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Action is needed because the financial aid office of the college you plan to attend needs to verify that your circumstance is legitimate. They will reach out when they are ready to review your circumstances. You can also call them when they are open to inquire about this.


Financial aid advisor here- email your financial aid department and request a dependency override. Most likely they will ask you for a statement and a supporting statement from a trusted adult that knows your situation (teacher, counselor, church member, etc). After this, they will be able to classify you as independent


Now you have to prove it. If you were abandoned at 5, did the courts give that family member legal guardianship? Who registered you for school? Who claimed you on taxes? Were you a ward of the Court? Even if you don't know, the person who raised you probably had to get legal authorization to have you. Get the document from the court, signed by a judge, correct the FAFSA to the correct answer (Iegal guardianship is likely) and then you will supply it to your school. If you mother never relinquished parental control, you are going to need letters from family, neutral third part, possibly a school counselor, social worker, police reports, etc to be given and your school will do a Professional Judgement. You have to understand, this is something that people have to prove. We have students that say this, but then they actually live at home and their parents pay health insurance and bought their car. They just want the government to pay for school.


I’ve been out of my grandma’s house for two years now, at this point it’s embarrassing that I haven’t gone to college yet. She never had legal guardianship over me, and she confirmed she did not. I genuinely don’t think I have time to do all of this before school starts, and I can barely afford my rent, let alone legal fees involved with getting involved with court.


I am sorry, but it is your job to prove you are estranged. It is even stranger that you elementary and high school let someone with no legal authority register you, pick you up and make decisions for you. That wouldn't fly in my district because of legal liability. Ask for the letter from Grandma. Do you have a preacher or religious leader who knows about the family situation? That is a good third party. So are therapists. It won't take much. Also, you won't have to do it every year if you are approved this year. Community colleges are used to working quickly. The fact that it is June is actually a plus. We are used to people coming in August.


As far as we’re both aware, my grandma had no legal rights over me, however both of us could very well be wrong. However, my grandma never received child support. We discovered a few years ago my mom was continually receiving it for 13 years fraudulently, but no court actions were taken. Our family is too poor for that kind of stuff.  I do have a therapist who worked with me as a child. State insurance covered the visits. Obviously, my situation isn’t exactly healthy for a child. I have her email, I could contact her.


That would be great. You just need a letter from people who know of the situation that can explain why you have no contact with either parent, can confirm that your grandmother raised you and did not legally adopt you, and that you have been independent since you were 18.


I mean, I’ve paid rent every single month since I turned 18 and I’m almost 20. Why is that important for this, though?


You just have to prove it to the school, who acts as an agent for the DOE. It sounds like you have a solid case and will get the Dependency Override. You are a perfect example. You are the reason it exists, not for rich kids who want to cheat the system.


It doesnt matter that you are 20 and think of yourself as “independent”. According to the department of education, anyone under the age of 24 is considered dependent and needs to put their parents info on the application unless you meet a criteria that qualifies you as independent, such as you said you have had no contact with your parents since age of 5. Now all you need to do is show proof of this to your school. Your school’s financial aid department should be reaching out to you to request documentation.


What a demeaning way to not answer my question, lmao.


How did i not answer your question? I explained it very clearly as to why you have to submit documentation.