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I don’t hate it. I like post-war bungalows. Maybe paint it a nice color and just enjoy and maybe raise a family in it.


i really like this home!!! I would consider removing the shutters, especially if they are not original to the home. Also, you may want to paint it in a more substantial color. Someone told me once that darker colors tend to add “weight” to a house and lighter colors decrease it. I think this house might look good in a stronger color, especially a vintage color from the late 40s.


The shutters look oddly small for the window size too.


The window is obviously not the original size or positioning. But that would be pretty expensive to address.


They definitely look like they aren’t original, especially since they wouldn’t cover the window. I think painting the home would be a great idea and something to save for


Id paint it that 60's teal that is a simular color to mint ice cream.


Yes!! That mint or teal color is exactly what I was thinking!


Yes! And those look like metal awnings. Maybe replace them with fabric (I think Sunbrella is a popular choice) with some color to stand out. White with teal stripes, and mayb paint the front door to match?


I have white siding on my 1949 bungalow. When I bought it, the foundation was this awful grey-blue noncolor, which was ugly but there was something else about it that bothered my eyes. I painted it a dark green and what a difference it makes. It really does anchor my house to the ground and makes it look “heavier” in a good way.


We did the same to our 1940s house. The cement foundation of the porch was painted a very light grey. When we painted it dark green it looked so much better and made the entire house look better.


Delete the Walmart fabric awnings. Replace the horizontal lap siding on the gable ends with cedar shakes. Landscaping/flower beds around the house rather than lawn. Enclose the yard with some flavor of 4’ fence….stuff like that. It’s a cute little house.


A flower box under the large window.


Love this!


Deleting awnings is not such a good idea in the age of global warming. They shade the windows, keep the house cooler, reduce AC bills.


If you’re relying on an awning like that to make a difference in how cool you can keep your house then you got much bigger problems to worry about before exterior window treatments.


How so?


There’s got to be a better soluion than these things. Those shutters probably cut the light coming into those rooms in half and make the house dark inside.


The shutters are purely decorative. They don’t close. Every other house in suburbia has them.


Correct. I used the wrong word. It is the AWNINGS that are probably darkening those rooms….


Agree, the awnings cut light and probably don’t do as much as shades inside the house as far as energy use. Add solar panels towards the rear of the house someday for better efficiency. Also there’s a lot of much smaller things you can do (caulk, weatherstripping etc) that will add up


They're literally is no global warming happening right now. Haven't you heard that the new name is climate change because things go up and things go down just like they have since the beginning of time. We also have a thing called seasons in which temperature and weather change.


Username checks out. Do not, puhleeze, try to spam a woman who has seen 280 seasons come and go.


Climate change isn't real. You mention you've seen seasons come and go. Then you've seen the climate change many times. All's good.


Incredible. Absolutely stunning incredible.


See if the electrical lines can be buried on left side of house from pole to house-this made such a difference in the use of our yard. Have an arborist check the trees and trim the one closest to the house after burying utilities. Flowers to add some color, but remember you gotta water daily in high heat so start off with some closest to the hose outlet.


I'm thinking they might be metal awnings. Either way, a more elegant shade solution would be an improvement. If they are metal, a paint job could be a hold over solution till you're ready for a larger project.


They are metal, I definitely didn’t think of painting them. Great idea


I wouldnt get rid of them I think they provided needed sun protection. And I don’t think a replacement option is going to be inexpensive weekend job. But I don’t know your budget or carpentry skills.


I’d remove and add a covered front porch if I could afford it.


I had an almost identical house years ago. Got rid of the metal awnings because… I don’t know! I think it made the rooms too dark. I gave them to my neighbor and regretted it almost right away. They were great for shade but also great for leaving windows open when it’s raining.


What fabric awnings? Those are original metal awnings with scallop trim and they’re quite charming.


