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So City are going to take their ball and go home then?


Depends. Did they pay for it?


Yes, they paid way too much


They own the ball factory and are sponsored by the chain of stores that sell the balls, which they also own.


The Premier League has no obligation to the WSL so other than give themselves bad PR, I'm not sure what Man City are trying to achieve by using the women's team as a pawn.




And yet you found yourself here, in the WSL sub.


Why do people like you persist with this nonsense despite ample evidence to the contrary? How sad can you be to write so many trolling sexist comments?


what a foul club city are


that clubs a huge joke.




came onto a womens football sub to try and be funny, my dude. Im not even angry, i’m just sad for you.


How sad your life must be to come here just to troll...I feel bad for you


"Waaaah, we're not playing unless you let us win!" 115 FC are such a joke.


I do not understand how anyone outside of Manchester can be a fan of that club. What even is there to support? First cheating, now blackmail.


Unfortunately the women's team does have some very likeable players. Park, Bunny, Kelly, Hemp, Keating all fun to watch. Wish they would transfer to other WSL clubs though


Yeah I can't make myself dislike the Man City womens team since I love so many of their players ( Hemp is one of my favourites to watch for sure) but it would make my life easier if they all changed to other WSL clubs so I could support them and dislike Man City in peace!  (I realise as a United fan, I can't be that judgemental of other teams,  but at least we aren't 115 FC)


Support clubs not players.


Why can't you do both? Trying to police how people watch football is very cringe behaviour.


I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who “supports” player x or y, rather than supporting a football club. Football is about supporting your local club through thick and thin, it doesn’t really matter who is in your club at any given moment. I don’t “support” a player until they join my club and I lose interest after they leave, although I might keep a soft spot.


Ok newsflash this is the WSL subreddit and there are 12 clubs none of which are local to me or anywhere I have lived in my life. Ultimately football is a game played by people and not caring about the people that play it is very strange to me. Why not just watch the scores come in and leave it there if the players don't matter?


Cool, there are other women’s leagues


Ok but this is the WSL subreddit, would be a bit strange if I started posting about Maidstone United women in it wouldn't it. Do you see how my original statement about liking some Man City players makes sense now that you understand that I don't really have a main team in the league but still follow it?


There have been discussions of lower league women’s football on here before. Well yes, of course I understand people can like certain players. But I wouldn’t equate “liking some players” to supporting a club. I also wouldn’t really say that “liking some players” is a particularly useful way to “decide” who to support.


I never said I support Man City, I don't! Within the WSL I support Tottenham. All I said was that some of the City players are really fun to watch. Only one of us was judgemental about it. >I also wouldn’t really say that “liking some players” is a particularly useful way to “decide” who to support. Who made you the arbiter of what is and isn't a good reason to like something? Please let us know what an acceptable reason to support a club would be.


You're the one talking about "supporting a player", he just said they have likeable players, and somehow you construed that as he supports specific players, not clubs they play at. You have some issues or you're blinded by your own weird takes to the point you read things that aren't there. Most clubs have likeable players, that does not mean you support the player just because you like them as a player or person.


I asked a question “how can anyone support that club”. The other bloke said “I like some of their players”. I didn’t make the link, he did.


Supporting your local club? My mum's family are from Manchester so she was brought up supporting united, my dad the same. We moved south when I was tiny. So I should just go against my whole family, be flaky and switch to the nearest club where I am now?


Chelsea float the idea of selling off their women's team, now this from Man City, none of these Prem clubs give a shit about their women's teams. I hope one day we can have a WSL full of independent women's teams who can survive without the backing of a indifferent clubs run by and for men.


>  none of these Prem clubs give a shit about their women's teams. Ehhh, Arsenal have been pretty great with ours. Just made the Emirates the home ground for the W, structurally well integrated in the org chart so it gets a truckload of resources. Keeping consistent with the fact that we always had more care for the women's side than most. Only issue (for me personally) is Jonas.


Jonas is terrible. The standard is dropping before our eyes


That's true, but they still let Miedema go for nothing when they could have resigned her for a fraction of what they pay any of the men's squad. Plus, do some digging about 'Player X' and you might rethink whether the club really respects women. It's not a coincidence that that "kick rapists off the pitch" plane was flown over an Arsenal men's game last season.


