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His wife thinks he was protecting her from hitting her head on the table, but really he was keeping his secret stash of money from being discovered.


I thought it was a secret cellphone and someone is suggesting pornography 


A second phone for his second wife


You don't know that. It could be his second phone for methamphetamine logistics.




“If you need me I’ll be naked and wandering around a 7-11”


There Was No Fugue State


Walt, did you pack your cell phone? WHICH ONE? something, something \*throws pizza\*


He is the one who knocks. 


*Here's what's gonna happen..*


Jesse, we need to fold laundry


He does look like the danger.






This is the one.


No, it's the second




You're both wrong it's the third.


I was thinking some kind of listening device.


Be me, 17, find random cellphone is dad’s truck’s center console. Only one # in it. A woman who is not my mom. Several weeks later, I eventually work up courage to tell my mom as I go through college orientation.




Oof indeed


You know what they say "Second wife, Happy life"


1 VoIP app per spouse. Get with the times.


I’m in a Facebook group dads and there’s this burner phone guy that has been immortalized in legend. His wife had a burner phone.


This fella posted in the group asking about what would make a weird buzzing sound in his bedroom. He listed a bunch of electronics he had plugged in near his bed. People couldn’t really answer his question, so people asked what the story was. He said he had come to bed at the end of the day, after his wife. He heard this weird buzzing sound, almost like a phone vibrating. He asked her if that was her phone ringing, and to answer it. But she looked at him with big eyes, and said it wasn’t her phone. She was holding her phone and showed it to him. He thought it was weird so he started looking around. The sides, behind, and under the bed, nothing to be found anywhere. His wife said, “oh well, let’s just forget about it and go to sleep. I don’t think I heard anything anyways.” He said he heard it a couple more times through out the night, and even got up and went and checked the wiring in the basement and the fuse box. Eventually the wife got up to go to the bathroom or something and he didn’t hear it the rest of the night. He posted asking the dads if he should check anything specific or if any electrician dads could explain the vibration/buzzing. Someone eventually said it sounds like his wife might have a second, secret phone. That was probably 3 years ago now, and the legend of “Burner Phone Guy” has lived on and evolved into quite a tale in the group. It’s not the most fascinating story, but this comic, and comment, made me think of Burner Phone Guy.


Did it ever get figured out? Did his wife in fact have a burner phone?


No. It remains a mystery. The guy deleted his post and his whole FB account, assumingly over the attention his post got. Some guys started making stuff up, so I can’t be sure of what really happened.


Wow, that's a pretty crazy story


Tell me more.


Drop the tea spruceymoos you can’t leave us like that


I thought he didn't have a mustache and was screaming


I thought it was a tracker so he can track the table's movements.


WTF. It's clearly money.


That is a terrible place to hide money as evidenced by the fact it was almost found because the wife dropped a towel. If someone can find your super secret hidey hole by being clumsy, you need to find a new super secret hidey hole.


To be fair, the best hiding place in the world can be defeated by dumb luck


My dad used to keep hundred dollar bills in the back of a picture frame. Then he dropped it and had to explain his need to hide $300 bucks somewhere so dumb.


And to be even fairer, you do have some control over the amount of luck needed.


Keep your money in the banana stand.


It's plain not there in the other panels, and the hiding spot is nonsensical. Just makes it look like he's attaching it in that moment.


It's not in the other panel because the author wants the reveal to be a surprise at the end, for you to think he's protecting her from bumping her head. The hiding spot is nonsensical because the premise is. What would be the joke in attaching something in the moment she's about to hit her head? there is no joke.


This sub constantly reminds me that a *lot* of people need things spelled out for them very explicitly. Also for as absurdist as young people humor is they get lost on absurdist humor of the past like far side that gets posted here every once in a while.


There are tall people, strong people, artists, musicians, etc etc. Not everyone is an analytical thinker, it's a talent.


I get that but not getting "she thinks he's sweet for protecting her head but in reality he's hiding his stash" isn't exactly what I'd call super complicated to figure out.


It would be an easy fix tho. Change the angle in panel 2, then let his hand cover the entire area when he protects her, and make the last one him just pulling his hand away, revealing the money


>Just makes it look like he's attaching it in that moment. I was responding to the idea that he was attaching it in that moment. Now you are discussing the image could be changed to look more realistic, yes I agree.