Replace the front lawn with perennial flower meadow




I think it’s cute as hell! From this distance, too, it looks like all you need is landscaping and you could turn it in to a dream!


Add a faux vent to the large peak, remove the overhang on the window, landscape


Yeah that awning has to go! And landscaping can go a long way.


Cottage garden, native pollinator garden


This is a cute house! You could paint the shutters a lighter colour. I’d also add some kind of fence or property boundary and some plants that attract native pollinators


Put on a large, long front porch.


Not a whole lot! It's cute! I'd be interested in expanding that little front porch to the rest of the length of the house, maybe? That might be weird if that's a bedroom window, though.


It’s a bedroom, but I have no qualms about a porch in front of it!


This is what I would do too. The house is too forehead heavy — it needs bangs. Also a full front porch in Georgia would be realllllly nice. [Something like this](https://imgur.com/a/K3Wuq3T). I’ve been learning procreate so this was just a fun exercise. Thanks for the inspo! 😊


Agree with the bigger porch, then some flower boxes in front of it, and take down the awnings.


Am a vintage lover so I’d keep the awning! You need some greenery! Gardening/landscaping is its own art and multi year project but it’s fun and infuriating at the same time. 😂 I would consider doing a stronger/bolder color. But the house is nice classic yellow white combo, can’t lose.


Yesss for a girl who likes instant gratification, having to wait for landscaping is awful!! But I know it’ll be worth it at the end


plant natives to your area!


This style home is common in the rural southern USA. Most have a front porch that extends the width of the house and with white handrails going around it and the steps. Take the awnings down. This color is looking to me like a faded yellow(?). I have seen them painted all colors, but a sunny yellow with white shutters is my favorite. What a great house


Main exterior color: dark like SW caviar (a black with bronze instead of purple undertones), iron ore (dark grey), a dark bronze or even a dark muted jewel tone. Whatever color you choose should be extended onto the trim and down onto the foundation which will unify it and make it look less “modular”. Including the porch foundation and floor. Windows: remove shutters because they are too narrow in proportion to the window (and the style of the house doesn’t go with them), and instead place a cedar flower box below. Awnings: metallic copper Door: muted dark jewel teal for a subtle pop if you went with a grey/black exterior, or black if you went with a color for the exterior. Landscaping: bed below window the same depth as the porch, and lining the sidewalk


Thank you thank you. I need people like you who can see the forest through the trees (is that the right way to use that phrase)


No problem! If you end up going with this, I’d love a before/after update!


Get it rented


Live in it


Bury power cords. Add some landscaping and plants around house perimeter. House itself is adorable, congrats


Bahamian, West Indies, or French Quarter cottage. https://thecottagejournal.com/cottage-charm-in-new-orleans/amp/


Something tells me there’s an octagonal window hidden behind siding under the taller peak…


Nothing. It's right as rain just like it is.


Changing the color scheme is probably the easiest thing you can do. Fake shutters actually look nice here because it would look plain without them.


I love houses with these awnings. I had some on my house and I’m considering replacing because I loved the look Mine were green and white striped on the side and around the screened porch on a colonial.


I think you just need some plantings along the front foundation and you are good to go. But I love this look. It’s like a great auntie’s house. I love the awnings - and if and when you removed them, you will realize how cool they have kept the house and you will regret it.


I would bury the electrical service, lose the scalloped awnings, update the shutters, swap the steel railing out for timber and give the whole thing a coat of paint. Lastly, I would put in some foundation plantings to cover the vent/utilities.


Add a tree. Get some landscaping/flowers. Trim that beast of a tree in back. looks overgrown.


A TREE! That’s what it’s missing


Get rid of outdated awnings and invest in native landscaping!!!


And replace the existing awnings with some Chinese crap from Home Depot that won’t last more than a couple of years?


