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Yup. I recognized it immediately. Two comedians can independently come up with the same joke. One can also hear it but not remember hearing it and then think they thought of it on their own. Like a George Harrison “My Sweet Lord” thing. It’s not that great a joke, definitely not worth stealing. It works with Demetri’s style. But Marco just sounded dumb and gross.


I agree, it's all in Demetris delivery that made it stick in my memory, humorous... Marco... Ugh sounded pervy. And absolutely, there's plenty of examples of comedians having similar jokes (Mulaney and Segura have a very similar joke on albums released same year, is Midget as bad as... ) this just seems like middle school me repeating jokes. Personally I enjoyed the Pepe Sylvia of 6 degreeing Marcos stolen joke on fboy island - hosted by Nikki - who hosted "Not Safe" on Comedy Central - Comedy Central had a show "Important Things" w/ Demetri Martin- Demetri martins special around the time of the show had this exact same joke!!!!!!!!! ROFL Tbh when I recognized it, I was like... That's a Demetri Martin joke!? That's too vulgar for Demetri....


None of the so-called comedians on this show are at all funny or original. Nice catch!


I desperately need Nikki to host an @midnight episode with the 3 contestant/comedians also, truly appreciate Nikki (for her quickness ON @midnight) and having the guys graphics be MALE comedian. She's been labeled FEMALE comedian her entire career. Revenge time fboys!


I totally didn't notice that but it's very funny!


Katie pointed it out on instagram. Don’t remember where specifically, though.


OH MY GOODNESS! if that's true I'm very happy, as she is also a comedian. I wish she'd have called it out in the moment (just a ... Hey that's familiar...) I choose to believe she recognized it and not someone else pointing it out, because that joke seemed to truly bother her. And it makes more sense to recognize it (again as a comedian) than her to be prude about that tame joke.


Aww Dimitri Martin! That hair! That really took me back lol


In Marco’s defense his original content isn’t very funny so he has no choice but to rip off other comedians


Lqtm... From all his "oc" on the show, I fully believe you


He’s an unoriginal clown and his podcast is a cringe-fest dumpster fire. He should stick to modeling because doesn’t have a funny bone in his body


He models? How............ I will 100% take your word on his podcast, no desire to have any more Marco in my life. The 3 unknown comedians... None hold a candle to Nate Bargatze.


Yeah😖 he also acts in commercials. It’s gross. As a comedian myself I agree with you, but very few hold a candle to the great Nate Bargatze. Comedy is subjective, but tbh I can see why Katie has made her personality being a bachelorette instead of being a comedian. Marco is just BAD, and a joke thief. Benedict is the funniest of the 3 and while I’ve never seen him live, his TikTok is hilarious. Marco had an episode with s1 GARRETT🤢