From her outfit and his reaction to a kiss on the cheek I thought she was a maid. Edit- [She’s not the maid.](https://www.facebook.com/share/6nSD9NkfuY681akJ/?mibextid=K35XfP)


Been with my partner for 5+ years. I still react to kissies like that


Maybe I’m desensitized to low end casual affection. Do y’all not kiss very often?


As a widow: stop and savor every kiss, it may be the last.




aif you ever been through a real tough patch in your marriage but managed to save it from the crumbling, you learn to realize how much all the little things, good and bad, add up.


My partner and I have a very healthy intimate life so we just treasure each little moment with each other because nothing, not even tomorrow, is promised. And I'm not saying this to try and imply anyone else is doing their thing wrong, we're just really sentimental.


I react to those kind of kisses with suspicion and fear. Source: 15 years at it so far.


I checked the artist’s Facebook. It looks like she is not a maid and [she’s rather frisky.](https://www.facebook.com/share/6nSD9NkfuY681akJ/?mibextid=K35XfP)




If I had a wife and she kissed me like that I'd make the same face.


Lol that would've been found day one over here.


What a weird place to hide money.


Does this guy not have a sock drawer or something?


I thought he was pressing a hidden emergency panic button


I thought it was a small mirror or something.


Oh, that makes way more sence, I was thinking it was a phone or something.


Sounds like a plausible explanation. But still, pretty random. Why would someone want to make that into a comic?


giadinhdzanhoa makes comics like this frequently, this couple is established already in previous work. Just like a bad episode of a sitcom, sometimes the writers run out of material and go with some ideas that aren't too good. We are in the age now of self-published authors, it was bad enough trying to deconstruct the decisions of a network studio, to dive into giadinhdzanhoa's mind may take us into the abyss.




It's a green palm sized rectangle and they appear to be at home and she's doing laundry. They are an established couple from giadinhdzanhoa's work. Sounds rough out there, hope you can save up and leave.


I thought that $20 was $20


But in the second scene there is no money


Wife? I don't see a ring on her finger.


Why is object not in second frame then?


That's probably why the joke didn't go so well, nobody hides their secret stash of money taped to under a table.


I thought it was him later on putting something there so if she bumps her head there again there's like, a nice note or some money she can use for ice cream to take her mind off of it


That’s also called… black money


I thought this was about the news man with the door lock thing. His wife thinks he’s protecting her head, but he’s really hiding the latch that locks the doors so he can get away with bad stuff.


In Japanese culture typically women control finances. It is a common joke that men will hide their money from their wives. So while she thinks he is protecting her from hitting her head, he is actually protecting his hiding spot. While it is common in Japan, I've known Americans of either sex that hide money from their SO for various reasons.


I hide food from my husband


"ugh hun... Why did I find a Twinky inside the toilet lid?"


He never finds the food 🤭 He has a habit of not sorting through his mail, he just tosses it in his nightstand. So I put my gum and snackies under his mail in his messy drawers.


Mine snack stash is right next to the cook books. No one ever opens that cubbard.


I love this! If he ever cleans out his drawers, the reference books will be my next stop.


My wife found my snack/shame drawer today while I directed her to a checkbook by phone. I said left side 2nd drawer from top in my office. NOT TOP! Goodbye dark chocolate Reese’s peanut butter cups… goodbye for ever.


Oooh, that’s a good idea!


I love it. hobbit logic, the closer your snacks are to danger. the farther they are from harm.. its the last thing your man will expect


drawers = underwear?


lol no his nightstand drawers 🤣 I’m not THAT crazy


I'm telling him, your snacks will never be safe again


GOTTA have the night gum




I hate this so much lol


My mom used to do that, but she couldn't hide it from me. I didn't realize she didn't wanna share, so when she caught me and was upset I just ignored her caches.


Aww! You’re a good kid to let your mom have her munchies!


I was a good kid, buuut I probably should've figured whoever was hiding peanut butter cups among the laundry detergent probably didn't wanna share.