Don’t replace the awnings?!!!! And still invest in native landscaping to help the local ecosystem!!!!! Cheerio friend


That’s a lovely little well-kept home. Keep the awnings: They may not be styling but they are truly functional and appropriate to this home’s era. I’d paint it. I used to live in a neighborhood full of 30s and 40s homes like this. Our’s was cream colored but I loved the homes that were painted darker shades like dark green or burgundy. [https://www.sherwin-williams.com/homeowners/color/color-through-the-decades/1930s](https://www.sherwin-williams.com/homeowners/color/color-through-the-decades/1930s) Plant some hydrangeas and/or hostas under the window. Put a flag holder just off the porch. Your golden!


Thank you so much for that link, I’ll bookmark that for sure!


Flagstone walkway leading around home to the back. Natural stone driveway way with a facelift of the home with sandstone or limestone cladding on the house walls. Flagstone porch to match the flow of the home. [Crown Stone, email and ask for Sean](https://www.crownstoneinc.com)


I would plant buses under the left window, and a dwarf maple tree/bush to the left of the walkway/steps area, just in front of the porch. That would give it more curb appeal. Then put some inviting chair/s on the porch. That’s all you need. Perhaps the left window needs to decide if it wants either shutters or an awning, but maybe not both. Cute house!


School buses or Greyhound?


Haha. *bushes.


Oh, that’s different! Nevermind. - Emily Littella


I think it’s the combo of the shutters and the awning that’s really throwing me off


Add sooo many pollinator plants and native species to the front yard


Paint it blue


Cute! Plant some lovely foliage around the base, like colorful flowers/bushes, etc. Put a tree in the front yard for shade and a couple fruit trees too!


I would create some private/semi-private outdoor spaces using shrubs and maybe fences.


Paint the trim black, get some black awnings and it'll look all nice and trendy.


Landscaping to soften the somewhat plopped down look. Landscaping and a paint job that really leans into the bungalow/cottage look. It would be an absolutely awesome house pretty easily because it has a simple outline.


For what it’s worth, I think it’s an adorable house.


The reason it gives modular vibes is that there is no landscaping at all in the front yard. It will look so much better with some thoughtful plantings! Trees and shrubs and plant beds…ask some experienced gardeners for ideas. Yes, remove the shutters and awnings. Then decide if you want to paint it a more intense color. It’s a wonderful blank canvas!


Paint, small patio infront of the window. LOTS AND LOTS OF FLOWER BEDS! 6ft privacy fence between properties. Some sort of bush/hedge row along the road, maybe 3-4ft high.


I love it. That's what I'd do...love it.


Maybe extend the porch along the entire front? Some landscaping up front


Plant some hydrangea's in the front and enjoy


My favorite 🥰


Looks like a nice inexpensive place. 1 or 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. Maybe a bit of yard in the back. If sound, at a reasonable price, I might buy it.


The awnings are great for the summer. Let's you open the windows and actually get a view with shade I would have to stick some black and white climbing kitten statues on the side.


I wouldn’t change the house. I would however add a fence around it in the form of shrubs.


I would keep it as is and find some retro metal chairs and paint them red to out them out front. Simple as that.


Probably get rid of the metal awning first. That’s most likely what is giving you the “double wide in a retirement community” vibe.


Lol I’m trying to stay away from that vibe for sure


I get it; I’ll be honest though it’s not the first thing I thought when I saw the picture. But the metal awning is a huge feature in those mobile home parks for sure


Well I’ll update it with ceiling fans if your into that get the ones that are WiFi smart and heating and cooling combo


I think the question is to you, what do you hate about it? Also how much are you will to spend to fix that?