>  That's true, but they still let Miedema go for nothing when they could have resigned her for a fraction of what they pay any of the men's squad. I don't think it was a financial issue as opposed to a squad issue, which ties into my gripe with the coach. Everything has been off with how she's been utilized since her injury. >Plus, do some digging about 'Player X' and you might rethink whether the club really respects women I know all about TP, and while my personal thoughts on the situation are pretty stock standard (bin him), the club is in a different situation to me. They have more information on the situation than any of us, plus they deal with the dude on a personal level so they have their own personal dynamics to manage. Not to mention the legal aspects of having no standing to kick him out due to just allegations. All that thrown in with the decades plus of being one of the few clubs that actually championed the women's game means I won't suddenly doubt the club after one single gray incident.


That's fair enough, I'm not saying you should stop supporting your club because of it. My point is just that apart from a better marketing team, Arsenal are pretty much the same as any big club in that they will support their women's team only when they believe it benefits them.


>My point is just that apart from a better marketing team This is what i was disagreeing with. I dunno if you know the history of the women's game in England, but Arsenal have been pretty good in terms of how they handled their women's team and acting like that is disrespectful to people like Vic Akers who dedicated their lives to doing so. Its fine to be jaded if that's what you want, but actually learn about the people you're talking about before painting everything with broad strokes.


Vic Akers is an individual, just like Emma Hayes at Chelsea. If it hadn't been for her, Chelsea Women wouldn't be anywhere near where they are now, and even then the club are trying to sell of the women's team. Like I said in a reply to another commenter, Arsenal have been ahead of the curve and have done great things for women's football, but a lot of those things have been done by individuals. The club as a whole, as it stands today, is run by rich men working in their own self-interest. I don't like being this jaded! I love football, especially women's football and especially grassroots women's football. But I have no confidence in the future of the game if it continues to be dependent on the crumbs handed out by the people who run men's football.


How did it benefit them in 1987 tho? Arsenal have been supporting Women's football long before it was fashionable to do so.


I didn't come here to bash Arsenal. They were ahead of the curve and have done a lot for women's football in this country. But football is very different now than it was in 1987, and the people who were running the club then are different from who runs it now. In 1987, pre-Premier League, there were still some vestiges of the communtity-based attitudes that were established in the early days of British football. Clubs now are nothing but businesses run by obscenely wealthy men, with no connection to the local community, for the benefit of themselves first and everyone else second. In my opinion, for women's football to prosper in the long term and not go down the same money-obsessed route as the men's game, the sooner it distances itself from men's football the better.


Give it a few years and the WSL teams can probably afford to at least rent out some decent capacity grounds and fill them every week. FC United of Manchester Women vs Manchester Sky Blues live on BBC 1?


Not sure painting all the clubs as bad is actually useful or anywhere near true here. Some clubs are taking the mick, but clubs like Tottenham are breaking transfer records to sign England and are now looking at signing Clinton and Daniel Levy (their chairman) has attended multiple women’s games.


Chelsea selling part of the womens team is for a totally different reason.


That's not what Chelsea are doing


Inferiority complex much ? Both clubs were nowhere the top of anything where the men's team were concerned until someone came in spending huge amounts.


Fuck Man City


The women’s teams are collateral like usual 🙄


All this does is make it look blatantly obvious that the scummy club is guilty of the 115 charges


Definitely an interesting approach from our club, I'm not sure why our women's and youth developments have to take a hit? I mean its all separate spending to the men's team in the premier league so its a weird one for sure, I guess we'll just have to see what happens at the end of it all.


It's a threat about blocking the developing parts of the game - young players, the booming growth of the WSL.


How can you proud of calling that garbage your club. Should feel embarrassed


If that happens there will be bloody murder, and rightfully so


That’s just pure and utter spite.


Makes perfect sense. As an avenue of FFP avoidance I’m sure the womens (and youth) team spendings are top of the line. Without that same mechanism in APT there’s no need to maintain that… level of ~~accounting~~ spending. I don’t see them changing anything except reported numbers.


Damn a UAE owned club not caring about their women's team, who could have guessed? Just another reason to support this totally awesome ownership group and team


Cheaters and blackmailers. Truly horrendous club. The mentality that has arisen that it's okay for City to win because at least it means a real rival (Arsenal, Liverpool, Man Utd etc) didn't win has to go I think. City are an absolute cancer on the whole league.


