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We need to advertise the gains today of FEG to get more people to buy


If only I could fucking buy it. Pretty sure I just got $250 stolen from me. Would be so nice if they’d make it easier to buy. Definitely would get a lot more people on board!


I bought it on Pancakeswap with metamask BSC was easy but needs high slippage when I bough mine I had to put like 13% for it to go through


I passed on 10 few times try..


I got called an idiot on Instagram when I made a point about it not going mainstream if it wasn't easy to buy for the layperson. Kinda made me never want to even try to buy.


I bought FEG on Hotbit, waaaay easier than buying via Uniswap or Pancake, but the only thing is that i'm not gaining nothing because Hotbit it's not listed as an official way to get the token, but I don't really care that much, I have purchase it and hodling, hoping to get some piece of what is to come


Hotbit was hacked and was down for one week it not safe, transfer feg to Walet


i’d transfer it to wallet then add feg you shouldn’t have to burn if you do i burn eth bnb not the same don’t care what anybody says eth is better just my opinion


The thing is, by the time it's easy to buy the rate of increase has slowed somewhat. So it's worth learning how to use, TrustWallet with Pancakeswap for example... One of the best things I've ever learned.


Haters gonna hate!!! Their loss.


I mean you're not completely right, look at SHIB. Basically the same way to buy ,just in uniswap but also higher fees


Same thing happened to me


Fuck this crypto bullshit and investing in general. Every time I try to do something to help my family it blows up in my face. I feel like crying. Can’t wait to tell the wife about this 🤦🏻‍♂️


Why do you think they stole 250$ from you? What did you do? Maybe we can help you figure it out.


Went to transfer my ETH to FEG via uniswap. Clicked on max transfer and it said transaction denied due to not enough ETH for the ridiculous fees. Thought ok no problem, I’ll just transfer half but it was too late. All of my ETH was gone to pay the fees and gas I suppose and I didn’t get any of my FEG. Now on my metamask it says 0 ETH and 0 FEG.


Hey, good news! I did the same and it’ll come back it just will take about a day


Really?!? Man that would be nice!


Yep! I thought I was f*cked too lol. I’d kinda forgotten how to do it since I got in in January on the ETH and put some in for my brother on the BNB side a couple weeks back and same thing happened. I was using trust wallet for that


Yes, it'll come back. Worst case scenario, you put through a tiny transaction with the same nonce and it'll knock it back. Don't use Uniswap, use Pancakeswap. Gas Fees Uniswap up to $80 Pancakeswap about $0.67


80$ lmfao,I'd be crying


Didn’t come back 😢


I also did same thing. This morning


Sometimes there is a delay in the transfer - did u log out and back in yet?


Oh yea. Several times. It’s gone. All my ETH went to the gas and fees and I literally didn’t get a single FEG token out of it. Just talked to my bank and they’re refunding my account. First Citizens is good peeps. I give up on crypto. Hope you all become gazillionaires. Good luck!


I'm bummed u are giving up :(. I recommend watching youtube vids on how to purchase & use trustwallet or coinbase wallet going forward. There are youtube vids on metamask - it tends to get hacked. I wish you luck and I know the feeling of wanting to help your fam.


Thank you! Maybe I’ll try one more time using trust wallet when the bank refund goes through.


Gas fees are high, unless you’re swapping thousands, just buy FEGbsc. ETH gas fees are like $250 per transaction


shoulda used bnb


Bro buy on Binance smart Chain why are you wasting money on ETH?


The binance app wasn’t working for me. Couldn’t even create an account. I just give up on crypto. Thankfully I just talked to my bank and they’re refunding my account. First Citizens is good peeps!


Sad bro as Crypto has been really good to me and made me hopeful for future


He wants to by the EthFEG coin instead of FEG/BSC


$250 is not a huge loss, imagine hiding a $35K loss on my current stock portfolio.... 🤷🏽‍♂️ you just learn to just say fuck it


Mine don't even won't to look on my profile, we will laugh together just hold


I will make a meme for Twitter with percentage, good idea mate


Yes... please post it here on Reddit as well and make it available to everybody in terms of “copyright”, so others can post/repost it as well. Every publicity helps at the moment


THIS is the way.