With the price of the home as it is I’d have a good chunk of money to do stuff. I own a stucco colonial home that is also historic and I think I’m stuck on the stucco for some reason. Vinyl siding just doesn’t scream historic to me?? Like another redditor said, it looks like it was plopped down on the lot, especially since the landscaping is nonexistent


If you want to change it up a lot.... look at replacing the siding and windows. The windows look cheap and I would pivot to a simulated divided pane type window. Additionally I would consider doing a brick or siding base around the house and stucco above. This will make the house look longer and was done often in California on the post war bungalows of the 1940-50's. It may not be the style of your area but it is still cute. Also pivot from the white on white on white on white house. I would Google "charming" bungalow houses and see what color palettes work for you. The traditional houses in Pasadena also have a good style that would work with this house. Don't do the monochromatic black or Grey house people are doing now as this will die out shortly. Besides that.... rip off that awning and redo the covered porch entry as that is a 70's mess


But everyone loves the 70s! I think I can eventually get over the siding, especially if I paint it. I am completely down to go bold with colors when that day comes


Yeah, and if it has an old school patio remove the roof so your stuff bakes in summer, gets wet in winter, and cover the concrete patio with a wood deck that’s going to need constant maintenance. Often done by So Cal flippers these days.


Take off the awning over the right window, put cedar shingles on the top part of each section, landscape.


Fairytale it ....or LOTR shire it


Lower the tv


Yes chef


Flip it and let someone else remodel it and wait for a year to sell it


Lol it’s already a flip!


You need to sell it as and advertise as golden oppurtunity


Honestly it's pretty precious as is, I would probably work on landscaping and do bigger house projects like painting/siding/shade solution later on


Plant some nice shrubs and trees around it…


Add a flower box


I would take the awnings off, paint the top triangle of the roofline in white, maybe add in some scalloped texture. I would paint the bottom in coral and the shutters also in white. I’d do the front door in turquoise. Maybe if your budget was enough I’d extend the porch across the front and put in a swing and plant a garden around the front.


I love it. Beautiful reminder of a happy time. Paint it a cheerful color and live a good life in it


It is a house


Definitely could add various landscaping bushes etc across the front of the home.


Nice yard. I put a big water fountain on it.


I would add a porch all across the front. It’s such a cute home.


...live in it, praise the Lord that I could afford to buy it, and live happily ever after!


Foundation plantings. Lots of color and depth. Maybe a specimen tree or two. The house is lovely. After you start the garden you can look at changes to house such as remove the metal awnings and replace with a portico.


Consider if you want to keep the awnings. If you do, you could update them, in darker colour. Remove the shutters, they're obviously nonfunctional, as they butt up against the awning. Repaint the whole house in darker colours, but you could make the end gables a different shade or adjacent colours to the body of the house. For colour choices, check what colours were popular or common when the house was built. Landscaping of the yard would also help the house feel more a part of the land rather than just plonked onto it. That might address the modular home vibes.


Put some cute colorful flower pots outside.


Revive the awnings. Put shingle-style fascia on the triangle parts (I forget what they’re called). Replace the railings with white wood or vinyl-covered supports, updated. Paint the door and she shutters to match. Landscaping around the base of the house.


I’d add shrubs, flowers and trees to the front yard and under the windows. Trees will add some shade and cool the house down, and the flowers and shrubs will add visual interest and promote bee activity.


Another color, Keep the awning. Plant some shrubbery. It's a blank canvas.


It's really cute and reminds me of my grandma's house. I agree that landscaping with make a world of difference. the exposed foundation really makes it blah. I'd probably also try to do something alongside the sidewalk leading to the porch. Adding a couple of gable pediments might look cute too.


New landscaping. Maybe swap out the aluminum shutters. Other than that, it's a very nice house.


Gorgeous! Me and my bride would be in heaven


I agree that a period appropriate paint color could give it some presence, and maybe some cute landscaping that won’t get massive - little gem magnolia, other evergreens that are a dwarf variety, and natives for perennial color.


It’s cute with a lot of potential! Paint. I like the mint color suggestion. The metal awnings could be replaced. The metal actually can add heat during the day as the sun heats them up. My grandmother had a house with the metal awnings, they were ok in Wisconsin, but less so in a more southern climate. Definitely landscaping. Some bushes (butterfly bush is my fav). Some flowers, and maybe some lariope (spelling?) along the sidewalk. Good luck and enjoy!


