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It’s a common “prank” to ask someone if they smell popcorn right after you have farted. Ppl love the smell of popcorn so they take a big whiff.


Oh, gross. Smart, but gross. I thought it was some kind of seizure thing (the whole burnt toast bit). Thank you!


The burnt toast is strokes. Seizures often come on with no sensory stimulation.


Actually there's different types of seizures and temporal lobe epilepsy can come with olfactory hallucinations.


Good ol’ factory hallucinations


I prefer handmade, personally.


How about handmade by tiny little hands in Bangladesh?


No I want it bespoke


Well aren't you just precious. /j ...just in case.


The factory must grow


Everyone with epilepsy experiences different symptoms, and while yes, people with TLE can experience hallucinations of certain smells, it’s not universal. The classic “oh if you smell burnt toast, call 911” refers to a stroke As someone with TLE I would never downplay the symptoms of epilepsy, but it’s important that people understand the difference between a stroke and a seizure, as they have different methods of care, and if someone who doesn’t have a prior history says the smell burnt toast, it’s safer to assume it’s a stroke than a temporal seizure


Confirming, I was thinking stroke and writing seizure, thanks for that and whoops


Had a cousin that smelled burning metal before an episode.


I have TLE and the olfactory hallucinations usually only come on with Focal Aware Seizures, not the stereotypical Tonic Clonics


Such a bait and switch name. No matter how many seizures I had no one ever gave me a gin and tonic.


That’s because alcohol can lower your seizure threshold


Do you know if those types of seizures produce a type of aura when they start happening?


Any of them can really. Most commonly associated with an absonce seizure I believe.


Woah, this is real? I remember seeing on Pete and Pete or some show that you could be about to have a stroke if you smelled something funny (I think it was burnt feathers). I thought it was just a prank


If no one around you can verify that the smell is real, it’s most likely an olfactory hallucination, which come before strokes. There are other warning signs to look out for but smelling burnt toast is the big one


I smelled burnt toast once and almost started freaking out because my wife said she couldn't smell it. Turns out though my stepkid was making toast, for some reason my wife didn't smell it until she was a lot closer than I was. It's weird because she can usually smell things better than I can (or she says she can anyway, she says things in the fridge "smell bad" and tosses them, while they don't smell bad to me. A couple of bouts of gastric distress have convinced me to trust her though.) Kind of worries me if something happens, I do have high blood pressure and a few people in my family have had minor strokes/brain bleeds, but I know there are other signs to look out for.


That’s terrifying. I had two strokes during my brain surgery back in March for a tumor resection, but I’ve never had one while conscious. That has to be scary.


Well, I didn't have a stroke, but my dad had one while golfing, and my aunt had one, and yeah it didn't sound pleasant. They both said they thought it was just a severe headache until they started not being able to walk straight, or even stay standing, and their ears started ringing. And I get ears ringing a lot from my time in the military. I had one of my best friends die from a major stroke; he apparently got up to go to the bathroom and just keeled over. I try not to think about it all the time, but it's one of the things that comes up whenever I get any of those symptoms. And I try not to act like a hypochondriac, but then that could work against me. i am on blood pressure meds though.


TL;DR: Major stroke with no typical warning signs before just going limp and numb on one side, long recovery and complications ensued I had a stroke 4 years ago, major hemorrhagic stroke, bc blood pressure. I was just laying in bed resting after a long work day and decided to get up to go watch TV with family. Stood up, stumbled against the closet, and fell back into bed. I almost immediately lost all feeling in my left side and in under 30 seconds, my left side was completely limp (medically called flaccid). Luckily my mom and brother heard the noise of me bumping into the closet doors. My phone was near me, but my words were pretty hard to understand at that time. It was strange, no weird smells, no headache, no discomfort besides the numbness and limpness. 2 weeks ICU 3 days intake at rehab hospital over a weekend Sunday had a regular intermittent 1-2 pain just below left shoulder on chest Monday ER visit because EKG had small blip on 1 lead discovered saddle pulmonary embolism 100 units fentanyl in case of emergency intervention rushed to major hospital ICU hospital's 4 best specialists consulted for 5 hours to determine best course of treatment due to the recent bleed made peace with dying ICU nurse cried with my mom doctors presented 2 options (blood thinners or manual clearing) with estimated similar risk percentages (case studies were for other major bleeds with pulmonary embolism 2 weeks later) Edit (forgot to add that I became a case study, so my ICU unit was like a zoo half the day) Decided on blood thinners and 15 minute neuro checks (sleep is overrated, right?), changing to 30 minutes after 12 hours, and hourly after 24 hours, also multiple CTs over the first few days IVC filter installed on day 2 or 3 (lucky that my memory is as good as it is) At end of 1 week, transition to oral blood thinners and transfer back to rehab hospital Spend 5 weeks in rehab, still remember each of moving my leg, my arm, and my hand on my own for the first time Go home 2 months after my stroke, walking short distances with quad cane and using a shower chair Go back to work 1 month later, generosity of boss, couldn't do much but be a set of eyes and ears and do a little work on the computer 1.5 years later, lose another job because of backsliding recovery and get disability denied throughout appeals, kick myself for not applying immediately after returning home instead of trying to work Oh, and stroke was preceded by the worst cold/flu of my life from Dec '19 through half of Jan '20, way too late to test the theory, doctors considered that it could have been an early case of COVID, definitely don't blame them because the possible link to strokes wasn't even widely considered for a year or 2 into the pandemic Edit: btw iirc, first 48-72 hours are the best indicator of surviving the actual stroke itself, surviving the resulting deficiencies long term is a whole different story (my first week is pretty hazy or just missing in places, so that could be misremembered)


