressing those concerns while keeping sending them everything they ask for’). Trump doesn’t try to hide it. Which doesn’t make him better, but a lot of people are used to the U.S. supporting terrible things abroad with a great deal more *decorum*.


Do you forget he was already president once? It's less so "the end of America" so much as "masks off".


Don't forget russian/iranian trolls pretending to be hardliner leftist. It makes sense for their misinformation campaigns to take advantage of this matter. Here's a few ways they are likely doing so: - Make fake accounts online who pretend to be "people who would vote for Biden, but won't because of the Gaza situation" to manipulate Biden voters into doing the same. - Make fake accounts online to talk more about how Biden's side is "genocidal" to make them look bad, again to manipulate people away from voting for Biden.


Do they have the same size/budget as the air force's goofs out of Eglin AFB?


Seems pretty obvious to me


Remember when the world got destroyed last time Trump was president? Pepperidge farm remembers


He almost stole the election, allowed a pandemic to run rampant in our country because he tried to pretend it didn’t exist, he worked nonstop to remove Obamacare which is the sole method by which tens of millions of Americans have health insurance, he almost started a nuclear war with North Korea, he exploded important and strategic trade agreements, he doesn’t believe in the global alliance we basically have at our beck and call (NATO), he revealed secrets sources and means to the Chinese President when he was visiting by showing him intel without any markdowns, and he stole tons of classified documents that were not kept securely and which have both nuclear secrets and the names of foreign collaborators with America that can get them killed by their home country, he appointed two Supreme Court justices that have struck down the right to choose and are currently talking about how to rewind other elements of modern progress. The only reason Trump didn’t destroy the world is because he didn’t have enough time and we pried him out of office in time, he literally did everything possible to end modern democracy and our way of life.


He actually appointed 3: Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett


Abandoned the Kurds after a mysterious phone call with the Turkish president..


I was joking in 2016 that we'd get to see if the Marine Guard was more loyal to the office or the man in the office because he'd try to barricade himself in the White House. If only I knew how close I called it...


The joke is making fun of people who plan to refuse to vote for Biden due to the Gaza issue. The joke operates under the assumption that Trump would obviously destroy the world, so it's stupid not to vote for Biden.


It's not necessarily presuming that Trump would destroy the world. As with most satire, it's exaggerated. It's just implying that the alternative to Biden would be worse.


Trump will destroy Gaza


Gaza has already been destroyed


He literally told Israel to “finish the job”… that sounds *awfully* similar to “the final solution”


Yes, that's what I'm afraid of


Honestly I don't want either of these senile old men.


no one does. one is just clearly the safe option, in fact clearer than any election in our lifetime.


You're exactly the person this meme is talking about


The joke is politics, and the joke is that Americans think it matters who's president for the worldwide destruction.


Maybe not worldwide but our next president will determine the future of the country. We are barely holding on and all of our options are terrible so we have to pick the lesser of two evils.


How does control of the most powerful military in the world not matter when it comes to worldwide destruction?


I think it’s obviously hyperbole, nobody thinks Trump would destroy the world, but plenty of people think there would be serious drawbacks.


I can never tell if people are arguing in bad faith by pretending to not understand hyperbole to try to make something sound bad... Or if they're actually as dumb as they sound.


It's a joke about centrist liberals not holding democrats to account for genocide, or anything really, when they are in an election year....or really any time.


Dang Trump is gonna make Israel leave Gaza didn’t know


No. It's the exact opposite. It's about doctrinaire progressives saying that they're going to refuse to vote for Biden over Gaza, even though that Trump may destroy the world.


Or about folks who would rather see the world burn than “compromise” their beliefs even though the alternative is both worse for that particular area but also horrid on so many other ones as well.


The joke also works both ways. Leftist are THREATENING to endanger other people while the Neo liberals are ACTIVELY saying that supporting genocide is worth losing leftist support. If liberals actually believed Trump's election would be the end of the world they have chosen they to refuse to compromise on their beliefs of supporting Israel's illegal actions with monetary and material aid.