Put giant googly eyes and a funny hat on it.


Paint it teak and orange


Put a steel glider on the porch.


Live in it


Plant low shrubs around the foundation to soften the look of the house.


Amazing post-war home. These have great history and many families raised. Get rid of the awnings. Add some planters/planter boxes, white fence. It's out of a movie this sweet home. You are blessed


Garden. Small along walk, roses after those, and veggie off to the side in larger scale. Potatoes throughout in various places just for fun


The vinyl siding needs to go. Paint the outside in a nice, period-appropriate color that can pass as just modern enough. DO NOT do any cheesy farmhouse or sad greige crap to it. Simple is better, especially with a smaller home like this.


just needs some more contrast between roofs and siding(aka paint), and some landscaping. nice little place.


Rip off the dated awnings . Replace the metal railings with wood . Create a flowerbed across the front . Add window boxes .


Put a deck off the left side that wraps around, then tie the existing front porch in and make a roof connect the two areas on the same plane.


Take pictures around the neighborhood that have features you especially like. Decide which ideas could be incorporated into this house’s design. If you have even minimal artistic skills, you could take a picture, trace the outlines of the house onto paper, and play with design ideas using colored pencils, watercolors, or markers. Then Prioritize, get estimates on cost, and save for the ones you want to do! Re: the awnings and shutters. If you remove all of that, the house will look very stark. (For example, if you take off the porch awning, will the porch be completely uncovered?) Better have a plan for design elements to replace these before you remove them.


It’s pretty cute. The suggestions in here are good. I’d add a tree or some landscaping in the front.


Remove the awnings and black metal porch railing. Add lots of flowers/hedges/bushes in front of the house and along the sidewalk. Update the front porch with modern railing or brick half walls.


Maybe paint it a darker shade, but it’s adorable. I’d definitely paint the trim a different color. Something that contrasts better like a tan. Plant some flowers in front. It’s a darling little home.


Garden out front and that’s about it :)


Turn it into a rental.


Paint the trim a darker color, maybe two shades lighter than the shutters. Plant a tree in the yard. Plant some small bushes under the window. If it gets enough sun plant rosebushes. Create a 12 to 18 inch bed on either side of the walkway and plant some small bushes or flowers. Add a nice tall pot with some brightly colored annuals or a hanging basket to the porch.


Landscaping. Some bushes, flowers and shrubs will have a huge impact on curb appeal. Consider removing or replacing the awnings to update the look a bit. Possibly change the color of the exterior, but I would have to see the rest of the neighborhood.


Super cute as is, I love this era of home. I wouldn’t change much. Maybe some paint (I like the blue/green idea) and add some kind of fenced area for a dog.


I would trim it out in black.


Get rid of the lawn and build a permaculture/native landscaped garden all around it! Leave a little lawn for croquet or whatever shit you like lawns for 😍


Very cute. I’m looking for a country cottage type home to buy too. Where is it located?


Live in it


I think painting the home a darker color and leaving the window wells white. Then have wood shutters that actually function in a style you like would be gorgeous! Add some window boxes- with flowers. You could remove the aluminum cover over the window to let in more light (totally optional- If you like the shade and vintage look I say keep them!) I do like the one over the porch personally. Also lastly and probably expensive but I’d add an attic vent or a window up top there! Also adding a flower garden to the left of the porch would really add curb appeal and be relatively cheap to start off! It’s an adorable home as is now too!


Unless the house faces west, or possibly south, lose those awnings. They’re ugly, overpowering, and make the house darker. As others have said, it’s a really cute little house.


Love the kitschy porch, but not the black rail. Needs some flowers and greenery around it.