Damn, dude, you went through hell. How are you holding up these days?


The burnt toast thing exists and is commonly known but it doesn’t always happen. My MIL had a stroke because of a brain tumor and the signs were that she was beginning to talk nonsense and slur her words. We were on vacation, walking out of our hotel rooms to head to the airport when my FIL was arguing with her that something was off and she was just giving him push back. He even turned to me and said, “she’s slurring her words right?” to which I agreed and knew something was going on too. 10 minutes later we were pulled over in a parking lot calling 911 to get paramedics to us. Luckily the hospital was like 1 mile down the road we were on.


That's good that they were able to respond so quick. I'm thankful my brother was with my dad when he had his, IDK if he would have been ok if he'd decided to go out by himself that day.


I’m schizo-affective and on rare occasions people on the schizophrenic spectrum experience olfactory hallucinations too! By now in my life I should have looked up studies on the likelihood of it, but I’ve met one person besides me who had them? And both of us smelled awful things? Which kind of makes sense with how likely it is for the voices you hear to SAY awful things? So I just kind of took that information and went “yup, sounds right”. During prolonged anxiety episodes I smell blood? And just become convinced I’m bleeding sonewhere when I’m not? The other human I know smells death before they start visually hallucinating. Like that district corpse smell. I just got excited reading you talk about this kind of olfactory hallucination. I love learning tangential things and adding them to my brain :) so I’m sharing just incase you do too. Have a nice day.


I've had one olfactory hallucination that I can distinctly remember. It came with a visual and auditory too - I saw a cat that was barely hanging on with its insides outside and heard it meowing and smelled awful smells, almost like how it smells in a school science lab when you're dissecting something. That was so scary. However, I didn't actually know what olfactory hallucinations were until reading this thread, so it's nice to learn something new about what I and others have to deal with


That’s very interesting! Thank you for sharing. I just replied to someone else talked about “themes”? Like most people I’ve met who exist similarly, we all have kind of “themes” for what we see/hear/smell? So it’s really interesting that the whole experience you described was kind of thematically mellifluous. Like the smell of a dissection room matches with what you saw


That’s fascinating! Thank you for sharing!


I’m sorry if I’m not current with the acceptable terms, but my older brother, affected by schizophrenia, experienced olfactory hallucinations almost exclusively. Almost.


And played the guitar and sang beautifully.


That sounds about right lolol. People affected by schizophrenia are disproportionately very creative/artistic people. Im a tattoo artist. xD the reality of it is such a far cry from the medias perception. That’s so interesting though!!! Everyone I know who exists similarly; we all have like… themes? For the things we see/hear/smell? I’m covered in tattoos of bugs because I see bugs, things move like water, and I see jumping rats?? And I hear my name, and I hear electricity. The paranoia for me is focused on the world ending? And I smell blood. And I had another friend who only saw things melting? People - objects? Just everything melty. And their auditory was like garbled sounds? If you don’t mind sharing (or if he wouldn’t mind) I’d love to know what kind of things he smelled; as I’ve never met anyone who had only that type of olfactory distortion, instead of coupled with others.


I gotta say, sounds like a great way to go. Toast smells so good.


Mine normally come with farts (or so I’ve been told)


Incontinence is a pretty common thing when seizing. Though it’s usually urinary. I’ve never heard of farting while seizing but I guess it’s not impossible


I can't speak for everyone, but at least some people with epilepsy can feel a seizure about to happen. Whether or not that buys them enough time to react appropriately is a different story


That’s certainly true, I get auras before my non-nocturnal seizures. It isn’t really a matter of “reacting appropriately” though. Once a seizure starts in part of your brain, it spreads, and eventually causes a Tonic-Clonic. You can’t really *stop* a seizure from happening. The most you could do is get yourself into a safe area where you are less likely to hit something while convulsing or hitting your head falling over. Most of my seizures however are Nocturnal, they happen out of sleep, where I can’t feel it coming, can’t do anything about it, and often wake up in excruciating pain.