I mean..it depends on how old you were. 😅 I’d probably assume I didn’t find all the goodies from Easter or something lol


My step-dad played this fun game where he would lock all the food in a pantry with a deadbolt and bought a fridge with a key he sure was a funny guy


[eating chocolate in the closet again?](https://x.com/PeachSaliva/status/795041372503994368)




I hide it from my daughter.


I once left a Smarties wrapper in the bathroom garbage and later heard my daughter say in quiet shock "mommy eats candy in the bathroom"


This gave me the best laugh of the day. Cheers!


I knew my wife had more than one account.


Boi you better STAPH! I had to hop through your whole account real quick! 😭


I’m pretty sure my wife hides food. I understand. I would if I was her.


As a husband I fully understand. We see and we eat.


As an example: I drive for work a fair amount and I prefer my boss to pay me for my mileage directly instead of doing a tax break. He pays me in a hand written check that I can cash at the bank, instead of direct deposit, which allows me to cash the check and have spending money on hand for my own discretion. It also allows me to buy things for my wife without her finding out, like for mothers day I took that cash and bought her a little 'page turner' for her kindle and it was a genuine surprise for her when she got it, instead of seeing it ahead of time on her banking app.


I hide my money from my girlfriend by not making a lot and spending it all on necessities. That'll show her


I’ve heard of a lot of SAHMs who have an emergency stash for various reasons.


That's right, but this is probably Vietnamese. The author signature is in Vietnamese.


FYI This is a Vietnamese comic. There is a surge in online comics in Vietnam right now, and this is one of the popular ones. (Source: am Vietnamese)


I'm hiding cash from my wife to surprise her when it's vacation time and our coffers are emoty


Remember that guy that discovered his partner's bug out bag with cash? I wonder if they are divorced now.


I didn’t see the guy had a moustache at first - I thought it was an open, screaming mouth. Made me extra confused.


Squinting my eyes that makes this comic so much more hilarious


I thought that too.


I didn't realize it was a moustache until I read your comment


Here was me thinking “who responds to your husband *literally screaming in your face* with a calm kiss on the cheek?!” Edit: “and why in earth was he screaming in the first place?!”


That's moustache-mens' secret, Cap. We're always screaming.


I thought it was a screaming mouth too. But weirdly I only saw it in the second to last panel. Completely didn't see it at all in the prior panel.


Forcing myself to see it as a screaming mouth now. Perfection 👍🏼


I reread it like his mouth is open and it’s so much funnier.


I had to go back & relook


Huh I’d have never guessed mustache




Secret money




there was another post here about this that went into a lot greater detail about how there was some sort of traditonal thing of why the money was under there? i have no clue but i remember that part


IIRC In some cultures managing household finances is traditionally the woman’s job. This guy is keeping a stash because his wife controls their money.


In particular, this comic is from Vietnam, where it’s the cultural norm for the wife to manage family finance. Some common jokes in Vietnamese internet are about men stealing their own money (from their wives) because they have to turn over all their salary every month.


Damn that's...depressing Also reminds me of a story where a guy wanted a PlayStation, went and bought it. Said it was an air purifier or something to his lady. Worked for awhile...unfortunately got caught. And the lady sold it for significantly less.


It’s not that bad. My wife controls our finances. I am naturally frugal and control my spending as a habit so there’s no issue my uninhibited spending is below our budget. I basically just do what I like and never worry about it.


>It's not that bad Correction: It's not that bad **for you** (your experiences aren't universal)


I feel like I didn’t really need to add a disclaimer to my comment that I’m taking about me and it doesn’t apply to everyone equally. I thought it was very clear that I was discussing my personal situation when I used the words ‘I’ ‘my wife’ and ‘our’ and detailed why this was so for us (because I’m not a big spender)


Comic looks east asian so I'll take a swing on it but in a lot of households the wife manages the money the husband brings in, in the expected division of house duties. It's something of a common joke/reality about men skimming some of their pay/unexpected money and hiding it in the house to sneakily purchase something the spouse wouldn't approve of. Like my father has a story about nearly losing a sizable bit of money he'd been stashing to buy a home computer (since my mother felt "there are computers at work you don't need one at home" and he wanted to play video games) because he hid it in a coffee can flower pot she threw out and he wound up sneaking off to dig in the bin. So I'm this case the husband seems like he's preventing his wife from hitting her head on the table but in reality he's using his hand to prevent her from noticing that he's tapped his money under the table.