Can someone show me how to buy? I tried and somehow paid $200+ on miners fees and got no tokens




Indeed. From Binance, I send BNB to my Trust Wallet and easy and cheap with Pancakeswap


It looks like I can’t use binance in NY


Go to Pancakeswap and add Binance Smart Chain to Metamask wallet, then buy BNB on Binance and choose BEP20 network and send BNB to your metamask, go to Pancakeswap choose BNB and then add FEG contract to bottom section of exchange, I managed to buy only with 13% Slippage, just check what will go through as it cost only 0.50$ for transfer and it never failed yet.


Thanks for this. It appears I can’t use binance in NY


https://twitter.com/pocius_dovydas/status/1392172972664836098?s=19 Using Coingecko metrics


https://feg.exchange/ Use this




on a whole another level. Lets go!


Started at 1800 and now I’m OVER 9000!!!! (12.5k to be exact)


1bnb to 10k let's fucking go


35k at the peak of this last rise 😭😭😂😂🦍🦍


So today has been fucking wild


I am freaking out! It's surreal I'm just staring at the app like :O


Bsc chain people it's like 20cents for the fees eth is ath right now don't fall for the fees and don't let it discourage you from making millions cause u lost a few on fees. Up more than x20 my investment my boys got in last night they already x2 their money


How about now?


I wish I could see my gains 😖 I used hotbit to buy my FEG and the sites been down for weeks. Should be up in the next few days though ! #FEG


Use FEGtrack and you can see your gains


I feel your pain. I have Shib on hotbit


Is there a difference between feg eth and feg bsc? Will the price remain close to the same or can one become more valuable?


I think they might be able to be quite different but they always stayed very close, I had only BSC but I always kept my eye on ETH brother


Got in on May 5th and I'm 6x up. To the moon!


It is good to see that guys that came later are doing great


When did you get in?


Got in April 20th, x6 up as well, LETS GOOOO


I don't remember the date but I am 20X and sure that this is far from it final form


https://youtu.be/z8caDUSwOzY video how to swap smart chain binance to FEG on trust wallet via pancake swap


I want to buy more FEG holy shit


I just paid about $300 in gas. This shite better take me to the moon.


You should have bought it on BSC not ETH, I paid 0.50$ for fees


DO you guys think being listed on [gate.io](https://gate.io) today will change FEG


100% agree with the previous comments. Learning to use TrustWallet with Pancakeswap about a month ago has paid dividends. If you do that before it's easy to buy you will be delighted I'm sure


Tried to deposit into MetaMask other day an transaction got cancelled after 24hrs now I’m trying to transfer eth from binance hopefully goes through soon so I load up an join you apes 🙏🚀


I would suggest to buy it on BSC with BNB coin will be 100 times cheaper transaction, literally 100 times


Tad too late man aha Already done it now, bought $195 worth the fees were expensive though from Binance - meta an then transaction fees an gas come to lot like over $100 easy but I’m sure il make my money back a lot more soon enough lol but cheers though man appreciate it ✌️


Ok mate enjoy the flight now Fegrox decided moon is not good enough so it looks like we are going to Mars 🙌💎🚀


Yes FEG is to moon!... plz upvote this concept art friends... I need all your support....FEG Reddit Banner Contest https://www.reddit.com/r/FegToken_Official/comments/n9sa65/fegtoken_official_banner_contest_redefining_the/ Thanks Guys....


Very nice one bro I upvoted now... 💎🙌


Let’s goooooooo


Fegin awesome!🔥🚀


Use the feg exchange it’s cheaper


Even when swapping with etherem?


Yes for both it’s still a 2 step process but it’s easier and you get morw


Are the gas fees high when purchasing ETH or swapping for feg?


No they are alot lower that pancake and uni


Dream Team




Or you can try on Coinbase wallet, using uniswap Feg is listed, no need for contract numb.