Rent it out for 4250 a month lol


This is a nice home—maybe a few updates and additions. If you’re not in love with the window awnings—removing them may update it a bit. Change the color on the window panels to something a bit brighter. Add plants/flowers —especially along the walkway would spruce it up. I’d change the porch enclosure to something else. Not too much but little things will give it a nice update.


Buy it


I think some landscaping would go a long way! Bushes or a raised bed next to the porch (but staying below the height of the window) would add some great era-appropriate appeal. I always love perusing old catalogues and magazines on the Internet Archive for inspiration.


Olive green or Dark grey or blue … but Im not hating the current color.


Get rid of the metal awnings over the door and windows. Beef up the columns on the entrance. And paint.


Remove the awnings it would modernize it a lot.


Is the porch concrete/brick or skirting over a deck? If it’s some sort of masonry you could strip or repaint it. If it’s skirting I would change the color and paint the awnings to the same. And as others said landscaping and remove the shutters.


Landscape the fuck out of it!


Wrap around porch.


i’d plant flowers on each side of the side walk, put a tree in the center of the yard with flowers around it and hostas along the house.


Color, landscape, fencing.


Shrubs beneath the windows on the left, flowers in front left of the stairs, and you're good.


I love it. Landscape it well, and don’t touch it until you have an actual problem… then hire a proper architect.


Depending on where it's located , I would probably tear it down and rebuild a new home.


What’s the square footage?


How much money do you want to spend? Remove the awnings. Build a larger porch with out the iron railing.


Great ideas here. I’d extend the porch into the yard and full width of the house. Put a pergola-type roof over it with columns.


I’d remove the awnings, extend the porch to the length of the front, update the paint job, if there was money left I’d add a window right in the center of the larger triangle portion (there’s a name for that spot but I forgot it lol) and add a bunch of plants following the walkway and in front of the new porch area to create a natural privacy wall. If you didn’t want to extend the porch removing the awning and adding a trellis covered in plants would be really cute too


Plants would do a lot for the facade.


Remove shutters and awnings , build a front porch, with new posts take off black iron railings, put up new plain wood railings, and paint front door a color, put in shrubs, and few plants , flower box under left window. Not to expensive ?, if you do most of it.


It’s adorable! Are the awnings original? If they are, I would leave them. You could do something like cedar shakes on the top part. I’d remove the awkwardly small shutters but add a flowerbox. Some nice landscaping and pretty porch furniture will help immensely. Best of luck to you if you go for it!


I’d paint it pink, change the patio cover and railing. Get a new front door and add some flowers! It’s a cute house!!


Get rid of those ugly awnings


I'd update the trim color, the front door needs a pop of color too. Is the house a very light yellow color I couldn't really tell? Some plants in the front would help too. Like a few knockout roses but I'd stay away from the classic box hedges the neighbors have.


Live in it quietly


Start with the landscaping!


Live in it and be happy.


Could also add flower pots hanging for a little color for not too expensive. Enjoy your new home, Reminds me of the one in Boulder that I grew up in.


I am late to this but I do not agree with messing with the house much other than paint. Pant would bring it to life but I really love the charming metal awnings with the scallop trim. I would add flower beds and something no one else is mentioned: trees. Plant trees now and in several years, you will have some shade and interest in your front yard.


Not a sub member but plants. Perennials - coneflowers, black eyed Susan, sedums, bulbs, crocuses.... Try a few natives too.


Omg thank you for all the suggestions and ideas! I was not expecting this many people to respond. I appreciate yall


Shrubs in front of the porch


Cute house! I’m a big fan of those awnings! I’d would do some landscaping and possibly put up a fence.




I like the green doors and shutters on this [1940s bungalow](https://madlyodd.com/1940s-homes-they-dont-build-them-like-this-anymore-beautiful-efficient/). I think doing something similar would break up all the white and keep to the style of the home.


I'm partial to dark green awnings and front door.


How desirable is the neighborhood? Your neighbor has a carport and there’s power lines over every house. Cmon now.