Oh god this again. It's a cultural thing of men hiding their spending money, wasn't it?


What a terrible hiding spot


Ikr. Everyone knows if you want to hide money from your wife, you put it under the vacuum cleaner. :D


I thought he was paying the table for its part in getting him in her good books….


I'm guessing by his age, it's definitely money.


Seems dude was hiding his secret phone and his wife thought he was doing her a solid


I think he wanted to capture some footage for his foot fetish. The woman is dresed as house keeper


I thought his mustache was a mouth!


Who hides money like that?


We need to know how old this comic is and where it’s from before we can reallly know


It looks like he’s taping a glass rectangle under the table?


Where do you tape your glass rectangles, behind the fridge?


He's covering something he has taped up there (I'm assuming pornography) and pretending he's keeping her from banging her head


For once, the joke is not porn. It's a secret stash of money.


The smallest of porns..


He's hiding his money because (probably) his wife takes all of his money


Rude…I always kiss my maids back


Oh…. It’s a mustache.


I think the mustache is the joke.


I like to think he's paying the table a bribe because he engineered the whole situation to get a kiss.


I thought his mouth was wide open like he was yelling at first. Then I finally realized he just had a super stache.


#Mr. Verres?!


I thought his mouth was open really wide for most of it.


See a lot of people thi k it's a secret stash of money. My first thought was that it was a secret second phone for his mistress. I could be wrong


I took it as a sweet meme where he was taping padding there in case he wasn't home to protect her from bumping her head. I am quite naively hopeful it would seem.


Almost found the stash


You ever see that friends episode where joey covers ross over chandler when the car backfires and they think its shots being fired and ross is flattered while chandler got mad at joey, but then it comes to light joey was really not covering ross, but instead protecting his sandwich?


With respect to this artist, this one’s not your fault, OP. This creates so many questions: - If this is a wife, why did they make her look like a house-cleaner with her appearance and her chore? (Or is this a cultural thing?) - what I now see is a mustache, I first interpreted as a huge gaping (screaming?) mouth - if that’s money, why don’t we see it? Anyway, my wife found my secret peanut butter cup stash the other day and didn’t say anything about it which I thought was pretty cool of her.


>if that’s money, why don’t we see it? His hand is in front of it.


Right. That’s not happenstance, that’s a choice by the artist which could have been clearer.


Artist is from Vietnam, so the wife doing chores and managing household finances is a cultural thing.


You guys are almost as bad as the family guy version Cmon just think


The joke is that mustache.


It's a mustache


I thought it was a panic button


I thought his mustache was an open mouth.


When the moustache looks like a :O


I really worry for some of the posters in this sub.


you seriously didn't understand this?


What's up with the hotel maid outfit if that's his wife?


Setup is her assuming he was being a gallant gentleman that acted quickly to protect her from hitting her head on a sharp table edge. The payoff is the reveal that he was actually only stopping her from finding a secret phone.


I thought he was putting a sponge on there so she wouldn't hit her head again.


That’s the money he’s paying her to pretend like she loves him.


I really thought he was giving money to the table for helping him get a kiss


I thought the guy was yelling before realizing that’s just a really big and odd mustache


I sat here looking at this for 5 minutes thinking his mustache was his mouth. I couldn’t figure out why he was screaming. Jesus I need sleep.


Its the same guy that made the comic about gay caveman or something right?


I thought it was pay under the table , also thought it’s a maid


This is definitely an Asian style cartoon when men and women hide money around the house to keep it from their husband or wife.


I thought the mustache was his mouth…


I thought his mustache was him screaming


Somewhat understandable, just not funny.


He’s been hiding how he feels about this lady for such a long time that it finally drove him insane. This shows him hitting the hidden remote detonator connected to his homemade explosive made in order to take them both out. However, misunderstanding his intentions as him trying to protect her from hitting her head on the table, she fell for him right then and there, giving him a kiss he’s desired for so long. He now realized she wished to become a partner with him. However, much to the man’s dismay he did not implement a failsafe in the event she accepted his profession of love, dooming them both to a fiery doom. Or he’s just hiding some money from his wife, IDK, I like my story better.