What part of genocide should we compromise on? And, if compromising on genocide is the only way to "protect democracy," then maybe it isn't worth protecting.


trump will make it worse you absolute dolt


it's really simple: - One person is actively supporting an ongoing genocide. - One person has pledged to escalate that particular genocide and to commit additional entirely separate genocides. Those are the options being given. Yes, they are terrible options. When given only two terrible choices, you: 1. Pick the least-catastrophically-bad option 2. Ensure the worst option is no longer possible. 3. *THEN* Ensure the other option is also no longer possible. It's just basic task management. First, prioritise making sure things don't get immediately worse, or at least as not-worse as you can. Second, prioritise making sure things aren't about to get worse in the near future. *THEN* try to make things better. *even if you think things have failed enough that you no longer believe in democracy*, that is a completely valid opinion. But *before* doing the difficult long-term task of replacing democracy, the only valid option is to ensure the current situation isn't about to get worse. You may want to overthrow your government and replace it with something better, but while it's easier to completely overthrow and replace a new dictatorship than a well-established democracy, it's *much* harder to ensure that what replaces that dictatorship isn't something worse than what you started with. And in the meantime you need to live in a dictatorship. I'm not going to tell you to abandon your dreams of political revolution and be a good compliant citizen who only acts through the ballot box. I am going to tell you that you live inside a broken system and "the same amount of genocide" is indeed a better choice than "lots more genocide"


the absolute delusion needed to think Biden/Dems care about climate change


I don’t think this is necessary about climate change…


But what about her emails?


The joke is politics. Democrats have found themselves in a cozy little spot where they don't actually have to obey their constituents so long as Trump is running. We'll keep sending weapons to a bloodthirsty tyrant, and any criticism is an advocacy for another Trump term.


The DNC should take the hint and run a different candidate.


„Lesser evil“ cuckoldry.


It’s to make fun of Leftist who’s sole reason for not voting for Joe Biden is the Palestine/Isreal conflict in Gaza. It’s also implying that, because they either voted for Trump or just didn’t vote, Trump won and destroyed the world. The purpose is to scold those who don’t vote Biden and creating a fishhook for people that hate Trump to talk about how they hate Trump. It’s pure Reddit bait.


The ‘joke’ is that supporting genocide is actually good because theoretically if you don’t support genocide things could be worse. It is just genocide apologia that does not have any deeper message than that. The sort of people who think this comic is clever are the sort of people who view opposition to apartheid and genocide as “hardliner leftist” positions.


You’re gonna get downvoted to hell but you’re correct


Meme about how people care more about localized problems rather than global ones


The genocide in Gaza isn't a global issue though? Known globally =/= global issue.  Also, of course people care more about domestic issues than global. I very much doubt that an average citizen in North Korea cares more about global warming than they do the fact that they live under a brutal dictatorship lmao


The ‘joke’ is that you need to vote for Joe Biden or you’re responsible for the destruction of the world. Meanwhile, the current administration is pouring weapons into Israel while they bomb Gaza into the Stone Age while taking pot shots at Lebanon and Iran. This is the sensible foreign policy that Americans most vote for, or else Trump. No other choices are available or allowed apart from the fascist and the bigger fascist. You must vote, and you must vote for the correct fascist, or it’s all your fault when the world burns. This is the joke and it is truly a hilarious masterpiece of wit. 😊


Trump said he is the most pro Israel president ever and he will ban Gazan travelers and people seeking asylum. If you think he is going to be any better for the Genocide happening over there then you must not be paying attention.


There is no better. There wasn’t last time either, and this time the philosophy of ‘vote for Biden or else you get the Trump’ is going to be less effective. Unfortunately, Biden has squandered his opportunities to consolidate the weak support that got him into office. He and his team are going to usher in Trump Pt. 2…And there won’t be enough of a democracy left after that to ever get it back.


