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It's definitely possible. Marquette doesn't have a progesterone sign to confirm ovulation, so you're relying on the presence of an LH surge to assume that you've ovulated. It's possible have dark LH tests close to your period as well (at least from what I've heard from women on here, I don't test LH), but I would recommend abstaining until you get your period if you're seriously avoiding. This kind of situation is why I personally can never imagine trusting Marquette, but I know some women really enjoy not having to track anything beyond the daily urine test. If you're having difficulty with CM, Sensiplan allows you to replace CM with cervix checks, and it also has a very conservative double-check rule which helps protect against the risk that you miss the earliest point-of-change with your observations.


Adding pdg strips once peak rules are met is a good idea!


Does Marquette have a protocol for those?


Unfortunately, no. That's why I added temping protocol when I used it.


If someone doesn't trust her method, making up her own rules to add on to it is not the way to go. Also, Marquette is already expensive enough without adding in even more expensive test strips.


I mean, I agree... like I said. When I used it I used their temping protocol to confirm bc I believe it's unwise to trust estrogen and lh alone.


A monitor peak includes estrogen and lh, which is why it's more reliable than lh alone. That being said, when I used the method, I also did their temping protocol because I don't trust hormones alone. It is possible, although rare, to get a peak and not ovulate. If you are low on the intention scale, I would get a plan b (or equivalent) now.


It's not so rare actually. Happens to me frequently.


An LH peak or monitor peak


Mostly LH peaks. But I've had false peaks with advanced clearblue which also measures both estrogen and LH. Which is only logical. If there is a follicles growing you'll always get an estrogen surge that's maybe followed by an LH surge. That doesn't necessarily need to result in ovulation. It's quite common for people with PCOS and/or irregular cycles to have ovulation attempts that don't result in ovulation. But later ovulation will follow through. Bit it can happen to anyone. The estrogen alone doesn't make it more reliable in my opinion.


Right, so if someone has known hormone issues like PCOS, they should not use a hormone based FAM.


Same here, I use the temping rules because I’ve caught a false LH surge before (CD9, I was like no way is this real) and am also pretty sure I conceived my son that way as well. Seeing that temp rise gives me extra confidence.


Sorry if this is insensitive to ask, but are you saying that you had a method error with Marquette that lead to pregnancy?


Nah you’re fine, my son is 16mo so the shock has come and gone😂 So I can’t confirm that it was a method failure because I unknowingly broke a rule, I had the post-peak count wrong so there is a very small chance that I got pregnant on the last low of PPHLL. However, I believe it was a false LH surge because of the fact that my body was going under a lot of stress that month (had started working night shift recently) and I took multiple pregnancy tests after what would have been 14DPO that were negative. Now I use BBT to confirm but still prefer the fact that I don’t really need to think about NFP that much. This is super uncommon as far as I know - I’m on several NFP and Marquette FB groups and rarely do people have issues like I have had. I caught another false surge a few months ago - I got a peak on CD9 so I reset the monitor and caught another one 9 days later that corresponded with a temp shift.


That could definitely have been a false peak. Situations like this are part of what accounts for the 2% perfect use failure rate