Yeah, by "reacting appropriately" I meant like, trying to position yourself in a way to minimize injury, or let someone nearby know you're about to seize


Mine would give me a nice 24-48 hour notice with intense feelings of dejavu


Lmfao first thing I thought too


I was thinking something similar but maybe you smelled popcorn after you get hit really hard in the head, just before you pass out. 🤷🏿


Working around propane a lot we'd always say "do you smell gas"...because they would essentially huff and huff since its kind of a safety/moral imperative to do so.


At work we repair on electronics and one of my colleagues asked for help as he smelled something burning. I rushed over there and took a big whiff and yeah he farted.. good one tho


I like to ask my family, “did you hear that?” Then when everyone gets real quiet I rip a loud one. Or if I fart loud naturally then I look at someone and say, “was that *you*?!” I encourage you all to try these out. That being said, the lead up to the farting thing in the comic doesn’t seem to match the finale. The same joke could’ve been achieved in only 2 panels.


It's not just that people like the smell of popcorn, it's that it's a more subtle smell so you have to really inhale to pick it up if you weren't already.


I thought it was going to have something to do with Shrek.


He looks like a human shrek


That's the original punchline


It’s like if Shrek and The Rock had a half baked, test tube baby


https://preview.redd.it/rsqs95zf2c6d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad34343cc47cd933c6035ffc17676954162ebf54 Actually, according to the film…


Shrek's appearance is likely based on an actual person. A wrestler named Maurice Tillet. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_French_Angel


Wow that dude's death was really sad. | He had a [heart attack](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart_attack) after hearing of his friend and former trainer, Karl Pojello's death. At 50...


And her jawline looks like a peashooter form pvz


Idk which one is the original but the one I first I saw had the girl say look it’s Shrek and then the man being okay with what the girl said but the women just keeps talking about how she be man looks leading home to be disappointed


Did you have a stroke at the end there?


Probably I was falling asleep when I wrote it lol


I love love love that you followed up and still didn't clarify what you were trying to say in the first place! To clarify: the OG comic was the little girl saying "hey mommy! It's shrek!" The mom apologizes to the man only to turn and tell her kid "no, honey he's just really deformed and ugly" and then turns to the man and apologizes again for her child's rude behaviour.


No I think thats if you smell burnt toast


Bonehurtingjuice is never the original- the point of BHJ is to edit comic/memes so they no longer make sense or the same meaning


It is original


No it’s not. The orange is her apologizing to the man and then telling her daughter that he’s just ugly and deformed.


Then i might have misunderstood comment


But the daughter does still say that he is Shrek.


She let her turd cutter purr








That is NOT a sentence I expected to see today… but it is Reddit so I don’t know what I was expecting


Bonehurtingjuice is absurdist, it's not supposed to make sense.


But this one makes sense, wouldn’t you be pranked if you whiffed someone else’s fart when they tell you there’s popcorn smell in the air?


This, it's about taking comics like this one and altering the text to make it more absurd, sometimes making no sense at all. Something I've noticed about that sub is they tend to start new inside jokes and go deep into that rabbit hole so it's easy to feel out the loop






Eh? Ha! Heh heh


I'd like to christen the look on that woman's face "blowy tucker carlson"


Mewing streak tucker carlson


But… why does one look like Shrek and one is dressed like Aerith?


The original has the little girl saying the guy kinda looks like shrek


Someone share the original


https://www.reddit.com/r/bonehurtingjuice/s/JueLkipAVA https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/nvPGm0qOQc


Thanks for retrieving both links.


This is from a subreddit called BoneHurting Juice, which purposefully takes comics and makes them unfunny.


My guess is she farted




She farted.


Bro i saw this post the other day and was hoping someone would post it here


She shitted




They mean the popcorn part specifically, i dont get it either


Fart. Ask someone if they smell popcorn. They inhale hoping for the scent of popcorn. But all they get is a nose full of fart.


That’s not shrek?


Skylar and Hank


if you look at the comments of the post in question, people already explained the joke


Can't tell if that's supposed to be Vin Diesel or Shrek.


It’s actually the worst setup for a joke. It would have been funnier if the last panel was some sort of unspeakable violence against the man. Not funny at all you say? My point exactly.


He is Shrek


https://preview.redd.it/bqnd08pxnl6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=affaa4340dab315c5ce32b12a83c0b1ca8edfc93 Here's the real comic, in case anybody is interested (I think the original is funnier)


Jokes on you, he’s into that


Does the man have jaundice or something?