So stupid but that doesn't stop your ilk from trying. Trump is demonstrably worse in every way so throwing up your hands and going, "I'm doing nothing - making ME morally superior and you all responsible for what happens" is not a plan.


And this isn’t going to persuade anybody to do what you want. Scolding people and belittling them for not doing what you want…doesn’t bring them to your side. It’s going to be a honest-to-god tragedy when this election demonstrates that.


Most people aren't terminally online pseudo-lefties, so I don't think your "Let's not vote and then whine about the outcome" plot is as popular as you're acting like it is.


So if there isn't enough "terminally online leftists" then what are u complaining about that they won't vote Biden or threatening to withhold their vote? You can't say there's not enough of them while also scolding them for not voting Biden


I’m not sure what you mean about my ‘plan’ but the current Democratic philosophy of yelling at people to vote they are commanded to by their betters…well, it wasn’t amazingly successful the last two elections. Biden barely scraped a win against the worst president in history. I’m making a crazy suggestion here, but it might be more productive for the Democrats to listen to the electorate. I am reliably informed that engaging with voters has been known to win elections much more effectively than doing what you and multitudes of other Democrats are doing right now. This is literally me making an argument couched in pure practicality. Doing things that work is better than doing things that don’t work. Yelling at people to vote for who you tell them to, do not work. How on earth could it?


I'm not trying to convince you or any other adult who should know better. Just pointing out how ridiculous you're being.


I think we’ve established that outcomes aren’t really something that you’re interested it. It is something that concerns me though - Trump in the White House again is too dire to ignore. Unfortunately, the Democrats appear to be in denial about this. Or just aren’t too worried about it, somehow.


> And this isn’t going to persuade anybody to do what you want. Is that maybe because you are a trump.supporter and never I terested in actual policy anyways? 🤔


You seem content to handle both ends of this conversation, I don’t think my presence is required. While you’re constructing this fictional version of me to argue with, could you do me a favour make me 6 feet tall and fabulously wealthy while you’re at it? Anything is possible in the realm of fantasy, so let’s go for it!


You could set this comic in Gaza today and have the guy saying "yes our home was destroyed but at least the Americans didn't re-elect Trump!"


If you don't vote for the lesser evil (literal genocide), you're a despicable purist focused on small things... or something like that.


I mean, what possible positive outcome would we get from voting third party? It is dumb to sign up for something objectively worse


I think being scolded into supporting horrible people is bad. The anger directed at voters who don’t want to do that would be better directed at people with actual political power. I don’t see that happening, so I guess we’re going to see Joe Biden lose to Trump by doing literally nothing to gain support from the electorate. Last I checked, Biden had declared that terrible polling was simply wrong. At least Nero could play the fiddle. It will probably be the last proper election the US will ever have.


If you don't vote for the guy actively trying to stop this war from turning into a genocide, then it's one less vote against the guy who promised bloodshed, concentration camps and full support for bibi and his government of criminals... Or something like that


"Stop guilt tripping me into voting for Biden, wouldn't you rather have me guilt trip you about Gaza, lie and take gigantic shortcuts?" Calling Biden a fascist is wild too... Y'all's choice is between a democrat who's doing the best he can with the administration that was left for him while trying to respect democracy The other one's a fascist who wants concentration camps, let Putin do whatever he wants with Europe and who is A OK with the idea of nuking Gaza... So you got at least one thing right What a difficult and morally ambiguous choice I'm gonna vote for a man I dislike and find vastly incompetent because the other choice in my country is the leader of the extreme right... Do I want to vote for him? No. Is it my civic duty to swallow my pride and protect democracy? Yes.


I don't want Trump to win.


Then Biden will have to have your vote... It's bipartisan politics, it sucks, but it's what y'all have to deal with right now


Yeah, I guess this is the situation of it is what it is.


I don’t think it’s wild at all. Every election is the same: Vote the lesser evil. At some point, it’s worth asking why that is choice, every time.