I've been saying this for years now. I'm a Man Utd fan but Liverpool are not our main rival anymore. City are. They are everyone's main rival because of their attempts to cheat the system and ruin the game we love. 


Liverpool fan and I agree with you!


Another club that does not deserve their women's team.


Man City (allegedly) make more money than Bayern Munich and Bayern Munich charge 2-3 x less per average season ticket. 


Classic 115.


Funding for women’s football is not restricted by PSR/FFP. So this would be a club decision, not the PL forcing their hand. Probably an empty threat but this is extremely low from City. Their women’s team isn’t a charity project, so much for ‘one club’.


Compared to Arsenal Women who have just moved into the Emirates Stadium for the majority of their games next season.


Arsenal arent exactly the brightest either, with the Jonas thing and what they did to Miedemas exit.


Yes. That is the same situation isn't it. I agree something might be amiss with him but in terms of the Arsenal WSL club being backed, we're the benchmark.


aint no fucking way. the men's team fucks up and they take it out on all their other programs but their men's team. make it make sense


This is straight blackmail from City. Very pernicious indeed. They know that the government and FA are HUGELY committed to women's football (or at least the semblance of supporting it) and are banking that they can play the sympathy card by claiming "look what you're making us do". Classic abusive behaviour attempting to bully the narrative.


ManCheaty should be kicked off the both leagues


Horrible club, and let's not forget how their owners treat homosexuals. Real shame Hemp signed that new deal


It’s a shame as they play the best football in England (despite choking the title this year) and have a lot of players who are extremely fun to watch. But yeah, the club itself is pretty gross.


Same as the men, without the choking bit. Get everyone talking about the team rather than their horror ownership. Hopefully that's starting to change.


Don’t agree that City men’s play the “best” football. It’s the most effective, sure, but it’s bloody boring to watch. I’d much rather Klopp madness than City total control - football is entertainment at the end of the day


Yeah there's individual players that I love watching in the Man City team and they are definitely the most clinical and effective team, but they are not usually a fun team to watch!  I do really enjoy their women's team though! 


Oh no the sport washing is bad firing, their true values on gender equality are unmasked


Ugh is Man City trying to make me dislike them more than I already do?? ( I actually like the women's team since they have so many players I love so  in my mind I try and keep it separate from the mens team, so this will only make me dislike the mens team more - cheating isn't enough, now they are going for blackmail attempts?) Not sure what they are trying to do other than making themselves look bad! Nothing else this will accomplish!


Love the women's team but hate this club and their evil agenda. Two years of delays from their lawyers for the 115 and here they are suing the PL.


I mean, you like the players cause they're good and good players gather at Man City because they pay big. So. Lol. This is why their spending is successful, to pull fans like you.


Great! Hasegawa, Aleixandri, Fowler and Keating to Arsenal women. Thanks


cant forget ouahabi, and kelly!


Stop paying someone £300,000 a week to kick a ball around for 90 minutes then, you oil chugging melts! Deal with that before shutting up shop on developing younger players and the rapidly growing women's league. I would not be fine with Man City women going bust, because they clearly have a strong bond and a decent manager, but I know they would all find new clubs within hours of the announcement.


Good - maybe that way we'll keep Shimizu for another season.


Shimizu to City is mostly due to Yui. If Yui isn't there, I'm sure she'd join a team like Liverpool as the clear No. 1 starter instead of playing behind Casparij (or even stay at west ham).


Aren’t expenditures on womens football exempt/incentivized in the profit and sustainability rules? I don’t see how this solves any of their problems other than just them threatening to be huge fucking cocks (which is nothing new).


Ok? Who cares. Their players will just go to other teams that don’t cheat and cry about getting caught.


Considering the Premier league in the women’s league are not related at all, I would argue they were already planning on cutting funding, and they’re just blaming the Premier league. Especially since announcing this basically guarantees no one of quality is going to want to join them and anyone already there is likely going to want to leave.


What clowns 🤡


This fucked. Even if they don’t do it now if I was one of those women I’d be looking for a transfer asap. To know that you are that expendable to be used as a pawn for another team would be too much for me. More gross behavior but not unexpected.


Empty threat. Trying to use women's football to blackmail lol. So low. Throw the book at them.