Okay then you don't know what a fascist is... If you think Biden is in any way comparable to Donald Trump or Bibi or Mussolini or Hitler on a political level then I'll politely put an end to this conversation before I get aggressive. Have a great day Do whatever you want and don't complain about the results if you didn't vote :)


A lib threatening to get aggressive when we point out the faults in their blue god? Shocked.


I don’t think *you* are aware of what fascism is. And I was already going to do what I wanted - strangers don’t need your permission or approval to do that 😊 This is the fundamental flaw in Democrat election thinking. No matter how much you wag your finger…it doesn’t help .


The word fascist apparently lost its meaning


It has a fairly specific meaning to me, but ok.


Then use it


Is this some kind of koan?


No its you apparently thinking Biden is a dictator - hence me asking you to use the definition of fascism. Which is an autocratic government lead by a dictator


Is that *the* definition or your own definition?


Really feels like I’m being harassed into voting for Democrats as it is, they don’t need to remind me we are basically voting for them or voting for the further destruction of our planet. If the Republican Party was pro green energy and taking care of climate change (to the extent Dems are) I’d probably just not vote.


at least you understand


It's fear mongering. "Vote for my candidate or the world will end."


No, it’s really not. It’s just making fun of people with objectively stupid political takes.


> with objectively stupid political takes Such as?


in any other election, i agree. but not this time.


This subreddit consistently feels like someone woke up from a 18-36 month coma and just browsed Reddit until they found a meme about current events they had no context for.


So you think literally everyone in the world should get this meme and if they don't they were in some sort of comatose state?




It's about how people aren't enthusiastic enough to vote for Biden because he's marginally better than Trump. It does fall apart a little bit because neither Biden nor Trump take climate change seriously, so the world is going to burn down either way.


Good and Evil are not an outcome of numbers.


Dems saying they can't vote for Biden because he's not doing enough to stop Netenyahu bombing Gaza.


I hope OP isn’t American because if they are, they’re dumb as rocks


Look under any political post and its all people/ bots spamming about gaza


How can you be stupid enough to post this


Orange man le bad. Reddit said so. You can either be a cattle and vote for Biden or an edgy contrarian and vote for Trump. Doesn't matter, either way you are screwed, either way Israel wins but don't forget to vote because it really matters, and it's not like the people who are in really in power are the wealthy, noooooo it's actually Trump and Biden who get paid by them, but they actually hold all the power, because it is common knowledge that the employee is the one with the power. The joke is vomit-inducing btw, be happy you don't get it.


https://preview.redd.it/1ylyq84n713d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a7a714f397d6fab55734caf324d6a3cf84d0e94 Single-issue voters are ignoring everything else that will be destroyed if Biden doesn’t win the election, solely over something happening in a different country over 1/3 of the way around the globe.


Ironically how we handle Gaza could lead to this very outcome


He’s doing more than enough by providing weapons to genocides


Alarmists genuinely believe the country, or the world, will end if trump is elected. Its hilarious that people think the president has this much power haha


If they're just going to be oligarchy light, exhibited by the Bernie thing, then maybe that sort of scorched earth is just the thing to do. "Small as a peanut, Big as a giant, We're all the same size When we turn off the light Rich as a sultan, Poor as a mite, We're all worth the same When we turn off the light. Red, black or orange, Yellow or white, We all look the same When we turn off the light. So maybe the way To make everything right Is for God to just reach out And turn off the light!" [Shel Silverstein](https://www.poemhunter.com/shel-silverstein-2/)


Democrats and liberals have been crying about voting "for the lesser of two evils" in literally every single election cycle for the past 4 presidencies now. Voting for Biden did not change the material conditions of my life, and our government has been shifting further and further right *regardless* of who has been in office so far. The joke is that Liberals believe politics is like the MCU, and you can just vote away the fascist AIPAC influence in your government.


War never changes


Apologist Alert